TIME FOR Cs WANT AD BRINGS YOU CASH PA 82414 lo an BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY NVVEMBER less REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS Mondul Child fair at tau ruesaar child fa hill at can Wednesdays child is hall of woo Thursdays Child has in to so many Child is loving and iv InK Sliumul child works hard for its Ilbtnl And child that is born on La Sabbath Day Is air and wise and load and Children hearing this verse by Baunwr cuurn hiwlya wani to know which day of en week was their oiru duo keep this ma exam imortahi inundation tor 7nur ehu suture aanir miner airth Announrunent will Include the damn ai your ehua the ii at the month and yell hirrh his weight and oth er vital information printed manl can become permanent record in Babys pool or Family Album in ma It auras Examlnci nlrtn None II only $110 To place nullca phone PA NHL ENGAGEMENTS an Lainradius hlr and Mrs ii Sinclair Weston an nounce the can ement oI their older daughter ary Patricia to John Robert Ferris son of air and Mrs Ferris ilarrie The marriage will take place in Central United church Weston on Saturday November mi DEATHS KAVANAGIISuddcnly at Tor onto an Saturd November lfltll Patrick nagb beloved husband of the late Agnes Harkin dcar lather oi Mary Mn see Camilla Mrs nyther Ilclcn Illirs Newton Isabel Mrs smith Madeiena Mrs oiieliiy and Ayimer and brother of Edward heating at the Stzchlcy Funeral Home Worsiey street liarrle niesday November to st Marys Church lllrrle or re quicm mass 10 am Inten meni st Ii Cemetery KNAIPAt Sudbury Memorial Hospital Saturday evening Nov ember Edward Knapp oi Ca reoi husband of the late Mary rardon dear father of Irvin of ilarrlr lllrs tiafl Hay aton Coral oi capreoi an at Gravcnhurst in his 77m year nesting at Jackson and humid mineral Home 20 Larch Street Sudbury Service in Trinity Uni ted Church ca real niesdsy sit ernoon at dc oek interment in capreol Cemetery Glits to the Canadian Cancer Fund will be appreciated hiccAitnlnkSuddrniy on Sat urday November mi Robert Gibson McCartney bnlovnd hut band oi ilarbsra Androsst dear lather of Kim lllaric and Robert John loving son of Mr and Mrs Gibson hlcCartncy of Midhurrt brathcr oi Lorne Ken Douglas Alan and Linda in his 25th year Hosting at tho pethiek Funeral Home in nayneid street narrie Scrvlcc in tin chapel Tuesday at pm interment Midlath Union Cemetery aim0n Iflduy November iaai waiter Wally Id Smith of in Burton Avenue name beiov ed husband of Edna ulddell and dear father Paul and Peter both at home lnvcd son or Walter and Elisabetta Smith brother or ilcne Mrs Gibson Drink Earle and Betty Mrs cunning ham both or barrio and diary Mrs Tcd Minter oi Hamilton in his Md your Resting at tho chnctt Funeral Home narrie mineral service Monday at En interment Barrio Union Cemetery COOKSAt the Rnyal Victoria Ho ital Barrie on Saturday No vcm cr 1961 suby lsmcs Cooke 01 321 innisni Street narric be loved husband of Agnes Mary Smith and dear tather of Lester and Joyce Mrs Hodgann both or Barrie brother or lieu bcn of Vancouver Edgar oi Medstend Sask unmn Mrs Robinson of Toronto and Ella Mrs Martan or Nin gara Falls grandiather oi ludlth Mrs Prcik of Aurora Wayne Sharron and Susan nodgson Iluth Shirley and Lorraine Cooke an or Barrie and greatgrandfather of Mark Preik in nu 15th year nesting atihelcnnett Funeral Home Barrie mnrral service Tuesday from mmanuel Ila tist church at pm Interment sn ric Union Cemetery Casket will be open in church mm oclock until time of service in lieu ad flowers donations ior Gideon El bies would be appreciated SNIDElbSuddcnly at High R1 ver Alberta on Saturday Novem bar 106i William snider in his 20th year dcar son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Snldcr Craig hurst dear brother of George a1 Cralghurst and ï¬ll or also River Alberta ving Tuesday morning at Stcnkiey mineral Home Barrie Funeral arrange mcats later IN MEMORIAM DAIIIIIBOSIDIu memory loving daughter Dnloibs who passed away