Hopé To Produce Judaism Said Play At CAMP nonnnn ISpecial Camp Borden Players held an organizational meeting In Build were Mrs Jun Haevens Al Calvin Joe lung is Present Kryknw and the acting oral dent Earle Farmer larg turnout had been plan for ver lack of interest expectedto piays before the end of the sea ron he said After almost to years asva ltyplst at Food Service Tr i118 Coy nmsc School Mrs Gloria Sweet or Barrie has re Mrs Helen McGllils of Moro Loop Camp Borden la Mrs Sweets replacement Art Bolyea of Oakvliie Is at tachcd to Camp Borden on CPO farniharization duties He is Sam Extinct NEW YORK APlA prom inent 05 rabbi anticipating till his View might be criti cized as crass heresy says Judaism Isheaded for sitting tinn unless it veers sharp from what he considers its present course Rabbi Philip Sigai of Beth Abraham synagogue In Bridge ten days is to regard Jews as nation or people rather than simply aereiigious fellowship Artist Will Use Mecliumgt leKE gend has it eyes at wh mid 18th Not many her lately and NJ says the trend nowa pmumlluw Mam no known ice Auguste tall with red hair and act hearts aiiutter In medium come To Paint Pivcture NJItAPiLe she was six feet green riklng Irish beauty the century people have Seen loco there are Roy Is having In Halloween eai man rash enough to make plans for the lifting the three azure and one story is that it eath which Captain Pcdrola to be bunedThe only ton earthstonc supposed to have ada curse placed on it by the id pirate was killed in Of Ghost usupposedly Captain mm am has under the huge eightfoot nng kitchen hearthstone be Ifthe medium doesnt lei Mary next week maybe lame oauerby will Several over the year have reported seeing tall woman to white drive down the road in the fancy coach the pirate gave Mary throw bun die in nearby well and then disappear In the distance it was probably just coincidence It usually happened on Hallo night to try to get good look From themediums descrip tion hell paint her portrait and as he slyly puts it Who can say she doesnt look like that Roy now nearing 79 uses the present tense in referring to the ghost known as Ocean Born Mary who haunts the house he has lived In more than to years To him she is not Just color ful legend and sonaetimcs ghost and that this tragic shift from religion to political science in Jewish life and thought In the first real step Jews have taken to conunit fulclde Rabe Sigai participant In the continuing v8 conference onoonservativeJlewishl ideo logy outlines his views in on article in Issues publication of the American Council for Seth aimlggicsoï¬gil no She is benign spirit keeping him from injury because he is ï¬bgiggglaéï¬kgmï¬ï¬‚ugg taking care of the house she videenGurion who viewsiIuFLim Zionism as nothing lessthan aiiyah emigration of oil Jews to Israel NATIONALISM RISES Rabbi Slgnl is equally dis trcsscd over what he oonsldcrs rlsiuginranf nationalism among Jews spurred by the success of the nation of Israel Now it is taken for granted in aimostalt circles he says that nationalism is perfectly normal and authentic expres sion of Judaism The transformation of the nature and destiny of the Jew from theological concept of covenant people into political concept of nation has be come so deeprooted by now that one is looked upon annoy mxiy when he questions the idea Rabbi Sigais own idea is that Jews share bond of religion nothing more litantiquity Jews present rules out that possibil ty It lwas flag um alt group No duccd was Man Alive The production was succesfui Mr Farmer said looking for something more challenging than the artificial drawing room type of play It is hoped there are enough persons in Camp Borden inter ested In acting and directing to form strong drama group and produce one or more succesan 7rBradlerddirouprDiscusseswf Own Emergency Measures BRADFORD The October meeting of Bradford Home and School Association was held In the public School auditorium The meeting was chaired by Robinson of the high school staff Dr Blackwell act ed es secretary Treasurers duties were handled by it Bruce Stewart Mr Robinson read letter from Barrie and District Home Council advising of freak raccident soon alter ween Set Up Special Fund ToPrevent Gambling0n ll Major Currency WASHINGNN AP Any gaining on