Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1961, p. 29

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4ARTICLE5 for SALE SUICIDE WOOL SALE All merchandise ol wool shop known as Dyers on Collier Si wtll tve sold wholesale plus tax to make room or Jeannea Coiled Shop LvPROVDXQmLfiALES TAX ii HeatingCont1actors Jitcdtopluceiheir in Memlt oriam tributes on this page in ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SALE STARTS FRIDAY Nov am an in Nut and continues until this Coiies Shop will open on or about December isl Assorted quantity or old In LUNG akin diving ouint ior ER smek eompista with sun equip CEMENT auxn wanted Iqu tarry SandalIan size Must Do in load condition COUNTER mogul ra ans iaiepnnn PA Hm WE WILL PAY cm or good used inrnliun or any and artiei Individual or content lotA Phoaa PA um SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC REGUIAR PRICE FROM I2c to 20c Commercial Printing Barrie Examiner corn on Tamra or IAIE Will dlllvnr and hook up Also savorl Graighmv oniy undo sale and November Sinner Sowing Machlnu 2a are showing at tho Antique Treasure Mart emu CASA LOIIIA TORONTO NOV th T0 92h FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud iiRS Woodward and Sons niachLocii cuAiN aAw or said Good condition liev only us Telaphona PA mi an llk ior Les slums ona ir oi Bauer grobullt skates llu lOVaW nil ulophane PA N111 alter six ior nirthor lntormltion EAEH LOANS$500 at at month Toiephona PA or Crescent Filament26 Dunlap St West ox PnizCinusTMAa Special style Olliotlc complete units only sworn Singer Sowing Machines igflnunlgpit West Telephone PA DAINES nocK Stnam Baths open daily from am till pm Tale gnone PA B7lll Saturday is mens ay MARLIN with Weaver acopn like new For salts or rent ior hunt ins season can be seen at Owen st or iolephone PA 89685 ancan WAsiizn and Roma entanJli each cnox stove and Kitchen Table Irlrtmerit size Pord lllnch pow 375 Telephone PA Mam PimcnlusTMAs srecisisa Rollvo Magic vacuum oi attachments only $4950 Singer Sewing Mach incs 25 nunlop St vast Blrrle telephnnn PA +7960 lADYS can my or long size is like new hair prion nun colored winter coat lire 14 halt price Tampnonam between and pm SKATES Used skates ior nie Large stock to choose from Trade in your old skltes on now out It Apply P99 in street opposite Fina Gu station N5 rwcnnismms Specials Young budget portable ruli atischments complete only $9950 This week only Singer sewing Machines 23 Epgtluop st West miaphona PA Two 75o 14 GOODYEAR Subur hanltn Snow Tires ior sale Used only and winter 35 or best oller farmeply of Tanys App SenJ Also one new Goodyear Custom Zaguisriitsao or best altar PA RENTALS singer Electric Pow able MICblnnI in rent by the week or the month singer Sew 10 Ross St in centre Dunloastreet West ff$vhono PA 37 or Elmvnlo RnPanEIIATon 355 nangette 15 Double bed and mattrou 20 Two olil Cupboardl 510 Large dining room table and chills 25 Excellent wordsnan with glass mir rorsf 25 Chest ot Drawers no Telephonc Mr Carson PA HIM TRIBUTE TO WAR DEAD The Barrie Examiner will be publishing an 7JOHN RUSSELrLi IN MEMORIAM tribute page especially for those in Slmcoe County anddfilfici who paid the Supreme Sacri fice It will appear in the edi Lion of lwlon weekly pickuy daiivary NOVEMBER Ifh ARMISTICE DAY Friends and relatives are in memory of those who enlisted in His Majestys Forces to pro tect and preserve the way at life in this fair Dominion which they deemed worthy of their Supreme Sacrifice For further iniormation and Its wonderfUI the Way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 824l4 rates please telephone PA 32414 PRzcflnuTMAs Specials only Peathorwnght Portlhlea to eiesr nun only sinsar sowing liach ine as Dnnlop st wan PA nma mamAm smr rdnuen These books mm per étlISifi FARMERS MARKET fect condition but have l95 on the date lin9 fifilflfimgapfifi SIS$ Highest Price paid or dead or in or lash uh filler kit Ind nicYcLEa clannu or gruan Clearlng at 9C ea stock or Raleigh Bicycles Fri of any model on the floor plus autumn Hardware PA um PRI CITRIBTMA Specllh 30 reduction on some plfl And no