Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Nov 1961, p. 4

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Earth Examiner euolnaeo by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield street Barrie Ontario MONDAY NOVEMBER m1 Pue Know Canada Our Country Good Project For Citizens The Canadian government plans to spend 100 million ollars on projects ob serving Canadas centennial year in 1987 Part of the budget will go to the pur chase and restoration of an 1867 apical ance of properties on the east of Sussex Drive in Ottawa to create mile of living history Another part of the budget will provide grants to local committees planning observances of the 100th annivers of Confederation these grants will for permanent pro jects will not exceed onethird of the to tal cost and will be limited to maxi mum of one dollar per capita Within province Worth while as all the official obser vances will be we suggest that one of the best ways for the indlvrdual to olr serve the countrys 100th blrthda would be to leave his own home and own province and visit as much of the rest of the country as possible and meet as many other Canadians as possible Touch ing on its travel idea the federalpro vincial committee handlin centenary arrangements noted follow ng its third meeting that it had paid particular at tention to the su gestion of travel scheme for Cana 11 students Some what on the same line is Prime Minister Dlefenhakers re red enthusiasm for Confederation that would be ill led with Canadss historical and consti tutional documents and be sent from coast to coast during 1967 Through their tourist bureaus and centenary committees our various gov ernments could make special effort to encourage interprovlnclal travel hm licizing routes accommodation and gs to see The private encies hotel and resort owners an the transporta tion companies might arrange char tered plane flights and excursions by rail ship and bus The private automo bile of course would he the main means of transport but the country is so vast that it has its limitations Canadians are now spending more than $800 million year on outofthe country travel It would be uite birth day party if good part that travel money were to be spent here at home Major Change In Retailing major retail revolution lies ahead and it is far more significant than the future development of department store es supermarkets or even discount stor es according to Michael McCormick vicepresident and general manager of Falrview Shopping Centres Limited Mon treal Mr McCormick was speaking on The effect of discounting on retailing In his address he cited the belief of some intel ligent observers that the discount store is likely to disappear within the next 10 3years or so as separate entity So too innay fade the de artment store as we know it today supermarkets may fposslbly join the old time general store thing of the past Down Memory Lane NEWS lTEMS FOR 25 YEARS AGO The Barrie Examiner of Sept 1986 under Editorial Notes gave some ideas he Girls seem to be taking the prizes in gschool public speaking at school fairs some years hence they may have seats in Parliament like Agnes MacPhalL Not long ago motoring authority in Ontario was advocating for the province uper highways such as Germany has een building recent report ives the 51 oftheseat $150000 Some 1e surely have big ideas for Ontario or the taxation involved this seems minor matter German octogenarian on his 80th flurthday figured how he had spend his to date and gotzsleeplng 26 years r313 days working 21 years 96 days The new centre of retailing will prob ably be highly efficient combination of the best features of all three and will incorporate the convenience of the neigh borhood supermarket the serviceconsc lousness of the conventional department store and the somewhat lower price of the discounter There is every ex ectat ion that vending machines will ay an overgrowing role in retailing by way of reducing costs High volume on low margin is the answer today and will be in the future but exacil ow this will be accom lish eld in the orig run is not too clear this me This is the picture of changing world in retail merchandising from one who is vitally concerned making love four years 30 days shav ing 228 days theatre 16 days looking for lost articles 12 days polishing eye glasses days miscellaneous 12 years 182 days The Kaiser gave him an op portunity both in 1870 and in 1914 to end his life before he became 80 re marks the Hanover Post report from Lakefield Ontario is that the tourist camp there has gotrid of poison ivy by the use of goats who new BY SOLD KIM FORTY PAINTiHGS CHI MPANZEE THE TROUBLE IS HE SELLS THEM FOR BANANAS OTTAWA REPORT Sense Of Urgency Impells Convention By PATRICK NICHOLSON LONDON