Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Nov 1961, p. 3

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MR AND MRS Eer hrrn cr of Ottawa their son and two friends find out what it would bl like if they had to live In fallout shelter This fullscale cutaway shelter is used for demonstration pur poscs at the Civil Defence College Amprior Ont The IlNINIEREST IN BUILDING BOMB SHELTERS three children are left to right Geoffrey niruer Bon ny Ritchie and Patrick Car roll CF from National De fence Nuclear Crisis Stimulates Interest In Civil Defence By DAVE hlclNTOSH lain Press Staff Writer The tense International situa tion has stimulated public inter est in civil defence measures but not to the extait of any marked action CrossCanads Survey by Tho Canadian Press shows that this Interest is reflected mainly in inquiries to civil defence of ficials concernng fallout shel ters and other survval plane The survey indicates that many more persons are build ing secrctly fallout shel ters than the issuance of build ing permits shows John Pollard director of Metropolitan Tomato Emer genoy Measures Organization says he is convinced more shelters are being built than indicated by the number of building permits because people are apt to try tobide their shelter plane to avoid comment from neighbors Mai Maurice St Pierre civil defence co ordinator in Mont sea says people are secretive about their shelters no nxrnn arson lt When they build they like to cicjccp it tonemsclves says Maj St Pierre The shelters are family size and there is no room for outsiders About 12 firms have gone into the shelterconstruction bussness In MontreaL In Windsor 0nt there is no record of anyone taking out building permit for shelter But one official says he is cer tain that halfadoun shelters have been built by persons who have kept the fact secret to avoid an increase in property assessment or so keep the neigl bors away in event of nuclear war In Winnipeg officials estimate Z0 shelters have been built But nmostcnsatheowners are keepingathejct quiet Vancouver has exempted fall out shelters to value of $600 from municipal taxation Offi cials estimate 30 or 40 shelters have been built or are under construction in the city mit for shelter But estimate six or seven others are secretly building shelters Only one shelter has been completed in Newfoundland at St Johns Two others are being built one of them at Deer Lake in central Newfoundland In Nova Scntia plans for shel ters have been sent on request to 11000 home owners The federal government lists 10 likly target areas in Can ada St Johns Nlld Halifax Saint John Quebec City Montreal Dtt wa Toronto Hamilton London Falls Windsor Winnipeg Ed monton Calgary an ver and Victori At least 70 miles from each of um IIPIIOLSIEIIING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 57433 BARBIE Uphflismifls II On BusinessNot Just Sideline as Bradford st fhcso Iargels Ihe army is cstab Iishlng headquarters from which survival operations would be di rected There will be some 210 mobile rescue columns compris ing about 50000 troops and 100 000 civilians to be trained this winter on six week militia courses WILL MOVE GOVERNMENT Ottawa and the provinces are setting up emergency headquar ters for government The fed eral cabinet and senior officials would operate in event of war from an underground headquar ter at Carp is miles west of the capital However Prim Minister Dicfenbaker has said he would remain in his basement shelter with his wife at 24 Sussex Drive the home of prime ministers in central Ottawa The federal government has laid many other emergency plans such as stockpiling of medical supplies provision of warning sirens communica tions network broadcasting and emergency direction of air land and water transportation It has given up its original plans for target evacuation be cause It was considered there would notbesufficient tiEeto carry it out However evacuation can be carried out voluntarily and some cities have made plans for this KEEP GAS TANK FULL Evacuation routes are sent to citizens of Halifax Dartmouth and Sydney the three Nova Sm tia cities for which evacuation program it ng begienab fished In Saint John pamphlet of evacuation instructions ls being distributed tricte dispersal routes and ties tinations for refugees are out lined on map page in thetele phone directory The page also includes suchadvioc as sure your oar