Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1961, p. 4

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irmiis fro THE rowan EarWelfare Worker Gets OTTAWA REPORT CBC Celebrating Publllbed by Guild NIWIDIDIrI Limited 18 Hayfield Stress Barrio ammo MONDAY 0010 I0 Ill pm WwkaflmGWMHMM 0K GIRLIE REACH FOR YOUR GUNS Halloweemeservanceeflas Early Significance In World Tomorrow night Tuesday October 31 is Halloween Halloween springs from the earliest human societies from the earliest won ders of the world death the comings and goings of the seasons fire the breeding cycle of mans first domesticat Ledanimalsxgt But it is to the Celtic Order of Druids originating in Gaul about the second cen tury before Christ that we look for our Halloween For the Celts the year end edin autumn when their sun god faded away and the cows went dry and crops bore fruit and witheredthe cient Celtic calendar set Oct 31 as Old Years Night On Old Years Night Samhain lord of the dead rounded up the souls of the deadfonithLyearscouredethemeofesin and packed them off to the Dr heav Sam ms annual visit were confined to the bodies of animals Horses sacred to the sun god humansthe Druids took this opportunity to round up criminalsand gtblack cats were sacrificed they were confined to cages of wicker and thatch anade in the form of giants or huge an imalsand set aflame by Druid priests The Celtic sacrifices ere outlawed after the Roman conquest 1n 61AD Sue oyemoLnLBmtainrordered the graves of human sacrifice destroyed The Druids persisted TheChristians tried conversion In the sixth century lfope Ggegpry the Greatsent ions to Augustine the first Archi lshopof Canterbury to keep the Druid temples but destroy the idols to allow the sacrifice of oxen but in honour of Christian saints Oxen were led down thLaisleaforesacrificeTaFthezsoflPhy altar even after the Christians took over the pagan temples Wt man church by the end of the thirteenth century As the Christian movement spread and grew stronger it met its counter movement in witchcraft and dedication to the deviluAnimals fplayed an import ant part in witchcra They provided disguises for the devil who ap arently favored bullsrdogspand cats forliis Brit ish appearances They were the instru ments called familiars of the witches used for divination and propagation atsdogs goats and manytented sows the devil encouraged witches to ill jic progeny to outnumber the tV ians were favoured The Old Years Night of the Druids recently christened Halloween was of course major festival for the witch cult one of its This great battle of the sp shot off in surprising tangents White wit ches were called forth in Britain to do battle with black witches Bonfires which may have originated as guiding lights for homecomingrsouls in the pagan fes tivals were lit on Halloween in the British Isles and western Europe to ward off witches and they burned annually into the nineteenth century The Pro testants decrying paganism snubbed the festivals including Hmnwmm mith tried so hard to Christ ianize Out of all this the Celts derived reat dealrof Halloweeiffunand gain The IrishTtheorfginals utaTtiEts went forth in paganmasks piously calling for donations in the name of St Columba an ear Irish Christian or Muck Olla an eary Druid deity Celts of eve ey ma sport of death and fertilly rites developing whole ritual agri uraLdivinstion iiiIntheetgliEhcenturyTop III dedicated ch peLirLSLPeters Bas ilicarto all the saints and the anniversary of this event was later established on the church calendar on Nov as All Saints 13w oldEnglish for all saints is all hallows and for the eve Saints Day iall hallows ev gving us the name Halloween But this was not enough to take care of the spirits set loose by the Druids In 998 OdiloKlibot fhad become almost universal InwfheROc Andaman shamans7m rm omu Hpan on 37 nun Sundays and Statutory nouny excepted mum wan mun 3m sworn menu mum ojn mandarin Madam Editor was warms 3mm mun nanny WILSON sumoing Manager downs Circulation mama Subscription nudaiiyoyumagssc nm year Singl nop To Illa yrum mr nu ma mm mm months not mnignguwao outing oo year our cu nu 25 Unlvcrfl 911w tn 1m Mambo of the Canadian ouy Hum Pnb mhln Association on Canadian nu gAndIt sumo or common an The Canadian Press mlflflll entitled um for re ublication of all nm of ale to it or miliigt$3 nu nova published innin Clunykinstitutedtheislmctionmlt is more funto have feast of All Souls Day Nov and this WHntscracldn the fire apple eelings thrown over the shoulder app es bob liing yielded marital prophesies The pulled cabbage described maidens spouse rich if the earth clung to the root ring of stones around the fire marked man for death if his particu lar