Nnvcmbcr 1960 tilsa husband Frank DAmhrc 510 who passed away November 24 1956 land can Jim passed away December 12 1959 Gene dcat Dolflrcs gone forcvcr How We miss your smiling taco But you left ll to remember None an earth can take your place happy home WI once enloycd How sweet the memory sull Hut death has Icit lonelinell The world can never AIL Ever remembered by Mom Fred Carol and 3111 Ind grand pa standen COMWG EVENTS TURKEY SUPPER WEDNESDAY NOV 8th Served 530 to 800 pm ORANGE HALL ANGUS ADMISSION Adults $145 12 years and under 75c EUCIIRE AFTER Auspices LTB and LOL Lodge LEATIIERCRAFI FREE INSTRUCTION is available at the TANDY LEATHER CO gt John Street Barrie Phone PA 82481 for information BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE Wednesday Nov 230 RM CHRIST CHURCH IVY LUCKY DRAW Tca 35c Children 15c Ausplces Christ Church WA 001 for Want an Section accepted until pm Day bcima publication hinrrsi REAL ESTATE rnorauu FOB am MOVING vDont forget to transfer your INSURANCE SEE STEVENSONS and ii you need extra coverage of any kind PA Hill 113 Dunlap St no CARSON REAITOR 45A DUNLOP ST Noll door in th imnlflll Theatr PA 6648I Member of Barrie and District Rn catat Board HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66458 ANYTIME NEW lilINESING SUBDIVIS ION School rlglit on this new development Choice Iota available now Prlcci Call PA 56453 anytime HOME AND INCOME T00 Joe Palmer PA 50863 has the keya and can show you this twoApt dwelling today The flist REAL buyer T0 DAY can have it all for only $9100 Lot to 333 ENCHANTING Watch your irlends become more friendly in his comfortable living room with dining arch and plantar Just few steps to ground level recreation room with warm fireplace This splitlevel owner would con sider trade to large older home in the Toronto Street area Here todaySaid tomor row Better call Norm Hes kcth PA 87016 right away PERSONALITY HOUSE Tail ored to needs and camiorts of an executive who demands the best Custom built ex clusive section bedrooms living roomwith natural fire place Modern family kitchen with dining area Tastefully decorated Some intelligent family man will buy this why not you Call Maryann Smith at PA 84018 for de ta BRENTWOOD $300 down mm bungalow miles from Angus Pressure system but and cold water lot 108 208 ft Total price $5000 Carries for $70 per month Call Em ory Miller PA 60475 Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board Evenings Call Emory Miller PA 60470 Joe Palmer PA 60053 Kali Marshall PA 789917 Norah Raikes Oro 4023 Doris Nuttycnmbc PA 87957 Norm liesltetb PA 57016 Maryann Smith PA 04020 SIOUII Agencies LIcl CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 85901 WAITING FOR BARGAHI Wait no longer Lovely older room home an Hayfield Street Immediate possession Make offer WORTH INVESTIGATING Cozy bedroom bungalow Fin ished rec room Central loca tion close to schools Asking $11500 514 mortgage URGENT SALE OR RENT Immediate possession bed room bungalow newly decora ted inside and out Complete recroom Garage Ideal loca tion Asking $14000 with $2000 down LOW IN PRICE HIGH IN APPEAL Two complete homes with View of the Bay ideal for four plex or lovely just as they are Gas heated Spacious lot with 5136mm garage Baagain at $15 FARM isoracrcs of best farm land in Oro Twp Large brick house with all conveniences good barn with steel stabliug spring fed pond Low down payment See this for real bargain at $19000 numberoi the Barrie and outline itsi Estate Board nszmos CALL MERV GOULD oiio 251a EDE GOULD alio ma nanny sLEsson PA oven ORCA BROWN pa ones ALCDNA nnacnz Immediate possession on this room insula ted bungalow intha country pc bath garage Home and gmundl tn axnauent shoot down and only you month Call Joe Palmer 00353xxxxxxxxxx SMALL acusaun throavmiiea Irons Barrio owner will take tradeor you can more than pay far it by cutting that ready trees this year Cali Harold For ster Rultoi Plt W53 or cundltiou PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST Finat in Barrie Home SalesForemost inQuaiity of Servlcl PA 85568 TRUNK LINES Ill MOOREPA In nounsPA use EVENINGS CALL rosmPll um CoNNuirPA was mam RABBI DISTRICT ml STATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN TOR REAL 31 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA Wt Member or ihanarri arai natau Board Smith CIinpboLlPA L735 Juan LangPA 85131 semis GarveyPA Hm CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA 82419 MAEEL MARSHALLPA aso OWEN JONESPA anli Norman 90 Dunlap St I1 COREYPA mad MURIEL JimmyPA but Shelswell REAL ESTATE 330ml DUNLOP ST 13 FIRST MORTGAGE rUNDs PA 89961 PA 68742 AVAILABLE7 ill1mm 60 017 VALUEN0 Fax CHARGED loa Longun pA com Everett Shauweli oro zala Evenings call lack wuiaon Pli Hui Norman Sbaiswell pa canal cuss Howard Nutfl PA HENDERSON REALTOR iI COLLIEII 5mm PHONE PA 82670 EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDREAI PA 4511 nounsHY Wilcox an oasis PERCY FORD PA 87330 EMERSIN SWAIN PA 68505 Member at fllrflnlnd District and Ontario ucai Estlib Boards TROSE lam mums BROKER 18 TIFFIN STREET BARR ALLANDALE Two storey home only about 17 years oldI located on Essa Road bedroom and bath on upper floor Downstairs has liv ing room separate dining room modern kitchen and large an trance hall full basement new forced air heating system oilly years old Lot so 165 gar age Owner is only asking $0500 with down payment of $3500 and the balance WIll be on one mortgage COXMILL ROAD Coxmill Road Painswick til 300 bedrooms living and din ing room combination iull basement forced air all heat ing double garage attached via breezeway Owner will hold balance oi one mortgage CENTRAL $13500 full asking price three bedrooms kitchen and dining area two bathrooms utility room plus sun porch This is an attractive looking and well ltept bungalbivrfééiuridgwliving room with ï¬replace very few steps attached garage paved driveway and very central lo cation Down payment only $2000 CENTRAL $10900 full price bedroom bungalow located about city blocks from the post ofï¬ce Living room with ï¬replace kitchen with dining area den bathroom full basement hot water oil beating garage Pri vate back yard and garden enclosed with cedar hedges Make an appointment to see this property by calling this office now NEWTON STREET $12300 full price bedroom brick bungalow living room kitchen with dining area piece tile bath full basement with rccreationroom forced air all heating equipped with storms and screens Owner be ing moved to Toronto mortgage carries for $73 mon thly including interest princi pal and taxes CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member um Barrie and District deal nmta Board GROCERY STORE Fully equipped year round business Gross sales $70000 going concern modem living quarters all heating Large lot with ample parking Located in residential area close to new subdivision Only $7000 down plus stock Truly bar gain TRADE OR SELL New restaurant service station on No 11 Highway north of Orillia fully equipped modern living quarters 400 highway frontage Only $7000 down or will trade for house brother property Full price $32000 STOUTT AGENCIES LTD Realtors 140 MUSKOKA STREET MU 72221 GEAVENIIURST ONTARIO maltose avas Three bedroom lit lavel home for sale Com petely landscaped storms and screens Close to schools Tele phone PA 117269 Try An IExamines Want Ad Keith Marshall REAL mums Shem 10 CLAPPERTON ST aAurtiz PA 82502 DAYS 0R EVENINGS Moon PA ulna FRANK Niiurm PA scant Member darrln an District iieal Estate Board PROPER FOR SALE OR RENT RENTALS 1s HOUSES TO BENT mum three room beat rd apartment all contained Sin and rrlrurratar Good ark ins Neer new IGA store month Telephone PA slam IX 00 Enda tor nut newly decorated oil heated Central in utinn Available now Teieoboe dï¬galm up or evenings PA Two atom seven room brick home on good residential street immediate possession lacunae gal Coutu and 60 PA mull anli lien for rent plus bathroom West end aroa Reason abio rent Apply at 15 Dunlap St West or tel bona PA was for further detai ovmoomo iii bav at sunee Shopping Centre two bedroom mutant stove reinserator laundry realities new build iae Telephone pa clue IxI Monins noun Ior not two bedrooms bathroom kitchen and living room combined Furn ished Apply Victoria strut or telephone 17A uflt IDUB tarnished heated apartment threo pim bath heavy duty rtov rarmrrator hardwood moiu Avallabla immediatlly App Armstrong hardware Uppaa Duplex Piva rooms and bath Self contained Private ent rance lieted No objection to on ehud Avausbia member Tel phone PA costs AVAILABLE Novamber two bedroom bungalow Ill convenian ces all but Reasonable Telc Phone Olkvlllc Vallcy 13800 or write nor as llama Examiner man no ground our apart ment Sop entrant and bath Heat supp close to school Available November Telephone PA emu for lurtber particulars vcnv CENTRAL Dnu bedroom uniurnhned modern apartment Automatic wuhu and dryer sup plled Available necemhor aphone PA Luau mull Ito contained ground floor artrncnt with or without furniture Also tarnished bachelor apartment Telephone PA um aftcr ave TWO i100 uaiurolshed apart ment combination living room kiteheneite bedroom nanoeite and miflgeraior Ground Iioor iioor Central Suitable or one or two Telephone PA all NEW MODERN centrally located two bedroom artment for rent Itoirigrrator ave and laundry includes immediately Janitor service Telephone PA 06091 or further iniormatlon Iclf NEW PLAZA Area or bed room houac on heating Attached run lcimu high Int $500 down be once monthly or lease with option Telephone PA 39401 evenings 111 ZONE dvcrlooklnl the bay rooms and bath attached garage walkout basement cold room storms and screens and many ex tras Telephone PA moi evan ings PA 017 LOTS FOR SALE BUILDINGLOT FOR SALE 100 150 Feet WELL DRAINED AND LEVEL LOCATEDIN VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN PHONE PA 61339 MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediately to consolidate debts pay off existing mort gages home improvements etc Call for appointment PA 60981 Mortgage Funding oval Simpson Sears 129 Dunlap Street En MoitrGAGgsiat and 2nd bought sold and arranged commercial and residential none leaned on existing mumnzcs urri Mm title Broken Pli nasal FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BUD DALEY PA 60203 RENTALS NURSING HOMES can given bed and up patients pleasant companionship outings good iood lounge and TV rooms Reasonable ram Ark Eden Nursing Home telephone 58114 stroud VAPTSu HOUSES T0 RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT Central fully equipped new furniture tiled bath Suit busi ness couple or adults $100 in cludes hydro heat and water PHONE PA 60901 LARGE nicely decorated two bed room heated selfcontained apart ment Central location chudreh welcome Telephone PA mill rrvn ROOM House to Strand Newly decorated Must be reliable Reterences Apply to Box ban rie Examiner TWO noohi heated turnlshed Ipaktmentfar root not and cold water Suitable for one or two stilts Telephone PA 51395 eva gs uoUsB Fort RENT on farm with in city limita $40 month in maintenance of grounds elo pbono PA nataa roi appointment to inspect UNFUENIBIIBD thrrs mm apart ment selfcontained modern lrit clacn heavy wiring hot water amps Ceatral location PA Two nanuooM Ianw bungalow hot and cold water hydro wood on lot salo trout stream Ideally located miles north o1 barrio 00 PA Malia nftttr pm UNFURNIEEED one and two had room Ipnrtments heated contrai ly Ionted Kitchdnl with built1n cupboards Adults only Tolcpbnna PA 02400 on aim TWO bedroom apart ments stove retrigerntor lanltor aarviea and laundry iucilltlcl Rent Ing irom $8000 monthly Telephon Leech pad2510 spun nnimoohi two storey house in ruldeiatlll ares tar rent on tutrisen Hardwood and tile floutI Clnla io annuals Tclcphpnc PA £4107 UNIuumsultn three room apartment naa private bath Heat and utilities supplizd Near West End PI One chud welcome Reasona Telephone PA 54211 THREE BEDROOM House for rent tpieco bath close to downtown tully modern Available soon Adults Apply in crsen to II nick 73 nundon Street UPPER rive small list Ior sent two bedrooms living room kiteh en dining room and bath Avail able now Telephone PA H254 Ior lurthnr information PURNISIBD Lower Duplex six rooms and bath Hut and water supplied 75 per month Near Barrio Shopping Plaza Available immediately Telephone PA 30055 ULntlt MODERN unrurnished one bedroom heated apartment near Barrio Arc Largo balcony full width of rtment Drapes supplied 75 monthly Telephone PA 63392 silver pm FURNISHED on uniurnlshed one hedroom apartment 55 month two bedroom apartment 60 mo thiy Heated Parking Private trusteesA ply 31 Blake street or teiephono Man ONE BEDROOM Home Furniture optional Hat and cold running water oil heated Outsldc con vonlcnccs immediate possession chtJEasouablc Telephone Stroud arm or further information munmsnnu upstairs apart mnnt three rooms private bath central location on heated Pri vate hot water tank In privlta home No other tenants Tele phona pa 39157 nitmtooM Brick House all head hardwoodiioors close in everything Will redecoratn for reliable tenant year lease tlco per month PA atzvl between it and pm TWO HEATED furnished merits each containing hedr living room kitchen and three ieca bath Separate entrance At Craighunt General store Highway Telephone PA 9051 men Rooms and bath Annu anees optional Furnished or un furnished Free parking Very central Laundry facilities Tele gï¬fnn PA mill or PA olvlz eve as TWO BEDROOM hunted apart ment lot rent Se MIte entrlnlzei self contained Ch dren welcome C103 ta school and shopping cam tre Available Declmbli Tele phone pa seals THREE ROOM rel contained hutcd apartment stove and re myerator supplied 10 per month includes hydro and water cioao to downtown Telephone raoula days or PA b5791 Innings noUsn tor rent nvs years old Four bedrooms Close to schools Full modern Telephone PA avalays or PA 50581 evenings Ap Iy Mortgage Funding no nun lop East NEW AND Modern can and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kmpcnfelt Buy Heat wa ter Parking and ianflar service included Automatic washing ta cllities PA $1902 Lanna HEATED Apartment Liv lng room dining room kitchen bedroom and bath Sci contained Very central dlenty of storage space Available now $15 monthly Telephone PA hZBZL cmtnn nEDuonM House or rent at Alconajeach oil furnace in side conveniences Newly decora ted Available now Telephon stroud mu alter pns noun nooltl Apartment unfurah iahad Heat and hydro supplied Apply Cameron Dunluï¬ St West 1200 tect past 400 Gig way on north aide ONE AND Two Bedroom Apart ments stove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer close to shopping Newly decorated Self contained VTelcphoila PA 39116 or details FURNISHED modern complete private one bedroom rtmon Lots o1 cupboards and la dry tar culties Blake street near Eut End Shwplng Centre $80 month Telephone PA Milli CLEAN one naunooid apart ment uninrnighnd heated reu cnntained entrance Laundry room and dryer West clad Illa Ilag centre AXply oi Donald real telephone 92162 RENTALS APPS HOUSES 10 BENT Amacuvr newly decorated unmmlahld tiara room an meni with pflvlto bath on bcriand street salt contained heated Lots at siorua aaare Telephone PA tuba or further inimtlon camuh Modeln heated Ipan meni spacious living room and iarao bedroom didactic modern kitchen retnteraior and hears dntv stove Parking Iarlutles business couple oreiemd Tel pboho PA cam ROOM dc BOARD moat AND BOARD available close to downtown Apply is Ber fly Street for further intdmlunns wanna comfortable Room with board Gentleman pselcrred Home flvllzgeL Telephone PA was or Iurther details looli arm noaltn with mother cln given 10 babies and Chil ran in my own homa by th Iezk Telephone PA 11390 soon with breakfast and packed lunch Monday to Frtdly Work ing man Total abstainers only need apply its aayaeid Street ROOMS TO LET nxnitooM for rent for gentlemln in quiet home Downtown location Telephone PA Haas ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE FURNACFS FOR SALE FORCED am on OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud AIR5 Woodward and Sons Heating Contractors RR Siroud ail apacn Iieaior with an for sale in exceuent condition Tele obnna PA 51313 alter and month iolephonr pa anoint unsure as passion at es COOK Iiovs Spenerr cream and ivory trimmed with black red in load condition 35 Te phono Ivy isits after DOG PETS WILLEITS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HART MOUNTAIN and LONGLIEE Inver sang birds hudgiea and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Duties and all pets OPEN TO 330 PAL DAILY PHONE PA 0M6 not lost ML alaeklabrador Good boma seven months old wanted Beat offer Tole ho Lula hi PA ammo nose for Ialc ales Ticks and Beagles crossed niaa months old Also two Intl ot dag harden in good condition his phone on all ARTICLES WANTED crush puss wanted Must bl in good condition Telepbona PA um nicYcLu clearance of resent stock o1 Raleigh Birycica in oil grie of any model on the floor obinson Hardware PA um BARN militia 34 80 20 also hamdrawn Cutters and Buggies Apply Willard nobsoo or phone ivy out IURNIHILD bedroom in quiet home Gentleman prererred cen tnl location Phone PA um YIIRNIEIIBD Bedroom or rent Suitable for pensioner or lady Board opilona Telephone PA Iazts or apply Sahiord street panama Rodin Ior rent kit cbeneitr Iumlshed you man reiorrrd TV available all at an Codrinnon street iUnNIaIInn eomiombia bouao keeoing room for rent with rena ettc use at relrirerator and lien dix oslta Arena tciephona plt no menu pUnNiaiisD beddiitlnt room for rent with kitchen priv llcles for lady Located vry close to downtown Reason Telephone PA Malt cmita Uninrnishe kitchen etta and ran bedsit no room 15 per mnnlh Heat lights and water run lied Apgly ai Woraley Street Teiephoild Mata LAnGn mom Iiutm nirnished in reï¬ned home Suitable for stu dent or business man But stnx at door weekly Telephone 59252 FUILNIaIIBn bedroom for rent Heated Lincn supplied Five min utes walk from downtown Park ing iacilitics Comtortabe home privileges For additions into madon telephone PA azzso WANTED TO RENT PURNIamID Apartment wanted One bedroom kitchen bathroom TV outict parking iaciiitios Pre ler central location Apply tlos 57 tiarais Examiner pumsnun Huusekecplnl Room wanted by young hue lacs lady on ground near by November 15 Apply Mrs Hamilton ohn St sites pni ARTICLES for SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25 PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Elianilner Barrie Ontario HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 92427 IHE RAFTERS ANTIQUES Craighuist Ont are showing at the iAntique Treasure Mart CASA LOMA TORONTO NOV th T0 9th SHOP CLOSED NOV TO 10 STORE OWNERS Assorted qitlanlgity of old 0C COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per feci condition but have 195 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20¢ Clearing ai 9c ea lus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 645537 Graham Card Sports LARGEST STOCK on GUNS AND AMMUNITION NORTH OF TORONTO SPECIAL PRICES BARRIE RESIDENTS Place your order by mail 16 IVEISSISSAGA ST ORILLIA Electrohome TV Stereo Hear the New FM Stereo The Best in Sound McFADDEN Appliance 128 PENETANG sr on aim Ample Free Parking Terms to suit your Budget hiccULLocn CHAIN saw for snie Good condition Heavy duty 35 Telephone PAv Masl and ask or Lee SKATES one pair or Bauer grobuilt skatesaire 10VaW $10 clc hone PA will alter six or iurt er Information meAIRR stove Telvision Automatic WasherDryer an chairs lur aaie Telephone PA 30196 or limb to Mlpld Anilqu RADIATOR cleaned re aired oored Plow paints rebu it Ilamii ten Radiator services telephone plt H170 or it Frederick street HAMMOND onnalv model ascrllira or Alan Speed Queen Elev ire in perfm condition Telephon PA my for further particulars TYPEanl bought Icld rent ed to aired Student rcntai rates Ask out our RentTry tben Buy Plan star Typewriter co za Eradlnrd St PA 50595 We allow mus no in with tubes mounted on wheel as new six wooden Storm win ows roslmaieiy good con on Talcphnna HE 417 RENTALS sinker Elecin Port able Machines tor rent by the week or the month singer Saw lug centre Dunio Street WuL siphon PA 97 or nmvala ATTENTION anAsnl Glla smoke Shop to Maple Itvc PA Mind in addition to Ireh took of smoken needs on how any Ior your convenience bread but for muk coiiee etc etc open daily all pin Sundlyl noon to 11 alumnus mu Spornmnni lilo dei st soon too aeratta Pumpd 85 New sons sis Gun ansu si 22 hit she once Colt buntllnes 31595 set grim awder bullets live bait hunting icenees hand guns Everything tor the sportsman open eve cvcning Huhionl Ear nil narroi FRUIT 85 VEGETABLES APPLE BARN lilclptcsh Snow Courilcnd and other varieties windfalls $125 per bushel Phone PA 9201 BUSINESS Ask About Low Rates TRACYS Venetian Blind Service log and cleaning of all types of blinds For free estimates call PA 83432 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA I42 ELECTRIC MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIRS to all makes of appliances TONY USSELMAN formerly of Tonys App Seer Appliance Service Manager DASH Electri Motors 10 Ross St PA 5307 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twin weekly pickup delivery II FRANCIS ST irtuAlt PA 68551 Less than pack of unrattes day DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1956 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 68551 JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL NOW OPEN For complete iniormation and appointments TELEPHONE PA 61277 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushedstnne Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 29 HEATING SHEARDOWNS Barrie BURNER SERVICE Furnaces audBurnera Cleaned $750 plus parts 24 HOUR SERVICE PA azlao Specialists iuretaping record MSTRDNDMZ hired to student Apply Dlvl or telephone PA Hail 7157 wanam In good condition Nlma brand Telephone PA no Piln on at WI Wild PAY can for toad uud furniture or any good used ertlcio individusi or unteni loll Phone PA am 631511me sum wanted in good condition ailn Girls Winter outï¬t also state pianieulsn price etc to nos 38 arri aminer ARTICLES non ithlw CHRISTMAS MOVIES for Childrens Parties etc CARTOONS FEATURES Book now for special rates For appointment call PA W10 5FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small annuals removed irco For fast service phone aamm PA 117751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE za hours day1 days wash NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmcnd Ontario License No 130061 LIVESTOCK ON HOLSTEIN Bull 18 month bldpior nla Telephone uiroy DR CHESTNUT GELDINB year old weighing 1100 pounds sound Aï¬ply Jackson Owen Sound it Telephone FR cows Aluzmclm imported Saddia Mares and Geldings for sale All colors Fall claannee All prku reduced Telephone PA Head for lurtner Information Try All Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 SERVICE DIRECTORY By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 INSU LATION INSULATION ï¬with NOIROCISWWI ALUMINUM CLAPBOARD SID ING IN COLOURS METAL D0 ORS WINDOWS AWNINGS BY ALSCO FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORK SCOTT MUIR MINESING 211 AIRIITE lNSULATION REP MASONRY If it can be built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 PAINTEBS Bradley Sons Decorating Painting Contractor FLOOR WALL TILE GYPROC JOINT FILLING Your satisfaction our pleasure 59 LETITIA ST BARRIE PA 6421 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PASGSSG REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappertol st PHONE PA 84562 samany DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled germ nnlm als under the above FREE REMOVAL Phuna COLLECT BARRIE PAlkway 53517 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENE est5