Titanic Examiner Published by Canadian Newspepsrs umitsd id Beyfictd street Barrie Ontario SATURDAY Houston ms 11 Bcirries United AppealHas FuinciswAlleeeiteePRight Barrie second United ppal is closed lt was disappointin to earn that the donations were alig tly below last year But the eight agencies will not suffer too much For those who have personal problems we offer understanding But those who turned back canvassers with no donation for piddl dollar or two but have re sources it have to live with their con science Perhaps they are planning to take it with them rather than elp those really in need This United Apgeal was well organis ed and vorlta 1e army of workers ity that something like 60 of the money went to salaries No doubt this excuse referred to or snizationel sslsis ies No such thin its Leas thsnfivr per cent is req ed to get the charity under way But so far as the United Appeal one ies are concerned of course grea per cent goes to salaries How does anyone suppose this charitable and social work is carried outl There is the Victorian Order Nurse for instance She has to be aid There is the YMCA director and elpers There is the field worker for the Blind And so on This is work that turned outnmd contributedihemselvesm musthedone and those who are able enerously Many stories have been re ated One citizen refused to give even onercentrflcrhadiitr onereliablorauthorv should contribute so that those who are not able can he helped in mercy and sympather Need Armoury For Defence Quite furore arose when orders Were issued to oust the sea cadets the air cadets and the badminton club from wBarrie Armoury To get the record atraight these are not ordinary times Barrie Armoury is not civilian build ing it is owned and administeredbe the Department of National Defence When there is matter of defence involved as there is right now other things will have to make other arrangements which it What THERE WILL BE SOME DELIIY IN SHARING HANDS oceans PARK Government Faces Test Of The Times DON OSlAIN TORONTOTbs last of the nsw government will in the test of the tlincs point of crisis We bava been booming happy family except for occa sional small slumps Provincially our Mr prob lem has been how much mossy should be handsdout whsr But nowt ihera is tbs first rsal ihrs our sconomy which has It ï¬t the happy home the humid out of date We must rsceacttioo ttsnd without delay io dats rsallred thi And the others are for in the maiortty arcs GOING To date we havs humbled underneath and over and this sxcuse and that siieus But really there is no othsr word for it than tiltswe hsvs humbled Two years ago and mors it was evident to astuts scono mists that showdown was ovarhcad By last winter avsrybody knew it had arrived mMImyllflMV5flulJlenXMh who onlyprovincial or fadsrai liksd Robert Macaulay at the could not AT THE LIBRARY The governments at Ottawa and at Wash ington and at London are worried these days about what the Reds are up to The first of four National Survival courses is he ed will only be temporary on an emergency arises it has al IN ll EM Dear Sir is about to begin here next week Every evailablc bit of space is required for equipment and training No Place To We were sur rised to read In news item that itical party is using the YMCA build rig for its meetings The ZYMCA is supposed to be for social and recreational activities Politics does not jcome in this category Active service New Books On Africa Tell Variety Of Tales our militia trained for what could happen Talk Politics and militia messes have strict rule no politics or reli ion There are plenty of public huil rigs for rent here hash over your own ideas For in stance the pa lic library or the com munity house Doyvn Memow Lane The Barrie Examiner of Sept 10 1936 had an ad of the towns Big Fair four days Sept 21 22 23 and 24 TV competit ion had not iven trouble then and the program inc uded continuous concert in pony and horse races foot and bicycle ra ces and Junior Farmer calf races novelty arade and also bucksawing contest omens Institute and Junior Farmer cxiiibits Grays rides and midway on like same page was given some interest flng data re motor cars in Elmvale news as traffic census was of interest as by iof Highway 27 and the Elmvale Wasaga BeachflighwayVSZ on the weekend In Itthai time 11677 vehicles passed RAILWAY FATALITY IN 1936 The Examiner of Sept 17 1936 told of railway tragedy on Sept 16 when three local men were killed in the wreck when southbounipassenger CNR No 46edtobe adoredthere in no time at all THE STYLE NOTE CREEPS IN Christian Science Monitor recent dispatch fromnWashington goarefully noted that whenSenator Mar agaret Chase Smith of Maine delivered Emajor speech she worea blue silk suit Knowing the tendency of reporters to gslip into certain patterns of writing from gust such deceptively harmless hegirm ï¬ngs it requires only moderately ex gcesSive stretch of the imagination to see ï¬lms sort of thing part of the reporting all major addresses in congress priceless oratory by injecting style noteto the effect that hile discoursing on the possibilities of quid pro quo with Communist China 4Or that Senator Gust of Mis issippi had fabandoned his conservative gray cottorr for blue silk suit And with women voters outnumber ing men voters one squirms tocontem plate the travail of congressmen all over the capital on the morning of an isn The Barrie Examiner Authorized as second at us Post Office Duvnnmsnt0ttfv2 Daily Sundays and statutory noiiday sxcebtsd KENNETH