ii EtWflmma 25 on to atomic HighWay Deaths Up Weekend Fatalities This is picture of Mr and Mrs Robert Blanshard and family of seven also their first grandchild it was tok en in Barrie by Frank Jackson the day of Queen Victorias diamond jubilee celebration in June 1097 Mr Blanshnrd owned the farm now known as Springwatcr Park for over 30 years un til his deathin 1917 Seated left to right An nie the eldest Mrs William McGuire who was born on the site of Molten Airport in 1868 and recently celebrated her 03rd birthday She is now Mrs Storey and resides in Hamilton Mr Blunshard Hattie Mrs Hor ry Stone of Hamilton and Mrs Blanshard Standing Amy frs George Hirons Jennie Mrs John Hirons Frances Mrs Mar tin Soeley and Nellie Mrs Charles Littlolohnl all de ceased The only son George seats ed on floor and grandson Arthur McGuire at his grnnd fathers kneel were both born in the old farmhouse at Springwntcr The former liv es at Beachviile 0nt and the latter at 117 Cumberland Street Barrie The huge pine stump in Springwnter Park which has attracted considerable inter est over the years is the stump of tree felled by Mr Elnnshard and his sonin law Bill McGuire during the winter of the deep snow in 1887438 The snow was up ward of five feet on the level hence the height of the stump By Till CANADIAN FREQ Multiple deaths on Canadian highways and triple drowning swelled the weekends accidental death toll Canadian Press survey of accidental deaths from 6pm local times Friday to Sunday midnight revealed an overall total of 40 across Canadaiof themtrafï¬rdeatiisr Ontario led with total of 25 deaths 20 on the highways four drownlngs and one shooting mishap Three persons died in one car alone in Ontario and four duck hunters when their boats were swamped Two men died in twocar crash mother and her child drowned when their car plunged into canal andimfwéré killed l3 ssing street in Saskatchewan three mem bers of one family were killed Saturday in headcn collision ONTARIO HAS MOST individual provincial figures with traffic deaths bracketed Ontario 25 no Quebec 3i Saskatchewan British Co lumhia Newfoundland Nova Scotla Mani tabs to Prince Edward is land New Brunswick and Al berta reported no accidental deoths This survey does not include natural deaths industrial acci dents or known suicides The Ontario dead Herman Rosenthal and his wife Joanna struck by car in Toronto Friday night as they crossed street on their way to synagogue John Seed 63 killed Saturday in threecar collision on High Cut One Tree Plant Two Practice Of Lumber Firm farremoved ï¬om lhiEe sons now run the busi seven years Staniforth Lumber and Veneer Company has planted two ttees for every one it has felled for its mills in this 25yearold village on the ONE main line 40 miles south east of North Bay million trees red pine white pine and spruce have been set out in planting pro gram carried on in ctroperation with the Ontario department of lands and forests The survival mmfldnrrruns 95 to 100 per cent In the some seven carpe riod flieEï¬inpdnyhas artaster There really JoJoonection stimberiaiyearsiihat doesnt hundreds 500000 trees from the 285 squaremile timber limit Treeplanting forms only part of the reforestation program The company uses yellow birch in its veneer mill in areas suit able for this species it has care rled on program of scarifica lionremoval of the forest litter and broadcast yellow birch seed on the exposed min eral soil between plantingfelling ra tio andztbe old school textbook maium that one tree should be planted for each one out For estry men say that concept egnt bold good anyway since the planting projects As on all Crowoowned land in Ontario cutting and relores tattoo come under the direction of management forester ot the provinces department of lands and forests For this limit the man is George Ashenden aa yearold native of Port Cole broke headquarters Mr Asbcnden and Stoniforlli woods manager Bill Charles worth say cutting operations on the limit fall somewhat short of the ideal this area for pulpwood cutting ing lumber or veueer Cutting timber year That doesnt clear out the forests as much as foresters would like if th9y could harvest some of the smal ler although mature trees for od theyd stimulate growth of younger ones The lands and forest manage ment plan permits the company to cut 7000000 board feet of meet requiremen annual lumber mill production runs 6000000 to 7000000 board feet and veneer 24000000 square feet yearso it spends $198 000 eaLin purchaseoLlogs zytak8 dozensmayï¬ within semile area one useful tree at maturity young trees to produce sranrnn IN ms Kiosk was is ONE flag slop inEGBOWTH SLOWED with one tiny railway huildi However the planting is in areas once swept by fire where natural regeneration of the for est is slow or nonexistent The when the late Sydney tans forth veteran lumberman who had been in thebusiness sincelwsflzuflcflflthefï¬ily 4utting7townomerAsectionsofvmedenterprise in 1936 ExcuserExcuses Proves Lot OflToor To Door