Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1961, p. 1

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01m TELEPHONE Elli Aortic Examim 97th YearNo 263 LOCAL WEATHER Partly cloudy tomorrow Wm er Winds to 15 Low tonight JO High Saturday 50 For full summary turn in page two Barrie Ontario donade Friday November to 1961 Not More Then per copy24 Page Rioting students in Guaya quil Ecuador hustle com Ecusnos to clinic after he was wound cd by police bullet Farra 13 persons are known to have been killed in rioting tAP SOVIETS Propose BERLIN SOLUTION Russians7Surprise Westerners Dramatically Reverse Stand Calls Separatists Angry Young Men MONTREAL tCPTho separ ratists dcs by former prime minister Louis St Lau rent as new versions of angry words to say ahout English speaking Canadians who he hopcd someday will fee it is not condescensinn ntbeir SEE pLEASAnr rALL WEATHER TORONTO CHPresent indications point to pleas ant late autumn weather in southern Ontario this week end High pressure will he drilling across the region MOSCOW Reulerst Wesl ern officials today sifted through new surprise Russian plan on Germany Lhat has brought dramatic twist to the crisis over Berlin The first point provides for an agreement on West Berlin be fore Russia signs German peace treaty BONN DOUBTFUL Chancellor Konrad Adenauers SOME Ol dents of the Barrie line luncheon at iRol Itsi The four point plan was dead on arrival At least Virepholo young men had reason to wmcc part to learn French as hm press clnef Felix Von Eckhnrdt pamn 5mm Romem at today over sharp verbal spank well as English in intercourse ixgaya 811i Lanny fgzifiilimuglefésnfix Image told reporters in Bonn that the logs from five people who count vvith fellow Canadians ma over he weekend Russian guarantees Lha Russians have not changed the game not Mal POIICE To COOPEBATE SP935mm$n°$mfid In mullgeiihspelgdif at melcxn which should continue into dam of West Berlinthe central mimic llwbifmus PM lbrai arge vo gun assign posa or in are now wee seeks to create nation of Que me in mm Ck 155 0f the drawnout crisis Dig In For An Attack On Crime SyndiCates OTTAWA CHPolice forces across tho country are digging in for concerted attack on the dicatcs Rather there is the pa rallel of corporation board of directors whlch in lhls case has fat wallet for bribes in the US even minor officials have been bought for tribute oi bec apart from the rest of Can ada was attacked in three ma lor speeches Thursday An appeal to disaster cried Associate Defence nii ste Pierre Sevigny almost be trayal of the memory of those men who founded and gradually built Canada He spoke to Lions Club meeting General Manager Marcel Oui met the publicly owned CBCs French language radio sociation of French Language lndustrinlists Prof Rosario Cousincau laid some of the blame on French businessmen Prof Cousiucau vicedean of commerce at the University of Sherbrooke said Frenchspeak ing businessmen are not taking full advantage of the opportun ities universities are offering them Daytime temperatures should average several de grees above the normal mid40s Saturday should be mainly sunny with in creased cloudiness on Sun day No significant precip itation is expected before early next week The guarantees and other So viet concessions in the plan were considered sharp rever sal of Russias tough stand on the German issue Today diplomatic on recs said ambassadors of the Wests Big FourUnited States Brit ain France and West Germany met here to discuss the new Russian plan at the West Ger man Embassy The four points of lhe plan redramatizing their presenLa lion Von Eckardt said no Soviet proposals of the type reported wcrc brought out in meeting Thursday between Ambassador Kroll and Premier Khrushchev In London reports of the plan were received guardedly by qualified sources No new Russian plan for Ber lin was understood to have been Emembers why chartcr in 194 to an active It may known that lycolistruclci ginBRADFORI received by the British govern earnidhi American crime syndicates now no chairman In briefthe same $1000 weekpeanuts to the and mevision networks said we reported Nahum called mam in the last few daysl Wm ram moving into Canada sitfifi if Syndicaiesr separatism if successful would f0in An agreement between less some communichauon hip 31 rpm syn icaes are we an way mm arm ppme midith bdteerimhelduiiiidnglhears heeled Their biggest WW adsiimggahiitorigilvahgfiidhlfifig $3225 of the carwam In le alters 1g Berlms fpur occurring vows embassy in Moscow many and are scheduled it was learned cenlly these opalanon pm Through radio and television Ewe um Siftes Bmmv In Paris the French foreign 