stone disappeared by morning To this day Halloween is observed in Canada There are those who find in it four minual Great Sabfi Line Out Of Court Settlement Minion Ont Dear Sir hfabel Wilson previously unployad with the Childrens Aid Society of slmooo Cetme recently received an autoi oourt settlement following an action in whidi sh rucd the uciatyJor wronaful dirniinal and mutated damage The dismissal came aha mull of tho recommendation of the managing director Donald Jackson in June 1m and negotiaqu have been going on since that time Mrs Wilson had been employed with the Cblldrena Aid Society for 11 years starting secretary and working her way up to tho position of supervisor of gro tectlon services in 1959 ha action of the director and the support given him by the Board of Director earn as meek and surprise as no reason was given for this type of action It wna revealed that another person had been interviewed and hired for the position long before any indication was giv en that Mrs Wilson waldo be relieved of her duties Now that the case has been settled the following is given to the press as an open letter to the public OPEN LETTER As many of you know at the time of my dismissal from the Childrens Aid Society in June 1960 made public statement by radio and TV and through the press explaining that the action was unjustified and that no reason had been given to me for the treatment was receiving To the host of my knowledge had worked hard to maintain good chur actor and reputation through nnd had been dedicated worker in the welfare field during my 13 years of service had committed no set to war rant auch injustice However none of this appeared to mat ter and the quiet but deter mined ellmlnallan 3f me as an employee was carried out My refusal to accept questionable treatment and refusal to re sign upon the request of Direc tor Don Jackson was misin terpreted as negative action against nuthority But was convinced had done mv on to the best of my abllity and could not obey suchnn or derand quietly retire from socialwork when it was my main interest and vocation have always acted in the in terests oi the children and the people of Simeon County The issues involved in what happened to me nffcct every social worker in way and de gree which may not be fully realized They are completely director and few members of board of directors who know very little about them in the first place and do not appear to be very concerned Many times it has been stated not interested in the welfare of the employees and this is general feeling that has grown over the past few years Also by placing the authority to hire and fire on the shoulders of one man and following through on hisrsuggestions with proper investigation no socialworker an any security at all if they have in his opinion outlived their usefulness It makes my goal in welfare work appear 15 no recogni E2 tioflcfi this difficult field Under this dfié of set up it is easy to eliininate and no shot is fired KEPT QUIET During the process of nego tiations everything was kept very quiet and the public were not and have not since been informed regarding proceed of directors wanted it this way and because mg Wouldtryton ce fairly as public body held my peace Even when enter ed suit for wrongful dismissal and unstated damages still prayed that they would reahu the implications of what they wera doing But as the case proceeded it was apparent they could not save face and onnose any suggestion of the manag ing director as this would can adverse publicity It was an excuse for their own devfltmandfimfimmhe execu the kiddies come to your door in maskand costume lookingifor Han 51 of fruit or candy BY ANY omen NAME Windsor Star When MPs think some particular cf fort worthy of beingreprinted and sent out to constituents they invariably refer totheir words as either an address or rémarks Which raises some fine points of language When do remarks become speech When does each become an address How much moral tone 22 Lmafilfl elmmam nshbraddedttotanaddresrnrchange it into sermon Whatjis thedividing line between fireandbrimstone ser manand harangue And how much inusta harangue be softened down be fore it becomes few remarks tlon ofn mlnorernnloveer and have the board and director stick togetherregardless of the damage done want the public to know alum an at OtherEditors Views covery held in are Court House Barrie with bolli the lawver for the plaintiff rnvself and for the deiende the CAS pres ent that no evidence was pre sented that lustified rnv dis missal This record of evi dence is onnublie file at Hm Court House and is available for any interested public offic ial or any oher person to read upon their renuest