Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Oct 1961, p. 7

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er MOTHERS ATTEND SCHOOLS OPEN HOUSE Coloring is fun Allanmm touches to his Hal Caldwell ieii contides to his schoolmaie Douglas Part ridge Allan is putting the PEOPLE AND PLACES Phons Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 64537 Notes ars intended to cover the general social lite at the city and disblct Wedding anniversaries bridge par ties birthdays coming oi age parties visitors and tra vellen are all items or inter eat to the women readers or this page Your help in supplying this news will be greatly appreciated ALBERTA RESIDENT Mrs Stan Hines Drury Lane has been entertaining her dau ghter Mrs cDoneid or eat 10 day Mrs Mac Donald as leitthocity to join her husband LtCol Mac Donald who has recently been lowsen pumpkin while his mother Mrs Howard Cald well rightoiCrnwn Hill and Douglas mother Mrs appointed senior stall oilicer ior Calgary target area with headquarters at Olds Alberta Frank Hines New York City son of Mrs Hines has also been guest at the Drury Lane residence YACHT CLUB BANQUET Barrie Yacht Club members and friends will wind up the sailing season with gala barn ouet and dance tonight at the Embassy Blake Street re ception will precede the dinner at pm Presentation oi awards and trophies to winners oi the seasons sailing races will allow the banquet lllance will highlight the even Maurice Partridge ioolr on Open House was held yester day aiternoon irom to oclock at Dalston School Examiner Photo Angus CWL Hold Euchre succeestul cuchre was held at Our Lady of Grace school Angus undcr auspices oi the Catholic Womens League Num erous prizes were awarded throughout the evening Sher idan won the prize for lone hands Bill Sheridan took home the mens low Mr Van Gsalan won the door prize Ladies win ning prizes were Mrs Van Gs alan Mrs Williams Mrs Os borne Mrs McBride Mrs Mal arczyk Luncth was served by Mrs Malarczyk assisted by the aodality girls and senior girls from the school FOR ADDITIONAL SOClAl NEWS SEE PAGE 12 talk with quotation irom DISCUSSES COMMON PROBLEMS Speaker Uses As Theme At The regular mouthl meet Ing oi the Business as Protes sloael Womens club was held Tuesday Oct It The presi dent Mrs Ralph Dawson was in the chair Mrs Brinkworth was welcomed by Mrs Dawson and Mrs Lillin Jones member shipbcheirman lath anniversary oi the rounding or United Nations was 01 talk by United fiFoFthetau McCarthy She save on resume at the var ious committees and their work making special mention of sorne oi the lesser known committees caches the Civil ian Operations Mission and its work among the people oi Airica the committee on man Rights and the Related Field on the Status oi Wo men Miss McCarthy concluded her assreissue at The United atlons Association oi Canada The United Nations is not something remote and distant irom the oils oi Canada it is not just lg glass building In New York It Is partner ship at governments yours United Nations and PW Club and as others The charter be gins with the words Wo the peoples Through our representatives United Nations we the beagles discu Is our common pro lems and seek solutions As vie have alre spons cop ouru ves intorrned oi whst our organiuv swarm In P0 Jflir mmotiticlnhgiidinga4np terundersiehding orthe United Nations and its related Igcnlt clss The president Mrs Dawson was aiegate to the provincial eonierenco held in arhilton Oct 1315 lnhor report to the club she said as oi the 64 clubs in Ontario wero resented Mrs Margaret Ash own was rovincial president at this on erencL short business session toi lowed with minutes read by the secretary bliss Dorothy Faulkner The iinanciai report detailing proceeds oi the style show rummage sale and two rolling dollars was given by the treasurer Mrs Jack Scott The meeting closed with the and PW benediction at homemade crackers to be made were read and accepted THE STARS SAY lymnmflA For Tomorrow This days stellar influences are especially inspiring ior men tal work teaching and research also ior making new and radi cal improvements in technical From The evening