mmammumummaruoviw Builders Seek ArTighter Laws TORONTO CWThree coa tractors groups presented briefs to Ontarios royal commission on labormanagement relations in the construction industry Tuesday asking for the tighten ingof laws applicable to the trade The Ontario Federation of by the Ontario Road Builders Association The brief said its proposed ad ministrator of the proposed spov dol laborreiatioal not should have specific authorin to do clds all Jurisdictional disputes on construction pro enactment of separate Labor RelationsAct for the construc tion industry administered by one man responsible to the pro vincial government Most sections of the Labor Relation Act are either inappli cable to the construction indus try or require substantial modi fication in order to deal ado quately with our problemsff the associations ago briotessld The Iubmissl was endorsed cépt In more lockout which the administrator has permitted as strait of fail ure of the parties to reach sstisfac collective agree ment The special not should provide for the licensing of all unions in the industry and the adminis trator should have authority to ecancolesuch licences for viola FRONT WHEEL Ems on can tion of tha tea Reg driving day morning when the right front wheel of his can fall off Stu IS along Dunlap Street West to Gmum Ru Brownml wards the Five Points yestar and air Works quickly ALLlSTON t5pecialMayor buiit and the lawn has been tached the car to tow truck and traffic was restored to its normal flow Examiner Photo ARTIST SHOWS WORK IN BARBIE Canada he has painted Prime Minister Dieienbaker Examiner Photo Barrie llr Bowman has been free lancing for five years across tho United States and Cole Bowman free lsnce artist is showing 35 paintings at the Eaton Co store in Cadets Expecting Santa Parade Kempenielt Trumpet sand will stage Santa Claus parade Saturday morning Dec 16 The parade will feature Santa Minuetd Storey and members sodded to add to the attractive oi Alliston town council and nose of the grounds in 1960 their wives along with repres an enrolment of 109 pupiiswas entotives oi local school boards noted andriadi has seen an in and friends gathered with tho parishioners oi St Pauls Rom an Catholic parish to celebrate the opening oi their newly erected schoolsituated on Well ington Street East Moot Rev Francis Mar rocco of Toronto performed the important ceremony of cutting Citizens CoEEidin About Raid Sirens Local EMO and city officials have received number at com creasa of 47 bringing tho total to 156 Father McGivney holds Mass every morning at 380 for the students and spends ev ery Tuesday morning assisting them with their Catechism TEACHING STAFF There is fine teaching staff consisting of Mr Carroll train Band Arranges be in position to be adequately orcise was held last spring warned in the event oi an em sccrearytreas Local EMO coordinator Ray The Barrio Sea Cadets have Dagneault urer orders to remnin whore they are until they receive word from Toronto Headquarters re garding the notice that they can no longer use the armorica IIJ place ii The cadets are looking for new quarters Any suggestions would be welcome said Mrs Dowthwnltc secretarytreas rer The cadets would have to have cement floor for march ing she added bills the Barrie Sea Cadets reorganized thelroiviilan association including their lady les auxiliary At meeting in the armor ies new executive was elect ed as follows president Thom lNNlSIll NOTES chairman oi Jock Giliilond Navy League The now lad cutlve is president Mrs Mll dudColetuicoprosidoatrhks Marlon Shulflebotha tary Mrs or Mrs Doris Ferric Their first held at the home of the presi dent on Newton Street at 830 pm Nov 2i The next meetingoi the Sea Cadet executive will be held at pm Nov at the Air For ca Club on Owen Street All parents and any interested persons are urged to attend as Fitzslmmon Find More Candy Dowthwaltc the sea cadets chairman of the MrsL Snider ies nuxllary exc band furnishing est groups of secre Scragg treasurr meeting will be watch Duniop iceprésident and his reindeers be floats and clowns with the the music its type There will The band is one of the young any where The ogcsoi the hands Bandmaster Bob Lucns rom isss loiof fun for kids in Barrie who want to the The parade will startat the Fair Grounds and will proceed along Essn Road Mulcaster to Collier streets and return via Collier to Owen and the Cenotaph Bradford Trish Boxer Keeps The Championship LONDON AWJohnny Cald well at lrelond retained his Eur opean version of the world ban tamwoight boxing championship Tuesday night by outpointing Al the ribbon and blessing the beautiful school and he was assisted by several priests from this area including Monsignor James Clair Barrie Rev Fa ther McGivern Camp Borden the