Salesmen By EAL BOYLE NEW YORK AlliRemarks doorindoor salesman gets tired of hearing Whatever it is youre peddl f4dngrwegoralready7df Lock the comes another one So what if you areutrying to work your way through bollege yo man Im trying to keep my wife from spending our why join the poorhouse What in the world would want with an encyclopedia set We already gota hookand if theres anything dont know my wife is only too glad to set straight th supermarket gives trading stamps why cant you Youve beenrso patient listen ing to me tell about my opera on foron hours that Id be glad to buy lipstickfrom you at you dont have any in my shade 2lf you have any free sam ples Ill try them out and let you knownesrtweek for sure whetherl want to buy the large economysize of course thought you were ithe minister Why else do you think invited you into the house and served you tea and oakmnmy best chin if this foot powder isso good for tired sorean aching feet Wait while Lie through and in like if Ill take sixmonthsubscripiion to the magazinemaybe Im not trying to he nosey mind you but would you tell me what theiady next door bought fro you She just moved in last week How does she keep house My husbandmldme not to buy any more of that dandruff cure from He says it not only doesnt help his dandniff it leaves 1m with terrible hangover Sit downrandresi your toot sies my boy This is my day are Well my line is life insur ance Now have you ever sidered that if you just llltakethe$eelirsize you can cash personal cheque for $25 Never mind whatyï¬ire sell ing Here take this screwdriver andhelp me fix my vacuum cleaner Theres rattle in it somewhere Turn about is fair play Ill take one of your $208 bath brushes if youll buy box of theseï¬os Christmas cards we ladies are selling to raise funds for basketball courtin the basement of our church You mean you made only 136 house calls today Georgez Youre going to have to average twice that many for the rest of the month if were ever going to win that free round trip to Bermuda WOMEN MEMBERS There are six women in the Canadian Senate and five in the Houses at Commons borne who works out of Pemv is confined to sowlogslor mak off What are you selling You noesHarold 45 Don 38 and Bob 32 Don makes his home in North Bay Harold and bob in Montreal The company employs up to wurkmcn70 in the saw mill 60 in the veneer mill and up to 90 in the woods it has an annual payroll of $738000 and salesof $1600000 Virtually all the veneer pro duction used for fumlture and States ch takes 98 per cent Canada takes on per cent of the Because there is no markeer WWWPUSH rest Kiosk itself lying beside scenic Kicskoqui Lake has grown into comfortable village of 475 persons with 76 homes and modern tworoom school There is no traffic problem one lives more than couple of minutes walk from work and the nearest main highway is so miles or so away way 22 about so miles west of tendon 0ot Edward Berry drowned late Ndny when boot up aized tipping him and two fellow hunters into Lake George about 20 miles east of Sault Ste M2 riei HIT BY FREle Thomas Franklin Brant 20 EthyliArxalnehlarac1e2l Timothy Maracle six mbnthl all of the Tyendinaga fndian re serve killed Saturday when the car anzhicb they were riding was in collision with freight train near believiiie Sally Keast 13 killed Satur day night when she was struck by car as she crossed Hint way 27 west of Toronto Terrence Carter 17 of 0t tawa killed Saturday night when the car in which he was riding crashed lntoa rockenton Highway 17 near Simon Lake about 12 miles west of Suds bury John Harvey 13 fatally wounded when Zzacalibre rifle discharged accidentally on farm near Marttntown about 10 milesrTorth of Cornwall Glen donates of Toronto Thomas Morton 32 Whitby and Bruce McCiennen 42Tornnto drowned Saturday night in Lu ther Lake about 30 miles north west of Guelph when their duck boat was swamped by high WOVES CARS COLLIDE Patrick Crokc 42 of london 0nt and Joseph Burtch23 Dresden killed enriy Simday when their cars collided on Highway 21 15 miles east of Chatham John Patrick McMahon 65 of Linwood killed Saturday night when struck by car on High way 05 north of KitchenerWat erioo Steven Maracle 13 killed Sat urday when the car in which he was riding rolled and smashed into post on the outskirts of Brantford Hamid Goyeau 23 of Learn ington killed Saturday when the built in imamswoon car he was driving smashed into tree 25 miles south of Wind 501 Charles Allen Buys 21 of Le vack who died of iniurlos Sun day after his car went out of control on Highway 544 just out side Sudhury FltLt Keith Wilson is killed early Saturday when his car struck lamp post in Ottawa BARBIE MAN DIES Howard Sheardown 18 Bar rie killed Saturday when his Farmers Learn Costly Lesson Keep Cattle Potatoes Apart car plunged over an embank ment and struck tree beside Highway near Erlndale lust west of Metropolitan Toronto Arthur Joseph Gamacbe 47 of limmlns killed Saturday night when the car he was drlv lng rolled on Highway 