Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Nov 1961, p. 11

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FARMERSMARKE AUTOMOTIVE 10 HELP WANTED CAREER OPPORTUNITY Ne tried required to represent large he organisation llust be between and 4e ambitious prefer married but would consider single residence in area for years and own your own car We are willing to train and finance sucoessiul candidates Up to 8450 starting salary depending upon qualifications Future open ings in management if so inclined Apply to Box 58 tannins EXAMINER LIVESTOCK WANTED GOOD QUIET work its huh also arm Im mum Spflruerl wanted April to lion Barn cuminr muss on QUANTITY or Illld Cow suo chionr and iatdr hauls wanted Ithst be in oed condition Ind rumorny and Apply to an nurt lminer eutltxrnv CHICKS DEKALTfiULLETs More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB FULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smoun PHONE 17 FARM MACHINERY MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts for any mllkorK gt HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA S0338 HYDRAULIC snow Plow or sale Cansho fitted on Jeep truck or term tractor can be seen at MOTOR cans run saw VOID Prof OBI cplnu Aciuli miin In now can diiisn an on account of Mains ADD to Arlblll Wait Intllfll or rm wait Esme Telephone PA sells CARS WTD TOBOY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 54272 MOBILE HOMES as POW Glandlil Trailer fully equipged plus utru ni rendition ontaet Lrry Simon Loried notl Hifinwu ll none of Harris flvl In II PERSONALS cotNo wens Drtvseur new and Im model cars to vaem Edmonton Ruins paid Toronto mir Limited ssu Tomato all on WOMENS COLUMN LEARN RAIRDRESSING Enrol new in this government chartered smool when you are thoroughly trained in all bran ches of beauty culture For in formatlon write DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL ll COLLIER ST 011 PHONE PA 83962 newn IIIOP ei by certified blind own home room it ItsN wantran to an cord wood IIII ehaln IIVI Tllapllm PA on for rune details SALES HELP AGENTS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We have so exceptional per tunity for Barrie res dent with good educstion and per sonal background ago ZHO who csn finality for sales career lea ng to an executive position in an established and permanent business Experi ence that has brought him in contact with the public would be preferred and the right man will earn substantial income and enjoy all welfare benefits Applicants should give full par ticulars stating age telephone nlunber address experience and other qualifications All replies treated ltrietly confid enual BOX 57 BARBIE EXAMINER WIN wan whun you can start business No up 17 Nothins to invest required Write In at Roch sir ALBERT ll LEGAL NOTICES CLERKS NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING 0F VUIERS LIST Voters List Act Voters List 1901 Municipality of the City oi Barrio County of simcoe NOTICE ls hereby given that have complied with Section at the Voters Lists Act and that have posted up at my oil ice at tho Municipal Building 84 Collier Street Earrle on the 3rd day of November 1961 the list of all persons entitled to vote In the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains here for PhiladelphiaDeleats Chicago But Loses AllStar Rollback NEW YORK AP Phila delphia Eeslu leading the Na tional Football leagues East ern Conference won the battle Sunday but tell victim to ca sualty that could make ablg differencein the league war The Eagles defeated Chicago Bears Tom Brookshier the Eegies all pro defensive halfback suifered compound fracture of the right leg in the fourth quarter He will be out for the season Vikings Iiil and San Francisco dsen and Detroit Lions battled to 2020 tie San Diego Shargers completed an unbeaten sw and gained certain share the Western Division championship of the American Football league The Chargers lashed New York ilo tans for their ninth straight victory giving them rilegame lead ovor second place Dallas Green Day Packers Western Division leaders were beaten 4521 by quarterback Johnny Unitas and Baltimore Colts but retained onegame lead over Chicago in other games St Louis Car dinals still using quarterback Sam Etchaverry only to hoidthe bail on placement kicking de footed Dallas Cowboys 3117 Pittsburgh Steeiets upset Clove lortd Browns 1713 Loo Angela Rams overpowered Minnesota Argentine Team Nips Canadians NEW YORK CPI top flight