ARTICLES for SALE HOME FREEZERS Food Plan Availsbls 63 General actory Trained Service LOWEST PRICES McFADDEN Appliance 11a PENEIANG STREET PA am TERMS Graham Card Sports LARGEST STOCK 01 GUNS AND AMMUNITION NORTH OF TORONTO SPECIAL PRICES BARRIE RESIDENTS Place your order by mail 18 MISSISSAGA ST MW snow Titles for eel an not ban price no Telephone PA 111 Iftar pm nlamAIoB stove Aulaaisuc washerDry Chairs Ior sale auto or snow to Lispis cAIE LoANIuoo at er month Telephone PA 60 Croceht Hialbca ia Dunlop at WuL PA Avenue ptan alloTauN is ge caries in IL Fibres and hp moi BKNDIX Automatic III In good condition 380 as Dalton smei or telephone lHIT Washer for ill JACKET BAran Ior isle ii right make In excellent con man huriu wood or coal aellln res sonably Telephone PA or run coin for ale sire on also uox Trailer 32 and car Radio custom made 10 Au In good condition Telephone PA 59955 PORTABLE TV for sale 111nch Phiico lilmdinl model Space Hester Nurge medium sin sin Ith In good condition Telephon PA H91 cunaniiwsiaLn AND chair or ale Chesterï¬eld can be convened had blue color Very low Telephone PA $50 after pm fla IIKNTALs Singer Eieclrlc Po shle Iiichines or rent by rack or thl month Sinler Sow Ceatre Dunlo street We EwDbona PA be to or Elmv horns enATon Viking 95 cubic it sr Steamer Trunk roldinp Crib In true sis Car Bed 91 Victorian Table pA saaso NEW OVERHEAD careco Doors for sale priced from up up Two oi burnerl used only loss Chevrolet automatic sr 12 in grand condition is liiary 59 Ilge II 31 Teicphnna DINING Roost SUITE Ior sale buffet chairs and extension tr bic sun Largo walnut wardrobe 20 servel Refrigerator tan Tele Phone PA 99699 PEWRHERS bought avid Irnle ed repaired Student rental rstar Alli Ibuut uul Rent Try than Buy Plan sur gnwritcr£au Budan SL 56595 hAuIr cAIiItIAGB for sale like new baby lvaikcr and baby suing Vill sell complete tar 22 will sell Individually Talo PA 66915 AQUARIUMS sizes 111 Is gaiionS stainicss steel It also 11159 In no Mercury board motor with Iephone PA 92296 alter RDELL 551 for Idle 300 lbs mpietc nearly new selllnli Ica sonsbly Telephone PA $9139 for further Information TELEPHONE TABLE stand and Iilht tumbIned $10 Ilsa heavy dutyelectric stove four burner sis Two snow tires 10 In sood condition PA 854 WDOD FDR sALIs Lillot cord tin card also 91m feet of lumber and Inches Apply Robert ï¬ACOHIQyiSIlnty harTsiepho PAJEflfl liilNTaiis AND Sportsmcnl lua del rs noun sea perm Pumps us New snsa 31195 Gun aisei sl Lli sneIIi soc colt huntlines os Target grips powder uIlet Ilv Ila hunting licences hand punl Everything tor the spartan open ever Evening Hobson sr 1m oNIkaecoNn Arm Stoker one secondhand co and wood ace heater one secondhand Cos snd Wood Cook stove one second and 00 gallon Oil Tank no oil aprï¬ hgalcr with billswcor accon In gas conv Is homemï¬onrsecondnsndwn Fireman gas nirnace All in good condition Telephone PA 841111 or PA 99119 FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE FARM McIntosh Snow Courtlaod Wolfe River No Sunday sales Apply Koole Shanty Bay Coricesslén Phone Oro 51010 APPLE BARN McIntosh Snow Courtlarld and other varieties Windfalls $125 per bushel Phone PA 89201 no poTAToas 3119 per ha of 15 olInria Free delivery on bags 01 more Telephone Ivy stool Gonna RUSSETS Apples also Tolm b1 ths Barrie stamp and Col Store 11 ï¬eld Street Barrio Coins and ltlmpa haulht and DOGS PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GDWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgies and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 930 PM DAILY PHONE PA 99096 DUN FOR SALE one id Telephone PA 56151 use Shetland shee dos regi red Excellent bloodlnrs Also rhnlcc Scotch Colli per glen soul Iiiwhims year nilles perfect conduit ARTICLES tar SALE sassT roams tar uh pure areo such on ween old is It cobblestone Isaa Hsileuonl Telepacae 0rd iiia ARTICLES WANTED ANTIQUES WANTED Unusual piers of duos brim