BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates Telephone APPMCE seewcas TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 ELECTRIC MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIRS to all makes oi appliances TONY USSELMAN formerly oi Tonys App Servl Appliance SerViCe Manager DASH Electric Motors 10 Ross St PA 85307 DIAPER SERVICE anilnlEI FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Nut ttnrkir oiciru ti delivery ii rnANtls main PA 63551 Lest lhln suit or citrotten day DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL or SAFE DRIVING Since 155131 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL Now OPE For complete inior appointmcnu TELEPHONE PA 61277 EXCAVATING lion and PILL GRAVEL Toe soIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stono Hali yard Backhoe or hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna Street PA 2907 INSULATION INSULATION with No Rockwool ALUMINUM CLAPBOARD SlDA ING IN COLOURS METAL D0 0R5 WINDOWS AWNINGS BY ALSCO FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORK SCOTT MUIR MEIESING 211 AIRTITE INSULATION REP Barrio SERVICE By Month or Year PA 82414 MASONRY it it can be built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonahlc prion PA 60966 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airlcondiiioning II PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since i920 1112 Barrie PA sagas PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINCS 11001113 ARCHWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TEnltIS Nd DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECTI SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re more your dead and CilppiEdI Itram animals under the above Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECi BARBIE PArkway 83517 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENT 9506 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DHILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Couplond Drilling 1m BARRIE PA 87646 Try An Eighth Want Adi PA 824I4 COUPLE TRY AGAIN DECATUR Iii ABThere was familiar ring about the Dos Friday as Albert and Sella Sctried were married he Iore Decatur iustiee oi the peace Seiried 74 and Mrs Se fried 73 had said the words mice beIorein 1899 Septem ber romance blossomed into wedding bells for the couple separatediur 30 years following divorce Neither had remar riod Saturdays $100 Barbara CLIFFS BARBER SHOP 29 Essa Road Aerosl rrnin Miamian now There is only one WELCOME 30 years or experience fostering good will in business and community life For information on Welcomeanon piano PA 66302 nununusu etaunoolonulnlolIoopooooocoooouoIIIIIo in coins wncou REE i3 AUCTION SALES AUCituN SALE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PROPERTY SALE NO 114892 Approximately 52 910 acres oi land situated at Pt Lot Con cession Township of Vespra County of Simcoe together with 7room zstorey brick house frame burn drive shed pig pen chicken house and milk house all located approximate iy 10 miles northerly from Bar rie on the east side of High way 401 with access to High way 93 Sale will take place on the pro perty at 130 PM EST WEDNESDAY NOV 22 1961 TERMS $50000 Cash or Certi fied Cheque payable to Treas urer of Ontario at time at sale balance payable in 30 days Further information may be obtained from The Auctioneer Mr Jerry Congliliil 89 Wellington St East Barrie0ntario Telephone PA 85449 OR Department of Highways 365 Saskatoon Si London Ontario Telephone GL 13450 Sale subIECt to reserve hid DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 