ROUND SIMCOE COUNTY MINESING Bill Grant who is employed with Zeilers oi Brantiord spent last weekend at his home here Several oi the men irom this locality are enjoying hunting trip in Northern Ontario Mrs Cari Jacobs and doubt er Mrs Harry Siver oi Van couver are visiting the iormers hmiher and sistervinlaw Air and hirsA hiaw THE LATE BOB MCCARTHY This community mourns th passing oi Bob McCartney who was killed in an accident on Friday evening Bob had attendA ed school here and was an outstanding baseball player hav ing played on various teams in the county league We extend our heartielt sympathy to his parents his wile brothers and sister St Peters WA is busy pre paring ior the bazaar on Nov 24 which will be held in the new church hall Mr and Mrs Judi Priest have moved to the village hav ing purchased the house iorm erly owned by Charles Parker SCHAEFER BOWEN Congratulations to Phyllis Bowen and Jack Schaeier who were married in an alternoon ceremony in Minesing United Church on Oct 21 Prior to her marriage Phyllis was feted at miscellaneous shower irom her Minesing Station and presentation irom lilines log community The brides mother Mrs Harold Bowen en tertained at trousscau tea on Oct 14 The young couple will livs in Strotiord We extend sincere sympa thy to the iamiiy and relatives of the late Pat Covanough iormer Mlnesing Station resid at Mrs Maguire and Mrs Area Convention at Alliston on Monday Miss Reich Johnston oi Tor onto was home with her par ents tor the weekend Mr and Mrs Murray Lea and ismily oi Peterborough spent Sunday with the lstters sister hirs Clair Priest Mr and Mrs lisrry Adams spent the weekend with irisnds at Parry Sound HALLOWEEN PARTY The Ralloween party was an outstanding success Practically all the children in the commune ity ranging in ages from two years and over as well as sev eral adults appeared in com tume it was dliiicuit ior the Judges to reach decision as all costumes were outstanding Mrs Scottie Muir Mrs lieny Wood and Mrs Keith Rowell awarded the prizes to Stephen Pelti Gordon Beilhy Ja so Beilby Amy lilae Haight Ann Height Stephen Micks Brenda Hutchinson Heather Luck Ricky Adams Donna nston and Lew Graves The children enioyed the cookies and apple cider supplied by Tom McKee and Mlnesing Motors THORNTON HONOR NEWLYWEDS On niesday evening Oct 24 large crowd at iriends and neighbors gathered at the 0r ange Hail here in honor oi the newlyweds Mr and Mrs Wil fred Peacock iormerly Margar et Sturgeon oi Churchill The iirst part of the evening was spent in playing euchre aiter which an interesting program of music readings and skit was given Wilfred and Mar garet were presented with coiice table and end tables to match short period at dancing and delicious lunch Harvey McLean attended th TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE WEDNESDAY NOVERLBKR too The omlnl Show 430 Nanett EM Rania Dazzle HAD Huckleberry Hound News Headlines L00 Provincial Allahs Farm MITRE REPDrt New Doll Jsmlcson Weather Sports Pierre lierten lha LIW anti Mr Jones alumini Father Pilydlta Perry Cami News iiimin Dtploratlons CBC TV News The Walthermln lodsy to arts Community nws Hllhway Patrol nunsnAY NOVEMBER Test Pattern Romper steam Papaya and Pals Noonds Re ort News oat er Sports Farm Regain Coming cots Movie Selle Grands Dpu House School Telecast People and Places Rope Around the Sun The Womens Show Shirley Ahics Razzle Dazzle Dick Tracey News Headlines Man From Mars Farm Market Report News Don Jamieson Weather Sports Pierre Berton 777 The Flintstones The Real McCoys CFTO CHANNE WEDNESDAY movement £00 Professors Hideswsy 600 WhirlybIrdl 530 sports 640 Walthlr FFféEpesss 333338383 lauqu errs as oesseszsees If someone you know is moving Ainde cant1th wmwamam wlllhalpthemï¬elu hem Joinio