WALLS Publishr nnran seasons General Manager is McPEERSON Managing editor nuances wanna euiinessmnusr 4t nanny WILSON Advertising Marsala some HOLDER Circulation Manager subscription rain daily by carries 35c wessiy 1820 year WP 1o By mall In Ontario 790qu six months use months 106 as nth bursitis Dntarlo iaoo ye Outside in $20M year Ave Toronto Mo Catbeart OffILdl 25 Universi sit dearer siuti Vancou stmt iiantmi me thinner of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Pub lllhlrs Annotation Theulnldlan Press and the Audit Bureau of éircuisuonr The clinician Press exclusive entltlcd is th use sot republication of all news is etched in this gap orsditsd to it or The Assoc ated HEIIM enters and also the local news onbiiiiiod cumin Other Editors Vievvs at high speed took an open siding and crashed into work tralmaLNnizaLstat ion yard with switch left open Three men were killed and six injured includ ing one lady Killed were three on the work train Conductor Desourdie formerly of Allandale and brakemen Noahst Clair and ldLilliam Miller Injured were Karl Kuhl Allandale Ed ward Ayers engineer Barrle Mc Nally ditcherengineer Colgan Mrs muscular strain and Shapiro Kirkland Lake strained muscles erriDepartmeht of Highways at the cornericlowsof hothtrains resided in Barrie hsten he will hear the ironic lauï¬howasscmmlemfmnrwhiwwatem jazz is ExMayor of Allandale gave great credit to the crewof the train and to Engineer Ayers who put on the emergency brakes when the train rounded the curve with the work train directly ahead The latter spoke highly of the prompt action shown in calling doctors and said There seem portant rollcall vote all struggling with the question Which of these ties matches this pair of socks This holdsdire prospects for the news rooms of the nation as well Imagine hav ing to make room in an already crowded corner for the desk of consultant loan ed by the fashion department or checking Washington dispatches with the faishion editor to see that no one is libel There is one glimmer of hope Perhaps the congressionalwives will be as wise in telling their husbands what to wear asthey are in advising them on what to END DISCRIMINATION Gait Reporter President Kennedy is bringing new attack to end discrimination in the Mary land area close to the capital of the Unit ed States in the approaches to Washing ton many restaurants and other places of business practice segregation some re fusing to serve Negroes entirely oth ers coafining them to reserved sections This particularly embarrassing to the United States in view of the increas ing number of African states that are sending diplomatic representatives to the United States capital It is reported that one ambassador was refused service in restaurant at the verymomcntwhen he was enroute to present his credentials to the American president Discrimination is very difficult thing to prevent for there is much evidence to show that the practice can prevail even though it may be outlaws How ever the American people must recog nize that if their coun is to be world leader that discrimlna on must go The world is moving toward more equalit and it ill behooves the champion of it erty to practise repressivemeasures It is to he hopedrthat President Kennedys effort will win the support it deserves AfricaAToZ Sy Robert SKnneg Kano an experienced ioumal ist and world traveller writes this guide for travellers both armchair and actual In it he explsrea every republic king dom empire territory colony and protectorate in Africa 56 In all Besides information on tranc portctlon food accommodation sights to see and shopping there is also the historyand culture of each country in re lati to its pplltical and team onilc situation Mr Kane Is very enthusiastic about the div ersity Africa offers modern cities with many luxuries vil lages in the midst of deep for ests great plains with wild game wonderful Mediterranean beaches and people who are unfamiliar In appearance and in their way at living Travelling in Africa is comfortable ti is one expecu and seems more of an adven turn than it might in more tr ï¬lter will look Gill derived soc sculpture which inspired much of contemporary art witness dance forms as rhythmic as his own nbserve African architecture religl modes of dress family and vii Iage life and hospitality The New nation of Africa BLEoILItaIIaander or and lecturer reports how handful of men are shaping the social economic and political destinies of the Africa of to morrow Professor ltaliaandor has lived and worked in Africa for nearly in years and has met and has talked with most of these African leaders He offers his impressions of them based on his own observation and experiences in Africa He records the biographies of the leading African statesm politicans milit ar and spiritual leaders Some of these men are Mohammed and Hessian II Nasser fissile Sol assie Tomllfboya Verv Kasavubu Nkiumah II Scnghor These are some of the men behind the news stories from Africa and this book giv es class look at their motiv es aspirations and political ideologies to provide clearer understanding of the young lu dependent republics Their Secret Wm Bushveld Stories By Victor Poll This book of Victor Pohl con tains stories of South Africa is animals The appealing illustra tions with the stories have been done by Francois Krlge South African artist All the the stories are based on the authors experiences and adven tures with animals and fall in to three divisions The first section tells of ads