Bobirrr member the Canadian Club talks with EM Coldwell speaker It INNISlll norrs rrrUrgeEulI Support mi OiUnitediippealse By RGS The eight organizations which are part of the United Appeal how in progrm in this area are not all limited to the my Barrio Most of tiiem are ready to serve anywhere in the district and donation from persons beyond the canvassed areaswlll irelp to ensure tiiat services will be atlallable when cirlied on from beyond the city limits need arises Donations from outoitown subscribers will be acknowledg old and are alowa or promo flax purposes if we need the scrvinea of these organizations We have but to ask Unlike the Wire departments they will not stop at the border line of the Petty gift now will help to boost the total which is at pm aunt far irorn the atlmated re duirements needed for next year NO QUORUM The Innlsfii Businessmenl Association had called meet ying for Thursday evening at Lakeiandr Hall By oclock rwirile it poured rain there was In insufficient number oi mem 41bera to make quorum and the sheetinghad to be satisï¬ed with discussions only Matters on the ends were the tressurerr re port discussion on the llur onia Tourist Society the report of lo points dismissed with In uncll amendments to bylaws regarding the changing of officers and discussion on the adoption of ckthrowing ns tourist attraction There are over 90 members of the Associ ation and it requires 20 percent to make quorum IMMUNITY HALL The revamped community hall at Lakelands is again in use The board and committees that operate the hall have installed $2500 kitchen on the north wmt corner They are planning Wmmn including platform along the north end when funds are available The hall has community meeting almost every night it is cen ire of enterï¬oment and meet ing plane for everyone Mem bers have contributed $345 to charitable causes $100 to crip pied children 560 for flowers to bereaved families and $345 for distress benefits They also COLDWELI SPOKE AT CLUB Oro School Area Board will ciass teacher Mrs Grace Rob Discuss Physidal Fitness At Recreational Meeting The new Phyglcat Fitness Act imm of the sublectsol on last nights meeting of the club hlr Coldweila topic was The Future of Democracy In Africa and Asia donated $79725 to hall fimds after paying rent of $490 for Barnes The floor has been marked off for shuffleboard it Is antici Pated that members will he lin ing up to use the four courts during the winter Ora Open House Show Oil School held open house at its enlarged public school on Shanty Bay Road five miles east of Barrie Monday evening Morley Clement principal said the public will be welcome between and 10 pm to meet the teaching staff and board members and to inspect the five new rooms The sixclassroom school was enlarged during the summer at cost of 354734 Added were two classrooms teachers room principals office and two supply rooms The expenditure was exclusive of furnishings and suppiim Mr Clemnet said the primary ins has seen the school expand from oneroom building over lsyear period DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Oshawa Jack Hamhleton 60 English born newspaper man and author of adventure books for boys of heart at tack alter an emergency stom ach operation Montreal LLCoi GlarkKennedysz prominent insurance executive who won the Victoria Cross and the French Croix de Guerra intbe First WorldWar San Francisco Sheridan Downey Democratic meni beroi the United States Senate from 193910 rsso WakefieldizngtandG eorge Tun Sylvester 63 Labor member of Parliament for Pontairact Yorkshire Parls Saturnln Fabre 77 veteran stage and film actorior more than 50 years fulï¬l nlinsuoLthlAEda llon Monteilhminister mission when representatives of municipal recreation commit tee and YMYWCAI in Simone County came together for meeting at the sdminlurniive oounty Frank Willock of community programs branch explained the nature of the act which was passed by the House of Com VIIm rim The be set aside annually to encour age promote and develop phy sical fitness and amateur sport in Canada David Key physical educa tion consultant for Barri schools stated that the gener ality of this Act had Imerst him Every aspect of physical education and recreation can be considered under it Partici pation in hysica activities is emphasise and in order to bring this about it is consider ed important lo lncreiselhe number of competent leaders and coaches many times Bur saries for training will be avail able and expansion of facilities will be assisted Research will also be supported and there will be recognition for achieve ment Mr Keyho quoted lbs of national health and