An eagerness to examine farreaching new men sures to bolster Western strength has been evident at the NATO Citizens Convention just concluded here Meeting under the shadow of the Berlin crisis and the Rus sian nuclear tests the 28 dele gates from the 15 NATO coun trial were impelled by greater sense of urgency than has been evident at any Drévious post war international conference And it was not irrelevant that this meeting has been held in London communityon 15 000000 men women and chl dren which presents the great est and least defensible nuclear target in the world The NATO Citizens Conven tion had its roots is years ago when Canada successfully urged that the North Atlantic Treaty should include clause pledg in its signatories to base their tary alliance on the strong economic and psychological foundation of cooperatioh in the non military fields The far sightedness of that Canadian haveeatenit up withasmuchgustossipmposarmoanenunegen they did filling onbelladonna post ers off boards and other delicacies The dangerous weed detracts from the pleasure of many summer camp or cut tage if Nan and Billy can devour it lthere should be boom in the goat mar Other Editors Views CANADAS AID CONTINUES St Catharines Standard The hope that has existed on the art Britain of forming an economic firsrble and politically reasonable fed ration in the West Indies appears to Jiave faded as result of the decision Shy the people of Jamaica to leave the ifederation The people of Jamaica voted for independence and they will have heir desire The vote however appears to have been selfish attitude because of the jact that Jamaica would have had to sup on the fledgling federations first steps the long term it would undoubtedly grave henefitted from the arrangement While Britain studies the question of what now to do with the small islands hich dot the Leeward and Windward assages of the Caribbean Canadas exm ernal affairs minister has announced the foreign aid of this country to the feder tion will be continued The Canadian program of aid was de signated for the area and not specific countries and thus the withdrawal of amaica from the federation will have The Barrie Examiner Authorized as second eiin inn Post om Department Ottawa DaiIY Sundays no statutory nous excesses KENNETH wants Publisher aura sLAiGnr General Mnnngeg arcrnnason Managing enmi ounces wanna aunncu Manager many vmsoN Advrrflxln Manager sons aromas Circulation Manager fesuonnanau rate daily by carrier can weakly 1010 you srnsla copy 19 fly null in Ontario zoo year no us months so thscl months not incnun bums Ontario oo year Outsidecam aas saooa year nu Offices 25 Univsrsft Ave Toronih M0 Clihllrf pgn Montreal me on Georgia simt vncnc Zi nlmbzr or Canadlln ouy Newspaper Piilr lllrl Association The Canadian Press and udlt numu of bircuminus 53th Canldlln Prnsr cxclunvel II for ublicatlon of In news ll Itchd In this IpercntedtoltorrheAuoctedPrenct um and mu on local um publishd uninu entitled to no effect upon Canadas assistance proa gram This nation pledged three years ago to provide $10 million in aid to the West Indies over fiveyear period The two interisland transport vessels built in Canada one of the Port Weller Dry Docks Ltd for the federation were part of this aid They can be well used be tween other islands and Jamaica under central government control Mr Green has noted that none of Can ads capital assistance to the West Indies had been spent in Jamaica Still to he spent in assistance to the islands of the WestIndies is $24 mil lion of which $11 million has been ear marked for projects and the remainder will likely be allocated among the smal ler islands of the federation Canadas stand in continuing its sup port is another indication that this nab ions pledge can always be relied upon Canada meets her commitments Paragraphically Speaking Suggested remedy for sleeping sick yness sneezing powder Will fallout shelter built and stocked according to official specifications pro vide ample facilities for the care and containment of person in the throes of rousing nervous breakdown Gravity is becoming weaker says speudophysicist He must have con cluded this while watching highjumping girl cheer leaders Everybody and his brother urge rev tired persons to take up hobby and virtually every possible ohby isvrecom mended except themost enjoyable of them all namely loafing Many aiman has two wedding rinng the one he wearson finger and the figurative one in his nose dorsed by its partial adoption by the chief European allies in the absence of North Ameri can cooperation For now that Canadian suggestion is trium phantly implemented in part and somewhat toour own dis comflturein the soscalled Eu ropean Common Market But growing body of public opinion in