Af it was most definitely de that should pursue my case and instructed my lawyer accord ingly However due to the re sults so far and because of certainfactors which only the fiboard of directors are award at the mercy of managing sinthisnffarfh rhmdtnthlsfinnnner of tub settlement was of fared to in order to Illa out of court Wlllll ldld not viii to saith in this menu had to for financial reasons Legal feel are high and another yaar of negotiations would be too expensive felt that if tha one had mgnodnc to many things is he brought to light 11 tom bill paid by the Childrens Aid So defy in this can to myself liono runs in the neighborhood of OM75 this Includes salary and cull This is not count ingtho costs oi their own legal counsel This ii the taxpayers many and is taken from the budget which is set up for the cars of children in this county flow can such an expenditure of public money be justified Yet found myself in tho positionlof having to defend my individual rights citi zen of this county and had no choice but to do so if wanted fair treatment This settlement of cash is small consolation when it is weighed agalrut the loss of poillion income pres tlga pension loss after is years contributions mental strain and the impact it has had on physical health That my name has been smeared is apparent and there is no hope of further employment in the welfare field for me Can damages such as there ever be justified person with fall record suffers very little more and he has committed an act against the law BEE DISCRIMINATION Also for the public know ledge wish to state that believe there was definitely discrimination against me and an the Alliston staff The di rector Donald Jackson tried to dismiss the other two work era there but failed for the present They were successful in obtaining hearing before the personnel committee This same committee was inactive at the time of my dismissal as the time was conveniently chosen in the summer months when the chairman Mr Harold llalbert was in Florida At that time talked with some board members who sympathiz ed with me in private and ap psrently voted against me at the board meeting It is well knoum ac nt eclnr wished to centralize he Chil drens Aid Society and close the branch offices There was strong branch committee in Alllstonlighting the closing of their office and this metwith his disapproval re that time the board ofdirectors them selves havevoteddown cen tralization of the societys serv ices and the branch offices are still in operatiom Very few of the staff were In agreement with the plan of trying to cen trnllze foster mothers from all over the county objected to it and the whole Issue was upset ting and painful and made for among4tnf£ thatatheboardanwrrmrpnhunmfimwlmi the people of the county was accused behind the scenes of many things had no con nection with whatever After my dismissal some citizens of Alliston wanted to start Peti ngaipstSouihSlmcoaCouniy lhllrl um voicu wins in the wildcrnan FREEDOM runs We hear much about the free dom of tho pru and am grateful for and an advantage at this time persons good name la their greatest poms alon To maintain human rights dignityand integrity it is imperative we use tho pron at time when important prin ciple are involved If the darn oeratlc way of lilo in to be pro lorvcd and if it ia to survive inSimcoeCounty ltrrla up to the people to learn more about the man who nm the hu man maclunary In welfare agencies The people need to find out how than men an 25th Birthday Iv PATH NICHOLSON The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation celebrates its 8th birthday this week It was formed by Act of Par liament Nov to take over the responsibility for pub licly owned radiolnfanada lhla from the Canadian Radio Bron casting Common which had been not up four years earlier The growthand dovelo ent of the CBC in those Evan has been enonnoua stimulated partly by technical advances partly by public demand and partly by tho initiaan and drive of Its own Itaff In me the CBC operated eight radio stations only These were combined with to prl appointed or dccmdtoofucawpwed radio stations to We need directora with strgpg character fighting for tharpru ervolion of rim and men and women with stroll sense of justice for All to serve on these public boards it now appears that my case and all things connected with it will now just become another In fortunnta incident and will soon be forgotten The sooner it is past history the better cer tain people will like if flows over do feel there must be some citizens interested enough to consider the implications when this type of thing can happen in Simcoa County There must be some interested officials who will