Argentine riding team scored its fifth victory in 10 events in the US National Horse Show Sunday night as Dr Hugo Arramhlde leading indi vidual rider wan the Pennsyl FOR BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES TIIZ BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER 181 mm Texans with only five games to play Dallas however has six games to go and could tie for the title by winning all of them 11 San Diego were to lose all of its remaining games Dallas took 2321 trimming from Boy ton Patriots Friday night its fourth loss in row Boston moved into the Eastern Division lead while Houston the 1960 champion smashed Bronc oes 55 it kept the Oilers only half game away from Boston Wings Suspend MacDonald DETROIT APlDetrolt Red Wing of the National Hockey league funday nht susrtnded for ord Parker MacDonald for lib refusal to join Sudbury Wolves of the Eastern Profes sional League 11 wings farmed MacDonald to Sudbury last Monday when they brought up forward Bob Dillabough ORGANIZATIONS AND PUBLIC SERVICES CHOOSE FROM YOUR PERSONAL FAMOUS LINE CARD BLANKS TO mm WW 01 inspection And hereby call Vania National international MESSAGE AND NAME OF YOUR FIRM ronruNa ultimod hm you Emwymgm upon all voitors ta tke Immedi Junith TrnPhY IMPRINTED Dug want your fortune to rr ae procee ngs ave sny er Dr Anmbide be ii AUTOMOTIVE 571 5404 $23383 °eiii° DANCE BAND 01 Wilma Correct are cleared all 108 hillirlersafn MOTOR CARS FOR 5A in hwn viimm swarm modem we 00mins to law the last day for 375 seconds to defeat Lt Col are new LOST ir FOUND LoanTwo Hound pups on lily afternoon Female tan I11 tatsir and mi Near Old Wilt Fort It It Concession Vu rd Telephone an our dance band available for New Years Eve Have own PA sys tem Cali FA 475 Orlllia HIGH SCHOOL lirl will bah weekends Tlinpho PA appeal being the nth day of November 1981 Dated this 3rd day of November 1961 STRAUGHAN City Clerk 13 AUCTION SALES Ruben Urita oi Mexico and Doug Cudney of Canada Cudney fromWlnona Ont cleared all the fences aboard Clandoboy buthls time of 417 seconds was slower than that PHONE The Examiner Commercial Printing Service and Our Representative will call with Sample Books HILL IRAMBlER hlomffllfi cane shlvsn gr talk Auc SALE Ifcljirgzafigsho Went clean on Pe Elev MAN AND LAND ROVER drnn own oms 10 DOWN mtg 333333 d1 Jim Eider of Aurora 0nt it GOWAN smear 51332 IBEszMJS 31min all thehhutédles atom PA ooo ey an is into 443 38 lo HELP WANTED ittfl llfllé lslxeliigerllitllllneld IMPLEMENT SHOP was good for ilith place sec 95 BSIASELE mm am outwit1 intuit cfiéiii$l3llli mm Auction sale of cattle and her ch Tittle 051 condition wroull see Terms cash No reserve In 1° day may Mex be ggfuxflndecgimesngflmpfesaag Ma Dagny plan 23 tligmfgéallmtfit tithethemloeiz gov 1° tewtcrss mnéicagrdanmkginnmm Experienced girl for local many couGllLtN auctioneer ggmgmgfggg ggfng°7 BEAUTIFUL AND ORIGINAL PERSONALIZED VI lights windshield washers Office Of National finance by Canada with 32 and ireland wgitelwslii the andl chtgtme organization All employee Ffiglrfiyngfm Cudnsy myear old bug CARDS TASTEFUILY IMPRINTED IN DEUCATE ce scs er ex ras avo yourself the dealers commls benemsi 5day weak PM SHARP Efizfifi v41311thlicalimiloliirofmill TYPE FACES 12$ mu an ms law mueage beam PHONE Auction saleoi 35 head of Beef by dealing direct Best alter funeme sheep and mm Egonrdnélgiledeboyeilimgaim$ PHONE PA c3734 AFTER PA 60285 FOR 7mm CREIGHTON wusfiggg in Togmmgmid Visit The Examiner Busmess free and make your ChOlCe from Lot 18 Concession 10 Ellis WHO ELSE WANTS IN THE Township gm am our fine selection NEW CAR coum or swcos more we estimatediodes es uy it Now with Lower FOR ARREARS or =2 $1133 mill followed by llfexlcowlill new THE BARRIE EXAMINER oin 97IIpYasr In Business PA 66537 momma ee oneY TAXES and mm 12 nda with 51 lrelnndlwuh 43 and my Christmas Duke hereby given the JERRY COUGHLIN the UnitcdSiatcs Wlth 35 500m PLAN LOAN Then why not sell Avons beau list at lands liable to be sold Alumna gna THE BANK 014 NOVA SCOTIA tiiul Christmas Gift Sleltel Val or argon efhtaxehs in the Iguana mite hi in mode as sea prep ifs evlcliilletgngi stilling EBay and was published in an adverv Parker Captures mu HAROLD JORY 0m Craighurst and V951 tlsemcnt August 1961 in the 10ml MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OML and NAL Towing 15 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 itsrnonun our door Clean throii hnut Radio Four