Barrie Hardware Limited to aayheld Street Campbell Limited Lorena Street PA Bentley Co ii Collier Street Insurance Excelsior Life Insurance Co NDuniopSLEhst PAW They Answered the Call The war is over victory won In Korea lies my SOn Medals hanging on the wall PAS6555 PAH583 Memoriam Greater Love Hath Any Man Than He That Layeth Down His Life For Another James Lynn Funeral Home Elmvalo Elmvalo 99 Cooperators Insurance Assn flNewton Street Cooke Cartage and Storage Ltd handed PA 00 PA 457 Bay City Upholstering 65 Bradlord Street PA 97 Consumers Gas Co 61 Toronio Street High PA 6655 Flight Oh have slipped the surly bonds of earth And danced the skies on laughtersilvered wings Showingthat he heard the call One boy one son there are many jgDlake Streot Fendleys Flowersl PA 8597 Sunward Ive climbed and joined the tumbling mirth 0f Sunsplit cloudsand done hundred things You have not dreamed ofwheeled and soared and more Who have marched away to war This is iust one mothers prayer For our dear sons over there Oh dont forget them one and all They heard and answered the call Braver faced the enemy guns Those boys who were our beloved sons And if you pass their place of rest Remember that they gave their best will not grieve or shed tears If you remember thru the years MRS LILLIAN BARRON 29 Gunn Street IN MEMORIAM Barrie Ontario IN MEMORIAM DUNCAN lIiltllelt in land remembrance ol my needs wren loan Terry Duncan aged ii and Wren Edith Ann no our age is through enemy ac tion in Wellington barracks Gunroathapel tendon England lune 15 These were Eir servants in ml atepa they tend Following through death this mar tyrd son or God victor He rose victorious too shall rise They who have drunk Ilia cup at sacriï¬ce lver remembered by Yellow Wran mus copra chONALDIn memory at Pte James Gavan killed in action tober ills in the butt oi the Somme nemamhered by brothers and sisters wells1n loving memory or Alvln Webb No 543257 will But taiion who parsed away Novem her ma No one know tho silent heart aches only those who have loved can ell The me we bear in silence For the one we loved so well Lovingiy remembered Lena and ramUy SPROULEIn memory or Cyril Lloyd Spmuie killed in action at nieppe August la mz Ha died brave man have chance to die righting to aava worlda mor He died the noblest death that man might die Fighttflg lor God and right and Lo 1y remembered by Sproule anally AUTOMOTEVE PERSONALS GOING wssrr Drive our new and late modal ears to Vancou var Calgary Edmonton Regina Winnipeg as paid Toronto DrithAway Service Limited sass Yongo Street Toronto BA 57754 ROBERT an Pitrle ol 101 Bradlold Street Barrie will not be responsible or Iny debts coll tracted in my name alter this data November 1961 WOMENS COLUMN TRUCKS Kt TRAILERS 195 vobxswomm Van ror anie Good motor tires and brakes Body needs some work Apply on Cool street MOBILE HOMES 15 F001 TRAVEL TRAILER or hunting or rent 9500 day Tele phonn PA Mm GLENDALE Trailer or sale 1954 model in good condi nun gum coldwavoa etc lions wrii sleap six Apply Mrs to unload hllldresllr your liiilh 17o Burton Ava otvn honle Phonewaornlne at PA cans war To our 55 WILL For ear oitsrad Try An Examiner WontJ Ad mom PA c2414 slephonn PA Mm LOST FOUND Universal Cooler Co Ltd RR Bairie PA soar iKolmarVot Canada Limited 149 Victoiia Street Barries Al Bradford Street pholstery PA 35912 PA 8504 CommercialLite Assurance Co ll Letitia Street I47 Burton Avenue of Canada PA 3925 Shorgas Limited Sarieant Co Limited Fuel Ready Mix Concrete Mary Street Superior Propane Ltd Burton Avenue Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street corner Clappertoil Phillips Phillips Ladies Wear Clapperton Street 10 HELP Warnn PA 84255 gt 10 HELP WANTED swung High in the sunlight silence Hovring there Ive chased the shouting wind along and lung My eager craft through footless halls of air Up up the long delirious burning blue Ive topped the windswept heights with easy grace Where never lark or even eagle flew And while with silent lifting mind Ive trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space Put out my hand and touched the face of God John gillespie Magee Jr Nineteenyearold American flyer killed in action with the RCAF Theylshall not grow old as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them not the years condemn At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them IN MEMORIAM POREIiTln loving memory Flying Olicer William Howard Porritt will made the supreme critic April IN lver remembered by brother Al and patentslap ehyl WYNuin kind and loving memory or non and brother LCpl Norman Wynea who died pl wounds Ind is resting in Bergen Tooln cemetery Holi and all ctober 29 1544 Ala 20 years Somewhere back of the sunset Where lovelineu never dies no lives in lead at glory Midst tyre gold and blue at the IR And we who lovd him dearly when passing it brought many lean Will cherilh his memory always lo brighten the drirting years Aiwaa remembered by his mother hmthlr and deter IN MEMORIAM mcELYIn loving memory dear huabhlld and rather Pte Wilson Ross who passed away ovorreor February 19 Within our norm we win alway keep rpeeiai piece lor you And try to on our best to live no youiwould went on to we loved you so we min you in our memories you are near Laced remombered longed lor always Treasured with sincere You are where ca And your voice Innut hear Yet we know you wallr beside Never absent always