SIMPLE and fashionach ac oessories for womens sweat erg can add new life to the gar meats In the photos above shoe laces form latticestitch semicircle band across shoul Aabs PERSONAL TOUCH Accessorize Sweater WiEhWDTClpeIY Materials TORONTO Thc use or dressmaking millinery and drapery materials offer an en tirely new approach to accessor izing sweater says Lissa Taylor of the textile fibres de partment of Du Pont of Canada with length of drapery braid or fringern woman who tries to be creative in her dress can transform classic pullover or cardigan into sweater with that highly individual couture look Miss Taylor has made up some samples that transform sweaters into conversation pieces In one she replaced the but hf TODAYS RECIPE OATMEAL CRISPIES down cup margarine cup brown sugar cup white sugar well beaten eggs tsp vanilla cups flour tsp salt tsp soda cups quick cooking oatmeal ht cup chopped walnuts Thoroughly cream margarine nnd sugar Add eggs and van Iila Beat well Add sifted dry ingredients oatmeal and nuts Mix well Shape in rolls Wrap in waxed paper and chill over night Slice VA inch thick Bake on ungreased cookie sheet for to minutes at 350 degrees HQ Sgts Mesa LA Camp Borden ions on basic cardigan with dressmaker frogs and turned the ribbed waistband under This produced blouson Heavy hlack braid and large decorative cont button trans formed simple pullover into an eye catcher The braid was Istitched oif centre from the neckline to the bottom of the sweater then another piece was sown around the top of the rib bing There seems to be no limit to the couturier uses for drapery fringe of different types and widths said Miss Taylor She used some to trim the collar of cardigan bushy but narrow width of fringe might be sewn down the front and around the bottom of plain cardigan The same car digan could be bound in sim ilar manner with black satin ribbon USE RESTRAINT Restraint should be used in adding your own touch to sweaters she advised Some needed little ndornrna firestone tiers of vassar collared sweat er and dressmaker frogs transform cardi an into blousv on Cgt Photo one with collar was dressed up with two pairs of shoe laces The sweater featured lattlc stitch insetthat formed asemi circle around the yoke The lace were drawn through the tiny holes in crossstitch fashirv tied at each shoulder in small how Another sweater with modi fied turtle neck was Elven its own jewelled collar by sewinc beads in multiple rows around the throathugging band Black beads on black sweater pro duced glamorous party apparel especially when the sleeves were removed dressmaker pullover with standaway collar has slot through which large head scarf can be drawn 0aaacari end hangs down the front and the other flutters down the back One note of caution Be sure the materials being used to dress up the sweater are shrink proof and colorfast If in any doubt Miss Taylor says pre shrink them testing their color fastness at the same time TOWN COUNTRY WINTER TREADS 75044 202555 iiihi GET TRACTION YOU CAN TRUSA itth as DUNLoP ST PA 66585 NEW LOW PRICES ON NEW TOWN and COUNTRY TIRES TOO Halloween Party For Couples Club ALLISION Special The regular meeting of St Johns Church Ailiston Couplas Club was held in the church hall Oct 30 In the form of Hul loween party Everyone came in costume and prizes were awarded for the best oostums to an and Mrs Ken Crows and for the best hardtime dress to an and Mrs Herbert Oliver Folk dancing was on the program and several other entertaining features suitable to the occasion box social was one of the interesting events at the even ing when the men purchased midboxes for fee with pm Childrens Fund of the Al ston Lions Club Following lunch and social halfhour the business session was held with the presidents ltfr andTMrs Oliver chairing the meeting it was decided that if it could be arranged the club members would like to visv it the General Electric plant in Barrie for their November meeting The committee in charge of that meeting will look into the ringer and report to tho presi AilANDAlE APPLIANCES WWW WHATTHE STARS SAY WWII Throw dsys aspects will be stimulating for waiiplanned and cleverly managed endeavors Make the most of them ad you should have highly sails actory results During leisure hours plan to do something out of the ordinary for relaxation pur poses FOR THE BIRTHDAY if tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that between December and June you could make excellent pro gress by trying out new ideas either in your present Job or in an allied field Where finances are concerned the Ispecta will also be excellent during this cycleexcept for brief periods in late March and early April but to make the most of them you will have to avoid utravte gance so as not to offset gains Follow the same policy in De cember of this year From the end of May until the beginning of Septenbcr per sonal relationships will be ac cented and your intercsu could be advanced through the help of superiors and others interested lnyourUng ONLLQN cuss TOURIST ROOMETTES T0 WESTERN CANADA For Complete information about this exclusive EN 5am PAlMoo $1 CANADIAN NATIONAL BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY NOV 1m to use your best judgment how ever if you would take the right and most profitablecourse in business matter am August Romance travel and social ac tivities will be favored during most of the new year Achildbornonthisdaywiii be endowed with great will power and practicality but may be unduly suspicious of his fel lawman BENEFIT LUNCEZON MONTREAL UP Mme George Vanier wile of the sow eroor general will attend benefit luncheon in Montreal in November in aid of one of the provinces maliut communities of nuns the Helper at the Holyl Souls in addition to visiting ths mime of the ill and destitute as Helpers conduct min 25 Candles Rd East Barrio moms LOWEST PRICES mammal PA 83021 Midland Penstang Elmvaie Phone Zenith 11130 NoToli Chargr BIG as VALUES Low Low PRICES THE GREATEST VALUE EVENT OF THE YEAR McCLARYoEAsY AllANDALE PPLIANCES McClARYEASY Meierdoire DRYER FABULOUS $00 MODEL Completely automatic drying NOW at wonderfully low price Thanks to fast economical Melerdosire drying system your clothes come out soiter fiuitier dried perfectly and at 25 less cost than any other system LOOK AT ALL THESE FEATUREBI Moneysaving Meterdaire Drying System Oversize Lint Filter over twice as much effective filter area another makesi 3Way Venting no installation problems over Nanrusting dDoc XACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED iiicCtAR porcelain enameiied Top WASHERANIA SPECIAL HASYEMODELS AS lOW AS SEE THE NEWEST MODELS WASVHERS DRYERS See Tiara TODAY MunoLJJLTJW Watch for all the details on BALL PLANING MILLS big CREATIVE KITCHEN CONTEST if you dont get an an noimcement In the Niall lust stopby our stars I5 BIG PRIZE SharelnTheBigv Bargain Specials FREE ELECTRIC BLANKET FOR ELECTRIC Loruzs RYER BUYERS AL CHARGE ANY DRYERjCAN BE lN SUNSHINE STALLED SAME DAYAS SPECliii THE VALUE EVENT OF THE YEAR Dont missritii DOM M5519EflAttEIQMNLWINIJMNL GREATEST VALUES IN TOWN ALLANDALE 34 ESSA RD THE BHIIIIPLANINGMILL co LTD 48 ANNE ST PA 82496