Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Oct 1961, p. 4

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Tiarrir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bsyfleld street Barrie Oratorio FRIDAY DC Note on Sun pould Be lTak fa Snda moviswvllkgair cone gfdered by the Barrie city council in the near future Eonncll turneddown re best for plébiscite on the matter and is reasons were logical it contended that there been no indication of ublic de mand for the showing of mov es on the Eribhath Undaunted by this setback to their es theatre managers have been cin ating petition and within day or two have obtained hundreds of signs turea If the theatres are supported there is every indication they will Elfthen further request for plebis cite can be expected by the council If the etltion is presented before No tiehlber three weeks prior to the Barrie municipal election plebiscite can be submitted to the people when LargeScale The trend to largescale farming in Canada is raising serious problems the Canadian Imperial Bank of Com merce says in its current Commercial Letter The most important aspects are first the trend to larger farms is re snting in higher yields and Canadian farmers are now ca able of producing surpluses in nearly al lines of our agri culture Second the number of farms is de creasing much more rapidly than was anuci ated by the Gordon Report thong total acreage remains fairly con stant The increase in the tempo and extent of change is making the small farmers adjustment to it that much more difficult the Letter says The Gordon Commission foresaw decline in the number of farms to about 540000 by 1980 It is now estimated the number will be only about 475000 While the number of farms is decreasing yieids are increasing And though the export picture particularly in wheat is happy oneuthis year the Common Mar =Oiher Edit FOR OR AGAINST Vancouver Sun FBI director Edgar Hoover deserves full support in some advice he gave the perpetually nervous Senate internal se curlty subcommittee Mr Hoover warned Americans not to be merely against communism ltoth Hitler and llfussolinleMriloover recalled we inst communism whatthey stood gainst that history has judged if AGRICULTURAL AUTOMATION Windsor Star The railroads used to run special trains to the Prairies Young men would go for AfimmiiLhardMOFk and good payrfi Sbme went right to the cities and spent their take while others returned home with nice bit of cash Since the tractor and combine the bar vester excursions are no more They do not need small army of me Elgar the cropNow the combih cuts and threshes in one operation The grain is trucked to the elevator on good roads The trucker can make number oflri Eday where wagon and horse con not do many round trips fiihat lack of harvester excursions ac centuates the changing economy of the farms Insteafd of needing nurlnber luf mp1 any armersnow get aong thamsglves with their sons QUESTION BRIDGE TOLLS SaultDailyStar¥ Michigan officials havebeen warned that the continued charging of 25cent fall at the Blue Water Bridge over the st Clair River between Port Huron and Serbia could mean the loss of millions Wakes this of in terestheneisthaLfinanclngofthe in ternational bridge between the two Authorized econd clui Post Office srtment Ottul Daily Sundays Ind Statutory Holidays excepbl as muscle wshu Publishes7 ems seasons General Manager arrennaon Managing senor cnsntns IwADGI mull Menage nanny mason Advertisinr Manm JOBNIOLDER circulation Manm Subscription rule may arner ale Jack 51 The are three months 00 100 an man Idontg rmistria poems on year outdo Gun pd 31009 year WW Moon on fitnot ontrealsllze ert eorllaaret Vancou ouoe Canadian nail Newpron ilsgEAruocistldn TheCanadian Press Indy Audit Blllllu of Circulation flll Canadian Pres is one Intva Itchd In our for republication of km Elder credited to flturl Ind lilo retired June TheVBaririeEiranrineirm day Movies en At Electio city hall and probably obtain wider expreSSion of opinion Because of the popularity of Sunday moviesdnbtherxentres etherev lsevery reason to believe that the question should be settled in Barrie True the people have maintained an outwardly passive attitude and as far as council is concerned there has been no demand This is correct There has been no vigorouLdemand excepft on the part of the theatre men But they have not been vocal the qpeo pie have opinions In this matter hey should be heard and the best and fairest way Is through the plebiscite Undoubtedl the city council will move expedlt ously to arrange for the vote if the petition is sufficiently signed to slhuiw that the people want the matter sett arming Trend ket