Ililvies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio PA 33188 CIIIIIIIEII MISS Y0 If your carrier has not Arrived by 1mm please PA 82433 Am Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS snot1C5 VALLEY TAXI Dmvsrounseu CARS ANoiituCKs phone THE CANADIAN PRESS Gait Terriers are looking little more like the deiending Allan Cup and aspiring world amateur hockey champions For the first time this season their won lost average in the Dn tnrio Hockey Association Senior Series is Above 500 The new status was achieved however at the expense at St Thomas Belmont Royals who now have last four straight by monumental scores The Terriers beat them 120 mday night Don Rope trill three goals and Lloyd Mercer two Windsor Bulldog maintained their unbeaten streak deieatiug Stratiord Indians 84 with the help at goalie Ross Giuds who turned back 46 shots Woodstock Athletics pulled into fourth place by downing Citatham Maroon in the nightn other Same GOALIE BONUARDZD The third place Terrier poured 60 shots on Royal goalie Jim McLean In collect ing their Iourth straight home win before 150 fans Dick Pake Bill Wylie Pete Kowaichuk snunonr Noventaen it 410 nowlinr 500 Livinz World 530 Bugs Bunny Cnuntrytime News wrtnrr ï¬portn iirn Colomnn Dennir the Menca ilnhin Hood Have Con will Trmi Peltr nunn NHL Hockey Juliette xlnz Whyto one Tv News Weather News Sports Movie The Desperndims SUNDAY NOVEMBER 12 1145 Test Pattern Popeye and his News and Vetthrr Spelkini French noon Liic Theatre Country cricndrr NFL Football Citizens Forum Discovery no News lllnvie The Fighter News Movie Contd Halo Parade Ed Sullivan stow nonmo CloseJJp Quest cat TV New Weather Newt Movie tillnn The Plhit Horse i0NDY NOVEMBER lots Test Pattern 1100 hamper Room 1200 Popeye and his 1230 Naondly RI on News Went or Sports Forum airport Continz Events Movie Spirit otrNoiro nhrnni 230 ormn House 300 Man From lhterpol 310 irlcndly Giant 100 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 11 Wrestling Learn To Draw Cnrtnnn Time Hi Time Within Four Walls sports Weather News Outdoor Sportsmnn The Flintstones Route no lecd city Jack Benny Show Fight or the Week Johnny Esaw Show Cross Canada aunt Dance Saturday Night Movie The Calito Mutiny SUNDAY Noveirann Youth and Religion Stories tor sunny Around the World arm Theatre Things We NFL Enoibrii Camera Room Tricks of the Trade Hurt or the Matter Great Hymn Far Away Plum TEA Revue 51 Tits Donna Reed show Academy Perlormanca Emn minttiny Intermisrlon Academy rertnrrnonc Pm 11 Andy nrlmtnr show tinring 20s Newl Weather Sports MONDAY NOVEMBER 1000 Mot Present Ff5Z5 382 ESESS me FHFP 838 amass nowN 1115 rocket Lazeek and unpaid zBIain 11130 extend tissue 12Beigin armed marble 4Piay 13Choioe division group 5Altradd 14 Bury 15Unhuppy 18Dui1 gray as sides 18Mix 19 Month utter Tnmrnuz 91gtiny 21 girl synopsis 24Meaaure 10 Feminine land pronoun 26Witiow 27Apntude 28AsDetiEk 2wa strip or cloth Forest Diaembalk Poker stake 38Mississippi embankI merit 39 Conqueror or England 41Warning or danger 42 Steps over tattoo 43 World War II newspaper correspond ent poser Aim Snob TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE 12311 CFTO CHANNEL DAILY CBOSSWOBD in widwarrï¬ï¬ of WW Tuck 249mm shampoo gar skill ï¬léflfll IAI IIIEn Gait Terriers lire 100ka More Like iillen Cup Winners Bob McKnight Joe Hagan Bob Made and Ron Brain were the other scorerr The Royals could manage only 10 shots on Gait goalie Boat Hurley who won his second shutout The Bulldogs got away only 21 shots at Jack Ross in the indians net air Stratimd hut made them