brsc oil lamps unaware clear or colored old buttons toilet aels furniture etc Best prices paid Midhurst Antiques PA 82810 OIL TANK all 200 or ISO ll Ion unity Slustdbi Lu loud coa dluflu Tliepbonl PA MIDI WILL PAY CAI for seed used Insniture or any and used Arucia Individual or cosslant IBM Pho PA m1 Must apnono sin or coadltipn Ts PA iner pm wAmm um Prolluro Tank 19 llilons more Mini be In pod condition Telephon iilrold citing PA DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Smaii animals removed fm For fast service phone BARBIE PA 811751 collect or ask for ZENITH 94130 NO CHARGE at noun day1 am run NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario License No 129cm rovmnr CHICKS DEKALB PULtETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Stoned ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smoun PHONE 77 Grey White Leghorn Pallets 3115 each new layers so each for MaratIts Phone ivy Ina RnADY To LAY is and Nick cbiclii Pullatl vaccinated de beslted and delivered in nsnltlry crates Available October 15 to November In Call collect to Ken derson sinned chicks Ltd See Iorth Ontario Telephone Hut or 1117 FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES E7 SERVICE Milken Wash Tanks Vacuum Pumps also Water Pumps and all Rubber Paris for any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 603 CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES Er SERVICE Case New Holland Davidarulnirv aeniiy Farm Equipment 176 BURTOh AVE PA 92373 its time to fix your stable boys With winter drawing near And if you need helping hand Drop in and get it here with Beatty Stable Equipment CASH GRAIN more or III condition Apply Idichsei strand telephone mils REASONABLE Transportsbia saw Iiiiii or sale taro cash Locath near Huntsville R0 Moloonwriie pork Vina Avenue Toronto FEED SEED GRAIN aao SQUARE straw for vsla nails Rx HAY AND amAw for sale in square bales also ousntity Sebsgnï¬imailviï¬atsturnenoh able Apply to In Craig Craig hiirat telephone PA on AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR ALE I958 OLDSMOBILE owner Must Sell In new car condition through out and comes equipped with deluxe GM radio jetsway automatic transmission power steering and brakes backeup ligbu windshield washers whitewall tires and wheel discs other extrasL Sada yourself the dealers commis sion on this low mileage beauty by dealing direct Best offer PHONE PA caisiArTER In A1 rurlioiv Tellphonl Elm WHO ELSE WANTS ANEW CAR LifeInsured LOAN HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NAL TOWIJIK 75 BAYFIELLSIPAJM 1952 1mm fairly and condition color black Isil tiger Reasonable prise Telephone PA 33111 IorIu or part oulsn 1955 WILLYB Custom Car for lull bod mechanically and clutnin rude and heater new tires Talc phone Thompson PA Han alter mo pm Isso voLKaWAaEN blue isson rl one own er car Reasonable Mimi Dani Abutment Ir SFARMERS MARKET AlsIsoxlliiATaLY so caiilornls TRADEiTERMS Ies rreiesn Wheat ol chromi THE sameness sepsis AUTOMOTIVI MOTOR cans sou SAL VIAU MOTORS RAMBLER BILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 19 DOWN LTD You Get Finer Used Car Where the Finest New Cars are Sold 1960 HILLMAN Mle 4DOOR Finished in Ember Red and Foam White twotons This car has standard transmission New car condition throughout 1960 LANDROVER 88 With sandy finish four wheel drive high and low range Tm camp 1959 HILLMAN MINX 4DO0R Finished in green and white twoione Perfect second car for the family 1959 RAMBLER CLASSIC 4DO0R Vith Frontenac Grey finish Equipped with famous reclining seats car youll be proud to own 1959 RAMBLER AMERICAN 2DOOR Finished In Forest Green This is real buy as it is one OWIIEI CI 1957 PONTIAC SAFARI DOOR STATION WAGON Tall and Beige witba Va en gihe This wagon may be used for business or pleasure 1954 CHEVROLET 4DOOR SEDAN Finished in blue and Willis two tone This car is in very good shape 11 GOWAN STREET PA 66189 THEYRE GOING 