if to years hasygiven BARBIE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE ATTENDS COURSE An annual refresher course for public health nurses on maternal health and child care conducted by the On tarlo Department of Health was held at St Josephs Hos pital nurses residence in ronto Among those attendA lag the course from this area were from the left llilss Marylin Moore Muskoka Dis trict health unit bliss Jen neiie Gillespie Slmcoe Count health unit llirs Jean Phl lipls Dufferln County health un Encourage Women Of India To Enter The Professions SAINT JOHN NJ CF Dr Jagdlsh Shah and Dr Niiam Shah Indian husband and wife resident doctors at the Saint John General Hospital lay the women of India enioy more freedom and higher status than Canadian women We encourage our women to enter the professions the hus band said in an interview They have special talents dif ferent from mens but equally valuable Women doctors in In dia rank just as high profeslt alonally as men and have voice in our medical councils have noticed that in Can ada professional woman no matter how gifted is almost In variably regarded as lower than man in the same profession and simply because she Is woman Dr Nilnm so known at the hospital to distinguish her from her husband scorns Westem romance love marriages and baby sitters Arranged mar riages as in India succeeded because compatibility kindred interests and background were deciding factors in most cases PARENTS APPROVED Cura was not planned marriage but it was founded on mutual Interests and ambi tions and it had the full ap proval of both sets of parents The planned marriage is us ually successful because the couple wor to win each others esteemand affection She feels mental Hines is in creasing In North America be cause the home is no longer haven or the family close unit Children lacked the secu rity of warm home life with affection felt and shown by both parents especially the mother There was lack of solilt darii and firm guidance such as prevailed in even the poor est home in India There is too much habysit ting while parents go off to leo 01d Roman Custom Vanishes Girls Choose Own Husbands ROME Reuters The old custom of parents selecting their daughters husbands is dy ing out here as the Italian sen oritas show greater tendency to pick their own mates The economic boom of the last chance of econo ic indepen dence Now they find plenty of jobs where they mix freely with other young persons They are no longer the home girls they once were meeting only the suitors selected by father and mother The result has been that the bride being led to the altar to day is probably nearing her midtwentiesI instead of being in her late teens as she used to be Iler groom will probably be about 28 They may have met in an of ficeor in coffee bar or ras taurant at lunch Only after they the rgirlsriher become well acquainted do their parents meet their future son or daughter in law URBAN PHENDMENON This phenomenon is more common in the cities than in the country but even In rural ar the lure of work in the towns and cities results in young persons leaving and finding their own marriage partners Whether the lovematches are more satisfactory than arranged marri es is hard to determine since vorce which would be good indicator is not allowed in Italy There is legal separation but it is not popular way out of an unhappy marriage and it does not free the parties marry again Last year only about 9500 couples sought sep aration low figure compared with the 40000 marriages that were recorded WOMAN DCTOR GETS GRANT Dr Irene Ucblda Vancouv erborn Japanese Canadian is winning international recog 11an for her work in gene etlca the study of heredity The US health dcpurimeni has granted her $273100 for her work In the next five years Here Dr Uehida holds chart of genetic symbols in her toneroom laboratory at Winnipeg Childrens Hospital where she heads the medical genetics department grandchildren ioy themselves outside the home Character was built at home by parents and not by schools or other institutions Dr Nilam also deplored the fact that the modern Western home seldom has room for older folk The small ataturcd woman wears her hair In braids with sandals and white sari topped while on duty by white uni form coat She and her hus band now In their third year on this continent plan to set up private hospital In India She will head the obstetrics gynaecology and pediatrics dc partment while her