TE BARRIZ mm SATURDAY NOV ll Separate School Opened At Angus CAMP BORDEN Specialt Our Lady of Grace Separate School Angus was officially opened Friday night by hlost Rev Ilarmcco of To ronto Also participating were Rev Cranbrayp Bishops assistant and Rev Mo Givney pastor of Our Lady of Grace The built this summer by Bertram Eros of Barrie and the arcin tect was It Myles Allison ol Salter and Allison Barrie Al ready the school Is tilled with pupils and It is planned to add two rooms next year Peter Van Garden of Angus is the chairman of the school board Mrs Smith of Utopia is secretarytreasurer and mem bers are Daniels of Utopia and Stachura of Angus hchindcn is the principal Other teachers are Mrs Daniels Carol Snndcll and Paul McBride Bishop lilnrrocco in his MA fourroom school was dress to the children urged them to remember it takes hard work to be good student and hard work to lead good life Hereminded parents they must carry greater share of educat ing their children and good example was one of the great est aids in accomplishing tblt aim Mrs hchugh hire Swecncy lilrs Fortin hlrx Viel Mrs Robinson hire McConnell and Mrs Han son of the PTA and CWL serv ed lunch when the ceremonies were completed Among the guests were Right Rev James Clair pastor of St Marys Parish Barrie San ford Page Angus deputy reeva oi Essa Township and Council lor Eugene Smith Utopia MacDonald school inspector Mcianson chairman oflAllis ton Separate School Board Iluddick chairman of Essa Township Planning Board and Mr and Mrs Dunn of An gut Warns Against Passing On Guards Shirts To Patients TORONTO CPIThe Ontario Civil Service Ass iatlnn cnn vention was told idny the practice of passing on attend antr old uniform shirts to male mental patients might lead to confusion and facilitate the es cape of dangerous patient Albert Penny of Oriliia chair man of the department ot health committee said most Ontario Hospitals give the blue shirts to patients who cant atlord proper clothing after attendants have turned them In for renewal We know the shirts shouldnt be wasted he said and we realize the governments desire for economy but those blue shirts cause confusion in places like Pcnetang 0n visitors days it is often difï¬cult to tell pa tients from attendants and were afraid an gn rou patient might escape The committee recommended that all shirts be dyed before being passed on to patients The committee also received resolutions asking for more at tractive nurses aidec uniforms One said the present drab gray illvï¬tting dresses resemble those worn by prison attendants and have depressing etiect on pa tients and staff Nurses aides at Smiths Falls Ontario suggested whita uniforms with gray and wine piping and white shoes and stockings Orillia hides asked for teal blue uniform In princess style Creéfnore Council Approves Rolls CREEMORE Special Council met Nov as court of revision on the 1962 assess ment roll presented Lemmon clerk and acting assessor As there were no appeals the court quickly accepted the roll which will be the basis for 1962 taxation The court was adjourned and then the council went into gen eral council affairs William Gowan was ra appointed as manager of the skating arena on the same WEATHER Forecasts issued by the Tor onto weather office at am Synopsis Sunny skies will continue in southern sections and north of LakeSuperior to day Warmer air is pushing across the southern Prairiu giving above normal tempera tures and will move into the north country today Lake St Clair Lake Erie Huron Lake Ontario Niagara regions Windsor London lor onto Hamilton Mainly sunny today mainly cloudy Sunday warmer Winds lgiht today southerly 15 Sunday Gcorgian Bay Halihurton Ti magami AlgomapCochrane re gions North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste Marie Mainly cloudy today and Sunday warmer Winds anotherly 15 today 15 to 26 Sun ay QUEEN Queen Elizabeth II on state visit to Ghana stands with Ghanas president Nkrumah in open car while reviewing the AND HOST terms as last year Joyce Earl Millst and Frank Hare were named the rink committee Building permits were grant ed to Hector Allen tor gar age and Patton for new residence granted refund on all taxes except for schools and deben turesi Council approved grant of $100 towards new set of tables providing the local Legion and Curling Club cooperate with grants of $50 each FORECAST White River region Sunny today Variable cloudiness Suns day warmer Winds southerly 15 to 25 today ght Sunday Forecast Temperature Low tonight High Sunday Windsor was St Thomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterbornuhg Trenton Kilialne Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlion Kapuskasing White River Moosonee as Maria saneoassssssssgs REVIEW troops in Black Star quuara Accra About100000 people jammed the square which last weekwas the isccna of Charles Creemore Legion branch wla Joanne Garvey left of St Johns