1961 Pontiac Parislenna 1961 Chevrolet Impala 1960 Chevrolet Biscayne 1959 Ford Customllne 1959 Buick Hardtop 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne 1956 Meteor Custumline 1955fontiaeBeluxe MIDTOWN USED CARS t1 ESSA ROAD ma CHEVROLET for ssierexcelir ent condition Interior tires and body tinIsh all In good ahspc Telephone PA 66718 to pm 1954 Annual Sedan for sale in good condition Priced reasonably arugula ssie Telephone PA 1956 DELUXE Volkswagen green low mileage mow tirei in road condition throughout Telephone PA Nod roi Iuriher intoxication CARS WID TO BUY oav HARDY 110mm rasamasNEwasrcsa LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES usno cans TRADE or on DOWN we WILL LEND you money oN yous PRSENi can Phone Tomntrflfo EMDFORD STREET tosirIiw PHONE PA 94272 cAan FOB your car Lions off We trade up or down Jlndlla Motors ll Esta Roadrfl Ill PA MIMI 1m cAIl WANTED eyunder door into quarter Pontiac to Art Snider crsisllurxt PA H150 TRUCKS TRAILERS Wman salsa iour wheel drive equipped with puwar hydraulic snow plow steel era electric windshield wiper raaw tirer new engine Holloway Contract ing in H852 prasousrs TUCK DC CHIROPRACTOR FORMERLY 17 OWEN ST has changed his office Ilocatiorl TO SHANNON ST womans cowlvm LEARN HAIRDRESSING Enrol now In this government charteredeaeliool wheraryouvarr Ahoroughirtralnedï¬i ailbrail chea of beautyculture For In formatlon write DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 19 COLLIER ST 011 PHONE PA 93962 mm snob Cid VII ate by osrtlnod humans in your Dnvhoma Phuni Bernie It PA BDBII or PA 53597 LOST FOUND BICYCLE Boys Rllclgh lost from Barrio Central CoLLegln rridsysvamnT Rsm1 Telephonl PA NIH LOST Whltl Cat with black III In the vicinity or Maple and Doll lop CIII Cotton PA 99197 after pm PERSIAN CA1 10 I15 my male Int Men on Clam on it with two boys asturday Anyone knowing his whereabouts please telephone PA MOM Reward Dn North Ind bus an telephone Ino ing lam res um Comm learns value at mal FA Wig riflc for tilts winterltlurlr GOINQ QOiNQLL LOST FOUND amvauox nail lost Around 11 cm or Inns on front Conn 31 on back Gabon and liarla in ma ioimflnfi 13 511 10 HELP WANTED MALE REPRESENTATIVE FOR BARRlEORILLIA AREA Nationally known manufactur ers of exclusive patented light lng producls have an opening for an experienced Sales Rape rcaehiative for tho Barrie riills area Successful appli cant will be fully lraintidl You will call on Industrial Commercial and Institutional accounts Liberal commissions Bonus Group insurancereliospik taliutiun etc CAR NECES SARY Excellent future with eaminga unlimited VerdA Ray Industries Ltd has Reps aeolstives across Canada and more is an excellent opportun ity In advance lieisonol interviews will be conducted Mir Wilkish son at Ihe lilayor Illaiel in Bar rie Telephone PArkway 9339 Please telephone ï¬rst for In appointment for an interview after 900 am on Friday Oc tobher 21111 or Saturday October 28 CANADIAN ARMY TRADE OPPORTUNITIES immediate vacancies for ll mited number of applicants for trainingin the following trades ELECTRICIANS TELETYPE OPERATORS TELEGRAPH OPERATORS TRANSPORT OPERATORS VEHICLE MECHANICS If you are 17 to 23 and single you can obtain full dgtailsby ciflliï¬gw or mailing this co pan to your local Army Recruiting Station Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre 27 St Clair Ave East 10111 floor Toronto Ontario Telephone WA 47345 vacancies for tradesmen Name Province Last school grade successfully completed MEN is To 50 EARN AND LEARN NATIONAL SURVIVAL JOIN THE CANADIAN ARMY SPElAIJLLIL fmmiNc PROGRAM TODAY FIRST SIX WEEK COURSE STARTS NOV 1961 You will be given all day train ng for five days week You will live at home and receive the samepay as regular sol dler plus separate living allowance RECRUITING OFFICE NOW OPEN MON TO FR arn To pm trade InterortaridenlelyeontscLaSATURDAY em to pm BARRIE ARMOURY HIGH AND PARK srs PHONEV TOP