101 about so miles northeast of Timmins Mrs Victoria omit an and her daughter Calherine to months drowned Sunday when their car plunged into the Holland River Canal about 30 milesnorth of Metro politan Toronto Edson Donnelly 52 killed by car which did not stop in West Toronto Friday night Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 52414 CHARLOTIETOWN Cll Prince Edward Island antlers received grim reminder this fall of hazard of combining potato and cattle farming More than 70 head of beef and dairy cattle werektiied after they came into contact with chemical used to kill the tops of potato plants and thus hasten the ripening of the potatoes good strong fence is not always enough to protect the animals One farmer who last six hean said final quantity of the chemical flowed into the pasture in rain puddlevlt also can be carried over fence by the wind The fact that cows like the salty taste of thechemical and appear to be attracted to it in creases the danger Many potato farmers have been using the chemical this year because mild and dry weather has kept the plant tops from dying Growers like to al low 10 days from the time the George llnvies donsmumin urn Burris PA osm fitse nothing like SUEDELLA IRVING FOSLUNS styles that cool that win the most poplllar vote no SUEDELLA the suede llka tabs that cant best for your child But to give himyourbestryourdorhevetorplanwisel Hve And you can plan wisely only if you know the facts Facts like these CHECKUP You do not have tobe richin dollarsto want the Call your Metropolitan man is FomflySeéï¬rtb tops die before harvesting to give the tubers time to mature Dr Hammad Kelly the provinces chief veterinarian says there have been few casualties in the province each year The highest single loss occurred low years ago when farmer mistook can of the chemical for flyrpray and start ing spraying his cows He lost 18 of his herd of Officials say there is no chance of poison cows getting to marketbecame the poison acts so quickly Agriculture Minister Andrew MacRae old manulacturers are experimenting with non poisouous killer but so for re suits have not been successful ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY mm to van All SEPTIC HONG KONG ANWestern intelligence sources here Stmday treated with skepticism an un confirmed report that Commu nlst Chin is about to test nu clear weapons Californian said be monitored aRusslan language radio broadcast Satur day declaring 2000squnre mile area near the SovietChl ncsa border is being evacuated because of the forthcoming nu clear testsby the Chinese Poo pics Republic PORTRAITS FOR CHRlSTMAS SMITH STUDIO ll Dunlopvst PA HUI Over Hunts CheckUp Theres no obligationexcept to those you WHATITISAND Does your insurance provide for yourcbiidrens education Doesjt take your mortgage rent payments into consideration Will your insurance beneï¬ts he paid in the way that best suitsyour circumstances Metropolitan the companyyou look to for authorita tive information on physical health now oflgrs way you can check your financial healththe Family SecurityCheckUp WW More than an interviewo service zreusnormuik and ll watar rapellant smart 36 length with diagonal poekeisslsla sills and quilted lining In rod oriï¬ce shamois rust gm or brown for um to 20 Also Available in iunlor puma sius from 5P to 15 moms NOW AVAILABLE AT partitions are sopountoesr Your Metropolitan representative has been trained in Metropolitans own schools and isquahiied by solid experience to bring you this service He is equipped with scientiï¬cally designed charts and tables that show you in black wdehiteexactly whereyou stand WHAT IT DOES FOR YOU With the help of your Metropolitan man You check the facts your pension plan your home your life insurance your savings and other assets You may be surprised tolearn how much youre worth You weigh your responsibilities mortgage or rent payments education retirement accident and sick ness emergencies how much it would cast your family to live without you You learn where you stand You determineyour weak and strong points whether the provisions you have madefor your family will do what you intend You getthefacfs in front of you You plan for the atom Based on these facts you decide what action if any may he needed to give you family security plan tailormade to your own needs and ambitionsBic which makes good senseforyou BARRIE James Mclnnis ESuiie301Bar DISTRIICT IMahager arlopulephoneJAï¬vASBiwc Dr Marthe Law of of Miss An Sunday Mrs Brow hour was Palmer on Mrs Jar visited Mr on Sunday Mr and Tomato rpe the farmers Palmer lllr and hand Barbs spent Sunday Gray Mr and and harry Drillla and inaeekend Mr and Lira Lee lru recent wt Falls and Miss Jean Nichol of Tr Anne Willot past week Mr and and Ronald in Toronto Mr and TE MONDAY 0c 00 Fspsvssls 32833 so Fightini CBC The running 04 nus Test Fl Romper Papay Noondn News Finn Comtnl lovl FFPPFFfï¬PFS nessssssasss mono or no Persona Professi Vhlrlyh som Weather Fierre News ma TOD Cl whirl llInspects