Separate School won first prize in the Barrie Ele mentary School public speakel Ing contest Inst night at Hill crestJuhlic School For her oratory on Canadas lllost SPEAKI Important Character Sir John MacDonald Joanna was presented with an EIBCIIII blanket by James Armstrong on behalt of Barrie Public Utilities Commission Joanne will represent Barrie in the county contest at the same NG CONTEST WINNERS school next Friday Runners up were Roger Pile of Hill crest and Shirley Hackman of King Edward Public School Judges for the local contest were Rev Walker La chance and Popplcton Ex amincr Photo RUSSELL ELMAN Social Credit Thompson said Friday night Cn nadian labor is dominated by ruthless gangsters from the United States and it against laborImposed dicta torship He told political meeting that while he supports the prin ciple of labor unions in prac tice they are potentially mo nopoly more dangerous than that now faced from business interests Thu danger is that labor is controlled from outside Can ada he said Some of the la bor people should be ashamed CHANGES HIS THINKING FAST quick switch in tbink ing for one member in par ticular was the result of spacial committee discu sion last night on the ques tion of financing new sew ers and plant installations in Barrie In discussion as to whe ther the press mould be allowed to report the meet ing Dr Edward Wilson PUC commissioner stated if we arent going to make decision tonight you might as Well excuse us the PUC members There is no point in us sitting here un til midnight blowing our faces off if we are to reach no decision Considerable dicussion on the rate proposals followed and concluded with mo tion made by Dri Wilson re ferring the whole matter hack to technical com mittee for further study Speaking in support of his motion Dr Wilson said In part personally am not in position to arrive at any decision tonight would like to see the whole thing turned back to the technical committee for further study and subsequent report few more weeks or even months wont hurt and may prove helpful em moor series at bombings that came cldse to causing Britain to cancel the Queens visit tothe former ilsh West African colony Photo in jsuNLneASSURANcE II they pay part of their dues to gamma ca anticiane US Leader Robert Mr Thompson said in his speech and reply to question from the floor that labor unions are dominated by smnll group power solely for themselves In describing the situation he used the term brute power and fascism MAKES IIIltI BOIL It makes me boil when Jimmy Hoffa comes up to Tor onto and tells us how to do things he said Wed better get our labor unions back into Canada The recently chosen Social Credit leader spoke at banquet during an Ontario tour in which he is etln Social Credit groups Friday nights dinner was attended by about 55 per sons among them steel work ers Mr Thompson said he did not believe the rank and tile union membership is ruthless or seeks to beat out the rest of the pop ulation Laborunions should be free Says US Gangs Control The Canadian Labor Scene but never monopoly control ling the rest of our people he said In Canada we face dic tatorship which fear immense lythat oi the socialisticlabor union organization of gangsters who Mr Thompson accused the Progressive Conscrvntive Lib ernl and New Democratic pari ties at trying to woo voters by promising benefits which inevit ably he said will result in Sa ciuiism MIGHT BE WORSE In his speech deniing almost entirely with labor and unem ploymcnt problems he said that unemployment this coming winter would be lot worse if it were not for the emergency national survival training pro gram Outsidn the cctin Mr Thompson said unemployment insurance should not be gov ernment responsibility but it management and labor want to do it thats allright He con sidered unemployment insur ance bred indolence The real answer was employment insur lance Man Thrown From His Car Is Run Over By Another BRADFORD Special man who was thrown from his car following twocar collision 9n Highway 11 at Holland Land ing last night was run over by third car as he lay injured Kitchener Sydney Cox 44 of Aurora was rushed in critical condition to York County Hospi tal Newmarket where his un derwent surgery He was then transferred to Toronto General Hospital where be Is still un conscious Police say Cox was west bound on Highway 113 and struck the right front tender of northbound car on Highway 11 driven by Gabriel Allch 28 of Aurora Cox was thrown Cadets Stay At Armoury Dr Woodstock president of the Kempentelt Wing of the Air Force Association has in formed Barrie Sea and Air Ca dets It will be okay to remain in the armoury for the time be ins Meanwhile the Sea Cadet As sociation is recruiting new members The cadets will hold bottle drive Nov 1548 They ask all householders to save their bola ties for housetohouse can V355 The SeaCadetl participated in the Remembrance Day