SIR OSWALD MOSLEY lea der oi the British Union of Fascists takes the fascist as into in Londons Eaton Square during protest march in the early 1930s Behind him are three of his lleutenants The movement which never had an active membership of Passionate Intensity Key To Fascism Start By DOUG MARSHALL LONDON CF Jackboots click arms shoot skywnrd in Fascist salute and vs cocky sharp featured man with trim moustache reviews his ranks of Blackshirts before launching spacing protest march against the Jews The time is 1930 the place is not Berlin but londons pov ertystricken East End and the man is Sir Oswald Mosley leader of the British Union of Fascists The march down Stepneys Cable Street bitterly opposed by leftwing counterdemonstra tors finally led the Blackshlrts over the precipice of serious ncss into the pit of public ridi cule and contempt Today it seems incredible that Mosley end Fascism should ever have found support in Britain at all But new book by Colin Cross The Fascists in Britain tells how MOSIEY the brilliant failure of British politics was able to attract number of in telligent people and make Fas cism nearly serious ht Britain for time INSTRUMENT OF STEEL Part of the explanation lies in the world situation Old or ders had changed new ones proved ineffectual and economic arises were cutting deep into the social soul of Europe Fascism success fully im posed by Hitler and Mussolini seemed an instrument of steel that could save society by forging disillusioned frag mentsintoiTlieruiiï¬ity called the corporate stat Despite Britains relative sta bility this philosophy gained some weight here in the early 1930 it was the autumn of Empire and the winter of polit ical discontent The Right had blundered and the Left had no thing new to suggest Most of the young leaders who should have been solving the problems lay dead in Flanders Said Yeats of the few who had suvrlved The best lnck all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity Passionate intensity is the key to llioslsys traglcomic career intelligent rich and fascinating ho was wellconnected by more ringe and possessed plenty of courage and drive QUIT LABOR PARTY Credltahie war service was followed by an ambitious period in Parliament during which he emerged in 1930 as Junior minister in the Labor cabinet At that time he produced an economic master plan that would end the depression in Britain by implementing high tariff barriers and rigid state planning The planwas re jected impatiently Mosley resigned created his own New Party and was soundly beaten in the 1931 General Election He then formed the British Union of Fascists out of scattered re actionary elements hypnotized by Hitlerism Crass argues that Mosley had he stayed with the Labor Party would almost certainly have become its leader some day and would have presided over postwar social revolution He had the talent for leader ship in Parliament but not the character By 1932 political frustration had laid bare streak of insolent arrogance bordering on egomania Tbs passionate selfregard transformed Mosley almost over night from Westminsters bright prospect to coarse minded rabblemuser withino respect for the constitution LOST SUPPORT The intellectual support that his vaguely defined ideas once attracted declined rapidly Later all but the most fanatic of his followers became dis gusted by the antisemitism mob violence rCross utimates that at its peak the BUFs active membership did not ex ceed 5000 What administered the coup SEARCHES FOR TREASURE Robert Restall 55 year old former Hamilton steel worker emerges from one of the many shafts on Oak land in search for the leg endary multi million dollar treasure of Captain Kidd Restall has spent two years and about $25000 in his hunt on the island off the Nova Scotia coast 25 miles south west of Halifax CP Photo iitical do grace to Mosleys move ment Cross thinks was news Germany coupled with basic British distaste for Fascisms inherent intolerance Mosley spent the war in detention camp and later sub merged from public view Ho surfaced during the 1959 elec tion campaign to run for Parl iament on racial platform advocating deportation of West Indians Mosley followers in young thugs sparked several racial brawls but their leader received less than 3000 of the 35000 ballots cast in the London constituency of North Kenslng ton Today the Mosleyites shrill cries occasioally pierce ear drums but the publics general opinion is reflected by historian Hugh TrevorRoper Why should we bother about him now We have done with him he would do better to keep silence Ask Expansron Of Education NIAGARA FALLS Ont GP Expansion of Jewish education above and below present age limits was urged Sunday at the eighth regional education con ference of the Canadian Jewish Congress Resolutions were adopted call ing for Jewish education pro