all the NATO coun tries today believes that more shmfld be done that the Com mon Market should be expanded to include the nations surround ing the basin of the north At lantlc Ocean and that mllar ctroperation should be adopted in other fields TEAMWORK FOR PEACE Among these suggested at the Convention were to convert NATO into genuine Atlantic community to expand economic welfare within that community to consider ossible political co ordination ncluding 01 over nuclear deterrent to pool aid and information to un derdeveloped countries to co ordinate monetary pollcy to re train and resettle the underem ployed So urgent did the convention consider these topics to be that the meeting which was only preparatory by nd ar ranged that the plenary meeting of the NATO Citizens Conven tion should be opened at the earliest possible date selecting Jan next with Paris as the venue FOUNDING CONVENTION There will be 93 delegates from the 15 NATO countries re flecting inexactly the various populations Thus there will be in from the 115 10 from each at the European big powers Britain France West Germany and Italy seven from Canada and so on down to two from tiny Luxembourg They will be private citizens speaking for themselves and unofficially for their fellows but not with any mandate from their government Many countries have already named their delegates and these are shaping up as an un matched gathering of experi euce and talent by no means limited to politics and state crafL The importance accorded to this convention by the various governments was evident in the national representation at the preparatory meeting this in eluded business executives unl versity leaders on ex prime minister and other top politi cians heads of state agencies and private foundations and or ganizers of several national committees for Atlantic unity The latter included one from Britain and myself from Canada who both also happen to be con tributors to the fraevworldwide Thomson Newspaper group What may be expected from the January convention It will be serious pooling and comb ing of ideas and an examination Whether and how we can build true Atlantic community to ensure peace through strength It will be sketching of brave new world for countries which now latelet us hope not too latereallse that we are all in the same boat disorganlsed peoples who believe in democ racy facing an organised threat to our civilisation Having no executive authority the conven tion will process its ideas in eluding perhaps some very novel ones into report to be submitted to each government with an urgent request for study and action where consider practicable QUEENS PARK Submarines Hunt For Diamond Mine JOHANNESEURG Reuters submarine mining prefect aimed at searching for dis mnnds under the sea is about to begin off the coast of South West Africa under the direction of two us experts The sea bed will be explored to depth of 100 feet within threemile limit along 17s mlle concession between Oranlt jemund and Ludcritz Bay If successful the venture will mean substantial revenue for South Africa Two American water pipeline experts Sam Collins and Emerson Kelley who head submarine engineering group are investing $5600000 in the exploration phase of the pro ject This phase is expected to take about 15 months SEEKS MONEY TORONTO CPiBev Joseph McCulloch rector of St Mary LeBow London has arrived here on flying tour to raise money for his famous church The church was destroyed by Nazi bombs in 1841 On Nov 20 the Duke of Edinburgh will pull rope to ring the first peal in the restoration of Sir Christo pher Wrens Tower and Low dons Cockneys traditionally born within the sound of tb bellsswlllbe at homaagalnrw Sectional Questions To Face New Premier By DON OIIEARN TORONTOThere is another point to be watched for in the government of Premier John Hobarts This is possiblescctionalism Mr Roberts comes from Lon don And the bulk of the people who manoeuvred his campaign come from London and adjacent areas This is distinctive area All areas of the province of course have their distinctive characteristics But the dominant one of this Londoncentered area is pros perityan old prosperity based largely on lush land And secondary characteristics are akin to smugness and paro chialism It is inclined to he selfsatis tied and rather indifferent to the rest of the province LOCAL SORES And this of course is no time for parochial government in Ontario Nntvonly the whole economy must be ruthlessly rearranged Practically every area except London strangely enoughhas pressing local problems either sore spots such as unem ployment in Cornwall and Wind sor or general needs such as that of development in the north FUTURENORTH Let us take the question of the north You can treat it