llnm during late Endl November ALB Slnler Sowing hIlthlllel 18 Dept 391615 st wxt telephone PA pnono PA Mm FURNACES OR SALE rode Pine Bedroom Suite In cluding vanity drounr Heavy duty olectric nova Coleman all space aillto All In God cnndlllon ply Ed haiia Muslim Bay old PA nos ounuinu 31s lar et grip fiowdnr bullets liv ha auniino or llhis triumph Opdxn enver na2stmud gigg mains coinsl Supfillgg Gel ru or your wn er now SalszfitlifieiLPiIggfirimfl All coin folders and albums mu tipri Telephone in stayner or all gin 15mg gamigkzgf 571512 Em Saym Barrio coin and stamps bought and sold manfi Modern kitchens vanities pre formed counter tops Furniture custom built and reminisgz claw and door frames Lil than 10k cl HEM pom merchandise is sold set on Like new Apply Min Street name Ont in on West 101 iiipin Avanua irle Now an $1995 dud Blues LR Shalllhno Colt cancel hand runs Evomhin RADIO Tv niPI McFADDEN Appliance 123 Penetang at St Vincent 176 BumOh AVE 13A 373 FM STEREO RADIO by its time to fix yourrstablet ELECTROHOME PHONE PA eons STAMPS coms PHONE PA szm BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TON SABELIANCL AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes ELECTRIC MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE HUNTING I100 or llll Illi Tim and Bolliu mind nine month old Alla two In of dbl harnau In ma eoauuoa lelo phone on Lil ARTICLES WANTED ERSLgafiugywmn Pm wanna Hurt In good condition Toh hon PA mm crippled cattle and horses ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE NICKS DEAD STOCK BROWN IIOlllE or rail 1550 used as ranges and electric ran Phone Tallphono Hemlock M101 53lggpgfigfidhgfitgrmarghi anytime Barrio or inlephnnc PA Moss THE RAFIERS ANTIQUES Pu crmisTMAa Specials comr row in mud ouordpawo lolo cabinet model ravens stitch mm an Chum Rm Lamin North Country caavlot Iiid oxroro pawn erouarad Ew Duniop St West Tolephnnl PA Limb Apply Manna Glen Huron Tellphoin croomara iuroor non alumo plywood with two rent hack tl ails no cross nov so no im DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymcn are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old heater two plecn Cheatsrflcld chick Order now fly order discount For service or help on your poultry problems HUNTER Arm ammoni No Call CHIS Hunter on as seamless erctta Pumps With winter drawing near And if you need helping Drop in and get it here uh or on ca T11 An Examiner Want Ad nosi Huntsville Phone Toronto no Maid or write to Mr ii Bork so vins Avenue Toronto FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL Mm PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water 7297 Anne Street Barrie ARTICLES for SALE FRUIT VEGETABLES hummus ArPuI or sale Number MIL Inn Bar on can 21 to to Com rlud strut alter on NO Panto pull pet has or 15 pounds rrea dalivlry on on hau or man Telephone ivy mus alter pun Goan lnnzr apples tun Tallinn Sweeu bulhol Dub chaser Pick in own eontnlnm Man wanted all In butler Ill In Howard nui mural OOGE PETE DEAD STOCK Small animals removed free For as service phone SFARM ERS MARKET FARM MACHINERY ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS no AMP mm COMPLETE HANDY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE STROUD IDRIlh AUTOMOTIVE Moron cans iron can VLAUW MUNRS LTD RAMBLER AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN T17 comm STREET AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans FOE BALI down tan over payments rela phone PA Hm Altar In watch One owner In In 81 with us down Tols phooa PA ll Clnn ram aout nsdia Your nu lLru eiapaooa Dro in Allch tone nine excellent condition On owner Ilnr now IIlophanl PA Hm Aelual mile woe is new cw diuoo Selling on account or health App to Arthur Walt Miner nr Vern Wall larrlo folPhone PA III nu nmcx spools in nod eon formonth Tolophohl Elli Lynch PA NHL 1151 DODGI Regent VI good trans omuon Payments per moat folphone PA as and at or Bill Lynthl carries ior us per month No PA was V111 Payments Telaphonl FA 1958 OLDSMOBILE Owner Must Sell In new car condition through out and comes equipped with deluxe 63L radio jetawny outamailrtransmlssion