is kept filled with gas The Winnipeg civil defence or ganization plans to survey emergency lodging in Portage la Prairie one of the main evacuation centres for Greater wr the educational re hgious and cultural backgrounds of prospective emergency hosts The object is to make sure evac uees and hosts have something in common to talk about after theyve exhausted the ate conversational piece pre sented by adissster WELCOME SRORTLIVED After the first 40 hoins the milk of human kindness tends to run dry and the host starts DANCING ooo FELLOWS HAD COLLIER ST EVERY FRIDAY FRIDAY TOM CKOWE SATURDAY FRED CASE Newmarket ADMISSION15o NO SLACKS OR JEANS PERMITTED OId Tyme and Modern Dancing wllAIIxriaasoirianigcixhel wishing his emergency guests were gone ays Albert Bent ley Manitoba civil defence to ordinator Both Calgary and Edmonton have evacuation plans Calgary Is divided into seven sections each with its own ooloLgndfexiL point It is hoped that cars in each section will bear that sec tions color and that warden will be appointed for each so families Bell Calgary civil do fence director says that with three hours warning there would be enough time to Com plete the exodus to prearranggl points in southern Alberta The federal and some provin dal and municipal governments have made or are making sur veys of government buildings to determine their value asfalloiit shelters SUBWAY SURVEY Provincial Secretary David Stewart of Prince Edward Is land says all provincial build ings built in future will have some protection against fallout Toronto is making survey of its subway and undergron parking facilities PremierWDilieroblin omch oba has his own doityourself shelter Mayor Henry Baker of Regina has suggested three or four year program to provide shel ters in all private homes and public shelters for residents un able to provide thei Regina is notTiE target area but private com pany that designs and budds shelters says it has about so firm orders Pricesrangejrom $195 to 5695 in ed ter projects haveboenunder talrcn by groups of people There are an estimated 300 sheltersin northern Alberta and inquiries have been received from trailer camps in remote regions In Vancouver the mllelong tunnel that connects the new post allies and the CPR railway station is being surveyed as possible public shelter Travel Arrangements WORLD WIDE SERVICE AIR SHIP BUS RAIL HOTEL and RESORT RESERVATIONS 0x Johnson and Co Ltd 101 Dunlap Harris as 66525 691 an on Toronto was SATURDAY and his REFRESHMENT BOOTH CANADAS TARGET CITIES Hamlin new KUDOS NIAcAIrA 11115 TOITENHIIM Dr and Mrs Code Smith of Tomato spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Fred Laird and family Mrs Roddy of Wood bridgespenl nlévidays with Mrs James Henderson and met Many old friends Mr andlilrs Vernon Wice and daughters of Smithvillc were in town Sunday Mrs Wine and daught er Mrs Mervin Dale of Schom berg called on friends in Stroud and Barrie Friday last Mr and Mrs Mallfon were in Stratford on Saturday visiting Mr Mallions father who is Ill Mr and Mrs Wilson of Ottawa are at present at the home of their daughter Mrs Mallion Harold Sloan spent the week end with his sisters in Toronto HELP UNICEF This year theypupils of Tat tenhnm Public School and Col gan Sepurate School whose homes are in Tottcnham col lected pennies for UNICEF pro moting feeling of good will and helping children of other countries The effort was spon sored by the Historical Resear ch and Current Events Commit tee with the permission of the president of the lottcoham Branch of the Womens In stitnté be anxious to know because of their efforts the amount raised was approxlt imatcly $25 Thanks so much EALLOWEEN PARTY The Childrens Halloween Par ty organized by the executive of the Womens Institute who provided the prizes had the usual responserfrom all It would be amiss not to make mention of the gift of the town hall free for this pur pose by Local Council The candy was paid for from funds raised by what was once active and called the Progress Club Truly community effort DENTAL OFFICE Tottcnham and community are happy to welcome Dr Apse Dentist who has opened an office where the late Dr Wood practiced for many ymrs The office has been redecor ate dnnd has complete new equipment Dr Apse started work on Monday THORNTON Trinity United Church service will be at l015 am with Sunday School following the service Visitors welcome Mrs Eleanor Maw