care monies today nnd Mrs Tnnmas Fltzsimmonda placed wreath on the Cenotaph Next Sea Cadet Association meeting will be held at pm Nov 20 at the Air Force As snciatlon quarters on Owen Street from his car just before it plunged down 15foot embank ment third car driven by Wil liam Parks 30 of Don Illills immediately behind the Alich vehicle drove over Cox Police say Parks could not have nvold ed the mishap 77 Mr Allchs wife and his four yeareold daughter were treat ed for minor injuries Will Hold Coin Auction Nov 15 The Huronia Numismatics Association will hold its months ly meeting at 730 pm Wed nesday at the Loyal True Blue Hall High Street gt The October meeting was again well attended There were over 80 pieces of various types of coins covering many countries on the auction block John Gallee Hamilton will be guest speaker at the Nov ember meeting His subject will be the decimal system of coinage Following the address there will be an auction BARRIEI COOP HEATING runs Phone PAS6531 For Family Needs PLAN THROUGH SUN LIFE OF CANADA Retirement Funds With Sun Life Endowment Plan ample funds can bemdde available at your retirement To discuss this and cume TQM ANDERSON DISTRICT SUPERVISOR BARRIE 24ACLAPPEHTON 51 PA $6451 1a COMPANYOF CANADA Committee Lifts Bar Against Press Report That old bugaboo of prcu attendance at committee mesh tags reared its head again last night during sittings of spe elal committee to ltudy the feasibility of repaying costs of new secondary sewage plant and new sewer line either by sewer rates or by tax levy Al the meeting eonvened with members of council com mittees PUC members admin istrative and technical staff personnel of both bodies in st tendance Alderman Gerry to bertl drew the attention of members to the fact the press was present and moved that they be allowed to report this meeting fully Alderman Les Cooke who chaired the meeting said It in my own view that the same rules that apply at General Government Committee meet lngs should apply the press may attend but be requested to delay their reporting or the meeting until after subse quent council meeting at which the Committee report is pre sented Alderman Roberts queried the chairman as to whether last nights meeting would come up with report for any one Legion President Eaton Dies FORT ERIE CWHarold Eaton 53 of Newmarket past president of the Royal Canadian Legion Ontario command col lapsed nnd died Friday night alter addressing legion branch at nearby fudgcwny Mr Eaton spoke at the second annual remembrance dinner of Bertie branch 230 of the legion He was vicepresident and general manager of Dixon Pan cil Company Man 28 Killed Two Injured In Collision MILTON CF Bruce County man was killed and two other men injured in twocar collision Friday night two miles east of here on Highway 401 William Schrnnk of Peril Elgin was dead on arrival at Oakville hospital 12 miles south of here His companion Chamberlain Belanger 43 of RR Rayside in the Sudbury district is under treatment in the hospital for head injuries and abrasions hospital spokesman said today his condition was not too seri our The driver of the other car involved John Gingrich 33 Strikers Appeal TORONTO CPLA board of referees let up under the tin employment ance Act rejected an appeal by striking employees of the Royal York Hotel against decision bar ring them from unemployment Insurance The Hotel and Club Employ ees Union cm which has maintained since the strike be gan Aprll 1A that the strike has been effective was forced to are gue before the board that the hotels operations had reached 55 per cent of normal the point at which under the act work atoppaga is considered ended Conversely the hotel which has been Insisting its operations were near normal convinced all but the labor representative on the threeman board that op Rejected By Board oration are less than as pe cent of normal NowENJOY YOUR Intolerance helmtn ExILGI itAM+ Aflflflï¬sflï¬mTw ï¬rTWm in mm om mo mnm Mayor Willard Kiarie went on record as sup rting Alder man Roberu view that the press be allowed to report pm oeedinga fully with no strings attached Dr Edward Wilson PUC Commissioner interjected If we arent going to reach de cision tonight you might as well excuse us the PUC mem bers There II no point In us sitting here until midnight blowing our races off if we ore to reach no decision Alderman Charles Wilson queried those present as to the type of meeting in progress If it PUC meeting then it Is an open meeting he said Mayor Kinrle moved that the reï¬crter present be allowed to In report the meeting and majority vote In favor of thll move was the result Students Protest Stoppage Of Construction At Windsor WlNDsoR CP Nearly co placard carrying Assumption University students paraded Friday protesting labor dis putc that has halted construc tion In the area since Septem ber Groups of to to lo students marched around city hall and at two