parochially Or you can treat it with vis ion You can treat it because there are some twenty seats there or you can treat it as part of the provincial community STATESMAN The politician or the parochia list will see the north as po litical entity He will build some roads he will build some hospitals and schools and he probably will an point some advisory councils The statesman the man with vision will see beyond the poll tlcal He will see in the north what it is the greatest promise on the horizon for the future of the whole province Where necessary he will spend though nobody has ever claimed the north needs me mendous expenditure But even more important he will think He will think in terms of the north and its future and of the problems to be met before it grows up to its capacity And then he will take the steps necessary no matter how bold And he will face any peo ple in southern Ontario who might be critical and point out he is not cutting off their noses but putting fat at the future on their belliesfor every dollar invested now in the north will continue to grow and spread through the whole province for years and generations ahead We will see Attempt Campaign Attract Visitors CAIRO ReutersiTheEgype clan government is working on an allout campaign to attract more visitors to the historic Val ley at the Nile The first stage will be con struction of new hotels at sev eral centres along lite Nile luxurious new hostel also is to be built in Cairo floating hotel on the Nile is due to come into service shortly The ship will accemlt modate 250 passenge and will carry tourists on isev from Cairo to Aswan in upper Egypt past several historic sites and famous but rarely viaited temples along the river Foundation of Ontario REPORT FROM UK Airliners Winning All Along The By Mm HOOD Special loader England Correspondent for The Harris Examiner LONDON There ll quite ltorybehlndthcmoryoithsdc chlon of the Cunard Steamship Company to abandon it plan for the building of the On the main moth ocean liner which was to have replaced the Queen Eliza beth or Queen Mary on the north Atlantic rim The decision was tied up with plans of the com Pally to concentrate mom on its airline subsidiary the Cunard manna sec on operas transaAtlantlc air service be tween the United Kingdom and the United States The handwriting has been on the wall for some years as to the future trend of travel anon the North Atlantic The battle between sea and air transport has been intensified with the passing of each year Airliners have been winning all along the line As steamship passenger figures have been declining stea dily over the past six years airs iiino stallatlu have been soar Because of this the Cunard Steamship Company facing heavy loss on this years opera tions apparently sees more of future in it airline operations than in building another Queen of the Atlantic SIGNIFICANT FIGURES Figures that are highly signi ficant have been produced by the Cunard statisticians showing how the trend of transAtlantic travel bar can changing in the last six years Here are some of the figures which indicate there is greater future in aha lino operation than in giant oc ean liners The total number of passeng Line on travelling sciass the Atlan tic by router has declined as follows 1950 102mi 1957 1007000 1950 050000 1959 127000 IBW 866000 1061 estimated 700000 Of amount of Ice travel the number of passengers can ricd in the Queen Mary and the Queen Elizabeth only tr given as 1966 135000 1957 1958 125000 1959 1960 Low 1961 es tlmatcd 100000 AIRLINE PROGRESS Now for the other side of the picture While seaborne pasc cngars have declined by some thing over so per cent in the last six years aircraft mm ers have for more than doubled Here are the relative figures for the some period 1056 05 000 1957 1081000 1950 200000 1059 1050000 1900 1900000 1901 estimated over 2000000 This figure of over two million air passengers for 1961 is signif icant because it represents only about half of the carrying caps acity of the large aircraft now operatan on the North Atlantic routes The various airline com panlm report that many of their nsq unoco our iln 019 sauvxd amply and that they were used to their full capacity they could handle four million pass engers in the present year These statistics tell very clean ly the story of why the hmard Sieanuhlp Line decided that an other Queen would be very much of White elephant Whe ther the company goes sliced with smaller venelq with less carrying capacity has not yet been decided But even that is doubtful in view of the steady downward trend in steamship travel and the spectacular rise in the number of airline passen gcrl LETTERS TO EDITOR Dear Sir have been much concerned about your article of two weeks ago relating to