75°19 33 it Thursday One aim is to im been cmde mnsuy in the sale we have been able to awaken EDWARDS AIR BASE Calif mighty rocket engine exhausted tan ministry declined any official 19000 prove cooperation among pro vlncial and municipal police and the RCMP clearinghouse of informa tion is being set up so that every police chief in Canada can be told quickly of every thing any policemen anywhere can team about syndicate meth ods operations and movements unified police campaign is building up to persuade legisla tors both provincial and fed eral to lift some of the current legal autrlctions on police work 11 Indications are that one appeal will be for police use of wire tapping now prohibited by the Criminal Code Reliable sources here indicate thatthe syndicates so far are operating in smaller cities to es cape big municipal police SAYS PRINCESS WILL MERRY HONG KONG Renters Princess Alexandra cousin of the Queen will marry in 1965 and have child 10 month after her wedding according to Chinese fortuneteller The fortune teller Wang Chihkao also predicted she would meet her prince charming between May and Ailguslrnextyeari Wang professional re puted to have predicted the AngloFrench invasion of Suez in 1956 claimed he had studied the princess horo scone carefully The 24 year old princess now is in this British island of services as one policeman politely put them For example almost evary large Canadian city has bookie and the American syn dicates have made it impossible for Canadian bookie to oper ate without paying form of protection to the us overlords Another service has been syll dicate engineering and business advice for illegal stills the interest sympathy and un derstanding of our speaking countrymen and to make them understand that our culture is the same as that of olhcr Frenchspeaking peoples Mr Ouimet said in speech to the Montreal Nortbend Business mens Association Mr St Laurent in lecture at Sir George Williams Univer sity here while rapping the sep aratists also had some sharp Siindciy Drinking AuAu Divides Welshmen LONDON CPlThe people of ready cater to Sunday drinking tAPtA United States Air Force pilot flew the Xls rec ord 4070 milesan hour Thurs day in an allout test of the rocket planesvtop speed Then he made perfect landing with shattered windshield Mal Bob White 37 who has manoeuvred his way out of many tight spot in the edge ofspace research craft said coolly afterward was never in danger at any time gushed Jaws 70 es an hour beyond its de signed top speed of 4000 mph The previous record was 3920 mph searing flightthe crafts skinfternpcratures rose to 1100 degrees Fahrenheit climaxed the speed half of the XIss dual speed altitude research mis sions its fuel after as seconds burn ing time He coasted to 100000 feet manoeuvring to test highspeed handling with and without his electric autopilot then began gliding backjor his landing At 70000 feet moving at 1500 mph the cuicnpanei on the right side of the windshield shattered The inner panel didnt crack The shattering While said was probably due to lhermal heat expansion and contrac tion of the windshield frame status for West Berlin which guarantees the freedom of its inhabitants and the freedom of communications with the West separate agreement be tween Communist East Ger many and Russia under which East Germany undertakes to respect the new status of West Berlin Acceptance of the agree ment by the three Western powers and West Germany glans witnessed fnleensov ereignty of East Germany Conclusion of German peace treaty Ghanaians Parade lirined Forces BeloreQneen llnd Prime Philip comment Diplomatic sources said it re mained to be seen whether this Soviet plan would be given of ficial shape but added that it appeared to contain favorable innovations Up to now the Soviety position has always been to signs peace treaty with East Germany and to settletheWest Berlin prob lem on that basis The new Soviet plan is un derstood to have been passed to the West in an informal way and so far nothing has been put downonpapcr the sources here said An early assessment of the plan indicates lthas removed some of the Wests basic objec tions to the previous Russian stand on the German issue One mainobjection has been Comelins fund Cornelius charged Oct following an lion il Ii The youth ghelore ltfaglst rake for pi Nov 10 iW1ll an Nations OTTAWA government threestage pi new national istence embod ll man natural item The first st Museum of Russias insistence on giving forces Indications are that the colon as art of tour of wales have 9123V6d new W515i on large scale There are no plans to try to AccRA RenterslAs 400000 white uniform the air force