Minister Opens $350000 Bridge The third new bridge In as many years to be erected over the Nottawosagn River was offi cially opened at Alliston yester day by Highways Minister Fred 7CassandBov Downer MPP Slmcoo Duiierin for whom the bridge has been named The new torfoot $350000 structure replaces all outmoded singlelane thathad boast ed racer of accidents and mishaps some fatal The two other new bridges recently built over the Noltawasaga are near Angus and Wusaga Beach Mayor Storey oi Alliston opened the official ceremonies by Introducing slrneoe County Warden Maurice who in turn kttroduced Mr Downer ASoprano Replaced For The Final llct NEW YORK AmSoprano Montyne Price lost her voice in the second act of Laanclullo del West at the Metropolitan Opera Tuesday night and was replaced for the final set Met spokesman said Miss leEï¬lï¬FNegro soprano who sang in the same Puccini on opening night this year Oct was hit by an acute virus infection during the second act Her voice caarselled then grew husky and began to fade asivlrtually speakinghcr lines After longer intermission than usual Miss Price was re placed by Dorothy Kirsten the alternate linger for the role Princess Gives Out Halloween Gills VICTORA CPDMore than dozen youngsters dressed in the hectic finery of Halloween took treats from aprincesrhcra Tuesday Government House home to Princess Alexandra of Kent dur ing twovday visit here was opened for 10 minutes before dinner to children seeking tra ditional handout it had previously been ordered that the KaiestLleed and guarded by RCMP Liwtenanb Governor George Pearkes who was llome lostjtaliowofen had arranged for his nextdoor uelghbortodo the honors Princess Alexandra learning of the nights1erforman Canadian youngsters had the gates briefly opened She greeted each visitor personally and made the presentations The princess leaves today to continue trip to the Far East SEEKS INDIAN UNITY NEW DELHI Reuters Prime Minister Nehru appointed commission today to reoonk mend steps to weld lndlos var iedreliglous linguistic and re glonai groups into homogenv lm proud to know that this is the Downer Bridge Rev Downer said The Nottnwos page has long and colorful his ry lfo spoke of the lndlan travel up an down the river of the battles fought on it by the early lsettlers Then turning to the Fred Cnss he remarked mcoc has done very well by your department We thank you for this bridge air in his speech to the gather ing Mr Cass said in the past two or three years his depart ment had endeavored to show the people at Slmcoc County that they were being takem care of Also in attendance were the neighboring townshi reeves and the town oouncl oi Allis ton Mayor Storey said We have waitediaiionï¬ tinserial this bridge There ad been lot at criticism of various oiil mDulferlm moor Tecumseth OBITUARY CHEESMAN Ernest Cheesmnn 76 died October 21 at his home 49 John St Barrie Mr Chces man was born in Slnghampton and lived there until tall when he married in Westhlil and came in Barrie He lived here 51 years Besides his WeTFTEaves two dau ters Evelyn Mrs odls aw andilclen Mrs Llo Green bothof Barrie rather Harry oi Wlarion and granddaughter Kerry Lynneodlshaw of Barrio Mr Cheesman retired from the CNR in 1951 after 44 years of service as an engineer He was life member of Kerr Lodge 230 AF and AM An evening service was held ï¬by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers followed by Masonic service under the auspices of Kerr Lodge Public services were held Tucs day and burial was in Barrie Union Cemetery Pallbearers were Erman Horan Kenneth flaweJid Roach William Hath clals both locally and provin cialll Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskers each Wifll its owl distinctive charaderisï¬es and then aged them in special oak casks Now Adams has married these 29 rare whiskies to waste the superb flavour of AdamsPrivate Stock This custom bland is presentedinits gt crystal decanter at erill Hay and Charles Rogers popular price wenum roe whitesilkrribbonr was cut yesterday to open the Downer bridge near Al listen Cutting the ribbon are from the left Sanford Page Essa Townshi reeve War denhl Mau cc Mayor hi Storey oi Alliston lion Fred Cass highways minister Rev Downer MPP Township reevc Leonard Ab emethy and chief engineer Clarke department at highways LEFT hir Down NOV 11m Pranksters Soap Police Ofï¬ce Window As predicted Barrie police reported quiet time last at traditionally one on ch mischievous pranks are pulled To be sure windows in many business establishments and pri vate homes were sosped some rural district mail boxes were toppled and number of other harmlcsrprunlu were reported DWI WEEinvon any damage were reported The top row oi stone on the planter box in front of the Essa Road lGAJtars was removed and someone threw rock through large window in the Crane Company premises on lilfin It large traffic sign was de poslted in the middle of the Thunder Bridge east of Barrie The highlight oi the evening insofar as one prankstcr is con eerned must be his feet of suc