oolint Tom Walker and Walt Pawiyshyn each got two goals singles going to Jack Costello Joe Klulmy Wayne Brown and Ed Switzer For Stratiord it was Billy Flick Marv Shantz Gary Luyben and Neil Cockburn Athletic coach Ken Dolson presented an oddin to the 500 Woodstock ans Iorward line composed of three centres The three Gerry Stringle Don Hails and Jean More As seiin each gotn goal Ernie Dick tallied for Chathnm to ruin AI Culienl shutout hid LARRY BRANNON ARREST REBELS PERIGUEUX France AP Police Friday arruted the last of 39 Algerian rebels who es coped from the Mount prison camp Sunday night through tunnel they dug under barbed wire Tiers JULIET JONES 5an Rinl Around warnriis Show Aimlnlt anlo Danie Papeyen TV Pnrty News Headlines Popeyns Tv Porty Form Morita Report BLONDIE WW7 Mus uhlvERSIIY IT WAS Au MY FAULT 1F HAD YOUR HEAD BE smegma him gin THATS THE TQOUE WITH ADCLOGizING 1T srARIS THE FIGHTALL oval AGAN Wm summeeiï¬ NOTHING FOR MERE MAIETD DO BUT SUPPLY HANDKERCHIEFS ANDWAMRIGTHE FIRï¬ANNUAL Miss TEENAGER noNTESi FOLKS THEWINNERWILL BE SMILINGATYOU FROM BI LLBOARDS NEWSPAPERS AND FRQMTHE MOTIONPICTURE SCREEN RUNNERLIP withwe assesses News Dori Jamieson Wrther sports zns Grey Thnlln Dori lticsurs Jubilee Dinny Thomas Show Live Borrowed Liic th Cummings show Tocsin nrhtlniz Word cat Tv Ne The weatherman Today in Sports Community New Crossroads TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1015 T25 Plttcrn 1100 11an0 Room 1200 Popeye and Pain Noonday Report News wontiter Sport irrrn Report Coming Events MOIit And So They Vcrchianicd 017D House School Telecast Adventures or aiinky Flower Pot litn wpuwss entrieswee ESESES 1M 230 45 The Womens Show Arthur Hnines Show home Daulc Cartoon Party News Headlines Learnin Druw Farm llinrkot Itaport News non Jamicsnn Weather Sports Ben Casey nary vhiaore Show Red Skeiton Front Page Challenge inquiry One Step Beyond cut TV News The Weatherman Today in Sports Community New Interpol Calling TC RONTO News rm and Easy Channel Theatre The First Timel Ali Stnr Playhouse New Professors iildcaway Whirlyhlrd Sports Weather Pierre Berton News nthsr Knows host Top Cat Whininsn Inspector lliaigrct Take Chance Riiicrnnn Loretta Young News Weather Sports Men of Destiny 1130 Better Lilo TUESDAY Novniinen It 10011 News Fret and Easy Channel Theatr Humnri Desire Science Fiction Theatr News Professors Hideaway Whirlytiirdi sports 1000 1030 1100 1115 11 15 1010 1035 130 510 355 11111 5110 530 540 345 551 700 10 cMoNTHEÂ¥Re SHOWIN PICTURES OFTHE BIG GAME AT THE MOVIE SPEAINED IT DOING CHEERLEADER SiUNTS DONALD DUCK UNCLE LIJPMIIE IS IT TRUE YOU AWHILE WE CONCENTRATE THING LIKE ORAC ON 60METHING Weather Pierre Berton News Leave It To Beaver Zane Grey Theatre Theatre At Eight Destry Rides Again Chcchnate Peter Gunn News Weather Men or Destiny Better sport 1760 dew mnrz rmrrrnnn znttnm mnpum rpuoz noncr homing 18 Prophet 20 Swiss capital 21 Price 22 Keeniy 23 Estuary gt10 nutor tn 431 uiimnm ltTIOtn nv run 50 merits 25 TAXI 27 Delicate 34Vflb form ssmgress 36 Lie at ease L9th eggs 371eg joint 31Noaiia 38Fo1d ova eldest son 40 Siamese £3 Iflï¬ï¬lll ta if iNDIAN LI CID CI éhï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©Ã©mï¬nfl EL 9m THEYé 4145 GONFWEPI THEY WHAT WWEYHEEE YEAR OW YOU M522 LOf If WENTA CERTAIN WAY EHT NK If GOES AiiP GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER WAN ENJDVA am PIE THING 15 50 BEAUTIFUL SMALme EVERYWHERE CHRIS SOME WE EDDIERE 90000000 ARECKOWDS JAPANESE thE IN AN AREA IIIE 5115 OF MUGGSAND SKEETER LErsTAxE Look AT THE LAUGHINtS HYENAM HIS SENSE OF HUMOR