ester of St Pa Rev Fat or ncen Whey Monsignor Castcx General Assembly Fourth Knights oi Columbus from Fe netang and the men of the par ish formed the guard oi honor for His Excellency and the im ressive ceremony was enjoyed by ailpresent FIVE CLASSROOMS St Pauls School has live classrooms principais oiiico taachcrs room and spacious ac commodation for service rooms including storage it was found ed in 1860 by Father illicle ncy and an addition was built in 1961 statue of the patron saint St Paul now stands at the corner of the old and new wings new sidewalks have been ed at St Marys the principal Mr building their own handwriitng lag the history of to the visitors The school was designed by Salter and Allison Architects and construction was completed by and Ken Barrie Teachers Training School Belfast lrc land Mrs Guthrie from Pet erboro Teachers College Mrs Lynch from Toronto Teachers College Miss Wilson from Unl vnrsity oi Western Ontario and Campbell who comes from Glasgow Scot land and received his training at Ottawa Teachers College Following the special pro gram and inspection oi the reireshmeau were aeryedby the Catholic Wom ens Leaéue El StfPauis The students of the school had pre pared book entitled St Pauls Press all completed in and giv school These books were handed out garding the placement oi air raid and emergency warning sirens now being installed in various districts oi the city Contactedthls morning EMO officials said that this was com letely an army respons my it is understood that survey engineers from ttawa conduct ed survey in arrlo recently and the siren installations in their present locations arise from the results oi the survey it is planned to instal six sirens in the urban area Three of them are in position at Anna St Brock St and St Vincent St near Codrlngton Other in staiiations are planned for the City Hall Johnson St and Cun dies Rd Complaints from citizens have been to the effect that there is no need to erect the sirens in residential areas Officials have countered with the Suggution that thiï¬ the logical place for them to ble the populace is to plaints from local citizenrre ergcncy at any time ot the day or night it is expected that the sirens will be in use during planned Canadawide civil defence warn lirgguexarclse scheduled for Nov The twoday exercise known as Tocsian 1961 will he mark ed with special mmlnute radio broadcast starting atl pm During the broadcast to be carried by every radio station in the country the public will hear messages the type to be issued in the event of real at tack emergency it is planned to punctuate the announcements that the program is only test The test will stress the man ning of emergency headquar ters bases by the federal and provincial governments it was originally set for the spring of 1962 but was advanc ed on orders of Prime Minister John Dicfcnbaker two months ago because of the critical Atkinson was not available for comment on the part to be played by the BarrieSimeon Count unit oilthe organization since was busy on EMO mat tors in otherparts ofthe counlt phonse Halimi of France in inround bout Caldwell weighed 117 Haliml ll7b The victory is expécted to earn Caldwell shot at Brazil ian Eder Jofrc recognized as world champion by the US No tionai Boxing Association It was Caldwells 25th victory in an unbeaten career as pro fessional Halimi now has lost nedy Contractors Barrie FORECAST west 15 todaylight tonight be coming southerly 15 Thursday Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Thursday world situation similarrex IM OOING HOME TO SUNOCO COMFORT ngoaouunc In Barrie lirea or no5 Official forecasts issued by the ammo weather office at it rn ES Synopsis vigorous storm in some parts the number office when the Appeal Court of callers at home HBUDW consisting of the township Coun ccn DIEM W35 ï¬llnlmd M9 oil will discuss the requests of Sunacohiandcdhlatlngollglvu the highway in the Tolicndai clean even season long andhadlittiotojiye when the area we are told that the house hoidcrs lost count One femily said it had few callers and was left with many shell oui parcels on hand Others ran out last callers came Mo callers we saw seemed to have done vey well We commented on the full baskets and bags of members of one group and they said they had just return detromjardwme sandy there they said Chiei William Brown reported that although the force was appellants withtheassessment commissioner it is likely that some inspections of properties will be made and agreements reached as to changes or con firmation of the assessors fig urchflroseJhoJrouemppeals will then be notified of the délt cislon If they sd desire they may continue their appeal to County Judge and to the De partment of Municipal Affairs five times in 40 tights