Mean MARKET 1A3 MACHINERY DELAVAL LE AND SERVICE swam Pumps Wash orator Parts for EANR BROWN SJRARRIE HOLLY PA em INESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment LES AND SERVICE ONE 103 MINESING ATTENTION FARMERS COLN ERS sissoo COMPLETE ANDY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE STROUD lull14h FEED SEED GRAIN asn bs hsso snail atoms son lo Crsl Crsll phnns PA 37 71 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS 03 SALE wao ELSE mm new can Buy It NW With mean uninsured BCOIIAPIANIDAN TEE BANK OI NOVA SCOTIA us roan isirty good condition solar blltk fur tins Romnlbl me us Toll bone PA 101 for lunher ps ms nu AusrlN ham or uls in nod nonunion Prisd nuoasb nr oulsi llll nlsshoo ems ms WILLYI on in Csr or ul bod Buchanch sound Gusto and hellll roe as Hessi Nun cam5 ushosrn rinv so may um lrtllsphoxr or non uno Sir Barrio Telephone 411 DODGE kylindar hm pushbutton om radio yellow sns white mo dawn in over payments TIIDDhnna PA 170 after on due vo kswaaaN blue HMO mile on set condition one own Iuonnbls hits over lym some on Evenings Inn anion is Dunlap strut But Aplrlmlnt CARS WTD TO BU oroa cans FOR SALE prone LTD RAMBLER MAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN l7 GOWAN STREET PA 56488 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes PA B4165 58 OLDSMOBILE Owner Must Sell new car condltion through and comes equipped with tluxo GM radio ictuway Iomalio transmission power fearing and brakes backup 1b windshield washers ltawail tires and chrome eel discs other extras Save urself the deaiers commis on on this low mileage beauty iy dealing direct Best oIIer PHONE FA ems AFTER tr An Examiner Want Ad ORV HARDY hIUIORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOTl URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR PHONE PA 84272 ms CAR wamn cylinder door mo kyiindcr Pontisc to trade intmien desim coatsci 1m Snider Crslnunt telephone PA on TRUCKS TRADERS Wm rear fonl wheel drive equipped with power hymn snow oinw mu an electric windshield wiper new um nw angina aoliowsy Centrist Ins in Man Try An Examiner Want Ad PERSONALS TUCK DC CHIROPRACIOR FORMERLY 17 OWEN ST has changed his office location To SHANNON ST womans COLUMN anon anon lnidw ste your own home Phon Heroic at PA PRONE PA 84414 BUSINESS DIREC ByMonth or Year Telephone Blind Service retaping record if 0NÂ¥157APPHANCE AND TV SERVICE JServlce to all makes I47 DUNLOP STTE PA 61142 ELEGRICMOIORSA SALES AND SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIRS to all makesof appliances lONLllSSlJItMANa lectric Motors Sit PA 85307 WEE SERVICE rBARRIEESEINEST DIAPER SERVICE patrons PA 68551 than pastor clgsrsttos any DRIVING SCHOOL mwAï¬emermmmoar amen SAFE DRIVING Since loss FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 88551 EXOAVAIING GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS IUlvuED avatlng and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN StreeHi Barrier PA 29 HEATING SHEARDOWNS BURNER SERVICE Furnaces and Burners cleaned $750 plus parts 24 HOUR SERVICE PA 82130 INSULATION INSULATION Palatln and Paper Hangflg oases or PA um SERVICgi TORYV MASONRY It It can be built with BUOCK BRICK or STONE CALL MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship igaLraasonabinriccs PA 60986 PAINTEES Bradley Sons Decorating Painting Contractor FLOOR WALL TILE GYPROC JOINT FILLING Your satisfaction our pleasure 59 LETITIA ST BARRIE PA 421 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON pray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrio PA 856 REFRIGERATIONv STAN BRYSON 38 Clappertnrr St PHONE PA 45 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSALACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled gam animals under the above FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE PArkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE ucalvsa amt UPEOLSIEEY urnnnsrnna to chronic kitchen chairs elm Illa rs sli work done