new tires eiephone Oro llterdpn hm Mus dun iado Pontiac two tone blue Ixenllent candlticn use PLYMOUTH Savoy tor Automatic new motor Very rnnsbie hotls PA on dunner or 1951 VOLKSWAGEN for sale in and condition not Also has rstisr suitable for small car silo Telepbone PA Mats or further Information iau PLYMOUTH for said four door body In good shape good motor tiru in air shape colours green and white 3225 Telephone sodas NEED CASESn Seaboard Fin ance Your Lendn Neighbor $703 for 30 monthly III Dunio Dlnle Toldphonl PK township No experience nec essary we train you PHONE PA 56551 FOR APPOINTMENT Houseneerzn coins required immediately or business coup and two ichlldren 71W month Applyjllrl GILrick 54M Ham artful tor downtown salon Good remuneratinn or ri ht person Apgly Joan Garrick sir Stylist Ia ispia Avenue Ham afiusrs Artistat uniId working conditions Appig in For 5211 Join Garrick HI tylilt 111an STENOGIIAPHER with shorthand typin tiling Must be accurate and wiiing to turn in penance tint necellary Usual ben efits Startind salary 000 An gig in writing to SlmcoeAEnrrle County Bulldinl Barrie MALE do FEMALE COUPLE 25 years or over MID to drivs tractor trailer ll possible and Woman tor housework LIVI 1n Telephonl PA Bldll EXPERIENCED noomrzn male or female for lull busi ness Apply stating qualities tlans Ind salary expected to En til Barrie Examiner In Memorium if you wish on In Memoriam for November 11th fill in form bélow and return to The Barrie Examiner Bay field Street Barrie Siirname In loving memory of Name Ontario Gazette Copies of said list of lands or advertisement can be seen In my office or will be mailed upon making applica tion for same In default of pay ment of taxes as shown on said list on or before Tuesday Nov 7flodiatthe houroi two oclock ST in the afternoon shall at that time In the Council Chamber new County Building Entrie Ont proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears to gether with charges thereon 1f land not all sold on Tuesday November 1991 an adjourn ed sale will be held on Tuesday November 21 1061 at two oclock Sii COLEMAN Treasurer County of Simone Treasurers Office County Building Barrie Ont let day of Julie lilo For Want Ad Service Dial PA 2414 Scoring Crown By THE CANADIAN PRESS Jackie Parker has captured the Western Football Conference scoring title for the second time in an lilusrriouselghtyearcar rear with Edmonton Eskimos The 29yearold import qunrv telback kicked field goal convert and single Saturday in his final game oiythe ital regular schedule to finish with we points Parker now joins five other players who have won the non ferenco scoring title twice The others are Gerry James Joe Aguirre Bob Shaw Paul Rowe and Art Stevenson James the only one of those still ac tive finished second this year with 79 points He won the title last year with 114 TD F6 Pin Parker 16 8414 104 James 15 27 Bright 16 14 00° Whitehouse Lunsford Hansen Boomer BC Lewis Funston 383888 NOVEMBER Iiih TRIBUTE and Mary that potatOdishwas simply marvellous Shes right potato dishes on mar vellous and whats more iton on not fattening One medium potato applies only about 100 ehlories This in small percentage the average daily requim merit of 2400 calories per day forms moderately derive woman or the 3000 soiortesiorttumodesotetyacflvomv CLIP AND SAVE THESE TESTED POTATO RECIPES porno and noun CREAM Writl It Cupno mowermesh MAME POTATO and MEAT PIE Minamotoarm In on mks Mesa can dine eooktl nut WAR DEAD THE BARRI EXAMINER WILL as PUBLISHING AN IN MEMORIAMTRIBUTE PAGE especially for those in Slmcoe County and Dis trict who paid the Supreme Sacrifice It will appear in the edition of NOVEMBER Ilrh REMENlBRANCE DAY Friends and relatives are invited to place their ID Memoriam Tributes on this Pa in memory of those who enlisted in His Majestys orcos to rotect and CHARGE reserve the way oi life in their fair Do nlon which ®ADDRESS who passed away Date To Year synmo reinsst ms as mmdthedGm with bar ul BIG 9979 M3 be served with not an sauce mfg Next time you op For good health earnits Poto und 92 toes grown in the Iron Rich Soil and Salt Sea Air or Canadas Garden Province Rich in Vitamin also Vitamins and Iron RELPOTTOES ey deemed worthy Df their supremo Sacrifice FOR FURTHER iNFORMATION AND RATES PLEASE TELEPHONE PA 824I4 size rue reiroTArOooornjAr no nnvAI viimar FAIR Nov 1018 30er rattletion use Cnada Dept or anterior

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