hoursfind the stars in gmerous aspect too Group activities culiurnl and creative pursuits are on the la vnred list also domestic and senttrnentsl matters For flIa Binhill TEE seam EXAMINER FillDAY OCTOBER 21 MN Mrs James Henderson Speaks At Bond Head WMS Meeting The autumn or it tomorrow is yoiirblrthday enkoiiering ed interview on the new we did catio ior ou and menus at the Womens Mir meeiursanimnn resag WHYwas EEld Ii lb wards and questions tb your dart During the next year manual Occupations are equally levared with teaching research chemistry and purely artistic matters so that what ever your work you should be inspired to lorge ahead with op timism and confidence in December and irom the iirst oi July until the end oi Se ember the celestial spot ilgt will iocus on your per sonal relationships so you have great deal to look forward to where domestic social and mantle matters are concerned Make the most or the planetary qcle which will govern your liie during the next twelve months and you should achieve top goals Achiidbornonthisdeywiil be scientifically inclined but may have to curb tendencies to ward impatiencefiesldusyim overaggressiveness Mothers Group To Hold Bazaar The tail opening session oi the lst Brownie Mothers Group was held at the home oi Mrs Bennie Bishop Nine members were present Minutes of the last meeting Mrs was introduced to The new Brown Owl Thompson the group The Christmas bazaar will be held at Trinity Parish Hall Dec Helplui suggestions were given as to what would be suitable or the bazaar such as surprise box and fly the mothers at future meet gs Mr Brislow agreed to act as president tor the coming year and Mrs Bishop rs tained the position oi secretary treaaurer Next meeting will be held Sunday School members at Dunkerron WA guests Lord at Harvest to owed by prayer by Rev Jackson read by Mrs lislnes An Rev Jackson and Mrs Jackson and presented selections the speaker Mrs James Hend GISOII Henderson gave an propriate message choosing as the words pl Jesus give unto you Henderson ior taking time irom active work in her own church tocomeand speakat thiWVhlS meeting Good Abe Mrs Sutherland rooms with The worshi service was led by Mrs lam Sutherland with the hymn Sin to the The scripture meditation was ental trio composed oi lirucutelter Mrs Sutherland introduced oi Tottenham Mrs or theme My peace Mrs Haines thanked Mrs poem Know Something at You was read by Another interesting part oi the program was taperecord LATEST TITLE ST THOMAS Ont GP Worirl Orphan Mother is the latest title given Dr Lotta lilt schmanova executive director at the Unitarian Service Com mittee of Canada by children in the USGsponsored Sung Lin TldldrenshumeiuKorea PLAZA SPECIAL VENUS COIFEURE HAIR STYLIST several church the answers encouraging report oi sale andrhlrrltelrer re rlEd on the Mission Band tea PA 8466 Hero leaders giving Mrs Kneeshaw gave an Alter the necessary bustness was dealt with the president closed the meeting The hosc teas was hire James Andrews can garrick HAIR STYLISTS announce Corn mix ior avznv wan room rm Special Student near appoinhIt only 38 Maple Aveaus rue moss comprer sunosv MISSAL even runnlsannl Installation finisher diligent la the only NEW missal the firstWednesday Novem since laun ehlngcs ordered Miladys Favorite Fur Describedfln New Booklet TORONTO CPlAspects oi the mink industry from genetics to everyday care oi mink garment are included in book let Mflady Asks About Mink published by the Canadian Mink Breeders The association at Canadian ranchers explains such terms as mutation lebout split skin and natural colors One of the most highly skilled proce ea in the or industry is the citingout or dropping of mink skins and pelts Because it is costly and complicated it is usually reserved for the finest pelts Dozéns oitfiy aagorfirlnT cisions are made in each pelt The strips are then seamedto gelher invisiny at dliierent angle to form long thin strip In this way the skin is elon gated to the length of the gar ment mink not only drapes beautifully but has lovely shad ing andinvisibleseama Both vertical nd horizontal designs can be worked lag and painstaking