TAFF of Barrie Post Of flce honored formcrassï¬i ant postmaster Tom Tyrer at the Community House Satur day night at dinner party Top Mr Tyrer is shown be ing presented with an engrav ed dcslr set by Postmaster Tom Kerr enlistees smeucleanrur Tyrer chairman Hank Partridge centre left and Chet Me liean president of the Cans dlan Postal Employees Asso ciation look on BOTTOM The head table guests from the left Included Tom Kerr Extend Appeal drlvehadreaehedflperceot thae obiectiveobflï¬m Mrs Kerr Hank Partridge Mrs Tyrer Chet McLean and Mrs Partridge Mr Tyrer has accepted the po sltion of postmaster at Lind say Ontario tExamlner Photo Will Welcome Motelsvv Mr Caldwell said he felt tlle city council had an obligatlon to protect the motel owners of The motel owners of Barrie would welcome the building of motels within the city and would be glad it Harrie became motel centre it would be to the motel owners financialradu vangtage William Caldwell said toda All we ask is that they be made to build under the same set of regulations we hand to when Barrie was wn new $250000 bridge over the Nottawasaga River on High way at three miles east of Al liston will beopeneckat 1230 PM by Rev Downer MPP anferlnSlmcoe in whose riding the structure is located llon Fred Cass minister highways will assist in the ceremonies along with Slmcoe ï¬unty Warden Maurice EMflieaeevLanLath officials of the muï¬clï¬lities inthe area have been invited to attend The new structure of steel beam construction has three Alpans totalling 202 feet The new bridge with road way width of 30 feet replaces ï¬x Good Old Days Not So Good Hobarts Says HAMILTON CPI Educa tion Minister Robarts said Sun day the good old days were probably far from goodJsLthe afield of education Making his first speech since being namedlasLWulnesday to succeed Premier Frost as leader of the Ontario Progressivectm servative party Mr Robarts saidhc hadl reecntlytaiiredwitb an elderly lady th had made survey among people her own age She found that they had dis 474liked school intenselyfthet th had commented onthe boredom of rote learning and that they hadobjected to the role played by punishment inthe schools oi their day he said They said that education in those days was vest form or mold into which everyone was vforced willyhilly Speaking to the annual con vention of the Ontario Council for Exceptional Childran he said the number of special classes in Ontario has nearly doubled since 10M owner Will Open New Bridge Three Miles East Of llllision Soap In Tani If Old Rules Apply Barrie lie explained that my father in law Dalton White ownsthe Huronlsnllfov tel bull tunder the department of highways regulations in effect when Barrie was town At this time no one could build within 600 feet from the end an old singlelane structure which stood for many years on the same site Another major in rovementds the better vis ib ty all through the hollow in which the bridge site due to bob ter grading on the ap roaches MLlnhaseoitthnr ed cose to $100000 The im proved vislbillty is especially noticeable when approaching the new bridge fromthe west POLICE CHIEF JET TRAVELLER The wonders of modern day jet travel were brougth home in Barrie police chiet Edward Tschirhartr on Sat urday The chief was assigned to pick up prisoner in Cal gary Alberta and return him to Barrie He took off by jet from Torontos International Air port at 925 Saturday mom ing arid Iwas back at 13 atrpo pm mp with the wanted mac The chief commented that it was tremendously test and uciting flight and that during the less than 12hour period io which he was away he had threehour algpover in the western Troublesome The proprietor of the Corner Cupboard Bakery Philip Rubin ofi reported to police that someone had tampered with the gas tank on his delivery truck some time last night Mr Rublnoff said someone had obviously poured soap into the tank of the vehicle He could give police no informa tion on the occurrence and said he had no idea who would do such thing police aracoottn Ving will be held at Prince of Migraines E4wnerscsnolfmungatspm equip sald vicinity of the Duckworth St policetosome youngsters who ofthchflkaud til When Barrie became city the department of highways jurisdiction was reduced to 1350 feet from the centre of the intgrsecstgon he sgd spanning board recommen all city coun cils approval on the proposed site for the new motel on Dun lop St There were only five members of the board presentiandnoieffortgwar 5MW°1d5iva made to contact the local motel owners in Barrie commented Mr4aldwell Mr Caldwell said in mun icipal survey of 50 average communities in North America 222 per cent of their areas was zoned for commercial oe es He then pointed out at Harris has seven per cent with potential of eight per cent of land turned for commercial my There is plenty of other land available for them