downtown lntecctiom The students distributed pam phlets urging Windsor citizens to call for settlement of the combination strike and lockout which involves nine building trade unions and local con tractors Vern Pich presidcnt of the student council acid the work stoppage has had serious ef fect at the univrsity We have new residence that is three months from com pletion be said and in the meantime the students are llvv ing in building that is con sidered fire hazard lIlr Plch said that it Ihe work stoppage is not settled soon en gineering students at Assump tion will not be able to gradu ate this year because equipment in thenew Essex College has not been completely installed TALKS IIALT Negotiations between the con tractors and the unions have halted lemporarily At the last meeting between the groups the unions relented an offer of 21 centonhcur pay increase They are asking for an cents hourly About 15 students also marchcri nrouul the Windsor Star building lilr studenis pickcted bonus the newspaper refused to publish story on the student councils eiiorts to arrangea debate between rep rcscntatives of the trade uniom and the contractors He said The Star has carried little in formation on the work stop page BUSINESSSPOTLIGHT Industrial List Alters Sharply By JOHN BELANGER Canadian Presl Staff Writer This was week of high speculative Interest and marked changes in the Industrial list Lake Duiault issued an assay report Wednesday on the third hole bored N426 100 feet east of the discovery hole that shaped the 1122 to Lalofont level averaged four per cent cop Jr Ii cent zinc 330 oz silver an 3oz gold Dulault which erupted little more than seven weeks ago from cents and rocketed to $250 in single day touched new high of 5775 Wednesday and finished the Week at $715 ahead so cents on volume at 801061 shares other speculatives were lilt Wright Murray Minv ing Black Bay Uranium New Mylamnoue Viltsey Cogblan and Canadian Dynn all of which traded steadily and heav ily yet produced no spectacular price changes lnrlustrials idcsprcad fractional rises among utilities banks and tin anclai institutions motors and refining oils with number of key Issues reaching new highs in moderate to heavy trading Chrysler Corporation gained $5 to $56 on news of 3155 000 contract by the US Army to manufacture Moo tanks 08 BAYCITY HPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 831433 BARRIE Upholstering to Our BusinessNot Just Sideline in Bradford at COFFEE even moral WN in second this ElECTRIC COFFEE Mill OVER MILLION ALREADY IN INnBreak Steel BodyQuiet Electric Motor llDvoiis household current RADIO Oil TV lovely base calms to choose from Sunshino Yellow DoveGray or Glowing Cerise freshretried satinbuns nst balm thawing1t vou un ï¬lm cllFFENAeIn you entity ALL the mural firm of mi some lioVIbuy your entire In the than at your limit stoic grindll AT HOME In you on current Mill and hm It in your iiIIlll wry You ll say Ihlfl till barium of entire EVER ORDER MAIL VIII COMPLEIE CONFIDENCE OUR GUARANTEE is UNBREAKABlEii you lie not folly satisfied mum your COFFENA Withln in dry Ind MONEY BACK iii full wilful datum uphill Pl Hardy Iii11 It some In 21 Tweet sum ml narrow Home cont am in mm Buy cum men lndluu 1an pint rm sun in an or um In all Mttully unsung my mum ltvithln to any and melv my mom barb mm oldt alum slur rmmmrzmvraï¬lï¬mmunmï¬r unless Sold on murmurr tunavim ullwmeulm We 11 were paced by Ford advanced to new high of $11525 on the strength of its $10000000 contract with the army to build 5600 quarter ton trucks General Motors advanced IV to $5450 in light trading UTIIJIIES MOVE UP Consumers Gas Union Gas and Bell Telephone all reached new highs to feature utilities trading while Power Corpora tion Gatineau Power and In land Natural Gas all rosc as much as $2 British American Canadian Oil irans Canada Pipe Line and Imperial also reached new highs and pulled the remainder of the oils group up after them Generally trade was moderate but TraneCannda turned over 75n42 shares to finish first on the weekly most active list Pricc Brothers and MacMil inn Bluedel vainly attempted to inspire lethargic papers group by hitting tops of $55 and 31912 respectively both in relatively heavy turnover Falls in the sitcent range however went to Fraser International and Great Lakes Paper Personalized Just for You stationary and thankyou cards add that extra touch of warmth to your nrreapondence Your name and address or initials are printed on white or coloured quality writing papers in beautiful raised interim The impression is dignified and oh so charming yet the cost is very low Choose your personalized stationery dinner napkins cocktail napkins coasters matches and playing cards from themany available stylea youll see in the personalized Just for You sample book PS They make wonderful gifts for family anmends too FOR APPOINTMENT with our REPRESENTATIVE TELEPHONE PHOTOLITH PA 82321