and the United Kingdoms ossibie entry into it pose serious three to our export markets The Common Market countries Bel gium France German Italy Luxem bourg and The Nether ands took some 16 per cent of our agricultural exports in 1960 while the United Kingdom took an other 30 per cent together valued at about $438 million Canada now has tarifffree entry into the UK and com petitive position in the Common Market countries But one of the goals of the Common Market is to establish dis tinctly restrictive and protectionist eco nomic policy This could be serious enough if it applied only to the six orig inal members if it is to apply also to the UK it would be that much more serious Much of Canadas agricultural produc tion was off this year in comparison with moolargely because of the un even weather conditions that included the worst drought on the Prairiefilnce the 1930s ors Views Sanlts could be affected by federal aid loss Charles Black attorney for the any such United States gureaufiot Publiclioads hassaid that the bureau advanced $325 000 in 1938 to aid in construction of the Blue Water Bridge with the agreement that it would be tollfree when thebridge bonds werepaidgoftheJondawere but the toll still is being charged Unless the toll is lifted according to Black some $5130000 in federal aid for proects near the Blue WaterBridge and re ated to the international bridge imeni here could be withheld There is also av possibility that up to $158 million in federal road aid to Michigan would be withheld marshal Campbell of Port Huron commission chairman said the minimum crossing fee is being chargedto pay for maintenance Canadian authorities have said they will charge the 25 cents at their end of the bridge even if the fe is lifted itLMichiganthsaidfifl Black was asked what would happen if the toll was collected on the Canadian side instead of in Michigan It would throw ser us doubts on our support of the Ipternational Bridge he sal What guarantee would webaye that this bridge would be free from toll as in the ag mentif the bonds were aid sa the yearjoiloi cfin Go nor VSwainson has pro mised state officials willget to workon the problem PRICE OF PROSPERITY Peterborough Examiner If the countryis to be prosperous one and if its economy is to be stable it cannot rely upon the chance that the cir cumstances following world War 11 will repeat themselves every time we get into fix Sooner or later we must plan The things standing in the werefthataiso stand in way ofCanaaa becoming an indus trial nation of any account COURAGE NEEDED skatofiiStifPhoenix Admitted grounds for divorce present Vtiicky problems but even the religious grou whichwish to maintain res act for institution of marriage must ind it difficult to present evidence that the present system of anomalies and con ualons lsdoing it It takes courage to tackle problem around which clusters so much controversy But government which acceptsthe responsib ity of gov Verning country and which has faced other issues requiring more courage aurelycancome up th solutionswhich illbtacceptabl SAY CHAPS MAY GET IN THE GAME REPORT FROM UK Will Buy Free Drinks For Troop By McINTYRE HOOD special London England Correspondent for The Harris Examiner WORSHOP Nottinghamshire The town of Worshop in Not tln bamahire with close as so ation with its county regi ment the Sherwood Foresters has decided to offer the regi ment the freedom of the her ough But it was touch and as to whether this honor won it be conferred on it because the boroughcounclHi fused to buy the beer for the troops of the regiment part of the traditional festivities which go along with ceremony of this kind But the money to buy Ihrbeerirtobrimhcom ing from another source so the ceremony will now go ahead BALKED AT COST It was year ago that the borough council of Worshop first talked of conferring the freedom of the borough upon this noted regiment But when it found out how much it was going to cost to provide free beer for the rankand file of ed sider the public budget That was at the back of the councils mind when it was first discuss Entcrtalnlng use entire regiment to drinks uld be costly fob and for what Another councillor Alderman Walter Woodward said reason we agreed to grant this freedomlwas because we ap pear to be the only town near the regimental headquarters that has not doneso but we found it was golng in be an ex pensiveitemand the council mem crs were no Square the idea Nottingham Newark likes ton Chesterfield and Mansfield have already granted the free dom of their towns to the Shor wood Forestera one of Britains oldest regiments REGIMENTS VIEWS Major Kenneth Allen mental secretary put other light