gtamsjn the four to sixyear old and 13 to 16yenrnid age groups They also recommended for mation of parentteacher groups and called for study into training program for voluntary teachers The Jewish education pro gram is earried on after regular public school hours Operation Of Car Cheaper in West OTTAWA CP Go West poor motorist Its the cheapest place to operate car The Bureau of Statistics said today the average cost of taxes and licences required to open ate motor vehicle in Canada was $105 lastyearabout the same as in 1959 All the western provinces were below the average All the eastern provinces were above The figures include gasoline taxes and registration fees and such Biggest bite was Newfound lands at 5131 followed by New Brunswick $126 Nova Scotia $117 Ontarios average was $113 All provincial and territorial governmentjevenues from li cences and fuel taxes last year totalled $560339000 up five per cent from 1959 Political Union Not French Plan PARIS ReutersFrance Sa turday took pains to make it clear toBritain that plan for political union being studied by the six nations of the European Common Market is not French plan French officials made the clarification amid reports of sus Dicion between France and Brit ain over moves for political un ity in theCommon Market be fore British membership is de cided Details of the working paper on the proposed European p0lt union have not been dis closed but it is understood to provide for regular meetings of the heads ofgovornment and of foreign ministers Decisions would be taken by unanimous vo be of Hitlers terror tactics in more than 5000 withered away after series of anti semitie brawls in Londons East End Photo GETS HIS WISH IS EXECUTED SAN QUENTIN Calif AP James Kendrick convicted slayer of highway patrol man beat his Christmas deadline with time to spare He set it himself last sum mer in plea to be exe cuted dont want mercy he wrote in handvprinled peti tion want action If they dont do It soon 111 have to buy more Christ mas cards The 31yearold killer was convicted of the 1960 slaying of California Highway Patrol man Richard Duvall who flagged him down in southern California for speeding At the time Kendrick was fleeing holdup around Lake Tahoe and Reno Nev He shot Duvall as three times at close range in prison he wrote judge it was cruel and unusual pun ishment to keep him on death row and not tell him when he would die He asked for action and got it The date was set for Fri day At 1002 am they dropped the pellets in the gas diam her Twelve minutes later Ken dridr was pronounced dead DONGO mum TWOLI italy APDongo one of three 10yearold ele phants in the PalmirIBenne wels travelling circus was elec trocuted Sunday when he grabbed high tension cable with his trunk He reached out from stall next to the main arena and made contact with the cable Urge Tighter Regulations On Highway Transportation By ARCH MACKENZIE OTTAWA CF Steps to tighten rcgulatio governing transport of radioactive ma terialshighway transport is the big gaHre being planned as result of mnference hero of federal and provincial officials in the first conference of its kind federal dad provincial au thorities concerned with pubic health protection in the growing field of radioactive materials and xrays met here tart month Only Ontario has any degree of statutory controls for truck transport of rodioisotopes said conference paper which sug gested federal agency should go to work on uniform regula tions or that the 10 provinces adopt the necessary measures More than 60 delegates at fended the meeting misting legislation gaps and overlap pings in the federal and provin cial fields were reviewed and proposals made to strengthen protection against radioactive accidents and routine exposures in industry and elsewhere N0 FATALITIES Canada has not had single fatality attributed to radioactiv ity so far although there have been few cases of serious tis sue damage to radiation work ers and some overexposure of more minor nature officials here said Most are blamed on negli gence says the radiation pro tection division of the national health department responsible for maintaining health standards in use of radioactive materials Since the start of thls year the dlvision has received more than 800 applications for approval of the use of radioisotopes in each case any hazard is checked There has been steady growth in such applications for the last eight years Usage to day indicated by 1960 statistics breaks down Info about 40 per cent for research 37 per cent for medical work and 22 per cent for industry The remaining one per cent is miscellaneous shift in these proportions is anticipated as industry turns in creasingly to use of radioiso tapes Measurements of metal thicknesses and detection of gas line leaks are just two exam ples PRMECT WORKERS More than 12000 Canadians