There were no knockdown in fight in which both men threw lot of punches but seemed up able to hunt each other The averago potato weighing about 100 grams contains 70 caloriesfewerithan plate of spaghetti or piece of pie centre mo ng across the prai ries today is expected to cause snow in northern Ontario tonight and mostot Thursday As this storm centre moves through northern Ontario on Thursday gions of the province but skin will be mainly cloudy and show ers are likely to develop by aft ernoon or evening Lake St Clair Lake Huron Lake Erie western Lake 0n tario Niagara Georgian Bay Windsor London Toronto lla milton Cloudy with few clear southerly winds will bring rising temperatures to esouthernire Windsor it 65 St Thomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton Kiliaioe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapuskasing éwltcn to Suno henrniahcmoll M07 the originators of thine CelliniBlinded Blue Sunoeo Gogollnl IEGISEIED music use VEAK The name Channels symbolic supremo beauty and Volvo in rhouldm for nicotine brllilnncl STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS TODAYS STOCK PRICES White River Compiled by Flynn 93 Ounlop Stem Barrie Monsonee v55 Mari the sARiEANrcwï¬m very much alert they had had MARY 51 PA cnlyminornffences to deal with including misplaced gs tes but nothing in the way of van dalism ï¬t course th still time for persons out they have had some tricks playedon them the chiefre marked inmates 19L several communities Stroud Community Hall andthe Church at Lakelands and lefroy and Belle Ewart These provided nights fun tor the children as wellas the chools made an early start Preschool children mre broughctonclasmiandthe es included refreshmenL Discussions of appeals will continue today at the to nship periods to ayLand tonight Cloudy Thursday with showers deveioTnngby aiternunnorever ning Slowly rising temperatures Thursday Winds northwest 15 today light tonight southerly 15 to 25 Thursday Eastern ake Ontarlo Hali hurton regions Cloudy with oieaLperiods today Thursday cloudy witir slowly rising tem peratures Showers beginning Thursda evening Winds north ROCK STEAM reams OPENVDAILY non to pm PA 87111 Dunlop St PA 84201 mournnus Dom Found out Dom8toru Lil4 Dom Tar Exquisite FP1d we Famous Play at out an Pow say no is Erarasr Eli one amalgam Hudsona sun 52 mar imp rodind 157 sum ma Am git count stud of em inland no or Stelnherd madam ma impom an lnteiprov rm Cali e1 e7 ladle Albellfll Abltlb Alloma Stool Aluminium Alberta cu Atlas Steel or Narrnnt NG Monro Carp Oshawa Pacific Pch isiRANSMANis SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT PRESENTS DOUBLE KNIT IWOOHKOITSI and DRESSES MisslSun Tlie Fashion Scoop the Fall Season Brazilian ROYII Bank BA on 30 Power 041 Bk com 830 Breweries CanMinh5m ii ck cm Labstt Con Paper is Ma rawenniv 13V econrmnmouvzisse an yersrlï¬isid JUJHK i=Norandn JV mo Gunnar It Hollinï¬er Knondisaa Lsmaoua Lona Lao Maritime Normltal Opemlshu Texaco Union Gal Walker cow Qumont Sher Gordon Isteep flock United on Ventures Can Husk Camp Cbig Can Del Tito DEATHS Con nan 102i run CANADIAN noises in ill megabit Nit Geeo nine or twin Augustus John as eminent Bohemian who was one of Britains top painters Lanark Ont Erroii Mason 56 publisher of the kilns weeklyaewsiasec or the lost 13 years Toronto Lt Col Reginald Gage 63 staff secretary of the SalvationArmy in Canadaanf Bermuda Papcete Tahiti Princess Teriinui s3 daughter of Porn are last king of Iohiti La Jolla Calif Harry Woodhead 72 who headed Con solidated Vultee Aircraft Cor poration at San Diego from 1943 to toss StPetercbnrg Flo Guy Roberts 71 well known yachtsman aod ailmaker who was leading figure in the es tablishment fSaipe cla ail 7650 TONIGHT The Minister 15 nvn Mesa Acme STOCKS Eda Dyna Gone MDBul Dirt Selgramd Steel of Canada Satellite nowdost NEW 2031 amacns industrilia upTw run down 21 Uflifllifmed TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE INDEX ludurtrills up in com down zin mm up 47 on up wwv DIVIDENDE DECIABED Hudson nay Mining 15 payable Dec ill or dividend Nov 15 NOTICE Aoarlos oiDiscusoionï¬roups on FAMILY lIVlNG will be 9w by the Sim5T6 SlMCOE COUNTY HEALTH UNIT At Collier united Church Collier St ExpocienilvtotliehGrotip willlstart Tuesdanyov 7th at pm Mothers of infants under IO months will start Thursday Nov 9th at 2pm eon runrnenllnromnou Ann REGISTRATIONFORMS CALL PA 35967 THERE Is no see FEATURED at VSTRANSMANS lADlES WEAR Be Sure To See Wendy Hicks Preview of Sun Valley Style on CKVRTV on the Wendyjzlicks sh Thursday 400 430 pm SERANSMNNfs tRaIEs WEAR 32 RIGHT HONOURAELE loin illEFENBllliEli Elis1 Channel CAMPBELL LTD furniture Moving and storage Commercial Warfliousing Agents for North American gt Van Lines PA 68555 44 DUNLOP ST