carrying on our oonmiunityatraditioosl with ofhoagétaliw Tell aleoma an the name and ed so of may lmow who an mowing PIA 66302 WELCOME WAGON brought the enjoyable evening to close We welcome the 300 sso v00 limo mso lloo 1115 My 7am san ino Dcienders Country Junction Dangerous Robin one News rn Weatherman Today in Sports oammuai News use Naked ciy FRIDAY Novasozn 1045 Test Pattern 1100 Romper Room 1200 Popeye Ind Plil 30 Noondny on News Wes In Sports rim Reg Comm ants lilovis so Plundenrs Open Hours Pl lritl Ernie Fried Giant Sing It Around ThsWonieos snow Kim mm gush own opeyas l1th Heaggogm DPEYII ram Market Report News Don Jamlesoo Weather an Pier Be on Father Knows em Donna RIM Show Count lioedown Car Tommy Ambrose Telephnoe Hour The oatanttvel CBC TV News The Weatherman Today in Sports Cummunlty News 11 Movie An Act oi Murder TORONTO 85 By Plum Berton aso News Bachelor Father 20 Questions 11 sunset strip zlgln Pinyhouse Paths or Glory The Detective News Weather Men of Destiny Better Late THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10 News rm me Easy Channel Nine Theatre Somewhere lil mo You Science Fiction Th New Protessors Hideaway Whirlyhlrds Sports Weather By Pier Bum News The Real Macon Showdown Theatre At Ellht Down the River ll Four Piaylnfl Mitch Miller News Weather Spam Man of Destiny Better Lat PPFEPrirS cpspetriersaiap 828383 assessesosss on Sports use r5 328251838333 23 raise999m FF ass Free And Easy channel Theatre End of this Analr Brothers Brannilsn News Proteswrs HideWI Whtrlyhlrds Sports Weather By Pierre Berton News Lou Alan Show Welt com wagon train Have Gun Will Tnvel Country Style Law and Mr Jones News Welfllfl Sports Better Late Elglo Playhouse Min Sadie Thompson 22 es FFFEPPFSSsnsnshs Egassssssshssssa cnnnmn Miss Yilll It your eartlerhasIn please PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Deilvered To Eons Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE jWVALLEYTAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS Tr An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA $2414 at arrived by pm phone youngcoupietoourmidstsnd wishthernmuchhsppineu Nicholson who his been with Mr sod Mrs Wil liam Peaock ior some time returned to Toronto on Sunday Mrs Pearl Qinnioxhlm of Al llston visited recatlywith Peacocks Mr and Mrs Poland Ind ismin oi King spent the week end at Peanocks UTOPIil GOLDEN WEDDING happy Went oi interest to many Utopia people was heid in Oshawa last Saturday when Mr and Mrs Tom Jones celebrated their 50th golden wedding day surrounded large iamlly oi 1le marri and grandchildren Tom was born on Essa sixth line across irom the school and has three sisters Annie thin Nash oi Gait Nellie oi Hamilton and Eliza the iormer Mrs Wee Carruthers oi Oshawa and Wil liam and Dave oi Barrie Sunday noon at st Georges Anglican Church service Rev ll Hfllpfl oiiiclated at christening service ior Sandra Jean daughter at Sgt and Mrs Vern Welland NancyEl lea daughter oi Mr and Mrs Harvey nirnbuil Daisy Jane daughter oi Mr and Mrs An dy lakatos Jr and James Wil liam son oi Mr and hire Wil liam Gallop Mrs Jack Ellis oi Barrio entertained at stark shower or Mrs Jack lllrons oi Scar boro Dempster came home irom Royal Victoria Hospital on Friday but sorry to report he lsln poor health His daughter Mary Olson cams down from Kenora via lCA to Malton Monday morning to he with him Mr and Mrs Edward Denney and Donna oi Toronto called on the Jack Ellies Sunday CRAIGHURST Dr and Mrs Thomas Dunn were in Barrie on Saturday to be with Mr and bin William Walt and help celebrate th golden wedding Mrs Walt is Mr Dunns sister number irom the village attended the tea and bazaar in Dalston on Saturday Mr and Mrs Robert Graves attended nlecoa wedding in Peterboro on Saturday Mr and hire