on the question The regiment expects nothing on these occasions he said It could only mean the attendance of small detachment of 50 men for the ceremony Apart regi from the honor all it means n1entertaimtbeloiihrrcgimentAirthhtwecca slked at the cost and the idea was dropped march through the borough with colors flying drums pie ray Then the Nottln hBWTeHHflHfldfmonflrflixe torial Army Assoc ation came to the rescue stand the cost of entertaining funds and the co sidere ts decision and put plans in motion again It has agreed to spend up to sum it offered to regiment could ask for such an honor Co Wharton chairman Notlin ham Terrltprlal on we are prepared to pay some of the expenses but only for the troops and not the civilians of mo onaiheiceremony buklhissis not buying the freedom this will cover the cost only of It is the honor that counts The an engraved casket en Illum inated scroll and an illuminated entry in the Register of Free dams COUNCIL COMMENTS Some of the comments made by therounculorswereequueLDollrliomrdiinqisfi were enlightening Councillor William Machln said We had to can bill for the troopsbeerand sandwiches at the reception following the ceremony is ex pected iobe about $425 ANCIENT TOYS childrens playthinga more than 4000 years ago BARRI TOMORROW oriawa REPORT PM Apparent Young In Energy PATRICK NICHOLSON no prim minister Is In such robust health that he could probably oootlme bis active po ltlcsl career to mem an than Sir Winston murcblll nnt declaration was made by one of the prime ministers med asides the Mr Dlefenbsltrl Aiocsiconirsstliulntbelscp seem to have grovm two years younger In energy and stamina That medical comparison with ChurchlligJ csl life was news for Mr Dlvfenbaliers political up clients For It indicated that Dlefenbskcr would still be active enough to be our minister in me it years once that Mr chfenbsker ls today eight months younger than was ilirrtzmis st Laurent when be commenced his ninelyesr term as prime minister of Canada VIOOROU HABIT Mr Dlefenbskcr still retains the earl rising habit of his farm chl dhood Awaklng at or most mornings he begins LETTERS TO EDITOR BEAUTIFUL BARRIE Dear Sirx have been real dent of Berrie for many years but never havel seen the city look as lovely and well cared for as this past summer am prompted io write this letter as watch the parks board men cleaning and id ing up the CodringtonCookHlubnd Avon useOorerihlrhas been much appreciated beauty spot allspring summer and fall and has greatly enhanced the hood The Nelson Street look out ia another project we all joy as are all the parks and gores In Barrie Several times this summer saw tourists taking pictures of Grant Surely we of Barrieare for tunate to have council parks board and horticulture society so willing to make our city truly Beautiful Barrie In closing would especial ly like to pay tribute to Mrl savage for his untlrlng efforts Let me assure him they are much appreciated Thank you Sincerely BOOSTER FOR BEAUTIFUL BARRIE firilrchilects TORONTO CPlA total of 168 Canadian architects have regiztered for the national con testito select design for morial building in Charlotte town PEI commemorating the 1864 meeting of the fathers of Confederation Prof Eric Ar thr announced Thursday The Fathers of Confederation Memorial Foundation group of business and professional men across Canada plans to corlete the building in time fortthle 100th anniversary of the or federation three years later 11 memorial building on site beside the original meeting place the old provincial build ing will house theatre mw senm library and archives Prof Arthur of the Univer sity of Torontos School of Ar chltectnre professional adviser for the design competition said the questions he has received indicate tremendm interest among architects Helms Radar Is Not Correct STRATFORD CHJohn Byrne of Goderich pleaded not guilty to speeding charge Thursday claiming radar speedtiming devices measure energy not speed He said measure speed but RF radio frequency energy The air is filled with RF energy hls voracious reading of state pope peecbes and the new msklnLnoles the while very fast reader his eyes and mind work together like camera In ad film achieving almost Instantaneous foiel com prehension of the cements of sheet of paper Thus be literally devour the printed word And by the time you sad are sleep Ily reaching for our alarm clock to halt Ila lnalstent screech the prime mlnlster of Canada has already performed good days quota of work Generally secretary is sum moned for the dictation of let tors and memorands before the Prme Ministerslts down to wholesomer substantial break fast This today consists typi