husband will be director of internal medicine TODAYS RECIPE Toronto Wedding CBIOLI MEAT MAP onions finely chopped cloves garlic finely chopped tbsp celery finely chopped tbsp parsley finely chopped bay leaves thyme or dry ppers crushed We lbs gro Mei Method Mix first Items together and add half of it to meat Mix well Place in loaf pan Wllh second half add up flour and then brown Add can tomatoes Stir well simmer minutes Remove bay leaf Add is or over meat rug and Bake 50 or so minutes 143 HO Sgu lera LA Camp Bordon Children Need Of Local Interest wedding of local interest took place recanti at Fair bnnk United Chur Toronto when Min Glenna Lynne Sarn erl became the bride of Tborn as luau coin The bride if the daughter of Orville BotTiers anddaughlar of the late and Mrs William Samara Thornton and the late Mr and hire Hamilton Young Strand Mrs William Hunter Thornton is gerntaunt of the bride The bridegroom Is the son of Mn Alfred Km and Thomas hchIll standards of white muma and gladloll adorned the church Mutual Share In Adult Family Living Last summer Mrs Myers and spent an afternoon at sum mer cabin by small lake with family of children 12 eight seven and five years of age their parents and grandparents The children all ate heartily None got up and ran about All remained at the table until the end of the mall No one tried to leave When dessert was served the youngest helped the other children clear the table and bring the dessert Every person including the guests shared In companionv obla relaxed conversation each child speaking with ease and poise and there were abundant smiles and laughter Mutual re gard for every other one prey ent as precious person After all had finished the mioher saw the three younger children off to bed and they were not heardfrom further During the few hours before dinner each child seemed to be at something he liked to do AMUBE THEMSELVES The eldest girl helped her mother and then amused her self at solitaire and reading The youngest bundle of hap piness spent some tlma cutting out paper dolls some at swing ing in the hammock some at following older persons about conversing with them and win nlng some cuddling The boy seven was out in about with his dad and helping him pack things in the car Each child had variety of satisfying outlets Hillsdale Keeping happy and looking on the bright side of life is the ad vice of golden anniversary cele brants Mr and Mrs Rolph Rumble of Hillsdale The cou ple agreed their 50 years of married life had sped by too quickly Mr and Mrs Rumble cele bratad their special day at open house at the residence of their son and daughterin iaw Mr and Mrs Donald Rumble MarySireet yesterday afternoon The celebrants were married at the home of the brides par ents the late Rev and Mrs John Nelson at Rama north of Oriliia The brides father officiated at the ceremony The late Mr Nelson served as missionary on an Indian re serve in Wall Creek Alberta where Mrs Rumble was born Mr Rumble was born in Hillsdale where he has resided all his life He is the son of the late Mrand Mrs Joseph Rum ble The celebrants operated Humbles mill at Hillsdale prior to his retirement The mill has been in the Rumble family for three generations The couple are active mem bers of the Hilisdale United Church where Mrs Rumble is member of the Womans Mis sionary Society and the Wo mans Auxiliary of which she is past president Mr Hum his is church elder They have two sons Donald of Barrie and Nelson of Nia gara Falls Out and five HOPE CHESTS The bridal or dower chest oed turies ago in Italian homes was often valuabla art piece carved by leading craftsmen In hurry or money Just phone Beneficial Get the cash you want fast One phone call and one visit to tbe ofliee does everything Call up or come in today YOURE THE BOSS AT BENEFICIAL 15 HATFIELD STREET Phone FArkway 85931 annals some converts on loans on new one tip to woo You loan can snailtuna BENEFICIAL NANCE 600 CANADA The Worlds Couple Mark Anniversary Among the congratulatory messages received was letter from Prime Minister John Dlef enbaker The couple also re ceived bouquet of yellow ros es from Medonte Township council and special anniver aary cake from Canada Bread was presented by The Barrie Examiner Limited heard no quarrellng during our several hours there new no roughhousing or chasing throth the cabin The parents and grandparents struck me as models of understanding and poise Although the young family had been spending