cessfully scoping the large win dowsorthelocal poliéestallolf Numerous merchants could be seen early this morning busy with pall and mop removing the traces of last nights fun from their display windows All in all it was quiet ev ening and the youngsters of the city are being congratulated by police for their good behavior and complete sense oi fair lay in not causing the type of am age that costs someone mone CAB HITS POLE Barrie ManKilled In Highway Crash 31yearold Barrie man llusull Liinnikin oi toliigb Street was instantly killed in traffic accident on Highway 27 late yesterday afternoon 0f five others in the car which went out of wntrol on bend north oi tlleCPKtrs llexonthLJuuciinnmL ways 26 and 27 smashed into tale hone pole and ended up in feld four were injured and taken to Royal Wctorls Hospi tal here Those injured were Mo rAllisterrrRR2 Alliston the driver chest injuries Thomas Barretthlts Collier Street Bar rie shoulder injuries Acï¬ncs Dunn 143 Collier Street est injuries Cecil ltllnnikin broth er oi the dead man Angus shoulder injuries Arthur Fer guson 94 Robert Street Barrie watuninjuredrri We McAlllster Barrett and Cecil llllnnlkln were admitted to hos pital OPP officers from the Barrie detachment investigated the smash Constable John Stone said this morning that investi gation lndleoted thsoar was proceeding south on Highway 77 when it went out of control an curve The car hit tele phone pole with tremendous 55llitlf $3255 Christian Fellowship Oilicial the bridge was opened Ex aminer Photos Not An Indication Oi Govt Position MONTREAL CPlPostmas ter General William Hamilton officially openeddhe Readers Digest building in sub urban Vestmnunt Tuesday but said his participation in the eer emonies was no indication of the federal governments attitude to word the report of the royal commission on publications The rt recommended measures to protect Canadian periodicals against domestic competition from foreign puhll ications No government action has been taken yet Mr Hamilton said he agreed to participate in the ceremonies because he represents Mont real riding Notrc Dame de Grace and Readers Digest pro department worilliae Bo Finds $87 DRILL CF Eleven year old Reggie Bush lweni hunting for pop bottles and found $87 lt Reggie was searching the mudflats in the Trent Canal at Port Severn when he found wallet containing the money The boys father contacted Fredwmlthlllliltbn who lost the wallet last June while on trip in the area He presented Reggie with $20 of the waterlogged loot hiiee videLaJ mostJlm0minJelLe rule year for the post office ll Wilbur Sutherland wlll be the speaker at an area rally to be he Saturday at 745 pm ln Co icr Street Fellowship Hall Therally is being spon sored by the InterSchool Chrls iiiilfleilowship Clubs of Ba rle Midland Orillia and Co lingwood Mr Sutherland isthe general secretary of the Canadian Inter Varslty Chrisitan Fellowship post he has held since 1952 and ls also member of the execu tive committee of international Fellowship oi Evangelical Slut dents lie is BA honor phy sics graduate from the Univer sity of British Columbia Many people in the Barrie area heard him when be ad dressed the ladies night ban quet oi the Christian Business Mens Committee last June Mr Sutherland has an exten rim lor this weekend On Friday at pm he will appear as gues thEWo mens Show On Saturday he will address Barrie and Dis trlct CGlTleaders On Sunday he will speak at two locnll churches The interSchool Christian Fellowship has extended gen eral invitation to attend the rally During the evening aillm oi the filth InterVarsity Chris tian Fellowship International Missionary Convention held at Urbana lllinnis in 1957 will be shown This film will be of since veral students from this 7w Will Address Rally In Barrie SUTEERLAND area are planning to attend the sixth convention being held this year at which 5000 students are planning to be in attend ï¬nchW 77 Cant Pay The Bent May Be Evicted SASKATOON CWDave Jen kins of Edmonton resident of the Western Canada University Press told delegates to the western rEgional meeting here that unless CUP pliys $1 500 in debts to the National Federation of Canadian Univer sity Students CUP will be flchal interesttomanypenple evictedJrothaNFCuscoiï¬ce in Ottawa MINme Twice Sentenced Man Is Acquitied VANCOUVER CWA man lwicu sentenced to be hanged tor the Vernon hobojungle slaying of newsboy was acquitted Tuesday by the British Colum bln Court of Appeal Charles illurrsl Heathman 38 former army cook was first sentenced to death last Decem ber lie won neiwfltrial and second death sentence Each time he was convicted of the murder of 11yearold Donald John Ottley in the Okn hogan city during the 1960 La bor Day weekend Heathmau was first convicted Dec 16 at Wes min relrlal was oFdercdnï¬d sec ond conviction entered at New Westminster May 27 The retrial jury took only 52 minutes to return its verdict There was no recommendation for mercy The victim had been suito cnted adn sexually molested medical evidence showed The quite