in terviews with number of Bar rie people on the questions of further liquor outlets and Sun day entertainment It pears to me that you are try to swing public opinion around to where it will vote in favor of these things in the event of plebiscite say this because all except one of the people quoted expressed themselves to be in favor of few real nice restaurants where liquor would be served cannot be lieve there are not good many people in Barrie who are willing to go on record as opposing any further establishments for the legalized sale of this booze which is destroying more lives than anything else you can name When you serve this evil stuff in real nice places to well groomed people in beautiful clothes in fancy glasses mix into highicolored cocktails 1th enticing names it is still the same old booze that dress people down rather than lifts them up Furthermore many of the up and outs that fre quent these places are in Just as pltiable state as the down and outs who frequent the beer rooms and the bootlsggers This booze this is the nicest name can give it has the same degrading demoralizing devastating effect on both cate gories it is no respecter of persons NOT AN ASSET These people who were inter viewed talk in terms of im proved business In the first place do not believe such places would be anasset to established business In the second place there is not enough money in Canada to justify the results of this booze which is making such alarming inroads into our society would like to know who gave Mr Riddel the authority to speak on behalf of the Christian church and to place the stamp of approval on liquor lounges Did you ever of consult ing the Ministerial Association for an opinion on such mat ters Not that consider them infallible for am afraid some bf them might not dare to take firm stand on such controversial issue am quite sure nevertheless that many of our ministers are ready at the drop of hat to bring this 9le out into the open expose 10 for what it is and oppose it with all they have Mr Riddel says We must show the world that our moderation is some thing to be imitated May draw to Mr Riddels attention that there were more than 90000 known alcoholics in On taria at the end of loss accord ing to estimates made by the Alcoholism and Drug Addiction It is further estimated vsry conser vatively that for every alcohol ic there are three problem drinkers This makes total of 360000 people in serious trouble as direct result of booze submit to you Mr Riddel that every one of these pen le tried to imitate your run eration and feiiedi This figure does not take into account all the others who are directly affect ed by these people such as members of their families etc Add to this the countless people who have been involved in trou ble sometimes very serious trouble through having their judgment impaired by drink ing in moderation and it gives us some little idea of what hav oc is created because people pour booze down their throats Mr Editor in my opinion there is no good reason for fur ther liquor outlets in Brands If they are real nice fancy places it only makes them all the more subtle and dangerous We who live in the municipal ities adjoining Barrie are very much concerned because we send our floung people into Bar rle to co eglate and th re turn there for much of the re creation and entertainment We are therefore interested in what kind of city forms the hub of the larger community to which we all belong Just word on the Sunday issue As an individual com munity or nation becomes careless about their use of the Sabbath Day they do down ward morally and spiritually The way community observes theeLords rDayelsrargood ther mometer to test the moral and spiritual temperature of that community trust that you will find space to bring this rather leng thy letter to the attention of your readers Sincerely yours LLOYD CUMMING Stroud Ont BIBLE THOUGHT The word of the Lord durcth forever Peter 125 Truth cannot be killedthe eternal years of God are hers FINACE LACE Richest and most luxurious of historic needlepoint lace was that made in Veniceyin the 17th century FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES innImam nuvlng rinn MorethanllEmoCanadiansare planning to lava $650000000 with Invasion Syndicate oer tificates Ilngll Plymonl ensunann with manual investment values Illlnnld Mimil Fund Investors Mutual Canadas lan gect mutual fund emphasizes income stability and capital gain potential Mutual Fund For crown Investors Growth Fund ena phasizce lungterm capital gain TaxDduollhll ngllilrld RIIIIOIIIInI FIIII Fixed interect equity and combined plans for individuals and groups msacca PA cam nvestors mdfi©mu© Mulpl on the stunyum um

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