Telephone HE Angus for surthcr lninrnistion WELL DIGGING with No lRockwool UMINUM CLAPBOARD SID IN COLOURS MEIAL D0 WINDOWS AWNINGS BY C0 FREE ESTIMATES WELLS dug deepened and re paired PUMPS sold and installed KEN WINTER GUARANTEED WORK ï¬mnaaium SCOIT MUIR ma INSULATION any PA coins flry An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA MAIL lld BRADFORD STREET it SPROULE NOVEMBER Ilih TRIB UTE TO WAR DEAD THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL BE PUBLISHING AN IN MEMORIAM TRIBUTE PAGE especially for those in Simcoe County and Dis trict who paid the Su appear in the edition preme Sacrifice It will NOVEMBER IIth VREMEMBRANCE DAY Friends and relatives are invited Vt place their In Memoriam Tributes on this pa in memory of those who enlisted in His Majestys orces to protect and preserve the way at life in their fair Dominion which 47me dmwuyï¬ they deemed worthy of their Supreme Sacriï¬ce FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND RATES PLEASE TELEPHONE PA 82414 PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN 77 ianEARNi EAIBDRESSING Enrol now in this government chartered school where you are thoroughly trained In all bran ches of beauty culture For in formation write DERWIN HADLDRESSING SCHOOL to COLLIER sr on PHONE PAS3982 LOST Cr FOUND nucx WALLET lost on nicsdsy night In Dlyileld vicinity Contains manl papers Telephone PA GRADUATION FIN lost around Fin PnlnIl Coal of arms on from nor as noun us an hsck Around ed osanrsi sud Marina Hospital olunrwooa ninn onl ioloxlpn sold trim Telephone PA i0 HELP WANTED MALE HELP scan 18 so so EARN AND LEARN NATIONAL summit JOIN THE CANADIAN ARMY SPECIAL MILITIA TRAINING PROGRAM TODAY FIRST SIX WEEK COURSE STARTS NOV 1961 Youewilieboegiveneail day train Ing for five days week You will live at home and receive the same pay asa regular sol dier plus separate living allowance gt RECRUITING OFFICE NOW OPEN MON TO FR am so pm SATURDAY am to pm BARRIE ARMOURY HIGH ANDPARK STS PHONE PA 83761 REQUIRED YOUNG MEN gtForenrolment1ntlï¬ii ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE JJJeofleraexcellent training and lull employment to qualified young men in many mechani cal electrical and clerical trades This is anvoutstanding opportunity to learn trade and establish career Applicants must be single 17 29 years of age Canadian zens or British subjects resid ent in Canada and have at least grade education Visit your MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT DRILLIA ARMOURY an WANTID harvesting in he ate Kilian Gurdudl ton Tllophonl Elmv any warnco is to in ynn to learn reptrio office eglipnnnt 24 angih limit rea or one PA 66595 Truman am LIABLE LADY Wutad all two children during the an In own hon Must Dick if de liver Tollphnnl PA lifld simulation for downtown beauty salon Must am at least two yell1 srisncs with ability to assume Ill moonsihtnsy an at Barrie Examiner ronomo COUPLE rsouirs lponsiblo lady to 1le in sun for two preschool children while parents work An la tree time snd remuneration or rinst pon son Apply to nos 49 Barrio Es ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER ll LEGAL NOTICES WELL DIGGING his Park Avenue home Sunday 10 HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE counu so nsrs or over this to orivs usctor tnuer it Domain and woman or housework Live in Telephone PA sans nooxmpxn requlnd for Bunt stcsds Electrical numbing Ind Healing Conirsctor Wyovslo Must be experienced sna one train No objection to older person ale Phone 7IIRII Elmvnl er 9111 or write EMPLOYMENT WANTED HIGH SCHOOL ml will baby All weekends Telephone PA 55355 WILL LOOK Amn chillinn in my own home Will loii up and deliver Telprions Mus IinMs TAKEN UP and dro insh ins from new on risl Tel hone PA slsoi or csllJt ennuiitem Street Elli AM 13 AUCTION SALES WALTER ADAIR GENERAL INSURANCE and AUCTIONEER I47 Berczy 5L Barrie PA 89298 rPlayProduces Is FoundDEd NEW YORK AmTheatrical producer and dir cto