cally of are efrull our and bacon toast am and coffee As the arctic blasts chill Ottawa in the months ahead northern cereal is likely torrepisce the tropical grapefrplt The early stampede of civil servants hustling into their of flces before sm passes our prime minister slipping into his The appearance of our neighbor mee wm 19 lunchinapaper sg crowd good hour ahead of the Innc abriefcsse scnlnr government officials Often the PM arrives figsquan polltLuplloo our before his confidential In let Gum CBIIIIPIW sill drew his office curtains bins ulf lo admit the litht of Iill young new day HEAR Till BLUMARM VIPs who seek an Interview with Canadas Prime Min It embcss or govmfcas house where ey are staying is hit mildId re wigs Last week for example Mr Dlsfenbsker typically received Polands General Wisdyslaw Iln Lord rrlngton the First for ofritri Admiralty some time on Wednesday groupof boys celebrating Not ilonsl Newspaperboymy again at on Thursday and the Duke of Devonlhlre Commonwealth Undersecretary at on Friday Before that rtlng often at visit bmlounnen Ben Iorl offic all and acquaintances were received byourggflyb1r7 prime minister Thus lntervie cabinet meetings ll ilil busy day interrupted only by his simple box lunch at his office desk unlll around am he may be seen walklng horn ward along Ottawas riverside itllle History with Mrs Dlefen baker LEAVE STAFF WEARY And so early to bed The ierriflc pscs favoured by Mr Dlefonbaker leaves even younger staff members and Journalists hoodedeyedon the many outofstown expeditions of our flylnlcst prime minister He thought nothing of making the nine hour flight to deliver speech In BCs Oksnagsn Val ley starting at sm the fol lowing day for the return trip He lightly left Newfoundland after full day at midnight to commence the hour flight home to Ottawa to find Cabl net meeting mnmonedldrefily the next morning His wellknown ability to cat na seems to recharge his bet ter es of energy while any chal lenge or crisis stimulates his adrenalin glands to superchargs his drive and put steely gleam into those eyes always so ready to twinkle in humor letters and Writer Plays His Favorite Game Of Jumping To Eew Conclusions NEW YORKfAPJulnping to conclusions and how many do you agree with7 No parent who loves child can ever quite forgive it for growing up In the next 10 years at least four major league hitters will better Babe Ruths record of 00 home rnnsln 154 games Women who are natural blondes are usually better us The best possible wifefor man over 30 is an exnurse who also has worked for at least five yearn as an airline hostess The most troublesome wife is former secretary who was strong enough in the office to boss her be HEAVEN LOSES TheIongcrnn invocation minister makes the lessfialif fude his audience feels toward Heaven Anyone who gets onLv what he deserves out of life dies convinced hes been avictim of Chorlotteiowwnfergr enoeth tlefio Canadian Con sighted ismore physically luring to most men than really lovely woman with two eyesight Beware man whose fln gernaila are always neatly trlmmed and whose shoes are takes fit out of Canadian Whisky turedthandyldjblmer Melchers always brightly polished Hell can you if he can It Is also unwise to place trust in or lend money to man who brags he never has had quarrel with his wifeun less he is only two days re turned from his honeymoon The odds are 1000 to youll never make lifelong friend of any stranger you find Interest ing the first half hour after you meetb thfliiTflfl Ne woman who looks better ln aflmfilfi cost than she does in $15 pair of clocks ls Entirely happy with her lot in movie star with true bumllW ity is as rare as persimmon with feathers It is always easier in get raise in salary from boss EbbmhodMhiHMnAhsn from an ex office boy who had to claw his way to the tap No career woman however talented can do as many dif ferent things ably as success ful housewife llfost millionaires who tak lun are secretly an noyed if yondont echo their menu choices and eat exactly what they do Making money when youre older is never quite as much fun as catching fireflies was when you were younger éWRY Full strength whisky ve iii htrsndiexircmeiymiid In character Radar does not Magistrate Cook ad Journed the case for week and said he would continue to adjourn it until he had time to hear it Hesaid university profee car will be called inhhfincos the theory of radar emuno thiscase will be fight from the drop of the hot he added BIBLETHOIJGHT will beaten my word Io Perform lbJeremlab 112 Gods word is as good as His bondHls character is guer sntseof His promises tier wishing bili

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