ANTICOMMUNIST DEMONSTRATION lIT EMBASSY GATES AntiCommunist demonstrat ors led by Pat Walsh tcen trel secretary at the Canadian anti Communist secretariat crowd around with children who came along to watch the excitement at tho Russian Em bassy gates in Ottawa Tuesday night The demonstrators re mained outside the embassy waving placards and shouting slogans during two hour cocktail party given by the Russians to celebrate the an niversary oi the Bolshevlk rev olution CP Viraphoto New Nations Praise Red Accomplishment Whenever the Russians want to impress delegates lrom Asia or Alrlca they send them to Uzbcklltan And 15 visitor iound It seems to be working every time Thll II the third oi our articles by the Sun duy editor the Nashville Tennessean who recently toured the Soviet Union on grant from the Southern Association oi Nlemsn Fel lows By EUGENE WYATT NASHVILLE Tenn AP The Uzbeks are proud people They rarely speak at their dusty capital without saying beautifulTashkent as it were one word There is still national pride tor the great conqueror Tamar lane whose tomb in nearby Samarkand has probably the greatest piece of posthumous arrogance ever recorded Near his collln is the onesentence in scription it were alive you would tremble The Communists are proud oi Tashkent too Almost every delegation from Asiatic coun tries manager to be routed to Uzbekistan deep in Asia The reason is obvious Scarcely more than genera tion ago here was vast area oi illiteracy disease supersti tion practically no industry The Soviet accomplishment is undeniable In Tashkent alone are 17 Institutions of higher leamlng including university with 6000 students Belore the revolution there were none The public library has more than million and hall volumes ll llteracy is almost eliminated And Uzbekistan where women once were in complete bondage to their husbands now has woman president Cotton production has in creased many times One huge textile mill employs more than 5000 workers All this does not mean that the American arriving in Tash kent is impressed As elsewhere In the Soviet Union the housing is miserably crowded There is Progress Passes Once Busy Depot By SIMPKIN The name Giliord is said to have been taken from place with somewhat similar name in England It has been one of the busy places oi the district having at one time had three millsos well as similar num ber of hotels it was shipping point for grain and cattle tar as far west as Alliston and old tlm ers say there were oiten up to 100 teams waiting to be unload ed at the grain elevators that procured the grain from the iarmers at the railroad Mr and Mrs Lewis Neilly are the oldest ciUzens of the hamlet now They have built themselves Crop Champions Chosen lit Boyal TORONTO CP Judges at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair day picked the worlds champion soybean bar ley and tobacco growers irom crop samples submitted to the ï¬eld crops division Gene Winter oi RR Lang ton 0nt was named 1901 world champion tobacco grower alter judges examined his exhibit of Virginia leaf tobacco Title oi world barley cham pion went to Davidson and Son Limited Dengwell Hall Essex England with display of the Earl variety Sifton of RR Ridge town Oot won the world ch pionship soybean title with va riety oi harosoy crop The specialists decided John Mala oi RR Simone Ont was reserve grand champion with his cutter lent tobacco Junior Atkins RR Port Eur well Ont son at last years world tobacco champion won third place The three Ianners who took top places in the tobacco classes are all trorn Norlolk County where halt of Canadas flue cured tobacco is produced WONT BLOCK FILM LOS ANGELES AP Sti perlor Court has denied Polly Bergen an order blocking the release of picture in which she starred The actress or claimed she appeared in The insider with the understanding that it would be shown only on television But the court held that no such provision was in cluded in the contract she signed with Screen Gems In corporated and Columbia Pic tures Corporation They plan to distribqu the picture to theatres new modern home and the iamlly home has been taken over by their son Lew Neilly was builder and for many years worked with the late Allan at cement construction building barn ioundations bone as and bridges Many of those iirst built are still standing He is retired now but his memory at things past is still perfect One store general merchand ice is the only commercial ent erprise that remains This is al so the post oltice Once there was telegraph key in the store and weather reports and news items went over the wire The operator could read these all and impart the news to the peo ple who came in Mr Blain was the owner or many years Gillord now is flag station with the mail train putting all the mail and taking it on daily Very little grain is shipped from the dEPOt and cattle are all trucked to markets At the font at the road the lakefront on one side is given over to summer cottages while marina with its many at accommodations takes some at the frontage on the other side There is sum mer business which brings number at boat owners and goli links is on the end oi the townline north The public school which was point section between the two townships is now unused as pup ils are taken to the new consol idated school on the highway The road leading into Giilord from No 11 Highway is paved and modern but does not have much heavy traiiic About halt mile west of the hamlet are the arms of the Rothwell Orchards one at the biggest shippers of ap pics and pears in this part of the country Their modern methods of handling trees and truit are among the latest and most ex pedient still large oriental quarter in which ï¬lth and lies hold forth Meat hanging in butcher shops stlll swarms with Insects Even central the best hotel in town has shock ing tandnrds oi sanitation But the Soviet government has no idea that it will impress Americans or other Westerners Tashkent is show window tor the new nations of Asiaand Ai rico where thellivlng standards are about where