ventures of the authors child hdod on farm on the Basuto land Border of the Orange Free State This is followed by ad ventures during fishlns an hunting trips and what be ob served on these trips The later part of the book Is the true srv of boasts most re markuble dog wellloved by the author ridwellknown in that part of South Africa Congo Backgrourv Of Ilicf By Alan Merriam On June so lbstLilie Copgo officially gained its independence in this book Rolf imandefamrgm ï¬lmme Dutch explorer Africanlst auth not and since then has been con stantlylntiienicwclhe Cimgo come into its independence In state of turmoil which has affected the whole world The crisis in the Congo is trage dy both for the Belgians and for the Congolese can as Nterenlre to recall his past life Ntcrenkc looks back at his childhood and youth rcelling the rigid discipline re uircd In the care of cattle as every detail of daily life his initia Holidays are cm from now until next holiday season we will be observing round of special weeks Some of them have religious significance and some are valued for moralliid barrister flown from England to flatmamdmï¬ IaarisLbcriciitiiLtIis common ity or province But some of them appear to be bit ridicu lous Perhaps you will think that this one is in that class but you might think it is of value if you arc the parcatsof In this book Mr Merriam tion into manhood his assocln Wm mId presents the background of tions with one giti whom he night or later slamming scv these people the situation which led to their independence from Belgium and their desire to form an essentially African state He also explains the slgniflcanccef the Congo to the free world Alan Merriam is an an thropologist and has lived and studied in the Congo Recently Dr Merriam has been called on as consultant on Congo airs to the United States gov ernment Kossoh Town Boy By Robert Wellesloy Cole This book is the boyhood story of an African surgeon lnter chose to marry his mis aionury schooling and that other boys and girls had his training as tribal leader BIBLE THOUGHT thre there is no vision the people pcrlabProvcrbs mild Thinking and living on the level of animals and things of earth dwarfs and paralyze all the best that is within us ALEXANDRA ARRIVES HONG KONG Reuters eral doors before switching off the lights and aettlinl down for the nimit In any caaorhothng IS Every member of the family in by it pm including the teenage car drivers Only po licemen firemen doctors hos pital staff ambulance drivers and others engaged in essen tial public services allowed on the streets All other traffic especially trucks and trans ports directed or roroutcd around the city No throIISh traffic showed Now find your self comfortable chair or cor ner Toke eifyour shoes put He was the first Africasi to be Princess Alexandra arrived here You feel 191 Y0 all elected Fellow of the Royal from Canada Friday for an 11 haog by your side and relax parts of the world Hicmlgge opsflgeommgmngiandideyofficialrvlsitetorthe SritlsbiPlayfloftlyronethelilFlrsomc and he was active in the colony the start of her For records of soothing music not moverth for the forthcom is Independence of his Sierra Leone This boy came from middle class Christian home and the story starts at his birth going through infancy and preschool years to his school years Through the efforts of his par ents and teach veloped qualities of leadership The author belongs to the Krios of Sierra Anne and throughout the story we learn of the customs of these people It is delightful story told simply and with humour MIsnhl An Outline of NEIF African Clsltisre By Janbelnz John Does Africa exist as social philosophical and cultural entity or is it waiting to be absorb ed into Western civilization to become blackEurope7 This problem is studied in Muntu Thg author discusses art and rehgion history and literature the dance surrealism and philo 7so7pliy He also mentions some present day African writers and artists This book is meant for the general public and will appeal to those who are interested in African culture and Negro art and jazz Man In Mirror By Richard Llewellyn This novel is the story of Ntereakeen African of the Masai tribe of Kenya It in cludes the traditional way of life of the Masai tribe and chang due to Kenyas declara tion of Independence Nterenke known as same Teren to the white people is destined from boyhood to be leader in his tribe and is ap era this boy tie7 Eastern tour the rocknudrelLor otlior ex THE WEEKS news nut to data about all we havsdcnaismaltaapassst setting astart on solution MEANT AWARI WWW lion hséauss be recognised this basic fact Ihsrs ware oth who liked him for me it but in tsadsr for diffsrsnt uses Johnnobsrts did not mos aiu the problem during his campaign Slit again this does not mun Mr ï¬ne arts is neurons of it for he not mention any problems in particular He did at run that type of campaign MONEY EVERYTHING The now leader wall could be aware of the problemhe tinlt doth Is What has to be seen how svar Is how much important he am on it observer at least will be watching to see if he makes it first rankwhere it belongs For it Is fins to build elsbor ats seboolsyliavs wallsrs pro grams and advanced tastiullons or mental health but they ars only as good as money you have to pay for in And while the money comes from you the taxpoysr you set It from the economy LETTERS TO EDITOR citing numbers Try The old Oaksn Bucket that Hung in the Well Home Sweet Home and similar type of music This formula if