in heaviest concentration has been the Fyar Edit hm Mimi he lid The referendum had more of fly it faster Nextstep possi Ghanaian cheered Queen Eh my and cavalry Within aniiiwcrriirynywil in Soulhern Ontario Alexandra today visited the 1mm of Sunday drinking mecharactcr of vote for or My next week will he try at abeth reviewed parade of Splendent in red and green any German settlement N0 BIG Boss border between Communist wadnaslay Eight Mill in 33am Semi kind WEN liming the deSlgnEd maxim urn Ghanas police and armed tr ics with kepi hats and ianccs ALflm sun Ame Berlin Th China inwflanrxmgvs mini therwestrvoted to staydry This has of whichrSnnday closing lB altitudeoi 250000 feetztlsIz forcesfinhngo Black Star one sTJIdierfaintedduring the this gamer this year Khmsh is rnuc as can learned 13nd territories taking photo is the mustrulal part of Wales both an ingredient and sym miles But the X15 may even Square today hourlong review Chev threatened in sign the amp ed There is no Mr Big in the graphs of Chinese temer temperance is closely connected bol says the London Times in tually soar to 100 miles or more Preceding the official entour ew Canadian Operation of the syn with strict protestant tradilt an editorial lb loud er pm ec non White and the stub Winged age 51 eight training planes of the dropped the deadline last The Welsh frontier on this Xls were dropped from 352 fipeak Wik 19 young Ghana air force swooped munch mama But Pulls 111 be Open in reckoning has been pushed mother ship over the California NW3 menu Pew low over the parade ground in 313 SM IN NUTSHELL rm rm own is couny mu feet levelled off and hit hi Gh we soapinns rm mm in is searchers arne oman starfish east Here industrialization and head of he Commonwsfllm Bank of N5 Morris who voted for Sunday hitch hiked to seats and stratc rt English influence have been drinking and raised eyebrows ufligginwexailqieéftgfiga gic spots around the square and giiluiihii email osplla Ized Flre surge earlier in the campaign by say bath sing She and ha husband along the onemile route bring ge gig KINGSTON CF fire of undetermined origin caused no folegvgefiumlyggi ing alcohol was gift from Prime Punk arrived here mg the Queen and Philip to the No3 column at game about $1000 damage and sent city fireman to hospital Thurs day night The fire wasconfined to back bedroom of ground floor aparrtment in the middle of the city occupied 123 voted dry The heart of Wales beats God But it means in many coun Well YourlIonor said the Thursday to start an 11day tour of Ghana which was given inde square from Christianborg Cas tle where they had spent the busiest intersection shortly af ter pm today sent Barrie Cdn Bk of Com 0er Breweries CPR Canada Cement ties people will sto olng to the defendant it was like this endence Britain four years Shi Womfil MTS 60 BWWL 1° can hemieni by Dr and Mrs Robert Fulford They were not at home sflgégfjtk 35° afiafiwgécl clubs and stop minis over the was in FWEPWh talking 21 5°mbreface Hes in haiiltal Siitiriiasm when the lire broke out Ed 9ng 355105 border intoEngland for my eulwhen this guy comes up lheQueen vvearing apale monial robes with minions hold if Tim W55 dining Con Paper Sigma drink and wants to use the phone Af peach silk faille dress with ing multicolored umbrellas to 339ng wigs ma 32ggf BIIlISh Beauty wms contest Sun emu gal The new border dividfi one lei While he Pens the dam small Viieckline and aturhan of shield them from the sun lined Street She was hit by car village Upper Cwmtwrch right grabs me by me 315 losses orange tulle drove around the the route to the square along am by Mrs Smith of LONDON Ari Ari 1yearold British beauty who placed owns mcmmr open through the middle At the top my parade ground standing in with market mammes Ac Gun 5m which waspushed cm mud the Ml We Wine in Wan 553 tWt Observers say that the vote in of the HighiStreet the Beriing mean ya 10 yam temper speciauydESlgnelamy Wlide eras eeWheemg freespeal onto the sidéwalk in front of the cm Clix months ago was named Miss world on her home territory fact had my do with whether can Hotel wiu have dose as 51 gefllsmel id accompanied by Nkrumah ing entrepreneurs mm IDMgn Thursday night She was the first British girl to Win the Welshman can wet his whistle who while the Lamb yew peaues made ash Her husband allowed iflfirsec the square the Ghana caV The driver of the other car COIL Elll beauty compwmn on Sundays Some 360 clubs al steps away will be open yirlgeand th uvii ft and iflhicle With Nkiumahs airy Squadron brilliant in CEYE was Grant Larmand of Victoria gflSWVm myg re Bro 00 wife Fathia mnnial uniform and carrying Harbour who was making