he aysfootaSlippedr Barrie lice and officers from the anal detachment of the OPP cooperated during the weekend in hlnit for someone who rolled large stone onto Highway 400 When they had finished they badlrLtheleossesslonayoan ster who talked fast enough to convince them it was all an accident An OPP officer was patrol ling the highway when he saw large stone roll down hill and bounce across the traffic lanes of the busy highway Since the occurrence was in the area call was placed to local police Subsequent investigation Ied had built lorton the side for the frightened group ex plained how his foot had slip ped and dlslodged the stone After awï¬ing from the of licers the youngsters decided that the bill was perhaps not uvery good place to play after LOCAL llND GENERAL Miss Barbara Sibbald read ing consultant for Toronto publishing company will be guest speaker at tohights meeting of the Barrie local Council of the International Reading Association The meet shanty reigned to make spokesman Although admitting thatthis years campaign has been at tougher campaign chain man Gord Leighton believes the goal will be reached lhm have beenromedis appointmentl he said but op theotiwrhandlthubeeomost encouraging to see many phases of the campaign come through After the farm accident sur vey com leted in all counties in Ontaro in 1060 12 counties carried on the work and there sults have been published When the results of the first survey were made known the high accident rate caused con cern and the minister of agrig culture recommended the form ing of county safety councils to institute programs of accident prevention in the rural areas simcoe County Farm Safety Council was formed that year and is carrying on program of public education in an en deavor to lower the accident rate among rural people in this The sponsoring organizations are the Womens Institutes the Junior Farmers the Federation of Agriculture and the Depart ment of Agriculture Through these groups there is ublic education program that do rural people aware of farm and home has nrds The local safety council has access to many safety films for use at meetings and has purchased film strips that are suitable for use in the elemen tary schools and for 4H clubs The 12 counties that have car ried on the form accident sur vey for at least another year showed considerable variation in results but as general rule the accident rate has been rot dnced In these 12 counties Knows Voice Saves Woman ohms ice police mans memory saved nns life saturday night 5gb Everett Lynn of the Orll lla police force received te phone call from anunidentified woman who said she had taken an overdose of sleeping pills but Sgt Lynn recognized her voice from similar inciden Keeping the womanon tbe phone Sgt Lynn dispatched cruiser and tipped oft hospital officials Then he heard the womans phone fall to the floor Meanwhile Constaqu Bill Blanche and Les Robinson ar rived and took the woman to hospital where she wastreated Stone On All Gray Coach buses are operating with headlights on at iill timesduring highway driv Announcing the Lights on for safety program Charles Walton President of Gray Coach Lineaksathha pmgram would be tested for six months as part olthe companys ef fortstopromote safety on the highways Greyhound Lines have perimented with lights in the United States wlds good results One Greyhound Division show ed 23 per cent improvement in its safety record during the test rio lirBie props ed United Drive with 100 per not support of the worthy health and welfare Ignace There has been some ad verse publicity mourning the Metropolitan Toronto United Appeal which some people have shaped uen excuse not to donate to the Barrie Appeal Everyone has received copy of the Barrie United Ap peelNavrme portunlty to read the facts Eight local health and wet ars agendas are counting on our donations has not come forward is urged todosoandtho oblectivowill still be reached canvasser call may be made by phoning PA 8D PA 53959 OLPA 61501 there has been reduction of were cent in the number of ac dents reported as well as reduction in injuries the num ber of days off work and the oost of each accident In look log at the figures one can see that there is large reduction in the days off work showing that the accidents have not been as serious Naturally we would like to think that thaselouTthErIdent figures are the direct result of the programs carried on by the various safety councils but this may not be the case There is no doubt that safety pro grams will contribute to low er accident rote but many other factors must be taken in most Wm 8mm in mind it is possible that the second year of the survey may have been less hazardous year due to weather and other natural causes Figures produced by farm safety councils in the have shown definite downward trend in the accident