assisted at the reception of Mr and Mrs Charles Mooney in Barrie on Sunday AT AREA CONVENTION WI members attending the Area Convention at Alliston on Monday and Tuesday were Mrs If Dixon Mrs Spencer Mrs Reid Mrs Holt Mrs Cunningham and Mrs Boatty lhc 4H Club had on display Cottons are Smart showing the dresses made in the course last spring Mr and Mrs James rs spent Sunday in Markdale with Mr and Mrs Houghton and family FtMissrlsabel Carr and Mar garet Carr were weckcnd guests with Mr and Mrs Cart BARRIE WEDDING number from here were guests at the Spencer lcach wedding on Saturday at Collier Street United Church in Barrie Congratulations to El len and Ron who will be re siding in Thornton Mr and Mrs Joe Lonnox and boys attended 25th wedd ing anniversary of Mr and imvfi LMMEDN wimrioio Caught up in the po ance inseamLang andthaseaslure colic Caron and Horst Buchholz star as the young lovers in Joshualogansproduetio icolvrrpresentatfor alsorstarring Maintorch alier and Charles Boyer opens Monday at the ho Now is good time FAULIrwmiNG WILBlIRWALTON 52 Newton Streetaflarrie PA £4000 CIA Now is GOOD TIME roo aTO€HECKYOUIHOMERROTECTION and makesure you have enough FIRE INSURANCE to replace your homoand furnishings or the con tents of your apartment at todays pricesl Did you ever iwant to be detective Well heres chanccjochc detaei live right in your own home to track down fire hazards avanisn UNDER sums DVERLOADED rusns CARELESSSMOKINGA Why not check your home protection neodsjoday with represjntafive from CIAi TIM CRAWFORD 155 Penetang street Barrie PA from Ctroperators Insurance Assoc CITIES IN CANADA THAT WILL BE TARGETS IN ANY NUCLEAR ATTACK SIMCOE cpery i1Irws Mrs George Leonor in Toronto recently Mrs Stribbell of Detroit Mr and Mrs Denny of Fair port Beach and Mr and Mrs McDonald oi mood Hill rswitiers EUCHRE WINNERS Winners at the prograslvc euchrc party held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall by the Women Auxiliary on lilond ay Oct 30 were high lady Mrs Barbara Dalton 7o Mrs Alice Swanson high ge Lester Townes 85 low Gent Norman Miller Winner of novelty prize was Msr Nonnao Miller of Stsyner WWEEN Witches goblins and gen eral whathaveynu hanged on doors and rang door bells for the usual trick or treat on Halloween Apart from the us ual soaplag of windows and false fire alarm everything was quiet and in order The young fry were out In force at pm winding up at the town hall at pm where party was held by the Crea more Chamber of Commerce Games and contest were part of the evenings program and then the judging of best cost umes took place Reg West brooke prasidentJ emcee for the evening and0rr Mach esney provided the piano mu sie Judges of costumes were Morris Mumford Elmer Prid die and Miss Patsy yBenelle Winners of the best cos tumes typical of Hallowecn were Betty Ann Cherry Mich ille Rhodes and Donna Ia burn Prettiestvcostume nie Castes andPatsy Williamson Novelty or comic ostume Jim Day Marlr Westbrooke Kelly Westbrooke Ray and Robert Blackburn LOCAL VISITING MrIandMrsTRaymond Dus enbury an Linda of North Tonawanda New York were guests of Mr and Mrs William Dent on the weekend Mrs John Irwin spent few days with her daughter in Kit chener last week Mr and Mrs Eric Oluley of Durham and Mrs Cannon of Toronto visited Mn rKalb eeandiMrs Cluleyilest weak Mr Lemm Mr and on Tad familyr accompaniedwbyr Mrs Lcmmon and Grace vigited friends in Coolm town on the weekend ASBEDr FIRE swered call to the home of Mr and Mrs Bill Jordan on Saturday afternoon where blaze was Egress inL scent to the house Jordan is collect THE EARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY NOVEMBER 181 or of guns estimated the loss of valuable tools equipment and guns at $1000 The shed was total loss FAMILY PARTY The family oi Mr and Mrs Rob Ritchie gathered at their home in Croemorc on Sunday to celebrate llr Ritchies 79th birthday Those present ere Mr and Mrs Carol Ritchie and John Mr and Mrs Hid dlcbrook and family Port Cred It Mr and Mrs Alex Noble and Margaret Holland Landing Mr and Mrs Ritchie and Dennis lilasonvillc Mr and Mrs Allan Ritcliihlrnnd Mrs Glen Richie and Mr an Mrs Wib Ritchie all of Cree more RUMMAGE SALE The Ladies Outing Club Is holdinLaIuInrnnge and baking Rabin Crecmore town hall on ov ll ciiowri HILL WOMENS INSTITUTE November meeting of the CrgwhjiiliJYl will be held on Wednesday Nov at pm at the home of Mrs Smith Roll call