John Chapman Wilson who swapped career on Wall Street for Broadway was found dead in The 62yearold Wilson had been in poor health for long time He previously had sut Jerednheastattack Among the shows he the produced or directed were Blithe Spirit Kiss Me Kate Private Lives Gentlemen Prater Blondes and The Winslow Boy Wilson tasted the life of the stage early asp student at Phil lips Academy at Andovei Macs and Yale University His father James Wilson Wall Street broker demanded that Wilson give up drama and become broker Young Wilson tried selling bonds for time but then defied father Ollfcial Opposes jginlging Oi Milk LOUISVILLE Ky AP No one over year old should drink milk the chairman of the pub lic policy commission of the American Academy of General Practice said Sunday Dr Walter Sacliefl J11 Miami Fla who admitted his laka controversial position said he is bitter foe of free milk distrsbutioanmublic schools send notes to school for my own kids and ask that they be given tea or coffeo instead of milk he told the Louisville Courieerournal in an interview Why buy national suicide he asked Becauserthey are high in choL lesteroi milk and other dairy products should be eliminated eholesterol is the saturated tat winctrsométimerpiiesup in cor onary arteries and brings on heart attacks Milk is for infants he said from the Americandietmrsnior mHflTflniahedelshthWilh SIMCOE COUNTY EDGAR Mr and Mrs Kitchen Mrs Huston and Wayne Smith oiAtwood visited at Mao Loods during the weekend Cow Dicker of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Dick er and Miss Link Mr and Mrs lemon oI Stouilvllle Mrs Morgana of Goodwood and bin Taylor of Forest Home Mr and Mrs Booth Brian and Jo Aim at Tomato visited at Jstrachans on Sunday more was good sttendsnce st tbs pruentstionlorur and on Novembr Everyone is welcome The 4th meeting Home making took place at the home of the leader Mn Fisher The diseased marking pat tern and stay stitching lbs prsctlcsl demonstrations were Wins pattern on straight lulu by Rosemlry Johnson and tailor tacks by Jean Fisher For the rest ol the evening they worked on their msferlsL The next meet in will he on October will Lamar Mrs Bernsi Livingston nae 1mm Aï¬ubflglgivev lWillwin LILU1 hll on Friday night Duringlthe ere niug chair and ottoman were presented to the young couple Both Renal and Caroltbank ed everyone for the gift The eveningwss spent danc ing to local music Best wishes go with the young couple for many years Friends were sorry to learn John Spence aformer mident of this community had passed away In Peterborougb on Octo ber 24 Funeral service was held from Stechlay Funeral Home in Barrie on Thursday October as Interment In Dab Iton cemetery The WI met at the home at Mrs Sheardown October ii The roll call was answered by the members with clipping of current events Mrs Hutchinson gave the motto Honesty promotes the best public relations Wendy Hicks of CKBB spoke on Save The Children Fund and the work this organisation is carrying on It was decided to make layettcs faneedL children Mrs Hutchinson was ask ed to pick up parcel of clothes to sew Mrs Sirachan reported on meeting at Orillia YMCA on WI procedure Members were asked to try and attend WI con 31 Mrs Sheardown icrved lunch at the close of the meet Ing HOLLY Littles Hill met on Octo ber 21 in Holly school for their November meeting Mrs Furyk president was in charge of the business por tion rind opened the meeting with the Ode accompanied by Mrs Dyksira at the piano followed by the Mary Stewart Collect Corruponrlence was dealt with The treasurer is to forward of per member for tha scholar ship fund Euchre admission was voted to be see this yea November meeting will be In charge of Mrs Dykstra who has arranged film and talk on cancer Meeting will be in Holly Sunday School room it is Bring Guest Night and White gifts are to be brought for hospital at Or is Values are not to be morethan $100 Mrs Campbell had arranged or her