details which offl 0119 tempted to gamble against cials hope to complete by mid any majorqIntemationai cur December in plenty of time to rency soon may ï¬nd that he seck approvalrrearlynextyear faces an opponent with multi by parliamentary bodies billiondonut bankroll In general here is how the This fact alone might be rim would work enough to discourage the sort of country facing an unusual currency speculation that can currency crisis would be able to Lself and threaten the borrow from $5 stability of the free worlds fund to be set up within the monetary system Intematlonal Monetary Fund Also big bankroll pledged This kitty would be pledged by to the cause of currency stahii the major industrial nations in would counter other potenlt with cash to be supplied when tialiy disruptive factors sud needed and only they could den money flows from one use it 777 country to another because of 1nd rvrsn aï¬cntributions interest rnto differences havent been fixed Yet How ather developments causing an ever the United States presum abrupt and temporary worsens ably would pledge about $2000 ing of nations international 000000 Britain about $1 finances 000000 and all other partici The United States has been pants an amount which taken prime mover behind plan together would equal the Amer to set up special fund or in lean and British pledges ternationai rol which Once established the very ex cnuid be used to counter unus istence of large fund to com uai threats to currency stability bat currency upheavals would The necessity for such plan tend to lessen the chance of because several times in major disaster If only because the last 12 months weaknesses those who might be tempted to in the international financial gamble on disaster would have system prompted major apecu to reckon with large amounts be Iatlve assaults on both the Brit ing thrown into the battle fromt Ish pound and the Us dollar the opposing side STUDY DETAILS Representatives of the major industrial countries in Septem ber approved in principle still vague version of the bankroll ldea Now comes the bard Ear Carroll of Harrie When his ur is completed Mr Bol yea goes to the Kingston area Hopkins Company flCEth Workshops was in Ot tawa on National Defence Him pioyce Association businus idifr Hopkins is provincial presi eni Francis Creightnn cleaning maintenance RCAF working under the direction of Barrie HEFLE ALL THE TIME The sychics tell me Mary is here all the time protecting the house and people In it he says We had 27 bad acci dents 27 that We heard on the radioehadAKiHedAother peopic And the fatal things live he kept from doing like the time started tothrow paper bag of trash Into the fire and something told me to look inside It was several pounds of blasting powder His mother who died at so in 1949 saw Mary three times but he never has Since his mothers death he has lived alone with five cats ranging in age up to 23 Ocean Born Mary was born at sea in 1720 to the wife of sea captain bringing party of Scots irish immigrants from Ireland to New Hampshire Nnt faLimmEostnn Harbor apir Tie crew boarded and threat ened all with death But the pirate chief cap tain Pedro who turned out to be sentimental sort spared their lives when It was prom ised the newborn baby would he named Mary after his mother Years later when she be came widow with four sons Captain Pedro who had kept track of her through the years invited her to keep house for in magnificent Georgian use he was building near here she lived in It until she died at 94 Kennys Gardens 97 DUNLOP ST explained working of the coun cil She also advised of im James thehome and school associations have drawn to the attention of the depart ment of education it If felt there should be more selective courses leading to employment The speaker said it has been realized that pupil who cannot pass his tory or maths should not be do nied the opportunity to develop school Mrs Jean his skills along other lines and PIESident thB 00000 receive diploma for the work completed am starting ograde one only Discuss Economic Future Is per cent ever finish high achoool Consequently the pos sibility of the loss of technical ALAN HARVEY LONDON OP Ibventy fin ancial editors from leading skills in great At present only British newspapers sat around 