Tashkent was 30 years ago VARIOUS VISITORS During my iourday stay in Tashkent saw visitors from Cuba lndonesia India Aighan istan Pakistan lraq East Ger many Czechoslovakia Ceylon and Burma One oi the visitors from lo dia had studied at Columbia University in New York He was strongly pro 05 But Uzbekistan left him bubbling with excitement of course its no America he told me No place else in the world is But this is differ ent Their soil and climate is even worse than ours Their il literacy rate used to be higher For all ior tree speech and that sort of thing but have you been to india lately The Poverty The mlin could hardly have hoped tor better re sponse Army Will Publish History Of Corps CVIiAWA CWThe nrmy an nounced Wednesday the publi cation oi history of the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps which transported troops to the trout lines and supplied them in three wars Written by Arnold Warren Wait tor the Waggon tells the storyroi the service oorps since its inception in 1901 The book may be obtained Irom the directorate of supplies and transport army headquar ters Ottawa IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING ADMITIANC sermons worm clover showing Tonight at 700 and BRITISH ACADEMY AWARD BEST sown ammo Alumna rm runner MEIER SIIIIIIIIV IIIIIIIIIIIIIi ALBERT FINNEY SHlRLEYAltHEHED WHERDBEKIS mom 1me DANCING ooo FELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY TOM CROWE SATURDAY and his Quintet cram ANDREWS and His comboAirs ADMISSION 75¢ VREFRESHMENT BOOTH NO SLACK OR JEANS PERMITTED Old Tymo and Modern Dancing Ital ueafty brakes Rambler modelsThe only other cars on which they are available SARI EXAMINER THURSDAY NOVEMBER lI Is Actors Story His Career HOLLYWOOD iAPThe lace would be iamilrar to every ï¬lm tan over as He was Neil Hamilton still as Illme handsome still with the same hairline as when he acted the suave leading man in silent ï¬lms and talkies He was playing minor role in TV show Follow the Srrn To most observers he was onceiamous ï¬gure still making living at his profession He also had story And dur irlig lull in the filming he told Ive written my tale of rags toriches and back to rags and some day may get it pop lishcd Its quite story had it very good In this town Actually statred In 1918 at Fort Lee NJ when it was the centre oi the tilm industry worked extra tour years until Grillith God rest his soul gave me break ON TOP IS YEARS There iollowed rs years oi lop success Hamilton made 72 pic tures in six years and his Iiims included Beau Geste One Sun day Aiternoon When Strangers May Kiss topposito Norma Shearer What Price Holly wood opposite Constance Ben nelti and the ï¬rst two big Tor zan lilms But in the mid30s his career started the slide He had last bundle In the stock market and bad investments in the New Yors World Fair in mt he iound no jobs as an actor so he became an agents assistant at £50 week had made million in the lilm brrsiaess he recalled We had owned house In Brent wood with live servants and now we were living in Sabamonth apartment DIDNT WANT 10 LIVE was drinking and was at my lowest ebb One night was driving toward the hills and was determined to kill mysell had it gun but had decided to drive all clill knew place where wouldnt be iound tor years and the insurance would help my wile and daugh LET But be next lound hirnseil on the steps oi as club or Catholic students Hamilton recited his woes to priest who urged him to try the power of prayer The actor agreedto try Within nine days he had an alter or four weeks of film work at $625 week Since that time he has worked fairly steadily in stage plays and live TV and lately has played most at the rrlmed TV shows Hamilton hasnt appeared in major ï¬lm since lintand Id do one even it they didnt pay me But at 62 he has no illusions no regrets DANCING IS FUN Friday Teen Night Latest HI Reoords Saturday Nov llth NEIL KURTme COMBO 250 Per Couple Ample Parking TIIE EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment loll BLAKE ST Beside Kempvlew Bowl oanunrs MEETINGS rooms CONVENTIONS WEDDINGS FORMER PM Rt Hon Louis Stephen Laurcnt was Canadian prime minister lrom moor lie re tired lrom public lite in 1958 alter the Liberals were de rated in general election the previous year He joined the federal cabinet Mac kenzie King in littl as justice minister and attorneygeneral Photo Roungoyce has them tool DoubleSafety brakes are standard at no extra cost on aliv62 With complete confidenceon rough or icy roads Ramblers areRollsRoyce Jaguar and Cadillac Heres how they work dual hydraulic system allows front and rearbrakes to operate independently if one Set is damaged the other continues to operate You get double margin of safety Drive ILLUSTRATED RAMELER AMERm CUSTOM MIan SEDAN WATCH NFL FOOTBALL CBCTV NETWORK Ramblerr ny allow ms iron and letrhmkasto opmr Independently double margin mm om hydrsull ROUGHT Need Some Action Revive Economy LONDON Out CPICana dans may have to accept lower standard oi living unless they act quickly to revitalize the economy the past president at the Canadian Chamber oi Com merce said Wednesday night Captain Joseph leiicry oi Lon don told the Purchasing Agents Association at Western Ontario that we are in for trade war the like of which we have never seen in our litetime He said the Canadian economy is being hemmed in mm three sidesirom the Far East where wage costs are low from the United States where high tariil barriers keep out many Canav dion manufacturers from the West by the European Com mon Market In other words we face the imminent danger of relative eco nomlc isolation Capt Jellery said lie urged labor govemmenta management and business to work to attack the problem to gclher Tr An Examiner Want PHONE PA 54 NOW SHOWING FAMOIII MAXIM mom hit IAURICE erratum HORST manor LESLIE BARON CHARLES DOVER At 700 and 920 aehOteXclu DoubleSafety brakes are selfadjusting too Visit your Rambler dealer soon See all the features that are exclu sive Take testdrive lna new 1962 Rambler sstc AND AMBASSAD GovVAN sraesr essayist