Something have read in the Home and Country Motto Education means do vcloping the mind not stuffing the memory Comment by Mrs Quinlan Convener Mrs ink There will he film wn Dream to Reality Hostessea Mrs George Atk inson and Mrs Norman Tuck Everybody welcome LOCAL VISITING Mrs Ida Home is residing with Miss Eva Partridge in Barrie Crown liill extends warm welcome to Mr and Mrs Ceracns formerly of Por tugal Mrs Norman Tuck represent edCrownHlllWIat the an nual Simcoo County Area Con vention on Oct 30 and at In Alliston Mr and Irs Roy Newson visited relatives in Tavistock re cently Recent visitors In the neigh borhood were Miss Jessie Robinson Toronto at Fred Partridges MissJean and Mr Wilson Wicc of Stroud at Roy annuities Mrs Morrison of Peterboro at Cecil and Gordon Dunsmores and Carl Drurys Mrs James Stra chan Debbie and Stephen at Cecil Dunsmores Miss Lynn Cresscento 0m Station and Nick Ellsmere Cralghurst at End Dunsmores M15 Elaine Drury visited in Hamilton recently RECEIVES RA DEGREE Mr and Mrs Roy Newson attended the graduation exercis es at Mollfaster University Hamilton on Friday youngest so Allan obtained his Bachelor of Arts In science Studies Congratulations Allan SURPRISE SHOWER Mrs Bud Dunsmore was the guest of homat sur prise baby shower given at her home by friends and relations MANSFIELD Anniversary services at the Presbyterian Church were ell attended on Sunday Rev McLarnon of Westmount Presbyterian Church To rue gave two splendid sermons to an appreciative audience ltl McLarnon sang two solos also duet with Rev Charles Town sley The choir rendered tw anInems with Mrs Cecil Bates at the organ FELL FROM TREE Milton Armstrong ell fro the top of tree while plcking applesiil the re EOréhia on Monday Dc 23 and was tskeato the Alliston hospital then on the Western Hospital Toronto Fortunately his injur ies were not so severe as first thought and he responded to treatment and carcand able to come harm on Three day Oct 31 He had taken some form of heart seizure which made him unconscious causing the fall MISS JEAN RAZZLEWDOD Miss Jean Hazzelwood of Can Memorial Hospital on Sund Oct In her 83rd year Miss Hauelwood came to Mans field in 1936 to ho housekeeper for Rev MCurten follow Ing the death in November of Mrs McCorten This position she filled admirably and had been his companion ever since Her operation at Orilllo was from which she never rallied The funeral service was held in Cannington United Ch with interment in Prospect Cemetery Toronto GARAGE BURNED Mr and Mrs Murray Thomp son who live on the third line of Mulmur Township near Viol et Hill were awakened about 12 oclock on Tuesday night when their garage about 12 feet away from their brick home was burned down They managed to save the ous but thcir tools were lost around Mansfield The yo fry enjoyed themselves Th 0611 and Explorer girls collect ed for UNICEF John Jago is patient in tbs Western Hosp roato where he has been since his operatiagmutquccks ago He had seconioparatlnn on him complete recovery AT WI CONVENTION Our branch of Womens In stitute was represented at the Central ares convention at the Royal York Tomato this week Mrs Alu Armstrong Mrs Cl arence Cook and Mrs Alvin Greer were among thosrwho attended IMPERIAL STARTS MONDAY Sins wanted nlngton passed away aLDrIlIinri successful but stroke followed Halloween passed dirqiiiétlr Wednesday from which we I92 guawmrEi mm nonhuman jXAMINATIO NS Applications and fees must reach the Conservatory not Mam 1961 35 COLLEGE 51 TORONTOIITO EENAGF MILLIONAIRE AND YOUVHAVE roguL VFAST FMIIOIIS PLAYERS LESLIE 77m CAR0NCHEvinipBUCmoma LAST TIMES TODAY Technicolor from Warner Bros HEAT MATINEEWEDS AT PM asuoim 931 LIFEMAGAZNE THE PLEASURE OF HIS COMPANY iii Tech Posture Times with Fred Astaire Debbie Reynolds 159 345 4D cancer sharini tratcd second Son of four hichi acids gralitult served sided Rev choi ftlrs WIIO re church quested and pa opporlu to 5cri dictitiai Mrs sures and Mr stnlcme Two workshI TORO the Wo meet iI 000000 50 is Part graphic 1540 wt stardom North Asia meeting Then Asia no the fell Mail commur world Jsisr some of in Chrii place Canadia unite south Ir themes opeoing MINORI vimustfl Christiai rinthev thin where evident tian chi portunit cry Christiai of pl tian cou reiugges The veloped towards change studios camps viva The Ci prcsldcn one fron from Nn Ilcndq whcre

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