59 hi schools In equjprgajeldTlfandle um 13 were an association with the long table and fired apprehen sive questions about Canadas setup but It is peeled um common denominator being by the time this arrangement neither race descent citizen is fact government grants sh language orJ clviii tion Iwill have boosted this number sivcly religio considerably Mrrlioblnson introduced the main topic emergency mean economic future They wanted to know whether the expropriation of British Coi umhia Electric is likely to be come model for other prov inces why some Canadian oil and mining shares have been urea Books on the dangers of fallout from bombs were distri disappointing and whether there are good prospects for improve buted and the broke into groups to dï¬fï¬ the mi lea meat in the future They aimed their questions at Geo Howard Graham presi dent of the Toronto swarm change Erile Scott chair man of the board of gover nors and Roy nonston mem ber of the board of governors The discussion had at Ion donsrï¬eforrn Club was frank and free wheeling Frederick Ellis financial editor of The Daily Express objected at one 22 YEARS IN SERVICE Sergeant Andrews son tion Edgar is married to tho of Albert Andrews of Albro former Blondie MacKcnne of Lake RoadDartmouthNS Sydney Cape Breton Island was awarded the clasp to the and they have five children Canadian Forces Decoration four girls and boy He IS denoting 22 years continuous already the holder of the service with the RCAF CVSM the War Modal and Sergeant Andrews who is the Cnnadianlorces Decora presently telecommunica tion to which he has Just tions technician at RCAF Sta added the clasp point to part of the proceedings being labelled off the record and left the meeting early The Canadian men were at pains to point out that the RC Electric take over was on isolated act by single melnce and did not necessarily forcshadow similar action else where The meeting was vtoid that responsible financial cir cles deplored the action In discussion about the disappointment felt by some British shareholders over the performance of Canadian shares the Canadian offi cials acknowledged that some phonayltoclm are offered in Britain British dealer however said that more selective buying here would prevent such disap pointmenta The consensus among the speakers was that some Canadian industrial and ing shares offered de cidediygood value and that oil shares might be becoming more attractive Reference wos made to the possibility of Canadas New Democratic Party making in roads in the next election on the two older parties the govern ing Progressive Conservatives and the opposition Liberals It was decided than remarks should be attributed only to financial 00mm CANADIANB GLOOMIER Later British editor said privately that the Canadians seemed bit gloomler about the impact of the new than were rBrltoliS after all experienced socialist government from 1045 to 1051 and aurvived Patrick Sargent financial edi MOf The Daily Mail who visited Canada in May said there is fair degree of con cern in Britain aboutccanadal economic future is After all your economy pretty well dominated from the Unit isnt it be laid th reporter My impression is that the Cana dian economy is not single economy running east and west but 10 different economies run ning north and south formalism5 and Montreal gets its oil from the us Scott described the British ï¬nancial editors as the host in formed in the world far ahead of New York loiores as ex pressed in the appointment of Gen Graham as independent chairman of the Tomato ex angeronka on ere whetherLondon mm low suit The mee mu INFECTION small cut or scratch be comes red or swollen it shotdd be soaked in hot solution of Epsom salt and ater IMPERIAL mass Sworn by 0th torn deare ro ASK an on MONTREAL CPlThe Gu zette says group of young Lib erals plans to ask the Quebec Liberal Federation at its annual conention next week to set up royal commission to inquire into the conduct of the Quebec Provincial Police under the for mer Union Nationale regime The advisability of public alter and the question of what should be done at schools in case of an attack were dis cussed If Stevens solutes teach er and principal of Bradford and District High School an swered number of question gt main question was