welfare as saying that the full imple mentation of the program rests at the grass roots and that ad vice und suggestions from all who are interested would be welcomed ACTIVE FIRST in the discussion which fol lowed the point was brought out that community groups need to become active first heiora the provincial government can move to get assistance from the national level We must also broaden our ideal of what community physical fitness could include eg gymnastics swimming Barnes and sports for all age groups dancing siding rock climbing hiking etc Concern was expressed that in training leaders atti tudes of fair play perseverance and tolerance should be culti vated as well as sports skills Teachers and coaches of dyoung people must have broa phil WEATHER FORECAST Official forecasts issued in Tomato at 11 core Synopsis weather disturb ance approaching the Great Lakes will cause increasing southerly winds in thevestern portions of the province tonight This will keep temperatures abovefreezing in the western regions but in the eastern tions of theprovlnce clear rk es and light winds will combine to drop temperatures to below freezing This weather system will spread clouds and some showers to the north country Saturday but in the south skies will be mainly sunny Afternoon temperature Saturday will be mainly in the 50 across most of Ontario LakeSLCIalrLakovErle Lake Huron Niagara Lake Do tario regions Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Sunny with few cloudy periods today and Saturday little warmer Sat urday Winds light today and southerly 15 SaturdaySum mary forvSaturday Mainiy dwarnrer Haliburton Georgian Bay Ti magami regions North Bay Sudbury Cloudy with few sunny periods today Clearing cropbysndacooecmlormen tsiandsplxrituï¬l weflvbelngof our poop thalrciuru Eswellupbyriulfitneu WWW lotsndngoverpmblernsin localsreasrdatedtacommim tin and Multinational hel fromtbeuglmeoe Countyeolizr Insanity reaoauooserv wumeotloneduhelpfutbya numberoi lnleaderrhip WPL mm training csnalao it recreation mined for lead arshlp training for voluner and advisory assistance of pro fessions people was stressed Resources ch as material ingr was mentioned by one group study or conference around the needs of older people in the county was con sidered aspvgluable 1111M ilon to how humid be better utilized or aatisfsc tbry ones built was also brought out com The availability of eonsulta led the alninglndpm video more Intensive Ieldershi training at provincial courses ui Jlw mm listen Barrie Brodiord Ceiling wood Hillsdale Midhurst Pen etanguislrene and Perkinsflcld Mr websirman yet the Simone CouniW mam presided over the meet ala St Amanl vi Floyd Grieshach associ dir Slmcoe County ty recreation service major discussion WORLD NEWS IN BREE SOLVE SEAT PROBLEM NEW YORK APlo every train commuter comes the prob lem of where to find seat Philip Worcester of Old Grassr wich Conn solved it He car rler his own metal and can vas seat which can be folded to intentsbriefcase or over eoat pocket DRINK CLEANER MALVERN PI AWSeven rlidren became ill Thursday after drinking floor dewaxcr mistakenly served to them as apple cider at Halloweeu party The children ranging in age from to were treated at hospital and released HEADS AIR GROUP SYDNEY Australia AP Jeremiah Dermsey 65 gen cral manager of the Irish air line Aer Lingus today was elected president of the Interc national Air Transport Associ ation for 196243 MAY BAN SMOKE ADS ROME ReutersiThe Italian parliaments public health oom mlssion approved bill Thurs day night to ban tobacco ad vertiliug It said smoking was danger to health this evening Saturday increu log cloudiness and little warmer becoming cloudy with few showers in the afternoonror evening in light today southerly is Saturday Sum mary for Saturday Increasing cloudiness Algoma White River Coch rane re our Clou with few sunny pero Satur ay cloudy and little warmer with few showers Winds light to day and southerly 20 Satorday Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Saturday Windsor 32 60 St Thomas London Kitchener ï¬ï¬ï¬yfl am St Catharines Toronto $38t88$$$$8$$8i8i$3$3i Sudhury Enrlton Kepuslrasing White River Moosonee 85 Marie ï¬ï¬ï¬‚gï¬ï¬gggï¬ï¬ï¬ TUCK DC in don Piper Dom round Dons sum Dam Tar ulsit manipii Gt Lakes Gal Pow Hams numeric Homeoll Hudsonï¬lyhiin Imp Tobacco Oil Accept Inland MG magnum interprov Pipl Jockey Club rub Consumers Ciel Dil Falconbrldge Geeo Mlnas Moss some noon can om cans Mogul Murray Mount wrinir New anion nowrooms Nzw rook avenues Industrial Ill lf Rails down79 Utilities unchanged TORONTO asocn memo mm Induklflnlsup196nlfll up 28 Metal up 11 