power steering and brakes hacklip lights windshield washers whitewall tires and chrome BARRIE PA 977 I°°u°m wheel disco other extras Save or ask or 14 hour day1 dln Ink RR anmud Ontario IJcenso No B9061 LIVESTOCK youraeii the dealers commlr slon on this low mileage beauty by dealing direct Best otter PHONE PA M134 AFTER is MERCURY redn automatic trlnlmiulon radio rinw oniym ms with in down Telephon PA Mm M911 alk or Elli Lynch us won two door utomatir culiorn radio new or at ten and Body Arid Ur dlwh Ibll cl mo arch convarfl dunno tum radio pa mapfl 13 in Porn and loss gun ac cheap tramps atlon runners Cl9 en floraui supmeat ans mils south or Telephone Ivy ii ii MOBILE HOMES roor Glenda raller sully equlpged plus as Ai condition outlet Larry simoo LorLu axotai msnwu ii north oi ii Pin ma roller PERSONALS womans COLUMN mi roiin sodn in good runnlos condition 700 with 11100 dawn Taiephono PA mil ior tunar armLion 1m ninimia oxrord or sale to mod condition with good first and now paint you Taiapuon PA amt mas ms natioTo automatte trans mlulan power ateaflnl Power th brakes 7m Olply efs down POULTRY CHICKS HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE FARM MACHINERY CHARLES cmmcn FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE can Now Holland David Brown nutty Farm Equipment boys hand with Beatty Stable Equipment CASH TRADE TERMS SERVICE EXCAVATING Delivery Crushed stone lIali yard Eackhoe for hire DENNISVMORAN PA 2901 MASON RY Telephona PA am Jim PLYMOUTH Savoy or sale automatic new motor vary rear lollhie iele hona PA lsosi ior iurthar datia iosl DODGE chllndar hardtop pushhniton drive radlo yellow and wh mo Jaw take over paymen Iolvvhana PA um sitar APPLIANCE REPAIRS to all makes oi appliances TONY USSELMAN Appliance Service Manager DASH Electric Motors PA 85307 CARPENTRY THE CABINET SHOP 239 Bradford 51 PA 84444 terms screens Millwork Cabinet makers for hire FREE ESTIMATES CALL PA M444 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIEs FINEST DIAPER SERVICE ii rumors 11 2A Rm LLECT PHONE DRIVING SCHOOL SAFE DRIVING FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 68551 EDWARD SMITH AND SON RR Barrie SIMCOE QUIKBRICK Wehave been licensed to re move your dead and crippled Since 1956 animals under the ova Ii it can in built wllli BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 PAINTING AND PAPEEEMGWG Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 PA 56955 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS No DOWN PAYMENT LEFEDY 60M SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECi BARBIE PArkway oasiv GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE ucnmsn 95061 Newspapers give ya to read it uxaun IIIOP Coidwavu etc by canlded hum Ir own hamll Phone ml or PA 387 PDlllUNl TELLlNo Do you want your lortImo told by cards for ointment i1 Illa PA MM Inyllma our iB LOST lr FOUND CATTLE LOST or And lram Ln Concession Innladl Haroa lord Cow with ham About Deto hll llln two Holstein usuali disappeared on It fill about rnldlllrnmor Howard will cred or Inlomilllon leading to whereabouts of any or lbflvn oat Contlrt Jeleph hranl and 5m int Em Phon stroud mm nu cannotIT or ash or issi PLYMOUTH our door Ranch nu noun or soil our door IILL 60 Ponlllc two 11 mln Prnllx an owner isao sch radio woo miles IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP nounmm can required maidlatch or hinth VIlle Ind iwo raudno lion monthly Apply In Games PA Hui BAII Inuit iar downten salon Good remuneration or rap zonal AD In nanid till pin Avenue YOUNG LAM rlqulrud or at Illl Ito Must on our land mi sol Apply to no Bani hammer nAn antler Aulatant Good averting condition pl In par Ion Joan Garrick Hall loan is ami Ave mmxxcln Waltruua noted nun be nllahll ml to map limo neponliSility Ana me um an or unto at banquoia Apply 7a noalo Itrut wm PIIIINOID nru Apply noon and all 01 Barri align MALE do FEMALE WANTED For Audition Pianist Sax player Trumpet player Electric Guitar player Baas Fiddle Player Drummer Apply THE EMBASSY 386 BLAKE STREET PA 68967 PART mix Upholstorar Wlnttd Apply Box 55 Barril 21min cnuPLl 15 year