program meeting on civil defence and Mrs Dawn ing introduced Frank Humph eyfchiefilnslructo arrle simcoc EMO of Barrie and Jim Hughes another instructor of Holly who assisted Slides were shown Mr Humphrey explained each Everyone was left with something to think aboutvaiter the meeting and muchrclcar or idea of what we might ex pect in tha event of nuclear war how it would possibly at fect us and how organization was being done to warn and care for people if it becomes Ascendant Fallout shelters were shown and necessary supplies listed in books they distributed 11 Steps Tirsurvlvalgég Mrs Johnson thanked Mr Humphrey and Mr Hughes for coming Mrs Pryda and hard assist ants served refreshmentsi euchrc party will be held at the home of Mr and Mr WGraham for Littles Hill Gary Player Wins GoliJoumament SYDNEY Australia AP Gary Player of South Africa swept past Australian golf stars for arvictorynSaturday in the professional tournament at the Lakes course Player won by three strokes with twounderparm tiring an and so in Saturdays rounds Arnold Palmer of La 294 Eric Crernin of Australia was second with 289 followed by Peter Thomson and Bnlce Cramptoa alad from Australia with 290 cachrstanrheonardok Vancouver was ninth with 304 Player took firstprise money onthrtypeused for popular first time at StPeter MancroIt PUBLIC NOTICE gt dentsdfthe City of Barrie are requested notto burn leaves London musicals Expressc paved asphalt or chipped roads within the City If the leaves are left on theboulevard they will be picked up by the Public Works Department smuoiiau CinClerk ol$ 92 USE NEW TYPE MASS NORWICH England APlAn Anglican mass with music based songs was performed for the Church Sunday II was com pod by David choker who wrote music for twopopulnr Bongo arid Make Me an Offer and Lancelot Hankey headmas ter of Clifton Collage Prepara tory School Bristol On Friday Mrs Allan and daughters entertained two tabch of eucbre in honor of Mrs Pauls birthday Alter few rounds oftho game wills Mrs Sawyer holding high score anng lovely afternoon tea rs Paul blew out the candles on her big cake and cried the many lovely gifts thanked all the ladies for oliutliul things and the leasant afternoon with her riends Mr and Mrs Ingram spent the weekend in Iondon with Mr and Mrs Rae Law and girls WI ACTIVITIES The Womens institute ls spo soring series of euchres sta ing Oct 30 and bazaar and bake table will be bold Nov Mr and Mrs Lucas Noble Carol and Mariorle and Ralph Lutzkno of Tomato spent mes day with Mrs Mervyn Noble Miss Gladys Ardilinf Toronto visited her sister Mrs Stew art recently Mrs Wlii Stephens and Mr and Mrs Fred Stephens ol Owen PASS FOURSCORE MARK Mrs Susan Paul entertained at luncheon on Wednesday hav Ing as her guests Leiroy ladies who had passed the fourscore year All enjoyed Mrs Pauls vesuzanaiamswn Octobermhvspitaflty and the Iriendly flames of bingo which followed WOMANS AUXILIARY The WMS held its thanksgiv lng service on Monday alter noon and had Gilford WMS as 9511 The meeting opened with the invocation to prayer led by the president Mrs Noble Mrs Gross read the scripture Mra Farrier called the roll and read the minutes of previous meeting headings were given by Mrs Noble Mrs Ruifett and Mrs Stewart Mrs ll Stephens had sprayer for our missionary in Japan ibesociety was pleased to have Dr Margaret Arkinstnll of Newrnarkct Jidfless themeet Ing giving some excellent points on missionary work and stressing the need for more prayer with our giving Mrs Elliott thanked the speaker The meeting closed with the benediction and all retired to the SS room where dainty lunch was served by the com mittee RETUBNSflQMEW The many friends of Mrs Wight will be pleased to know she was ableto return toher own apartment on Monday TEE BARRIE EXAM HOWAY up Be daring Be the first in your neighborhoodwlth an unmatched pair om news IN BRIEF CIGARETTE COST UP PARIS Reuters French men will pay batwecen the equivalent of two cents and