labor re guired becomes major iactor the pricing of the finished coat say the mink breeders When the mink Is worked skin on skin law and some times no incisions are neces ary The skins are shorter and wider and can be sewn to gether horizontally in pattern resembling brick wall or vertically Because highly skilled cut ter is not necessary the tin lshed coat can be sold at lower price The disadvantages fare thatJhLSenmsjhovaheree the skins are joined and the skins are wider and flatter with less delinite striping and depth in for The pelts are alien used In jackets where most of the seams can be hidden under the arms Splitting the skin is another way of working inexpensive mink Each skin is split in bait and the split edge is joined at the centre to the side edge oi the other This simulates the Naturally the timeconsum From PolicewomanJILOPlfitfi rIrVarled Career Ol DeSigner eiiect oi letout mink andlhe VANCOUVER CP Violet Taylor of Kingston Jamaica has good reason to believe you arewhat you make yourseli Now the proprietor of fur nishing and plastic creations firm in KingstonMlss Taylor lormerly worked as book keeper and policewoman Miss Taylor made visit here in connection with her latest venture Among her credits is the terior of the recently com pleted house of Parliament in Jamaica and she is currently under contract to do interiors for the University of the West Indies NUIED HORSEWOMAN Lillian wife of the late Sir Adam Beck Ontario hydro qualities pelts are usually used for rel atively low priced smaller iur pieces CAN BE COSTLY Price varies according to quality and the cost oi the iur alone can ampunt to almost $2000 Average price for good pelt is $25 to $10 and it takes abotut 60 pelts for lull length coa To help dliterentlate between the Canada Mink Breeders have given the label Majestic to the top 50 per wenteoffialktheirrpeitsrsoldat auction Ermcnt heips prolong its life wellmade hanger that conionns with the shape at the shoulders and col lar is important Furs need freelycireulating air tukeep them from drying so dont hang Lnink in plastic or garment ag Flowers or jewelry should not be pinned to furs Perfume dries thee leathereeandistitiensithei outer hairs Furs should be hung away from heat year to remove accumulated dust and soil and to restore the leather PORTRAITS FOR CHRISTMAS and should mtjssionalhuieanmfldvgcephgn Burton Avenue Burton Avenue United Church was decorated with standards of bronze and white gladioli tor the wedding oi Miss Marie Elizabeth Jennett and William Lewis Mason Rev David Reeve oiilclated at the alter noon ceremony The bride is the daughterot Mr and Mrs Ewart Jennett Barrie The bridegroom Is the son of Mrs Lewis Mason and the late Mr Mason Barrie The bride was given ln mar rrlage by lherfatherrrFor het special day the bride had chos en gown of nylon net and lnce The titted bodice of the gown was fashioned with sweetheart neckline enhanced with seed pearls and sequins The bouiinnt skirt of her gown was also appliqued with se quins and seed pearls Her headdress was cron of pearls and gquius which held thTe ve el illusion The bride carried cascade oi red Sweetheart roses The bride was attended byl Miss Ruth Jennett Utopia maid of honor Mrs Mervyn Jennett and Miss Kay Robin son were hridesmaids Miss Debbie McLean Ivy was How er girl Dale Kirby Richmond Hill wesrlngbearer The bridal attendants were gowned alike in streetlength dresses oi peaudesoie fash sisted attired ioned with titted hodices and Mn AND MRS WILLIAM hams MASON United Church Setting For Autumn Nuptials bouitant skirts enhanced at the back with rose and two over pauels of matching material The maid of honor and the flower girl were attired in aut umn gold peaudesoie The bridesmaids wore gowns in ior est green shade Rosesbaped headdresses at matching material with veils were wom by the attendants They carried baskets of bronze yellow and gold mums The groomsman was lvan Robinson Gary Ransom ot Stroud and Mervyn Jennett were ushers The soloist Melville Wiley was accompanied by organist Jamlesau The reception was hdd in the church parlor Receiving Mrs Jennett wore gown oldusky rose crepe