several weeks at this cabin next to the cabin of the grandparents delt slrable basic standards were not reluxad GOOD MANNERS The children practiced in good manners and wholesome behav ior as they had practiced in such at their suburban borne though more freedoms were available of course at the cabin We have known the grand parents and the young parents for some years None of them has accepted the philosophy of excessive permissiveness The very fact that these children have been brought up with wholesome limitations makes It easy for them to enjoy so much freedom and have so many good times among themselves and with their parents grandparents and guests MODEL FAMILY During our aiay kept wiah ing there were way to put the whole group of children parents and grandparents in their phys ical setting an moving exhibit for other young parents to ob serve TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 52414 for the doublering ceremony performed by Rev Doyle son aulmd by Rev John Rennbnw Given in marriage by her father the bride wore hoop skirted full en gown of fli feta The so of the down was fashioned with hateeu neckline enhanced with aulnl and lily int sleeves Her fingertip yet of tulle li lusion was caught to sequined tina The bride carried can eade bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and trailing Ivy leaves The brides only attendant was her alsterlnl hire ThT matron of waits eagth gown of lime green organza with matching accessories she car ried crescent shaped bouquet of tea roses and bronze mums William Laverty was room man Robert Mollwnn and James Samara brother of the bride acted as ushers For the reception at Mayfair fan the brides mother receiv ed wearing sheath town of peacock blua chiffon over silk with matching accessories and sapphire mink stole Her cor saga was white carnation and baby mums Assisting the hridegrooma mother was attired In gown of magenta taffeta matching accessories and pastel mink stole Her corsaga was pink roses Outofcity guests included Mr and Mrs Arthur McQuay Thomion llfr and Mrs Donald Secord Ottawa Mr and Mrs Frederick Ryckmao Buffalo New York OLD CAKE MAKERS common method of making sweat cake In past centuries was to combine fruits and sea sonings with bread dough Ask your doctor about our pharmacy next time in writ Wurrilitifln for Pro ripiiunl picked and delivered In of char CUSDENS PHARMACY II Dunlap PA SJ Collie Bf FA Halo RUMBLINGS from ROCK ROLL RANCH nearGRUMBLE HILL RR THORNTON Ontario It has become my custom to divide my time during the summer months between our Farm and the Office The opportunity of enjoying sunshine and fresh air while seeing to the farm operations is much appreciated Now that Fall is hereI am time back in the Office full Edwin Wilson BSA D0 Doctor of Osteopathy TIE HAITI EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER 1m PLAN NOVEMBER WEDDING THE ENGAGEMENT has been announced of Miss Mary Patricia Sinclair elder daughs ter of Mr and llira JACKIE TO VISIT WASHINGTON AP Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy wife of the president will leave around Nov 10 for visit of about two weeks to india and Pakistan the White House announced Friday The announcement said she will go In private and personal capacity for the purpose of vis iting educational and research centres NEHRU LEAVES BOMBAY Reuters Indian Prime Minister Nehru left here by air today for London and Washington for talks with Brit ish Pemier Harold Macmillan and United States President Kennedy Sinclair of Weston to John Robert Ferris son of Mr and litre Ferris of Barrio Central United Church Wes ton will be the setting for the marriage Nov 25 oneness BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY SICK FRI ENDS or iN APPRECIATION Cali FENDLEYS FLOWERS 14 Blake St Barrie PA $5715 STYLE STRANSMIIN SELECTION run TRIMMEP COATS When It Comes To Coats Coma To Strnnsmans STRANSMANS 44 DUNLOF ST Fines WATER HEATERS NO INTERRUPTION iN SUPPLY MODERN GLEAMINGBLUE ENAMEL TANK Vund Theyre GAS RENT in AUTOMATIC NATURAL GAS WATER HEATER ONLY HEATS WATER 3TIMES FASTER CAPACITY 25 IMP GALLONS PER dMONTII 75 ADJUSTABLE THERMOSTAT REnHEATSI lN AN HOUR Your Gas company does not employ doortodoor salesmen nor talaphono anvassars For information about dealers licensed by gas equipment call or write the Sales Dopar tmont of 67 TORONTO ST the On farlo Fuel Board tonli onsumets®as YOULL ALWAYS BE GLAD YOU CHOSE NATURAL GAS and install natural pi 56553