now work with radioisotopes and xrays All workers handling radio active materials are required to wear radiationmeasurement device which is checked regu larly as precaution against sc etnnulationof acessivo Expos ure Many xvray workers also take advantage of this monitor ing service provided by the fed oral health department The Atomic Energy Control Act governs use of radioactive materials and the atomic en ergy control board leans on its health advisers to enforce the regulations In the case of highways which are under provincial jur isdictionthe provinces cooper ate as in other aspects of re dioactive hanging precautionsk Tight federal coverage is pro °m some HOME 10 suuoco comrom ooosoooooo Sonoeo blondedhanllngaii gives iesn svan heat all season long Manama mm HEATING filo monomer Wm mrsmslendodslunnga Carolin the SARJEANTGO LTD MARY 51 PA 82461 PAvvouR Bins WITH MONEY or well even pay them for you Simply arrange gt Household Flnance loan to cover all your unpaid bills then pay them off 01 if you wish well even mail cheques to the people you owe at no extra costWhat wonderful feeling lgettlng those bills oï¬yourmlnd and doing business with HFC com panyyoucantrust Life insurance available at low group rate Aim uynna mm it upon mitt374 Aug MONTHLY PAYMENT ItANi 12 so arms Half mtbr was 4145 6881 20146 12941 9462 22893 14705 117152 ad and lntlm and min mun HOUSEHOLD nuancei 14 Manager as Dunlap sou Wort Tllupilonl 535 BARRIE vided for the railways mails vessels and airilncai But in highways only Ontario through its Highwny Traffic Act has any measures for en forcing safety rules in road transport of radioistopes and Ontario plans to expand these LEGAL OBSTACLES conference paper by Dr Ghosh of the radiation protection division noting the constitutional barrier to uniform road regulations warned that trucks are frequent carriers of radioactive materlaL Whether federal agency lined up uniform highway code or It was left to the prov inces he said it still would be up to some federal agency to act as national coordinator The protection division gives most attention to industrial aplt Americans Reiuie Red Space Flight WASHINGTON APlThe Na tional Aeronautics and Space Administration discounted Sa turday report that the Soviet Union had launched and lost space ship with three men aboard last month The New York WorldTale gram and Sun reported that government space experts are investigating information from agents in foreign countries indi cating the space shp was sent intoorbit Oct 14 it said ultra high frcquency radio signals were received in Tokyo and elsewhere We have nothing on such fléfgt here NASA spokesman He recalled however that earlier reports from Tokyo of radio reports purportedly from Soviet space launching on Oct 14 had been traced to broad casts from the v5 Air Forces Discoverer 32 satellite lent aloft the day before 111 An Examiner Want PHONE PA 82414 plicalion of isotopes to make sure the workers involved have clear Idea of the hazards However radioactive mater ials used by physicians for diag nests and treatment also must be approved Exposure of the whole Cans dian population to radioactive fallout was only one segment of the conference agenda Dele ntes discused the concept of genetic dosethe extenLof ra diation that would damage the genes governing heredity maximum permissible genetic dose present exposure levels and future trwds The conference also approved resolution that the atomic energy control board transport and health authorities he asked to formulate policy for deni ings with radioactive accidehLe recent example was ln Tomato where two youngsters found and played with lumin ous radium compound but es caped harmf effects can garrick Am STYLISTS announce cox min for remnants avnnY WED FROM ms rut special student mtu By appointment only PA 8466 Avenue TEE BARRE EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER 161 AIRLINE GROUNDED MEXiCO CITY AWMe ices biggest airline Aeronves de Mexico was grounded today by strike of pilots asking per cent salary increase Other flight personnel and ground crews joined in the walkout All nights were can celled to New York Tucson Arlz end San Antonio Tenn and 30 cities in Mexico were left without air service 117 An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA Bvllil IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING She wanted successful career AT ANY PRICEI Immun museum moment flaunt 2ND HIT PAY ROLL Matinee Wed at pm Adult Entertain lUSH coil lamps Willa HORST BUtilIiIOLZ lESllE BARON TIIES wsn SPECIALS GUTUP CHICKEN LEGS BREAS r7 TS lB FRESHKILLED EVISCERATED RYING GHICKENsiB LOOK WHAT DOLLAR WILL BUY 2135 EAcoN 35 tires Side PORK LBS gomoNA LEAN TENDER CLUB jjSTEAKS FINE GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR IMPORTED Daniel 51 LB IO USA csLLo iromrosszmus 1000 ontoj YE It Billi IS