with lace weeds and beige accessories The hridegrooms mother as in royal blue is with magenta accessories and corsage oi yol iow roses incbride ravelliag costume was chocolate rebroWns wooL suit Gold accessories and corsage of bronze roses com platedrher ensemble On return irom the wedding trip to United States the couple will reside at 306 InnisliivSt Guests attended Irons Toronto Alliston Shelburne Baxter ivy Utopia and Stroud STYLE She wore corsage oi white carn muons ber DIFFERENT MEAng Dame Pa tricia liorusbySmlth just back from business trip to Canada says it you are aDame in Canada it has very ditierent glean You get shown the 00 Belore You Buy Furs Compare As To QUALHY larvae owonmnsmn AND anova Ann mice Large Selection To Suit every BuGIEt we Invite Your Inspection No Obligation Resume narammo Om STORAGE sattsilction Busrsssteed WllilllllS PIIIIS Barrlos Exclusive hunter who makes and sells turn only Barrie Toronto Dunlap st PA 34868 PERMANENT WAVES llloucro $300 OFF LET us ems YOUR nan can parasr FASHION REG FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Open Thurs and Fri Till 900 PHONE PA 81112 some at eaer by His Eonnw Pope nlOIInXXlll and put into select by the cured on or am in loan Msarc Ian mull every Mass that may be laid all SundayDZ Masses an and ln eludes lnLruflucunn catechism Ind meditations on the MI Bishop Sheen 05chth rayon bell Ind or Dcscrlpilona of only put at the Mass lllustrated description priests vestsuenu the litur gggl colors and sacred voo onax oi mwssbie mm Nuptlai Ml Requiem Mll aes Burial Service Ill HolY Week Ceremonies Holy Dlyl oi ommnrsnrnn First Fridays This beautiful new install simply arranged that only one marker Is needed to loilow In Mass Printed throughout in two colors on flnfi quality paper Mentaly Prue Inc the CID AoaAokurknlasarpaseararrs In toughened ior almabillty Lifetime binding in magninunt flexible black sealgrained rexluo more durable than the costliest lesthe Reg so Deluxe no close WEAYMOUTIIS aooK scone aorrnmophsaaw rs H055 MONARCH REFRIGERATION Mr Lucas cerknucr electric pioneer was an ac complished horsewoman and judgeAat the National Horse Show in New York in me THE CANDLE SHOP MILES NORTH OFLBABRmqulghwnle at Sun Valley SMITH STUDIO as Dunlap St PA 11 Over Hunts We have néw MTV coming in all the time We have novfloor space for them There is only one way out we must reducetho present stock to ciearanoe prioesi out they got The 23 panoramic eluminized lwide an gle picture tube distorted viewing frém every cornerof theroom She said she started her new est career with no apparent arlistlotalent and no previous training All she did was take correspondence cause in pla tics All you need la basic knowledgeior using the equip ment You learn by experience after that irshe first producedIlillellleplas ts picturetrames suu visors car decorations and jewelry while working in Kingston home As demands for her work in creased Miss Taylor moved to small workshop She now has stall oi as constructing tables beds desks chairs and upholstery Previously the 33 yearold Miss Taylor worked as book keeper iora Kingston municipal organization For time she was mem sinusitis Takes The Time To Build The Best gives clear crisp un addlmmdea mi many countries you will And unusual Elite or any than at the year as well as illrim as have aeseleotiou venomlitm card ironsSean dinavla ores HVPJILDAILY samflle on runs cnosnn The Jolliet 23 Console Model0125 Reg $8995 $23900 Ciearing At with Ind Philips The GIenWood H23Console Model 0144 gt 00 5299 We trade nPhiIips The Bellwoodfl 23Consoe oo Toni Philips The Franklin 23 Console Model cm Reg M2996 ru TRIMMED COATS When is Comes To Gents her at the Kingston police force really dont know why becamea policewoman it was something new so ljust aplt plied She is alxfoottoo Since ening her own bus lnesa ias Taylor has con structcd interiors for many re sort hotels housmg PIOJectS churches and apartment and business blockagi MORE DISNEYKINS TO COMPLETE YOUR SET SIR AnsMANSf 44 DUNLOP ST PRICEI Clearing At Clearing At Model c143 Reg $41995 $27 was Trade

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