eight cents more pack for cigarettes starting today under new price increases The state tobacco monopolys most pop ular brand Gnulolse Cnpirul goes up from one new franc l5 contimes 23 cents to one new franc 25contlmea 25 cents AVOIDING CONFUSION LONDON ARITho British Sunbathlng Associations annual conference voted Saturday that its members will be known as naturist NOI NUDISIS II we continue to be known as nudists we might be confused with erlptcasers member explained BORN IN CHURCH THOMASVILLE NC AP nei voice was added to the choir at church in the mid way community near here Sun day During the evening wors ship service the sheriffs office reported baby was born in the choir loft to member of the choir Mother and child were taken to hospital and both were reported doing well ASK TALKS ON TESTS LONDON IANBritains ban lhebomb leaders Sunday asked Switzerland to call conference on ending nuclear tests and urged government heads of the four atomic powcrn Britain France Russia and theillnlted Statesto Accept any invita tion which mighthe sent anon John Collins of St Pauls Angli can cathedral and Heinrich Buchblndar joint presidents of the on Federation against Nuclear Weapons sent cable to the president of the SwissFederation Dr Friedrich Wahlen requesting the confer ence REPORT MORE rPOLIO HULL England APlWo more cases of polio were can Iirmed in this East Coast fish ingpnrt raising to the num ber of persons stricken by the disease in the last six weeks The latest cases were reported at the height of mass Im munization campaign and three days after the townsrmrdicai oificcrs said they believed the outbreak to be on the ebb Stricken were two boys aged and and who had been vac cinated recently BAPTle KENNEDY BOSTON AP Edward 11 Kennedy Jr newest nephew of President Kennedy was chris tened Sunday by Richard Card inal Curbing in brief cere mony at the cardinsls resi dence The baby born Sept 25 is the second child of Edward Kennedy Youngest brother of the president The other child is Kara 20 months old FIRE DAMAGE 00000 SAN FRANCISCO APlFira spread by still winds caused an estimated $500000 damage in the Potrero Hill district here Sunday Believed started by two teenaged boys seen running from the scene the him do stroyed three homes and blocklong warehouse four big trucks and three trailers and the woodplanked deck of street bridge READY FOR HALLOWEm HINSDALE II AP Col lectors of the Illinois toll high way system are prepared for Hallowecn The toll told my mission has ordered booths sup plied with 50000 candy kis or ï¬ngsters th propos trick or treat while mom or pop are kicking in withMoron money ANCHOR CATO BOAT DETROIT APlTha British freighter Mount Rose raised its anchor Sunday night In order to move down the Deï¬cit River and get close to tannins Hanging from the anchor was 15 foot inboard motor boat Coast guard officials said the boat had been submerged for at least year USINESSLAND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES woaoamzarldï¬s AND PUBLIC SERVICES FAMOUS LINE CARD BLANKS TOPICK FROM vounreasomu massaoa AND gt NAME osvoug FIRM IMPRINTED PHONE THE EXAMINER GOMMERCIALPRINT 7+ ING SERVICES AND OURREPRESENT ATlVE WILLCALL WITH SAMP Books IIPHONEPA66537 AMIIY intuitions TYPE races LasauiIFUL VN ORIGINAL PERSONALIZED CARDSTASTEFULLYIIMPIIINTED IN caucus VisitiThs Examiner Business Ofiice andmake yourlchoice from our fine selection The In one was last in About liclous The air teams we table witi After justice to as chairn program WIW phy and to come it to the aid Eban Don Il Jule Thcre lately xi eryone autism was enh Mr and and Bllh Mr laucli their co and olhr ily havi Moose The home at their There one visii Plans Christnu minute wedding 0n Day all sent part In Alllfln tion to Green The Iac Ha EOLL vision II death Jack his 12th Ills 30th in show Benny alter Says sione to death laugh never starts BUTT For ter than champli jokese Hell Day II ahnost In wouldn felt Benn Hollywr takes hours