or ovar Man to drive tractor trailer ll pwlbll arid wo In or housework lel in iolophono PA Hm nooxmrm uduirad rar Bum studl Zlocmflll Plumbing and cath Contractor lVyvaie Must In ox oriented And have Ugh No ob eetlon to oldor person nie pimm 7Iiinixtimvals alter tun or write SUGGESTB ELIXIR LOUISVILLE Ky IAPiFor Aunt Ginny Rankin the elixir oi Ilia is cup of hot water every morning before breakiast The best thing In the world for you says Aunt Ginny Miss Virginia Rankin She will be 103 years old Monday Tn mm mm muniv NOV m1 to HELP WANTED MALE HELP CAREER OPPORTUNITY Two men required to represent large roles orgahtuiion Aluat be between 25 and iii Imhiiloui preicr mlirled but would consider single residence In area or years and own your own car are willing to train and finance successiui candidates Up to $450 starting salary depending upon qualifications Future opeolt Inga in management it lo inclined Apply to Box 58 BARRIE EXAMINER ilENia To to EARN AND LEARN NATIONAL SURVIVAL VIOIN THE CANADIAN ARMY SPECIAL IIIILIIIA TRAINING PROGRAM TODAY FIRST SIX WEEK COURSE STARTS NOV 1961 You will be given All day train ing or tiva days week You will live at home and receive the lama pay as regular rol dler plus separaio living allowance RECRUITING orrlca NOW OPEN MON To Fill am TO prn SATURDAY am to pm BARRIE ARMOURY HIGH AND PARK STS PHONE PA 83781 COBBLII wanted or shoe repair aho Barrio Poxmanual 2x in Workinl conditions enmmonmrsia with axperien PA bun EMPLOYMENT WANTED in lciioor girl will tnp all lridl Tollyhoiu PA WILL iiAnY lIl in my own hon Wlli nvl lovl cart llll Dixon PA delimit RELIABLE LADY wllllnf to look altar rololmol all Ehld In my oma lyfloldADnIry Lna welcome Telephone PA 000 will given ehlldrn ly in my honor nrennc Time Mill Nut EMPLOYMENT WANTED COST ACCOUNTANT Wlib 1C5 diploma and six yenrs experlenoe in all phases at cost accounting Expert in lab system Wilhes io relmte Ro sumo on request Apply to BOX 59 BARRIE EXAMINER dun In my own am by the we TIlIvhona PA L75 lur Ir minimutton SALES HELP AGENTS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We have an exceptional oppoh tunity or Barrio resident with good education and per sonal background age 2340 who can quality or Isles career leading to an executive position inan established and permanent business Experi ence that has brought him in contact with the public would be preferred and tha right man wlll earn substantial Income and enjoy all wellnro beneilta Applicants should give lull par ticulars stating ago telephone number Address experienu and other qualifications All rcpilles treated strictly coaliti eni ii BOX 57 BARRIE EXAMINER EVANGELISI DIE AT LOUISVILLE Ky AP Rev Mordecai Ham Baptist ovnngellrt who conlt NerudaBille tlnnlty ln ma died Wednesday at stroke Mr Ham preached throughout the Southern state and on radio or 60 years gt sixty seconds to dec1dc on an automobfle it enough time to tell yOur storyproperly enclyour prospect enough time Most people like and want newspaper advertisements Newspapers give them the information to buy And anewspapergives4he reader an opportunity to compare they need and more important the time to digestit Tlirough dealer tieins they learn where If you haven competitor it means your prospective customers mustmake decrsion Will falbuyehiscnererthat one Thésale will usually go to the Company with the mOst convincing presentation Thats one reason for the tremendous success of daily newspapers Daily Newspapers the best meeting place firaducrtisers and their costomers CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPERSPIIBLISHERSASSOCIATI 55 UNIVERSITV AVE TORONTO ONTARIOGENERAL MANAGER SANFORD it the am There werl the glow About In II LE have con the Vi that lim Township Street Bu November person an municipalii lions and there ior And voters to ceedings it 01 errors law the In In the iii 1961 Dated th ember 196 EARL RI l3¢AU gWALi le AUC 514735 EPA AUC FRIDAI Auction snl cattle SIIE4 lnery for JAME 1M 18 Township Thornton north Teri as Mr Cre and arm SlfGlER WITH TH see AROE QHBIII all

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