LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy with few clear inter vals tomorrow Aw tonight Li High Thursday 38 For lull summary turn to page two OUR TELEPHONES lor Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA me to telephone number to call for the humour or Editorial Dept ll PA 6517 97th YearNo 16 HOLLYWOOD HOMES RllVllG score or more houses on Stradella Road in LotAn geles BelAir section are in rulns as the aftermath of the worst fire in Los Angelcs his tory Others near the top at ROBABTS TAKES oven TODAY Believe Allanapberts TORONTO CP John Roberts 44 today was sworn in as tnh premier of Ontario succeeding rctlrin Leslie Frusr TORONTO CPLAs the time approached for todays last cab inet meeting under retiring Premier Leslie Frost specula tionremainediifeontiitfcomT position of John Robaits that government Mr Iiobarts choices until Tuesday were secret even to ol tho appointees though thepremier designate insisted it wasnt secrecy per so its just that am trying to do this thing as rapidly as pos sible he told reporters When we reach one decision then we move on to the next one Mr Roberts education minis ler in the Frost cabinet was expected to take over from Mr Frost about pm EST as On tarios 17th premier IN NUTSIIE Neeereek To Recover JOHN ROBARTS Sworn in st speculatiorir predicted Mr Roberts will keep two of LL carbonic An American hunter and his Indian giude are expectedlto remain in hospital here tor week to recover lrorn nineday ordeal while lost in the hush Elwyn Myers as of Pentwater Mich McIntosh were found Monday posute andThomasAStrong Li of uttering lrom latigue and are City Defeats Fluoridation SALT LAKE CITY AP Fluoridation the citys water system was soundly defeated in an election Tuesday vote from 183 to 203 voting units tion to 31338 opposed The was 8770 in favor of fluorida Dynamite Charge Discovered AJACCIO Corsica Reuters covered here today not fartrom dynamite charge was dis the spot where French Presi dent Charles de Gaullc was addressing big crowd Calls For Technical Training KITCHENER called Tuesday night for more to fit young people torthe shiit industrial work Senator Olive Irvine of Winnipeg technical training in Canada irommanual to highly skilled Whitton Uses Emergency Powers OTTAWA GP Mayor Charlotte Whitlon ergcncy powers has appointed as temporary coordinator of th ures Organisation her em Police Chief Reginald Axcell capitals Emergency Meas School Board Chairman Resigns TORONTO lCP Robert Bradley Ontarios llrst Roman Catholic chairman of public school board is resigning Dec 31 from the suburban North York board of education said he is resigning because be He ï¬nds his job as assistant dir ector of public housing for the province is taking him out of town more and more and be time with his familyas possible would like to spend as much Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday Novombor 1961 BY FIRE the hill escaped the flames AP Wirephoto his principal opponents in the recent Progressive Conserva ivc party leadership convention in their old portfoliosJames Allan as provincial treasurer and Kelso Roberts as attorney general The consensus is that with Commerce and Development Ministerillrl kl eï¬having an nounced plans to retire his portfolio will be filled by an other leadership candidate En ergy Resources Minister Mac aulay Mr Nickle Agriculture Min ister Goodfellow and Labor Min ister Daley are mentioned as likely ministers without portfo rlio possibly as senior advisets to more yoiithtulcabinet Mr Robarts 44 is expected to retain at least temporarily the education portfolio he as sumed two years ago Some other guesses That the mines portfolio left vacant by the death of James Meloney will go to either Rhea Eelisle member or Nickel Belt or Allister Johnston veteran member for Parry Sound rid ing MAY GET TRANSPORT That Allan Grossman minis ter without portfolio will get portfolio possibly transport in shuffle that will see Transv port Minister Rowrttree move to Highways and HighwaysMinis ter Casstolabcr And that Huron ridings Charles McNaughton close friend of Mr Robarts will enter theycabinet minus portfolio HOUSTON Tex AP tanker and freighter carrying explosive chemicals and oil col lided in the Houston ship rehan not Tuesday night Fire virtu ally destroyed one ship but zuished One man was reported killed The collision injured 25 per sonsftheCoast Guard said but only ï¬ve required hospital treat ment Late Coast Guard reports in dicated nins men were unac counted for Atieast three women and child were aboard All the hospital cases were from the Union Reliance 49+ footJreighter of Nationalist Chl nese registry bound for New Orleans The other ship is tho 900Mon blaze in the tanker was extin President Out Interim Head llssumes Post GUAYAQUIL AP Camila Gallegos Toledo president of the Supreme Court look olllcetodny as Ecuadors interim president with the backing of the armed forces President Jose Maria Velsscc ibarra quit Tuesday night on dcr pressure of rising violence and opposition He now has been elected to the presidency four times and thrown out three times Army leaders decided to sup port Gallegos Later Gen Gon zalo Villacls director of the Na tlonnl Military Academy an nounced the armys decision to the country by radio Gallegos was reported to be making up cabinet llst repre senting all parties in an effort to restore peace to this strife torn country By backing the court presi dent the army passed over both Velasco lbarra and leftleaning Carlos Julio Arosemens tho vicepresident Gallegos