make it point to read the evidencaat the Court House in Barrie This letter has brought you only some of the facts and the results of the action pertaining to my cnse against the Chil drens Aid Society have been eliminated and that will soon be thing can accept you Mr and Mrs Taxpayer This is your county and one to be proud of only if true dc mocracy la practised in every governing body within its bor tiers and especially in the only welfare agency you have and support with your own tax dol lars MABEL WILSON Alliston form one network which can tied network for six hourreachday The balance of the broadcasting time was filled by local or individual programs This network reached approxi mately half the total population of Canada at that time fiYEAROLD GIANT Today 25 years later the single radio network hns cx pended into three networks comprising 31 CBC stations and privately owned stations these carry network programs for in hours day into the homes of 96 per cent of our poplt ulstlon in addition there are 12 CBC stations and 43 private stations affiliated into two nel worka broadcasting television programs into Canadian homes of which more than 93 per cent now are equipped with TV re ceiving sets While the number of CBC std tlona has been multiplied be tween five and six times tho costs of creating programs have last Supposin Supposln that oil all ran out With no more to come up the spout All the wheels would sure squeal From Slam to Mobile And the axles would soonbe worn out own REPORT FROM ILK WillNotWelcome More lmmigr By McINTYRE HOOD Special hudnn England Correspondent for The Barrie Examiner LONDON One community in Southern England which will welcome the restrictions on im migration which have been forelt shadowed by Home Secretary Butler is the tawu of lfoddesdon in Hertfordshirc Liar usithericouncil and this town are carried hese restrictions are longn rdue They have ral ready made appeals to the min ister of labor John Hare in the following terms Please take immediate steps people ation llams chairman of the finance committee says we have moral duty to our townspeople We are not against any parti cular race but we are in den ger of being swamped by so cial and economic problems And another douncill Ern est Wilkinson adds in There has been lot of social disconlt tent here Between 500 and 700 ltalians have congregated vent of tolevision has introduced an entirely new dimension into this aspect of entertainment in the home So it ll not rurprb ing to find thll the budget of the CBC baa swollen from around 0005 in its fin hill year to furl over 3100mm yurmnm Do you remember those ll ceaco fees They were either something we considered nut aanco to pm or something we fall iuatiffcd in avoiding thln those early days the licence fees constituted the main finan cialpr of the CBC Inrthat first full year its revenue con sisted of $189631 from licence fees and 559 from commen ds broadcasting may the fee has been abol ished instead parliament In its wisdom decree that every Ca nadian taxpayer shall contribute tortlirconofoperallng the CBC whether that taxpayer utilises the CHCI progrsma or not indeed whether that tax payer possesses radio naior television receiver or not HOT POTATO Through th has been co eitly under pub llc obse on 1d frequently under parliamentary scrutiny Being service for which Id nsdlans pail it inevitably re cclves more vocal criticism than praise Yet praise it does deserve and in generous meos urc for being the most power ful singleinfluence In preserv ing Cunadilmlsm as distinc tivo national culture and for rs the C136 encrgctlcnlly fosteringriu ex pansion Few Canadians could scri ously criticise the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for the Canadian job it does In our daily lives it encourages Cana mnymrmfimwwnumvmmarmllamflmm 1° nlficant it plays valuable rols in educating and informing us about our own country and about Canadas hopes ambl tlons and prospects This is an essential counterpart to the su gar without the pill which in odcs us from across the bob er The nut years will see even more startling changes in this field than the years past For one thing they will cer tainly see thecreotlon of thorough going andprofitable Canadian entertainment indus try to feed our varied TV re quirements We must hope too that they will see satisfactory arrangementswhereby truly na tional programmes are always available to our national broad casting network We must also hope that CBC image is built which can be widely respected as the finest of Canadianism trustworthy and trusted essentially moral and secured against the criticism and distrust certain of its actions servedly attract politicali which BIBLE