a4 c°iii Sudlmty Unwerstly Has PIGSth The review marked the lirst red and white pennants was lefthand turn to Dunlap Street TORONTO GP Dr HaroldBennett recently retired principal of Victoria College University of Toronto has been appointed president of Laurentian University in Sudhury WE ARE now liTWllil time that Ghanas military and police forces were on parade with all Negro officers and non commissioaed officers mustered in the four corners The square wasthe scene of bomb blasts last Saturday which stirred fears for the Queens when the two cars collided Mrs Smith was proceeding north across vDfllIlop Street onto ClappartonStreet when the mis New Mylamlqt The army contingents were in safety during the tour and liap occurred lndlmfl smdenls Wont lom Fraternities new ceremonial uniforms with raised the possibility that it The attending physcian said red jackets police in black and might be cancelled the woman is swarms lrom at us up TORONTO CF Studentsat York Universityiiave been forbidden to join social fraternities or sororities York Presi dent Dr Murray Ross announced Thursday night Dr Ross said the decision reflects the unaniniousview of the student Affairs Committeethe Faculty Council and the stu dents and has been approved by the universitys board of governors DeGanlle Says He May Retire Museum France AP President Charles in eéuiic said today he may retire from office after the Algerian issue as settled sources who attended aclosed meeting with him reported RocketExplodes Monkey Aboard CAPE CANAVERAL tAP An Atlas missile carrying tiny monkey named Goliath exploded in flight today The rocket With the lyepound squirrel monkey was launched on an intended 5000vmlle flight to the south Atlantic ocean It appeared to be flying true course when suddenly it veered nose downward and erupted into ball of fire Sirens To BeReadyByl3th OTTAWA CP The Army today that 500 sirens will blare across Canada during civil defence Exercise Tocsin Nov ls Setting upof the sirens in 150locatlons will be com pleted by that date spokesman said Minister Pleased By Report TORONTO CPl Formaragriculture minister Goodfellow said today he was generally pleased with recent report of an agricultural marketing committee although the conuniltea exceeded its terms of reference LlSBONlAP Two men seized Portuguese airline plane today and dropped pamr phlets over Lisbnn declaring we are now at war with the regime of PremierAntonio de Oliveria Salazar The pamphlets were signed Henrique at the hi jacker of the Portuguese liner Santi Maria Aviation said the armed men forced the crew of the fourengined Constellation to fly over Lisbon and drop pani phlets instead of landing on its regular flight from Casablanca It then landed an hour later at Tangier in Morocco Theidramatic flight was staged only two days before Sundays parliamentaryeiection an election in whichall onPo sition candidates have with drawn charging that Salazar had made free election im possible Salazars government party thevNational Union re Hijqck Airliner plied that the hpposition was Communistinfiltrated tugneseAntitotalitarian Front were addressed to the men and women of Portugal and to stu dents youth military men who came out of the ranks of the people to whomthey belong andto the workers that live without freedom or bread NOW AT WAR We are now at war agianst the NewState regime of Sala zar the manifesto said For our part we are ready to do any thing as you have already seen Help us and we will make you free again lt urged the people to tear up the ballots on Sunday and have no fear The police can arrest hundred or even housand but they cannot arrest ten thousand Galvan from his exile in Era The pamphlets hedaed Potr rail and with the aid of rover lntionary band seized the liner Santa Maria last January as symbol of opposition to the gov ernment Several hundred pas sengers eventually were freed when the ship put into port at Recife Brazil Geri Humberto Delgado former opposition candidate for president who wasassociated with Galvan in the exploit has since called the shippirate an exhibitionist who damaged the cause of Portuguesc freedom Delgado said in Casablanca two weeks ago that he no longer wanted anything to do with Gal vao and had broken all per sonal and political connection with him The Portuguese airline TAP refused to give the number of passengers aboard the Constel lotion Reuters news agency said it had learned at Lisbon airport there were ill passengers aboard broken ribs and back injury CROWDS GATHER AlsFIVE POINTS TO VIEW COLLISION AT LUNCHHOtlit id rrsicniviire William Gra intercur Wlfllill

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