whether Bradford should form an or ganization to actin emergen an organization would also be in charge dunng another hurricane It was decided to ask Ray Atkinson coordinator for Sim coe County to visit Bradford and explain the operations of his noup Representatives from other schools and members of own7 oil the police and fire depart merit were present lRemindrPolice or City Bylaw MONTREAL cmMontreal police were reminded today in an orderobtheday that there is city bylaw against posting signs on city Property vlhe order came after rash of posters bearing the slogan Viva llndcpendancedu Quebec Libre Long live the independ ence 9LafrQuebec arr peared all over Montreal PRESENTS lEN WEEK His TRIO FROM TORONTO At The HIIllOWEEN MAsounmor swimwmtfjm TUESDAY OCT3I pm cm mason Trumpet Soloist mnnanF LADY DRUMMEB changes uvrmr For Rerervailonl can PA amt Mounted Plow Specials Arth Parnell and William Bates Judge Alec McKenney of Brampton commended the young Plow Winners Elmvaie Match beautiful day an excellent field for plowing and good work by the many contestants mmbincditormkefltéWnE West Simcoe Plowing Maids Quebec Budgets rbeidr at Tonr Expand Colleges Drapersfarrn at Elmvale MONTREAL CPThe Que an unqualified success Among the winners were Class bec government has budgeted 000000 this year to help col Albert Fisher Harry Priest Class Fra universitic expand nkjlemiug Sage Warren Giffen Minisler Patti Ger fa lay Mr GerinLaioie whose de Class Mrs Arthur Parnell ceeDraperï¬ohllirencï¬ Class David Maw Keith goof educa tion in Quebec province spoke at comerstoneIaying cere mony for newyscieuce build Howeli George SouiesLBnharL Giffen Class Keith Robinson ing at MontrealsLoyOla Cal ege Nonnan Scales Murray Maw Ha said mo Class Open to all Don Bell William Bates Ken tures will call for more and more money from private and McNah Class 10 Alec Mc Nabb Horse Shoe Pitching Com public sources in the years to come petition Ellsworth Crawford and Morley Rowe Wallace Graves and George Miles Horse Show Harry Priest Garnet Graham TAKE PRECAUTION 1h ca for those who like to stop and er inson ea near small st th slown Bcst Plowed Land by reams WA PLAYERS THEATRE at $000 Couple ting was arranged by financiaLedi news agency discussion for Emmott there Wroclaw canoe about Canadian stocks Some of thi ing over spilt milk Chairman of the meeting was Harold Wincott regarded as the dean of Britains financial writ ance Nationals group that ad ers He is well known in Can vocntes the secession of Quebec ads from Confederat MATINEETGURS Dur the Falliandrwintorï¬m regular matineetours OKEEFE CENTRE ROYAL ALEXANDRA MAPLE LEAF GARDENS év FEATURING HIGHLIGHTS IN RAMAS COMEDIES MUSICALS BALLETS Matinee Tour Price Includes yCharIared Coach Round Tr Transportation erformaneo Choice of Front Orchest unting expendi The order did not connect the signs with the convention here during the weekend of Le Ras sembiement lIndepend or bringthem to0anada Ba with your ain folk this Christmas Cunnrds new roundtrip Excursion Roles oï¬er ï¬ve full weeks three of them ashore Fun begins the moment you board Cunarder Superb faultless service spe oi Yuletide parties plus ullrthe pleasant traditions of Cunard crossing see your meat AGENT No ONE CAN sents vou smart conunnxsav and wusincrbn arazsoaourosjm hastening2911 SAXONIA Nev so to an llï¬nm York Montranl und illchat Due l5 from Halifax to tetin Southampton cosh llverpcoi PAY LATER IF YOUIWISH IVERNIA Mm Albert Fisher Bast Plowed tcr caner 7b Gir Mrs Laura McNa lad being by anyone under 14 Lar about five minute ry Maw Competitor coming far wlll operate FAMOUS measures SlflRMiliG murmurs or iUvE Ticket to rs or Front Balcony Dinnerat One of The Best Restaurants optional WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8th THE GAY EJMusinalQralnaHth OKe Centre Dinner at the Franz Josefs Room Tour Price hi Front composer and returns from 630 pm which will allow approximately hours for shopping Seats Limited Immediate Reservation Required Write or Call at Our Office gt Phone LL or KAY YASUNAKA HARRIS SIDDA 0I JOHNSON C0 llMlTED do Travel Service The World Wi lopstreai East Barrie PArkway 66525 EMpire 69488 Street Toronto for CRUISE BJJS RAIL RESORT COFEATURE SAVAGE SENSATIONAL DRAMA 107 Dun 697 Be Call us AIR SHIP HQIElrfnT