ll THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV French Show Some Resistance To II Canadian Rccent On TV HOLLYWOOD AP Each week the Hollywood trade pa per print production schedule wadmt pmducu inhn Ettlin handsome aclerJronLnbosuheunomnarnm is also under con TV series The Plouite Family CE Biiiililili chin 31 the TV industry Nestled among the westerns and who dunits is ringer with the title Sur Demande What is Sur Demandc why its the French version at You Asked ior it the cnernble series in which Art Baker and later Jack Smith Iullilled the hearts desire viewers But What is French TV shnwdoing in Hollywood gar to ï¬nd out Sur Demand literally On Demand turned out to be French Canndlap It Ilpro duced by Ettllnzers Medallion TV prim rily tor Canadas Frecnhspeaking population ere also selling it in Switlerland and the Benelux countries said the producer France is problem it seems there is resistance to Cana dian accent on French TV we hope to overcome it The FrenchCanadian accent is provided by Jean Coutu border tract to Walt Disney He sub dilutes in narration some for Jack Smith in the American version which is still seen in syndication in 75 cities SHOW AN ACCIDENT How Sur Demand came into being is lesson in resource tulness Medallion had been malt king quiz show called View the Clue for the FrenchCana dian market The sponsor pulled out when the Payola scandals struck Ettiingc had 60 days to come up with successor or lose the account One day he was having drink with Iriend who worked on You Asked For it They teamed on the idea Why not convert it or Frenchfana diansi Time was precious Coutu was flown donn from Montreal Bilingual writers were hastily hired We had them stashed in motel on Sunset Boulevard re called Ettlinser taxi was standing by to rush the script page to the studio as soon as they were written The deadline was readied and Sur Demands went on the air Jan 20 196035 days alter it was tirrt drearntizzi llnler rt tha to intrigued shows in Canada despite heavy opposition in its time slot CHOLERA KILL 30 MANILA Th Philippines Renter Ail public schools in Capiz vinca were reported closed niesdny atter the deaths Humidity mild arm at cholera Economic Reforms Will Iiwalre Nation From Centuries Slumber TEZPUR indla Reuters Bhutan the ancoviorbldden kin dam in the eastern Himalayas is to be ushered dually Into the modern era by means oi an ambitious development prozram during the next live yarn By 1966 the kingdom is due to awaken mm its centuries oid slumber of primitive back twardness throush series oi economic reiorms aimed at rals in the living standards at its 900000 inhabitants New road will wind through the placid pastures and pine iorested mountain slopes at tho 158000 square mile kingdom ever been seen until now FROZEN FOODS lPlCIALI FRINCH our human FANCY GREEN BEANS AVAILABLE tool ones In Molr LDILAW MARKET FREE Farm House Frozen Apple Pie WITH PURCHASE OF ONE IéOZ FROZEN FARM IIOIISE OllliE CHOCOLATE onauae on aauAua neaL leiclALt LoaLaws KITCHEN PRIDE BLUEBERRY PIEA Warring LOILAWI llCiALlFtollEsl suuAAA SillililiES AA IFICIALI wenorta PRRTY COOKIES wmre WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED wttEar sLicen an UNSLICED seuoicpwuou als axe 19a STORE HOURS MON TUES THURS 900 am pm WED PRICES EFFECTIVE ARE mung SEEM JILI 900 nm 12 Noon FRI 900 am v00 pm 2001 Ill 35 SAT 830 mm 600 pm THE GOLDEN HOME than arscttoot ENCYCLOPEDIA VOLUME EIGHT Now ousALLï¬ 29 SPECIAL LOBLAWS JRIIKE SPECIAL STOKELYS FANCY 29c rVSPECIALI MILK FED LontawsrncstrnnAAn Leaver MushroomsWuhan 39 Juvex flEtf 355 Bruvo Spaghetti or Macaroni i581 ingonie Peaches iivagtbgrjglay cereals Suico Iunu soLID FANCY IorrLi tun mas wt one more MaAr FL 01 in 233 391 5c 37 einziseans Inï¬miro 2s bioiizï¬ SPECIAL Muster Diet Dog Food Comsloclt Choice Sliced Apples RFC Bflrbeeue Sauce REGULAR PACK REGUI Rose Margarine sLa rKo in FL oz rm IuL oz JAR 143 was ILa FKGS 39c Buddig Stocked Sliced ReelL 295 SPECIAL SPECIAL ECIAL CHOICE OHIOKEN 1165 or BREASTS SPECIALIJADDV yogamountregAsomNG Minted and yen SPECIAL ocnnroAta CBMIINATIDII rAcKAfll LI FRESH FROZEN FISHyPAN READY mum gap iLl rKo 35 New iaetories will rise in the valleys ride by side with the towering drones toast and their fluttering Buddhist prayer flags NEW SCHOOLS Students in coloriul traditional dress will study in newlybull schools instead oi the musty alrieu rooms of monasteries Modern hospitals will provide relic or the thousands who used to suitor silently Praying patiently inr divine cure or their ailments To achieve all this 175000 000 mm ahout $37000000 SPECIAL GOLDEN BELL FANCY 00 FT aoLL met out at rant tram indla since Bhutan ltseli has little re sources to ï¬nance the plan Experts and atticlair mm in din will be primarily responsible tor the successful implementa tinnoltheplanButtheilnai approval at any project will rest with the Bhutan governan The bulk oi the Bhtnanesa are Buddhists religiously linked to ï¬bet ut they have never wel comed inreipn influence and have traditionally disoourazcd all iorelrn visitors to their land LIVE PLACIDLY Content with their placidiiie the Bhutanese had no desire to open up their trontiers to lor egnars either irom India or elsewhere Recent political developments PEANUT Brim TOMATO mice SPECIAL AYLMER CHOICE CREAM STYLE SPECIAU APPLEFORDS WRXER PAPER iNsiAHf an GLIch tion Tibet now is under onm piete control ot Communist China and Peking has not can oealed its claim to Bhutan Bhutan is linked to india by special treaty and New Delhi recognizes the kingdom or sovereign independent state But the indian government considers the continued inde pendence oi Bhutan essential to the security at the subcontin tut SENT TO hIALAYA VITAWA CPLA sixmem ber Canadian medical tcnm has been sent to Malaya for tire years under the 000mm External Mialrs Minister Green announced ntesdoy Dr Hermann prominent Ottawa surgeon will leadtheteam which includes Dr Cinuda Vip oodrOshawaLand Drf6enm Sloan st Thomaa Loblaws Feature Ontario Grown Vegetables FROM ONTARIOS FAM FOLV BAG Wide Selection Top Quality Harvesting now in full swing ous BRADFORD MARSH No GRADE WWWASHEP CARROTSA MD ONTARIO GROWN No GRADE NEW FALL CROP SOLID GREEN TENDER CABBAGE ONTARIO GROWN No GRADE QUALITY CONTROLLED CENTRALLY PACKED OnIaIio Potatoes GARDEN FRESH FROM BRADFORD No GRADLI CRISP AND CRUNCHY 39c ChoppedheiorVenlSienlteltes Celery Heuris GARDEN FRESH MILD AND FLAVOURFUL IDEAL FOR COOL WEATHER MEALS 29 Tasty Broccol APPROX Iix Lu IOLI no XTRA LARGE 199 ORIGINAI auNcH 29