was second in succession to the pres idency alter Arsemena Mayllave liClue To Police Puzzle BRADFORD SpeciallIdcn tllicatlon of skeleton found in Georgina Township Septem her Is has eluded Ontario Pro viocial Police experts since it was found in brush near Sut ton Ontario 34 his revealélb high however that Queehsvllle service station operator told police that hs recognized composite picture of possi ble victim as hearing strong resemblance to man who left his car at the service station lnMarch The operator said that the man was accompanied by two other men and that they appeared to be hunters Hcadded that the car still has not been claimed Chief ol Police Len Donner when questioned about this posv sible identiï¬cation said that this was just one of many leads thatpolice have been investi gating There is no more im portance attached to this than to any other evidence he added Democrats Deal Blow Beat Republicans In Elections By rue CANADIAN Pariss Democrats dealt stunning onetwo punch to the Republican party in two major elections in New York City and New Jersey Tuesday as voter unrest was apv parent in many parts of the United States Mayor Robert Wagner mildmannered man who sud denly turned tiger in his suc cessful campaign to end boss ism in city affairs was elected to third tour year term as mayor of New York City by sliflitly less than 400000 votes in threeway race Two Ships Collide Report Man Dead Norwegian tanker Berean bound for Houston WEATHERELEAR The ships rammed their bows together in clear weather Ships agents said 46 were aboard the Norwegian vessel including the captains wile and the couples louryearold son Michael while 52 were aboard the Chineeelreigbter Belgian ship the Luxem bourg whichrescued some sur vivors had picked up three women believed to be stew ardess mess girl and Ger man womanwho was passen ger on the Bereanx The Union Reliance was al lowed loburnitsé1l outg The Berean tire was extin guished by 430 ism and the ship was able to movn awayum der its own power coats metres 1112 Therm Ex amour Govt Passes Yard Shelters OTTAWA CWFallout shelt ers for your backyard are going on sale in Canada with the fed eral governments stamp at up proval and financing assist under thc National Housing Act Civil defence officials figure lhey will cost considerably more than shelters built in basements But by going underground they will provide considerably more protection against radioactive fallout The govemments Emergency Measures Organiuilion soon will be issuing booklet describing two types at backyard shelters onc below ground the other above it also has approved about isdeslgna prepared by privatefimis which aim to sell them commercially The government housing ag ency Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation also has informed builders that home improvement loans handled by banks under the National Houslt ing Actwill he extended to cover EMO approved outdoor shelters on the same terms as basement ones The Emergency Measures 0r ganization estimates the cost oi its below ground shelter at about $2000 and the above ground one at slightly less if the owner builds it himscli QUOTE VARIOUS PRICES Sornc private manufacturers are quoting prices at around $500 and snobplus the cost at excnvntlon and installation The EMO design for an under ground shelter calls for poured concrete floor and walls and steelreinlorced concrete coiling strong enough to hold up two or three feet of earth The aboveground design has double wall at concrete blocks tied together with steel rods with the space between the dou his well filled withearth or gravel The ceiling is either concrete slab or timber topped off with layer of earth or gravel EMOofiiclals see an ad ditional safety tactor in back yard shelters as compared1 to basement ones in cases of blast damage to the house there wouldnt he the samerisk ol being trapped in the basement Propose American Common MONTREAL CPJ Acomb man market linking the continf ents of North and South Amer ica was proposed Tuesday night by Associate DefenceMinister Sveigny This could help solve trade problems posed for Canada by the EuropeaIrCominon Market and at the same time win Latin America for7democracy he said in speech to theQuebec As sociation Prolessionelle dos lu dustrleis Mr Sevignyywho attended an August conference of the Organ ization at American States in Punta del Esta Uruguayns Ca nadian government observer stressed that his ailifor com mOn market of the Americas is personal viewpoin Ashad been expected he breeaed past Republican Louis Lefkowitz and independent Lawrence Gerosa but his margin wasmore than 500000 votes less than in 1957 when there were only two major can dldates New Jersey elected its ï¬rst Roman Catholic governor avDe mocrat in major upset that saw President Kennedys deci sion to personally back the ner payoft BEATS MITCHELL Richard Hughesa little known Liberal Democrat knocked oft nationallynknown liberal Republican James Mitchell also Catholic in cliffhanger finish Hughes former judge won by less comment votesjn pallet more than 2000000 Ken nedy himself the first Catholic ever to be elected presidentot the United States carried the state by only votes ayear ago tipth parties had used heavy artillery in the New Jerséy campaign Kennedy and former president Truman campaigned for Hughes Former president Eisenhower stumped for Mitch ell Virginia voters followed tradi tion by giving Democrat Alber tis Harrison Jr and the state organization of Sen ator Harry ByrtLa onesided victory over Republican