rate over number of years to Ontario after only two years of survey work and one year of safety programs it is impossible to predict what the trend will be ut an active localsafety pro gram will be of great benefit to rural people According to the figures farming is ahoost the most hazardous occupation and an active accident preven tion program has been badly needed for many yurs The program of local safety coun cils over the years will need to be extended to reduce the num berofh sccidents people on farms in homes and on our highway Marine Railway To Be Repaired OREle Extensive repairs will becarrled out on the mar ine railways at Swift Rapids flood anal before next May An inspection of the railway was completed this weekend by department of transport of ficials and showed repairs are necessary said Bennett canal superintending engineer iTor facilitaWthe inspection water levels from Lake Conchi ching to Port Severn were low ered as much as 12 feet Tbouag ands of acres of flooded land were bared when the levels Ml The program works for safety in these two important ways he said Daytime ligth attract the attentionof other motorists to our buses and help them avoid sudden stops End pullouts in front of the Turning on their lights In the daytime is aconstantfl ty reminder to our own driv era it is also our hope that the so anyone who to rural BIECJJIHEOLINBJML The men would say its be ginners luck but one wo man might quesï¬onthisge markihfrsf Alex Holechow sky of Cook Street bagged this prize at Matheson 0n seems Dr Hilton will be the speaker at the annual banquet of the Barrie Horticultural So dety at 630 Wednesday even ing in Trinity Parish Hall Dr Hilton is head ot the depart ment of horticulture Ontario Agricultural College Guelph Winners of the lawn window box and planter competition will receive prizes MAY MENTION LONDON Reuters The JouchyflquestioncoLgovelnmente controls on Commonwealth im Â¥miglltiouÂ¥iflnto Eritain Janosc pected to be one of the main topics in the speech from the throne opening new session of ParliamentTuesday Immigra tion has become an important issue in Britain with greatly increased flow of West Indians PakistanisantHndians intothe country PRE CRIPTIONS We always rtvs you preclne prompt courteous service Ask our doetor about our planning next tlms be new prescription rer you Prescriptions nicheopus delivered in or charge CUSDENS PHARMACY Twin Bgcflmcl SI gt PA 6604 tarlo The hull moose weighs ed about 700 pounds on the hooiJtJrae called out of the hush by member oi the hunting party Bert ltchon ough of Kirkland Lake Mrs Landmark Ielled Jlflecdflil Yea HUNTSVELE CmA stump 32 feet in circumference is all that remains of too year old Muskoka lan urk that fell prey to woodsmans chain saw Saturday Forest Ward said the lSOfoot white pine was the largest ho had felled in 45 years as lum beriaclr But within 15 minutes the saw was through the mighty giant that had towered 100 feet over other trees in farm EXPRESS ltIOUR IDEAS Persuasiver In Conversation Or Before Group Develop Confidence and Assurance Ability To Deal With Peoplel 44 lo WAYS THE DATE CARNEGIE COURSE WILLV mom AND WOMEN INew BellConï¬dent and Pain Spelk Effectively Ciel Younelf and Your Be YoIIrIBert With Any Group Bemember Name 111an and Speakon Your Eur IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT Bolechowsky recalls zem hour as being somewhere closc to supper time The other member of the party was Dr Bolechowsky nnuner Photo woodlot owned by Arthur Rhin ess Rhiness said the tron mwfflgtWITSEElï¬ He decided to cut it down for the 5000 to 10000 board leetiDi lumber it is expected to yield sunmnv auras Breathing through the nose filters dirt and germs from the air and warms the air before it reaches the lungs savour near our Ifer IIOIISE NOTIllhjg DOWN Easy payments over ARS on monthly gas hills $145 Controlv Fear sad worry Be Better Convolu Renault onnvelop Your Hidden Abilities Wln That Better 10 More Incan Free Demonstration PLACE Queens Hotel Barrie pom October 31 ulna 815 pm haunted i7 Leadership Tnlssinl Sonic 1230 Bay sL Toronto ant Units for all typeset home has rereaunuenssnvicr on many sou not employ m4 door salmon nor are one nowmu no information com sum licensed bthI mane Furl own to sell 511 annulment rail or write segment at so scheme or PA HSSE Gray Coach lights program willmbe dramatic reminder to all highway users of the ur gent need to reduce the number of accidents on Ontarios high for the unexpected buy Wines solo with or telephone DOMDHON Sisctnerrres coszporenrlon merrier ownwmmmmntcnmmolm Local Representative NOW SHOWING Well Worth trip to encore MAlL operas an mv FILLED Austen mmmumom Ummc mmngmrmmm rinsingu may can mm of cum swan reammu ALl sEATs RESERVED lvnnuas out man om MONDAV THROUGH FRIDA SAT euu ANn HGLIDAV$ Hannas or no WEDNESDAYS across is AT PM MAL