Arthur Snide spent the weekend in Peterboro Francis Shanalian and Stirling McCauley an north on the sn nual deer hunt Misses Jeanette Jensen Sheila Craig and Sandra Kirton attend ed meeting and service at St Giles Church in Barrie tor the GA on Sunday WOMENI lNElTlUTE Heeling oi the Womens lo stituie will be held at Mrs Klrtoos Nov 18 Motto Wil dom is gained imm old mis takes Comment Mrs Coward Roll call Whos who in the W1 Program Mrs Kirton an Mrs Tattoo Demonstration hirs Gaston Recreation Mrs Craig Drew Mrs Ellsmere Lunch Sandwiches Mrs Sin ton cake Mrs Caston TORONTO EXHIBIT Mr East oi the Antique Shop is in Toronto with an exhibit oi beautiful pieces showing at Cara Lame The shop will be closed or low days The sympathy oi the village is attended to Mr and Mrs Arthur Snider who received word on Sunday at the death oi their son Bill in Alberta Mr and Mrs Harvey Prince and Gayle spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cur rie Baldwin Mr and Mrs Cliii Brown and iamily of Barrie visited Era Castons on Sunday CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER West dealer NorthSouth minerable roam Res me 74 AQJSS ¢os veos canes sass Boom can use goes as new West North East Pa so Dlia so Pass Opening lead two oi dia moods Cuebids can sometimes made to serve useful purpose when there is no better bid available For example observe Norths predicament alter South made takeout double and West bid three diamonds North had right to assume his side had game some where but could not he sure whether it was in pades hearts or clubs Rather than try to guess the best contract he cuebid diamonds to fence South to make the choice South responded tour dos and that became the contract West led diamond East took the ace and then led the queen which held Next played the nine of hearts and Souths king lost to the ace sons van axnos 4x1o1 South West knew he could not al iord to return heart since Easts play of the nine was ob viously his highest heart So West did as well its he could by playing the king of diamonds iorcing dummy to Deelarer cashed the KQ of spades overtaking the second one draw two more rounds of trumps and cashed the queen oi hearts to produce this posi tion No 30 East homatcrial ii was or 41 South had already lost three tricks and had to make the rest to make the contract He knew he had Westiilndieg the gun because West was marked by the early plays to have the jack of hearts and by the bidding to have the king of clubs Declarer played his last trump and West was iorced to makea discord He could not spare the jack oi hearts be cause diunmys ten would then be good So West discarded in club South thereupon discarded th ten of hearts took club iinesse and made the last three tricks with the AQJ of clubs Tomorrow What can heat me DAILY CROSSWORD amass Lites an 31m it Biblical nan pun 1a Girls name Carnal 1411 mm drlvl 15 Constella One tlon Arlen horned moiy an hm wine uwnd Overalls sheep mainrlal India mBehuldl 3818 in SI Fanale Cetus Greek Iva Lehman 8m wanna nanna ï¬lill ï¬lflflfll allï¬nï¬ LARRY BRANNON amiable DONALD oucx BUZ SAWYER JULIET JONES Jam nus Loom rum or us warns Looms ItIADiltGv xa ALI set rise MEI IL7 PACK 10 MVWIFEAND HNETNINGANHENIW WWGWER GETYOU FINGER FEW OALlNG XE LETS ALL Liar oven To THE MILK eso THE TEAMS nls ONTHE DAD LEAVE MY Desic BY THE ALLOWANCE Muses AND SKEETER Insomnianae ï¬lm aimlwu LOOIEINFOR HWM HEMCOME YOU HELD YOUR HANDS UP WHEN YOUTOLD GRANDMA SHE WAS PRETTY YOIJRE LOOKIN PRE ITV TPAY GRANDMA DIDNT HAVE ANY on LOOK suz suoius noose inn Peoriaiv DELIElirFtiL sewers anneal yomre animus THEARE EODAS row uremey Fan M5 was sans erF cm WANTED HERT SEE MY FINGERS CROSGEP HELL aeu EVE ANYTH no DiCilt UP MY CIAL SECURITY CHECK ITS SAFER THAT WAY IF SHES CARRYIN AN UMBRELLA