THOUGHT Keep yourselves in the love one arealVealreadyAhaverLGcJuopium the difficulty of teaching them English and when their chilVof our reunion Startwiththis¥ dren grow up we shall have to try to find them council houses although we already have over 300 of our own people on the waitinglist tlonbutLfelt it wouldiserveinto prevent funherjmmigrnunL so for yhmumhpflnddes no useful purpose as the darn age had been done FAIL TO UNDERSTAND can think of many fine welfare workers who have de xotcd their talents efforts and them have responsibility that the board of directors has to the public and the manner in which they use the taxpayers money fail to understand how they can let their sense of duty be so undermined and their feeling for their fellow man be so in different usto treat employees My story is being toldhow many are not told Has it become so nec essary because of certain pres sures to let reason and fair play fell by the wayside worry about welfare workers who go about their strenuous tasks never knowing when the axe will fail and am very concerned about intimidation where they are concerned There have been instances of many strange happenings dur ing the past year lIss fear any place of its own in welfare agencyor can it be filed away ndcr over the henvy into ourtown Our population is already 600 above the 1913 terse The concern of the Hoddes don council has nothing to do with any color bar That does not enter into it at all Their chief complaint is thatlhe town hasbceulnvadedbynearly 1000 immigrants from Italy They have segregated them selves in one district and have created little Italy in the Rye Park area In addition to their direct plea to the minister of labor the council is also asking for the support of the minister of housing of their MP Sir Derek WalkerSmith and the Urban District Councils Association The councillors demand that at the very least they should be consulted before any more Italians are allowed to settle in their area The housmg committee has told the council that the growing influx of Ital ians has caused an already ser ious housing situation to deter iorate report on the situation has been com led by the clerk of the coun Leonard Jones He explmns that some Italians were allowed to come to Britain to fill vacancies in the Lea Vai andfiorgnttEnatwutWMHWWMWWMAVM time being am still at heart social worker and believe the pub sppening in public body supposed to be acting in the interests of children of thls country To serve them7 dren they must of necessity respect the work and integrity of their employees who in turn disnlav their humanity to man in their work in the field fail to see Where discrimina tion lack of understanding and punitive attitudes are any thing to be proud of by men sitting on welfare board It defies every principle of social work itself The few members of the board who did try to exert their influence for fair tohe commend gratitude for their efforts But no abor was available These mmigrants are restrict ed to the nursery ustry for four years after their arrival lie is itled to lmowwhaHrBMMlvJW believes that many Italians are only using the nursery industry as step ping stone His report says Whereas the nursery industry thlscurbnn district is solid ing the number of Itahsndrn migrants residing hers is in creasing because of their em ployment in neighboring rural parts Italian families often club together to buy and share house and young couples have complained that because of this they are being priced out of the housing market The town council hasalready barred house purchase loans to allens This was to have been reconsidered after six months but it will now remain don Mr Butlers control of im cannot come too Gods love is the conerstono tral truth and it will throw and on the whole temple of ONE ROTECHDN The only protection against smallpox killing disease that strikes all ages is vaccination Up to 1532 Return From Ontario Hydro Bonds The new issue of the HydroElectric Power Commission of Ontario Bonds combines an attractive interest rgtgrn withrfiurccllenf security We as principals ofierr Province of Ontario Guaranteed The HydroElectriclower Commission Bonds due Nov 151971 514 Bonds due Nov 15 1983 Maturity 1971 1983 Price 99 00 99 00 Yicld 887 32 Prloes and accrued interest Please enter my order for the new Ontario Guaranteed Hydro Bonds Bonds due I971 Bonds due 1983 Circular available upon request Mailnueiephamdarmxilumiwww prompt attention Wood Guridy Company Lilnitad IDEAL REPRESENTATIVE ALAN NESS Wellington Street East Barne relephm PAM 89905 in effect until the credit squeeze ve mydcenestlaensed Councillor Mrs Winifred now do

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