remarkable pros pect of success of the New Democratic Party in Canada Sparham member of the New Party National Executive at eseeond of the Bar eNew Democratic Party Club held at the YMCA Mr Spatham pointed out that historically conservatives with small have their place in preservmg things of value but when they are al ways in power and not alter nated with reform party soc ial and economic problems be come chronic and sense of apa thy and resignation takes place Canada has become dull after Envisions Bright Prospects Far The New Democratic Party was stressed by Desmond force clipping it nit and came to rest in field bordering the thoroughfare it is understood the party was returning to Barrie after visit ing in Phelpston meal services for the de willrber heldou7Fridny from the Pelllick Funeral Home with interment in Barrie Union Cemetery Speaks Stayner Canadian Club STAYNER Special Coldwelrwasr therapeaker ot the first meeting in Stayrlcrs new high school The reorganized Stayner Can adian Clubs initial gathering membership now open to no men litany of the local ladies took advantage oi the opportun ity to hear an excellent speak er ln the person of Mr Cold well former leader of the fed eral CCF party llir Coldweil was introduced by Dr Ives who had become acquaint ed with him at the San Fran cisco conference in 1915 Mr Caldwell spoke on the role at Canada in the future ole velapment oi theemerging na tions of the world pointing out that the notion had achieved independence without bloodshed and at this country has great cal to offer to other young countries technical as sistonce food supplies moral suppoer Mr Coldwell does not fear nuclear war He thinks there will cmany crises to sur mount but the day will come when there will be world unity and then the efforts of man will he spent making benefits to mankind The speaker was thanked by Carl Carruthers 100 years of Conservative and socalled Liberal governm He ielttbe time was ripe to seek as membersrotethe New Democratic Party all people in the community who are uncon servaliye minded and not afraid to challenge the status qua or the national or inter national field Other highlights in the pro gram touched an by other speakers were Recognition hot the importance of Canadas Fed eral structure cooperation be tween the Provinces and the Federal government opportunity for Provincial seliexpression Opposition to Nuclear Arms for Canada International inspection JLsaidthopersonality0L and conirolby thevUnitedNa tions of all atomic development How toovvnlwovcars and still make endslimeeh M1 Coldwell attracted largercrowd Club Buyrtwe Volkiwogens You go your way She goes her way And your budget wont know the difference Heres whyr two Yoikswngons will cost you less than one conven tienal car Think were kidding lets get serioux The VW gets 38 miles to gallon of gas More on the highway little less in traffic Youll never add all between changes and when it is time for change tour and half plnis will do it Ycull never need antifreeze because the VW has no radiator The engine is cooled with air Dont warry if YOUJ3JWO Volkswagen and one garage The VW cant freeze Volkswagen can be repaired faster for less money For example we dont replace half the car to coi rect crumpled fender We can boil oil new one in minutes You may be surprised how little it costs to buy uVolkswugen Weve been able to keep the price low becnureweneverchangglhe lain VW design We iust keep making it better Any dealer who sells two cars for the price atone deserves recognition And visit romnla Peri oi Entry Prlre 951695 lnsludar Ironhudaisenyspeuwbulundoisemeater détrosler tool kit and ncrwindlhleld walker Ma padded sun vim directional signals and bumper overriders VOLKSWAGEN CANADA lTD Ills ummï¬nï¬usï¬p calcium paint network ut us noun vw union mm Ilplll arms ms Pollutior cts of dis ges for treat Dr Mal officer in told we thing must the air th irys natur is still try wllich poll Canadians damage to health These rl up The ore vision will ers ropo tegu story lution in but pro ion proble cipalities ernment of water Brunswick assed leg rol of wat The con Crerar Bl her that aria will ban area London al ough and huge urba ser River third alo Cornwall The Cre wild pruph The ha vellround is recogniz éd and in forms 5i The Re Monthly The Hapl points out tvhich def Self and pulses anc There lo hi1 er life High love of se lionwith our thinkil to be diml We ca tioll The in barb End suftnl sank to til comiort good life Canada than its re 000 share very heav ide tï¬l dred peop United Kil Heads if orldered ey were be gone tl gagement iThere The caanhl runny Jam Subscnptla gsgo year realm to street Monti 7n cnsa up for ranu Duper credit Reuters and eous community Then mom gt bers of the commission include mahmuuumnmhnm Chm mmm an mm ate mm 6mm status leaders at themgiorpo gt Canuausbexlmmmmsavery Wm AdamscusTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Volkswflfluntoldlnlhlrreuntrybelpl scientists BlBdissa Road Telephone PArkwov 875558 Canada in roll Germany More Clandim used