Oils fl STOCKSBONDSMIIIIIAI FUNDS RESEARCH ADVICE without obligation nasal monolith sun comm III Ell dyothlnfll Sim tons era Steel of Call Steinbli Tor Dom Bk gram Carr Pi 20 Walker flow Cannon 126 MM criiizonRAcmiL+ wishes to announce the changevof office location from 17 Owen Street to suannousfnssr annals ONTARIO WINTER WEATHER COMING SOON With old man winter almost on your doorstep right now is good time to prepareragaimt his changeable blustery wea 114th physician new 01 healthdied to Imake certain your body has the energy to fight off coldcausing invading virus Inspect your medicine cabinet and that broken fevert replenish needed vitamins or icines and healthaids are in sleek YOUR Dooron can PHONE us when you need he Pick up your prescription if shopping arm will deliver promptly without extra charge great many people entrust us with their prescriptions May we compound yours CALDWELUS DRUG STORE GET JAIL TERM PARIS AP 51yearold workman Andre Millet has boon sentenced to one month on prison farm for chalking death to de Gaulle on the wall of the presidents ofï¬cial residence Millet told the court he was veteran of lighting in Indochina and did not approve of the governments policy Algeria FRIle BIN KOBE Japan AP The ease ton Japanese freighter Fukuyarna Maru sank today In heavy sens churned up by ty phoon Billie 220 miles northeast of Saipan The American freighter Dolly Thurman out of New Orleans took off her crew of 47 and transferred them to 115 destroyer which headed for Guam CRANE FALLS ME MELBOURNE Reuters giant crane collapsed hero to day and plunged down too feet killing three workmen and In juriog three other at con crigictiou site in the heart oflhe REWARD COURTESY COPENHAGEN iReulErl Danish police plan to hand out hailpolnt pens to courteous drivers who help elderly people in heavy trail campaign to reduce accidents under new WITHDRAWN PATMNAGE ZOMBA Nyaaaland Reuters British Governor Sir Glyn Jones has withdrawn his patronage from the Gymkhana Club Nyasalands oldest social club because it has refused to adult Negroes INVENTOR in 75 WESTERN SPRINGSJIL JmebrL Jensen 75 coinventor of the loudspeaker and pioneer in the develop ment of sound reproduction died Thursday Jensen and partner Edwin SPrldham de veloped their loudspeaker ln 1914 in California later built one of the first public address system and perfected one of the first electric phonographs He was bgn in DenmgL Turkish General Elected President ANKARA EmmiGen Co are Gurul head of dinin 17 month of military Tragic was me lib prdb parliamentary government The 66yearold officer solo undi date for the reverses post was aioad by the new sewed repuhllcs National Alum an sitting in Joint new Guirel led the row military coup that ousted the regime of Adam Mender land 3mm EXAMINER FRIDAY omen 131 readied Inlast months mou tlon the expremlorgtand two of his ministers on treason trial convictions At the time the coop Guru said his slm war to lead lhrrkq hack to demo am Parliamentary government of ï¬clally returned Wednesday mos mans QUEBEC cmour Kingston of Hallix nursday was elected president of the Canadian As aoclntlon of Medical studentr andlnteruer Hunter Course In Orange Hall threeweek hunter safety course will commence this ev ening at the Orange Hall in Allandale Sponsored by ï¬re Barrie Din trict Hunten and Anglera Con servrtlon Club the eetings will be conducted by ex perts and tha fee for the course will be fl YWWANTADI YOUR BAllERINA CAN HAVE BALI IN YOUR FINISHED BASEMENT TOO For advice that will fit your budget on finishing off your basement come see us Well help you plan the project and help you select the finequal ity materials youll need Low as $2000 month can pay for all the materials to finish off an aver age basement so come in right awayl $1500 Mo DOORSI modern kitchen is wifesaver low as $1500 monthbcan pay for materials to re model amaverage kitchen SEE THE uni PLAN 48 ANNE ST NGlella CO LTD PA 82496 CAN PAYFORJS STOMWINDOWSMD ORDER NOW you choose the luxu specialutrnnyonemersmeofWanmznsPeciaioio Youro Specialist ingood taste when HTII lfiï¬a gtCANADIAN RVE WHISKV em Insurran mu mwurrmuumun whisky at populanprice WalkersVSEeHalï¬lrlféood taste good looksancl economyhave made it Canadas largest selling popular pï¬oedAtvlllslty Nexrtime makeit point to buy Walkers Old so Dunner or carnation neoplasm PA 82412 BARRIE mirrored weer mm Elam smear mens oronto Montreal cmdlarr stock lullnus humorins oom aimm Canada New York Boston Wiï¬i ï¬rmware Zurich hence idwell Firm is Dong Hare Plain Ca Owen and burlap so shuns aouannv HIBAM WALKERI SONS LIMITEDhumymerngoronetsse erer wurnrra Ina ovsyn