ORO STATION At the United Church San dra Ruth doughter ol Mr and Mrs Allan McLean was bap timl by Rev Mitchell Station resident ho rpent the weekend in Buttnlo were Mrs Hamilton Mn William Crawford Bin Mc Cron Mn Slrahnn Mn Garfield Burton and daughter Audrey spent cou ple at days in Toronto Mr William Thompson ha returned mm visit with relatives in Yorktown Saskat chewan While there she attend ed the wedding at cousin THORNTON Recent visitan at the horn Mrs Luck were Mr and and Mrs Hope Oakvllle Mr and Mrs Ken Caldwell and family Hnmlltnn Fred Great Toronto and Cyril Edwards ot Manhattan Bcaoh California Mrs Willlnm Johnston spent part at last week in Barrie with Mrs Harry Lynn Toronto Street hlrr Fred Arnold left out weekend tor Toronto where she will spend low week with her daughter and sonin lnw hlrt and litre Murray Mc Vnnel Several Thornton resident motored to Egbert Frldaytor the bazaar and nitornoon tea at the United Church Mn and Mrs Tom Walkey of Winnipeg Manitoba have been visiting here with Mr and Mrs Gary Wilson South Simcoe Presbytery Mens Council at the United Church of Canada will meet in Trinity United Church here on Tuesday evening Nov 21 be ginning their session at 745 oclock All men at the church es are welcome to nttcnd Mrs Doug Smith at Alliston rpcnt Tuesday here with Mr and Mrs Roberthlooney Mrs Frank Hindle with Mr and Mrs John Kuzylt and iam lly Slnghnmpton lpent Oat with Mr and litre Alan Rodgers at Bond Read Recent visitors from To ronlo with Mn and Mrs Fred Joh aton were Mr and Mn Harv ALIANDALI Humid PRESGRIPTIONS VETERINARY SUPPLIES 109R ALLANDALE awn STORE PHONE PA 82823 ry Johiuton and Iamlly ht scripture The human Halon and It Tom itcAllister Ind childrm and air and Mn Douglas Holt and tamily This manthl meeting of Trim ity Varnanl Amclation held Not at the home of hlrl Carr Hrs Harris welcomed the visitors Mrs Crane had charge at the devo tional lllrr Wilson read the included planning tor the meet ing at Presbytery Itenl Couxr cit the lunch or the sale It Hr Mchthurs and granting ot donath to church zmupl Al the December meeting will be the last before amalgam tion with the WMS commit tee was appointed to make it one BOND HERD Nell Middlebrook Tell from tree at hi1 home mining more cut to his head He was treated at Alliston hospital The ï¬rst at nertu of each ru wan held Monday night with tabla phying Prizes ited Church on Sunday Ronald Pena oi Sedan was guest rpeaker in the morning Rev ms Wellington and Anne Sts SUPER SAVINGS THIS WEEKEND PRECHRISTMAS SAVINGS 0N FOOD CLOTHING HARDWARE TOYS DRUGS CHRISTMAS GIFT ITEMS ETC See the famous KEMBENFELDTMAR SATURDAY MovT CHING BAND WELLINGTON AND ANNE STS for the best buys in town OPENFRIDAY NIGHTS TILL PM The Souls of the Righteous are in The hands of God There Shall no evil Happen to them They are peace Morten wn mum milman canu REMEMBRANCEDAYVISIBI e°T EATON co Mans bestfriend4 OKeefellle When youre going to the dogs aftera tough day make friends with an icy OKevefe Aledoggonest thirstkiller to ever grace glass When you want the natural flavour of pure ale the only thing to say is 0Kfor OKeefel