HL Clyde Pearson in the racetor governor in Kentuekyhoufever Hepub licans ended 28 years of Demo cratic rule lnfLou sville by sweeplng into themayors ofï¬ce and otherva posts Market is Latin America he said era are about 200000000 peo ple who notonly need our pro ductsbut whoin addition are eagerJor closer relationship with Canada on both the eco nomic andcommercial levels and the cultural intellectual and sociallevels WORLD NEEDSVyVS Theieis awholéworld there which needs us just as we need it An insatiable demand ex isted in the Latin countries or just about everything Canada could produce bu stable trade agreements would be required if Canadians wished to olier their commodities at tive prices It is very late in South Amer ica for democracy as we under stand it and it may even be too late Mr Sevigny said Tens of millions there did not know the luxuries and advant ages of North America Desper ate men with nothing wereal ways ready to throw themselves into the aims of anyone offering the prospect of betterlife If we do not want commun Not More Than por Copy10 Pages UEEN Will TOUR DESPITE BOMBING Sandys Tells Government Security Arrangements OK MNDON CE The Queen will pay an liday visit to Ghana stoning Thursday as scheduled despite scriesol bomb blasts in the troubled West African nation it was an nounced today The announcement was made by Prime Minister Macmillan in the House of Commons Earlier he had heard first hand report on security ar rangemean from Common wealth Sccretary Duncan San dys who returned from Ghanas capital or Accra this morning Four explosions npparently aimed at the government at Présidcnt Kwame Nkrumzlh were set all in Accra Saturday night and Monday night Macmillan said oftho Queen She has never been deterred in undertaking previous tours because of personal risk to her self which is inevitable espev ciolly when great crowds as semble RISK N0 GREATER The government has reached the conclusion that the degree of risk attaching to this tour is no greater than that which has beenpresent in many of her previous journeys Macmillan added Macmillan said the Queens salety was the primary consider ation although no royal tour lswithout risk He added 0n the inlrmation and ad vlceavailable to it the govern ment has formed the viewthe explosionsdonotrindicate an gt intention to perpetrate acts of violence during the Queens visit which would endanger Her Maj estys safety The cancellation of this visit would serioust mpair the in valuable contributionsrnade by the Queens journeys toward strengthening of the ties which bind together people of the Commonwealth The primeminlster said the dectsmt 0301319 ï¬lth the Tonic of made alter consulta tion with all other Common wealth prime ministers with no government objecting On behalf of the whole House we send the Queen our warmest good wishes for the success at her West African tour and safe return Macmillan said 0p osltion Labor party leader Hu Gaitskell joined in Wish in the Queen safe and suc cessful trip ead for the trip after 48v ho security check by Sandys Sandys made his report fol lowing personal assessment of the political atmosphere in the African country The clinching factor it was said was the slow automobile ride Sandys took Tuesday throughthe streets of Accra at ammo announced the go the side of President Kwame ism towin territory beside us it is time to act Nkrurnah That ride produced Lduring formatted iconic at Andre Base yesterday executive and hls cheers and smiles lrom the peo ple not sullen frowns The cabinet discussions were secret but the outline of Sandy report was known Macmillan carried the llnal responsibility for in whether or not the trip shall go on The prime minister will re port his decision later today to the House of Commons after coï¬lerring with the Queen her 50 The cabinet meeting lasted 45 minutes and Macmillan looking cheerful drove to Buckingham Palace to tell the Queen his de cision Sandys and Nknimah Wes day drove along the route planned tor the royal procession in Accra which as been decked with hundreds ol British Ghnnainn and Commonwealth tings Outsido Parliament they stoppedto inspect damage to litesize statuoof Nkrurnah caused by one of the bomb ex plosions Saturday night Milling crowds lined the routs of the tour shouting Showboy term of affection in Ghana at the president firm indication that the royal visit would goahead as planned was given in Accra Tuesday with thelarrival of the royal yacht hritanniavat the port of Takoradi pAivs BUILDING NEW YORK APTCBS has announced plans to consolidate tiered television and uction lacilities in $145oo000 centre hcre Dr Frank Stanton 468515 ident announced Tuesday thatvwork will beginnext month on production centre between Seth and 57th streets on this StillfDisagree WASHINGTON AP Presi dent Kennedy and Prime Min ister Nehru reported to be still in disagreement over ways to achieve nuclear test han crammed an extrameeting to day into their schedules The talk will bethe third sesZ sion between the two men They had not been scheduled to get together again until Thursday So tarchnnedygt and Nehru have discussed most of the ma jor problems of the cold war including$°utheast Asia Berlin and nuclear testing Thelalter was one of the points Tot sharpest disagreement between the United Statesrand India betore Nehrujs iarrival Monday The issue test ban treaty with controls which the USwanls vsfa voluntary mar atorium which india ieelsis ths immediate need ftcerot the Battle Group 3rd infantry is hetvvcenthem AP Wirephoto