near Sometimes in hard to understand Why some things have to be in His Wisdom God has planned Eeyond our power to lee Evor remembered by wire and Glimmer iZ TENDERS wont SQUARE scum lost on Duniop street Wednesday morn log Sou1 is groan with Patterned cohoe Telephone PA Male LOSTWhite and Gray Kitten mostly white in vinelnii or Benny and Penetlnl St ele phone PA 57108 10 Larga black and white male hound Inn in the Vicinity or Minesing Amwera to tha name Pat Very mendly dog Reward Contact Morris Eberit $51 flame or telephone PA lo HELP WANTED renewable PERSONALS INSTRUCTORS ENROLL NOW 1961 1982 BARRILLIA BarrieOrillia SKIN AND SCUBA DIVING COURSE National Assn Certified Underwater Instructor i121 Twelve to hour Lessons in pool une halfday openwater diva BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN STUDENTS AGE 16 YEARS AND OVER Medical examination forms and particulars of course will be mailed to applicants on receipt of enrollment fee of $3500 which covers cost course Including compressed air but excluding equipment and transportationto be refunded applicant not accepted or insufficient enroll to till course Recommended text oaks and equipment may be puichasedon club terms $3 Ross Gawain NAUINo12ll Chief Instructor AVON Need Money For Christmas Then why not sell Avons beauv tliui Christmas Gift Sets Vol uable territories available in the vicinitles of Shanty Bay Dro Craighurst and Vespra township No exparlencenec essary we train you PHONE PA 84355 FOR APPOINTMENT TYPIST Required or afternoons only fiveday week Apply glvlng experience and references to BOX 76 BARBIE EXAMINER tum srlrblsr downtown salon Good rcmuner on or right fov Street mambo MAN tor medium sized FEMALE HELP EMPLOYMENT woman am snusrs Assistant Good workiJng cilanldxitioilneï¬pisy Ln BED son ooh Maple Ave Mm WRESEERI Assistant re amier 01 beauty salon Reta iéh lllrrliil 14 Elli Telephone PA all St ATmNrloNi Earn extra money demonstrating preltlgs cosmetic Excellent opportunity ror women of plehlinl puxnmlity and ap pearance Experienca not necell arywe train you For personal interviuw telephone PA 57757 altar1pm MALEHELP MAN WANTED to look alter hac part time Close to Burk MAN WANTED an 20 so to work on turnip arm in strand winter employment Tale vand p3 mm or any and soar MEAT CD TEECIHX re uirefl or plrtotiml lek Mull be Expat ionced Alsolull time grocery clerk experience nontrad Ap ly himgel Izeuhlor Bros Dune poultry lam Home full hydro milk nip lied Older men proton red App Kennyl Poultry Form Shlnty Bay MAN WANTED unexpected change clules vacancy in Barrie also townships Medalit and Ora solenoid opportunity or yeao retina ineoma For dailill writs Rnwieilhs nept Kala917 toils Richelieu MIiliacls Try An Examiner Want Ad garden Ap iy Joan Garrick Hair tyllat In In Avenue PHONE PA lMII Amily to Box 70 Barrie Examiner man scnoob girl will baby sit weekends Telephone PA Lease wul LOOK limit children in my own home Will pick up and deliver Telephone PA Gldu compelsm Buy or Weekly care avauable Apply box to Barrio nominee Wm noon artor children two year 01 Ill 01 over In my own home only Napiercodnnaton st area Telephone PA 65524 Mlva cane given tar chil dren in my own home by tho week Telephone on Man or further intermouse Want Ads SELL Most Anything ForWanl Acl Service Dial 5851T€Tm5cflxhr as Mr Bellamy has no place TENDER PIT RUN GRAVEL TOWNSHIP OF VESFRA Tender will be recelved by the undersigned clerk up to 12 oclock noon Wednesday November 15 1961 to load haul and spread approximately Loon cubic yards of pit run gravel to side road 1515 Concession andLetitia Street Gravel supplied by the Township oi Vespro at 12th line pit Csrtilied cheque or $100 to ac company tender or guarantee work to be completed by Nov ember 25 1961 Lowest or any tender but nec ESSarlly accepted IVAN McLean Road Supervisor EARL RICHARDSON Clerkl 17 Owen Street Barrie I3 AUCTION SALES AUCIIONEALE Saturday Nov 11 AT OSCAR BELLAMYS IMPLEMENT SHOP STAYNER AT 180 RM SHARP Auction sale of cattle and bar BSEIV to winter his stock JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer 13 AUCTION SALES l3 AUCTION SALES WALTER ADAIR GENERAL INSURANCE and AUCTIONEER I47 Berczy St Barrie PA 89298 AUCTION SALE TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21 RM RUSSELL STEWART Lot 15 Concession Innislii Township on Highway 11 one and onehal mlles south ol Churchill Complete dispersal of register ed and grade Holstein cattle 75 head and equipment 44can Unico Bulk Milk Cooler Milk ing Machine complete with three units Anderson Plowman Colwill Ltd Auctioneers Telephone 5061122 Victoria Har bour ry Il xamner rooms lea 82114 Want an AUCTION SALE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PROPERTY SALE N0 L427 Approximately 121 17 acres of land situated at Ft Lot 36 Con cession Township of Vespra County of Simcne located ap prox 10 miles north of Barrio fronting on the west side of Highway No 93 Sale will take place on the pro perty at 300 RM EST WEDNESDAY NOV 22 1961 TERMS $50000 Cash or Certi iied Cheque payable to Treas urer of Ontario at tlme sale balance payable in 30 days Further information may bi obtained from The Auctioneer Mr Jerry Coughllrl 89 Wellington St East Barrle Ontario Telephone PA 85449 0R Department of HighWays 365 Saskatoon St London Ontario TelephonezAGI 13450 Sale subject to areserve bid DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO