Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Nov 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For hammer Want Ads reto pbono PA Hm The telephone number to call for the Erasmus or Editorial Dept il PA 66537 97th Yes rNo 259 Berlin Police Stage Duel With Tear Gas BERLlN ReuteralEalt and West Berlin police today threw total of 1M tesr gas grenades at each other In what West Ber lin described as the biggest tear gas duel to have taken place at the EastWest Berlin border East Berlin police hurled tear gas at West Berlin workers who were removing soilyard wire mesh fence standing just inside West Berlin territory The East Germans had prevl ousiy attached it to their barbed wire border fence West Berlin police retaliated and each side threw 12 gren ades Nobody was hurt West Berlin police said East German police Sunday opened fire on group of about 30 men women and children at tempting to escape into West Berlin They also fircd shots at West Berliner as he smuggled his Byearoid fiancee out of East Berlin in the trunk of his car hitting the vehicle six times The couple reched West Ber lin safely but only five men and four children from the group ot 30 made it across the heavily guarded border West Berlin police said they did not know the fate of the oth ers who included the mothers of their children OPENS IHE WALL Meanwhile Gen Lucius Clay President Kennedys represente tlve in Berlin today opened an American exhibition in Berlin devoted to the wall dividing East and West Berlinan exhi bition which will continue as long as the wall stays up He described the wall as something we must never for get and never forgive The exhibition called simply The Wall is photograprie documentation of the wall built by East Germans Aug 13 and subsequent border events Radioactive Cloud 0n Way To Europe WASHINGTON AtThe in visible cloud of radioactive ash from Russias giant 50megaton blar of last Monday eastward over the dian cross the North Atlantic Propelled by 80milcan hour Europe sometime today on its first swing around the world At the some time fallout from this and other Soviet shots in the current series of Ru sian tests caused the highest radio activity ever recorded in Japan the cloud toward Alaska The weather bureau restated that most of the radioactive dev bris from the 50megaton bomb still is in the stratosphere and probably will not come down un til next spring The nt altit do will probably lose most of its radioactivity during the next several weeks as rains and snow wash it to earth Find Deer Hunters Asphyxiated Warned Against Using Charcoal PORT LDRING Ont CF Four deer hunters who disre garded warning not to use charcoal in their hunting cabin stove were found asphyxlated by carbon monoxide Sunday Harold Shannon 32 Fred Harnden 38 Herbert Riehle 38 all of Torontoand William Austin as who recently moved from Tomato to Moonstone Ont were found dead in ca bin at Fremaury lodge about 70 miles south of North Bay friendof the four Anthony Buchanan of PortIioring said he told them not to use charcoal but they figured it would be all right Mr Buclianéns wrong 13 was sent by Mr Austin to buy four bags oi charcoal for the cabin Frien do said Mr Austin had intended to bring bard coal but had forgotten it at home Jack Arthurs one of nine hunters occupying the next ca bin said he had used the death cabin last Thanksgiving but had used wood cord in the stove DECIDE 0N CABIN The four dead men had hunted together for the last three years They lived in house trailer on previous trips but decided on wmterized cabin for this year Mr Austin was one of two men rescued from Lake Simone in August 1980 after clinging for 18 hours to an overturned boat Two other men died on that oc casion The men were found by Jo seph Howie 28 of Toronto and Port Boring when he visited the cabin Sunday morning Iwaiked into the cabin and called out but there was no re ply Mr Howie said Then shook one of the boys and saw be was dead All windows in tha why15 foot cabin were closed police said Coroner William Copeman said an inquest will be held Tiny Tots March To BantheBomb LONDON AIMLondon had tinytots bantbebomh demon stration Sunday About 500 mothers and fathv ers some pushing carriages the hand walked slowly to both the Soviet and US embassies The pace was suited to the slowest and youngest oi the procession was followed by police van and an ambulance The ambulance stopped occa sionally to pick up tired and crying youngsters Police moved about murmur ing gently Go home moth ers But few took their ad vice At the US Embassy po liceman carefully belped small child down the steps from the front door BEDS CANT TAKE IT ROME iAPiNikita Khrush chevs latest campaign against pill to swallow for some ltalian Communists Informed political sauces say the campaign against Stalin coupled with the Soviet nuclear tests has pro duced internal unrest in the lt alien Communist prty reminisc eat of the 1956 days of the Hun garian revolt coast Sunday and began moving winds it is expected to reach and pushed smaller radioac cioud moving at much lower and others holdinggtoddiers by Joseph Stalin is proving hard SEE GHANA BOMBING THREAT IO QUEEN POPEWELCOMES Pope John XXIII talks with Paul Emile Cardinal Leger Archbishop of Montreal dur ASK CRACKDOW ON GUM CHEWING BIRMINGHAM Ala AP Teachers in Birmingham schools have been urged to crack down on gum chew ers The current bulletin at the Birmingham Education Association says Those who say chewing gum relievertension might as well any biting finger nails relieves tension or mur daring people relieves the murderous inclination or beating oneo wife makes for peaceful husband Besides says the bulletin the gum chewers stick up the bottom of their desks Saw No Concern Ior Bomb Shelters TORONTO CPI Rabbi Air raham Felnberg said Sunday he saw no sign and heard no talk of fallout shelters during re cent tour of London Berlin and Moscow He told the First Unitarian Congregation here the fear at nuclear war is being commer Kciaiized in Canada If shelters are really needed he said the government ahould build them If not we should stay away from them for they build up war psychology so Barrie Ontario Canada Monday November 619 L41 ing special audience grant ed by the pontiff for the Col lege of Cardinals in the Vail In wanVtv NEWPORT RJ AmPres igdentglfennedysandlrimehiln later Nehru of India meet today to begin discussions of world problems with emphasis ex pected to be put on nuclear tats Nehru has called the latest series of Russian nuclear tests an evil thing Kennedy arranged to greet Nehru upon his momlng arrival at Quonset Point naval air sta tion from New York Nehru flew into New York Sunday after Katanga Soldiers Win Solid Victory LEOPOLDVILLE CFAP The forces of President Moise stombe leader of breakaway Katangaiprovince appear to have won another solid victory in recent Hating against cen tral government forces trying to bring the province under its control The central government which announced last week it had sent forces 35 miles into Katanga capital army Chief of Staff Joeph Yav sad his sol diers only casualties in the bar der fighting were three mm wounded Katangas makeshift air force consisting of about 20 plans manned by hired foreign pilots CANADIAN wtfir gs OPPOSITION TOIPK Nehru Dead Against Any Nuclear Testing was reported to have been major factor Believe Double moor CREEK CPIA man and woman were shot to death outsidea hotel here Saturday nightand the womans 7avyearr old father was lhter founddead in his burning automobile with bullet woundin the bead Police said the deaths were double murder and suicide Dead are Mrs Mona Ewan 42 of Trout Creek John Buchan 50 of Woodstock and Delbert Watt 70 All were shot rains MOTHER Tovrsn crease Antony ArmstrongJones For influence House in her newham son Court air the Earl of Snowdon drives his mother in Countus of Ibndon Saturday to visit his wife Princess Margaret and ficials said both mother and baby are getting along fine AP Wirephotoi with mlibre rifle Mrs Ewan and Buchan were killed outside the Evers Hotel Watts body was found in car which raced away from the shooting scene Police said Walt set fireito his car before shoot ing himself Provincial police said Watt bad objected to his daughters one of oeveral ceremonies in honor of the Popes third can Palace The audience was stopover in London where he talkeLwlth Primeilid ulster Macmillan Nehru is expected to press Kennedy for moratorium on nuclear firings as first step to treaty banning use of nu clear weapons in this Kennedy and Nehru are in opposition Nehru said Sunday night in New York that Im dead against any nuclear testing whatever happens Ho reiter ated the position that the im portant thing is to stop all tests now without waiting for treaty with inspection and controls and all that The US position is that The Titanic Examiner LOCAL WEATHER Partly cloudy and warmer to marrow law tonight 25 High Tuesday 50 For full summary please turn to page two Not More Than per Copy12 Papn Unrest Mounts CARDINAL coronation anniversary Nov and his 30th birthday Nov 25 AP Wirephoto wa nonnuclear tr requires agreements fonintemationaLia spectiori to make it effective The American and Indian po sitions also are diametrically opposed on the question of ad mission of Red China to the United Nations The lndian position as ex pounded by Nehru is that dis armamcnt is one of the major world problems and you cant deal with it without China Nehru insists it would be easier to bring Red China into general disarmament agree ment as member of the UN The United States supports the Nationalist government of mi ang Katrshek Have Moral Right To nuclear Tests MOSCOW Reuters Bunnie has claimed full moral right totest the some number of nu clear bombs as have already been exploded by the United States BritainandFtance The US Atomic Energy Com mission said tha Soviet Union set all 55 announcedteats prior to the present series in which there have been making total of 886 The total in cluding fourinythe unseat ud Man Woman Shot Outside Hotel Mus as use relationship with Buchan man who had been in the hotel before the shooting said Watt and 13qu had an argument in the beverageroom and Watt Then Saturday night heard three shots the man said came out to see what it was all about and saw John on the ground and Mrs Ewaniying in puddle of water near the cor ner of the hotel Mrs Ewan was employed in Trout Creek nursing home Her husband died 22 years ago Rachel was liflstning rod salesman Watt railroad fireman for the last 25 years hadbeen farm ing at Commando about 19 miles southwest of here Trout Creckis about so miles south of North Bay derground series is 157 Britain hasfiredzzaadFrancei The official news agency Tass said Sunday it had been author ized to issue statement on the US decision to reserve the right to resume nuclear testing in theatmospbere Tess said that since Russias nuclear tests have been fewer than the US Britain and France together the Soviet Un ion fhara full marchright to equalize the situation and pre vent discrepancy between the number attests conducted by tIIESoviet Union and the num ber of testsjconducted by the countriesof the Western mili tary bloc The Tess statement came alter Premier Khrushchev was reported torbave declared that Russia will continue its nuclear testsit America carries out nu clear tests inthe atmosphere The Russian peoplestill Have not been informed of the test series which Khrushchev told the 22nd Communist party can gress would and by Oct 31 after somegaton bomb had fired There have been Western IBl ports of four more blasts in the last five days Western sourcesrsay Russias recent huge detonations have brought the Sovietvpower total fonbout 170 mogatonoa mega ton equals 1000000 tons of TNT Awhile the West hasset off something less than 130 mega tons ACCRA Ghana ReutersiA ritish cabinet member arrived ere today for final talk with strongman Prosidentt Kwame Nkrumah on Queen Elizabeths scheduled visit to in ternally troubled Ghana Thum day Commonwealth Relations Sec retary Duncan Sandys was met the airport by Foreign Minis ter Ako Adjet and British High Commissioner Sir Arthur Snell mg Sandys said that he and his colleagues in the British govarn ment thought it advisable for the final talk with Nkmmah be fore the visit scheduled to be gin Tbursday He said Nkrumah welcomed the suggestion Sandya arranged to meet Nkruniah soon after his arrival but met separately first with Spelling who has been in close tficb with Nlrrumah on the noAM cm Security measures were insti tuted here after two bomb blasts early Saturday Police patrols armed with heavy nightsticks roamed Afton during the night But there were mounting fears in Britain for the Queens safety in view of the antigovernment blasts Nkrumah denied rumor sweeping Accra that he leit his official residence Flagstaff muse andapeat the night at the main army camp here have been here in Flagstaff House all day he told re porter in telephone conversa tion Sneiling said Sandys would do cide for himself what advice to give Bri Prime Minister Macmillan who has the final responsibility of do eiding whether the visit should take Place as scheduled The explosions Saturday dam aged statue of Nlrrumah and Ghanas IndependencrArch The blasts took the govern ment here by surprise but pre oday Order Building Evacuated As Tour Nears paralions or the Queens visit continued Flags of British Com monwealth nations were flying in the streets Chief Inspector son Smith of Scotland Yard who was here in October to make se curity arrangements for the Queens visit flew back to Ac ore from Freetown Sierra Leone after hearing of the ex ulosions The visit to Accra is the sec and by Sandys within month His earlier trip here was de voted to talks with Nkrumnh on AngloGhanaian differences joint communique issued alter the talks appealed to Brit ons and Ghanainns to take the utmost care to avoid misinter pretation of each others policies and intentions The conununlqua made no ref erence to the Queens visit or to internal troubles in Ghana which had resulted in the arrest of many leading opposition polit ical leaders shortly before the talks Last month the British govern ment rejected suggestions by group of Conservative Labor and Liberal MP that tho Queens visit to Ghana should be cancelled because of the coun trya turbulent pended silos tion The government blames the bombing on the opposition United Party which has been fighting Nkrumahs rule All avaUable detectives have been called in to hunt the bombers and police checkpoints have been set up on roads leading out of Accra So far no arrests have been announced Nknsmah has ruled Ghana the iormer Gold Coast with strong band ever since it be came an independent republic within the British Common wealth ln 1957 The ear in Britain is that the Queen at Prince Philip might become accidental victimsofan act of violence aimed at him mah IN NUTSHELL Chatham Man Killed In Crash casinos1 or wiuiam Allen so of Chatbam died today in hospital of injuria received in twocar crash Sunday Allens wife is in serious condition Urge Sales Tax Exemption ario Federation of Agriculture which opened TORONTO CP Police today ordered the evacuation of downtown Toronto oifice building aiter finding enough Ahern and Company Albanian Leaders Russian revolution NEW Yoax AP nitro giycerine to cause huge explosion bottle full of the explosive was found in the office of stockbrokers Thompson Tell Russians 0i Ideal City MOSCOW Reuters Fusions were told today of ura nium City somewhere in the Soviet Union where workers get free food the birthrate is higher than the national aver age and radiation sickness is unknown Walk Ou PEKENG Reuters Members of the Albanian embassy staff walked out of rally here today after Soviet Ambassador Chervonenko attacked the Albanian Communist leader ship The meeting was held toiceiebraie the anniversary of the Claim Exhausted Alter Talks Lengthy peace taliG in Teamstersv Union strike that has caused awday milk drought in the city and on Long Blandwore recessed early today after management negotiators claimed exhaustion Elections Escape Penitentiéwl MAUZACY France Reuters About 40 Algerians escaped through tunnel from penitentiary here today where ali were serving sentencesgfor murder Counterlsressure Wiih Blockade of the Canadian General counter Russian or the Bosphorus vancouvna 0131 can arias Foulkes former chier believa the Wat should pressure on Beriin bybloclaading the Baltic Tanlrer Eitplodesidlt Tunisia romaine The7l 5am Scottish tanker can and exploded and sank in heavy sdas Sunday night off the north Tunisian coast and 61 of her 66 European officers andPake istahi crew memberswere reported missing

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