proï¬lsrly ob served think you agree will provs to be great tran quiliser during these times hurried to physical break down or an early grave TOM DUNCAN pseudonym Dear Sir Perhaps you Would allow ins throng your columns to con vey my sincere thanks to the syndication who re con 1y icipated in the potl tlon forwarded to the city of Barrie Council in relation to holding plebiscite onyihs question of Sunday movies In particular wouidrlike to thank plant managements mar chants and host of other rec reational outlets who afforded me first class cooperation in obtaining the required signsI turss for the petitions Last but not least to the housewife who dropped what ever she was doing to wield the pen on behalf the The Barriep Thanks agalnr Yours very trul DON KINLOCH Reds Ignore Worlds Pleas Detonctte Largest HBomb By CARMAN CUMMING Canadian Press Staff Writer The tiny Viscount Liniey of Nymans fifth in line to the throne was born to Princess Margaret in London Friday The news that the vivacious 31 year old princess had safely given birth to son was greeted with delight in Britain and throughout the Commonwealth The father former society photographer of anyArm strongJones who now has the title Earl of iSnoivdon ordered red roses and commented The princess and are ab soluter thrille ii and do lighted Outside is ca House where the birth took place waiting crowd cheered and bagplpe band of the Scots Guards played FMntber and son are doing Well said an official on nouncement member of tbcliousebold added Its West baby BIGGEST BLAST YET diceted the big explosion would wind up the current Soviet test series four more smaller blasts were date later in the week ANGRY REACTION In Western capitals and at the UN in New York the superblest was angrily de pounced External Affairs Minister Green acting leader of the government during Prime Minister Dlefenbaksra visit in Tokyo said tbe time had come for the world to decide definitely that no nation had the right to pollute the atmos phere over other countries with nuclear fallout algae iriv Burns mressepï¬honwce on behalf of the Canadian people On Thursday President Ken nedy said the United States which has been testing under ground is getting ready to resume atmospheric testing The security of the Western iiiirlddemands it few houre after Ken nedys statement the UN pol The news the royal hm itical committee voted over wasa rare cheerful note in week of nuclear blasts riots in Algeria and disastrous hurricane in Central America DOIIIICdTIIflIEIlIlnIStEITHET 0n the Soviet people He is chief negotiator between the tribe and the out srde world and selects the com bmation of customs from the old and new world The plot is simple Nterenke is one of the few educated Masai and serves as interpreter at the trial of fellow Masai for the murder of white man who had taken white cow According in tribal be lief the cow is really the Masnis sister and so he kills the man who tried to take her away The Europeans could understand this and to them it was wilful murder The In of understanding of the whites plus the advice of Union ignoring UN plea set off its biggest bomb yet First estimates put the Strengthat anywhere up to 100 megatonsequivalent to 1000fl0000 tons of TNTbut Soviet diplomat later gave figure of 57 megatons Premier Khrushchev was quoted as selling the Soviet party congress on Tuesday that the blast was bigger than planned The scientists made slight mistake in the evalua whelmingly in favor of an appeal for voluntary un pollced moratorium an nu clear testing But the major powers giving various rea sons already had rejected the idea NEW UN LEADER One major UN crisis was solved this week however with the naming of succes sor to the late SecretoryeGen eral Dag Hemmarskiold aIxweek deadlock was re solved by bigpower agrcelt meat that Thant of Sunni should be named acting sec retarygenernl with free hand to pick his chief nealati lion of the bomb Itprovcd somewhat bigger than 50 megatons but we wont get angry with them for this Although Khrushchev had in RIME MINISTER RETURNS The Soviet tests were also condemned in Tokyo by visit ying Prime Minister Dicfen beket although he observed that Soviet threats were in creasing NATO unity fiveday state visit that am bined sightseeing with serious talks flew back to Canada Tuesday One of his conclu sions from the trip was that Japanese and other eastern markets offered great possi bilities for expansion of Ca nadian trade END OF LEGEND in Moscow Wednesday the LeninStalin mausoleum re opened after repairs and thousands of Muscnvltes fich through to reelenin lying alone in his illuminated glass coffin The 22nd congress of the Soviet Communist party end ing Tuesday had completed the destruction of the Stalin myth and decreed that his body he removed from the place of honor It was taken only 75 yards to grass plot under the Kremlin wall gaskm by black marble The inscription Stalin18794952 BLOODY ANNIVERSARY Scores of Moslems died Wednesday as they clashed with French security forces during demonstrations mark ing the seventh anniversary of the Algerian rebellion French officials put the toll at 79 rebel spokesmen said it much higher was STORM DESTRUCTION Hurricane Hattie thundered into the central Caribbean coastline Tuesday shattering Belize capital of British lion duras wit winds of 200 miles an hour and huge tich waves owndeath ByrFiidayithe kn toll had risen to more than 150 and the government had an nounced plans to move the capital inland whenmwahurrylnganbetnyu