POSITION We need top level sales exec utive for the Barrie and sur rounding area If you have the ability to train and organ iIe and can visualize incomes of $15000 per year and up write qualifications and appointment IMPEIIIAL DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Boxes Chaflengin sibiiity kn 0A practical training program pony ISecuritywiiii Canadas largest aggressive and willing to travel Banking Credit insurance lales assets Call Hales incluslr 16 cases 13111211551113 Ian Apply In Box 05 lenllx Pioasc selï¬ me full details on MooaanELD ONTARIO positions are available if you are owing it leadsrto promotional oppor CAREER WITH LA FFERSYTU at PA roots before pm pm for appointment Monday evening lo lieu WANTID MALI mg CLERKTYPIST REQUIRED Mustuhavs junior matricu lation Applyiuownbfl writingjrslating age cduc ation and maritalestatusjtsk Box 47 Barrie Examiner STENOGRAPHERS required FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS BARRIE CAMP BORDEN slid EDGAR Ontario Praterence in appointment will be given to uaiiiled residents of the area are the vacancy occurs gt Candidates must demonstrate ability to take shorthand at so wpm and type at 35 wpm Salary up to $7380 per IMM according to qualifications For further particulars as to residence and qualification re quirements apply to Civil Ser vico Commission 25 St Clair Avenue East TORONTO 0n tarlo Application forms available at National Employment Services and Post Offices should be filed NOT LATER THAN Nov ember 1961 with CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 25 ST CLAIR AVENUE TORONTO ONTARIO Huuazxxzosn coax for pure iness con la and two children lel In efetances 81M month 1y Apply Mr CAIrick PA $4691 RELIABLE LADY wanted to mind two children during the ill in own home Mull Pick It AntI do livsr Telephone PA 95 IIAmonsasalc for downtown VbeautL 11km Milli haveaL least two yaln ex crfanee with ability to aniline rill ratponltbllity as so aarrle Exlmlner RELIABLE Woman to IIVI la and care for children in country homo thle mother works Must be and with children Telephone PA said for details TortoNra COUPLE rcquins re sponsihla lady la live in and cars ror two preschool children while parents work Arn to rice Hull and remuneration or right per MK MALE 86 FEMALE COUPLE 25 years or over to drlva tractor trailer if was Isrl Isfg Ili Telephone PA 31975 EMPLOYMENT WANTED HIGH ICHDOL girl will hlhy Ill weekends Telephone PA M159 WILL dive day care to child In my own home while mother world Telephone PA owls RELlABLE MAN deslms work on Isnn chores otc Pruviolip expert code Please write Box 52 nanis Exonsiher hlsn lblc EXPERIENCED desires work Jarcl district 601117 cleaning woman Mondlyrmday in Telephone PA WOMAN experienced machine operator requires factory work Practically any type of machine Hlva qua mentions 11 references Telephone PA 1141117 12 TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF FLOS TENDERSFOE SNOW REMOVAL Tenders plainly marked as 11 LEGAL NOTICES SALE OF LAND IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE FOR ARREARS OF TAXES ty of Simcoo has been pqpared and was published in an adver tisement August 1961 in tho Ontario Gaxette Copies of said list of lands or advertisement can be seed in my office or will be mailed upon making up Hoa tion for same in default mcnt nftuxes as shown on it list on or before Tuesday Nov 1961 at the hour of two oclock ST in the afternoon shall at that time in the Council Chamber new County Building Barrie Ooh proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears to gather with charges thereon if land not all sold on Tuesday November 1961 an adjourn ed sale will be held on Tuesday November 21 11181 at two odock ST COLEMAN Treasurer County of Simcoe freasur jigsaw County Building Burris Ont zlst day of June 11161 TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL In the mallervof closing that part of icbanan Road Plan 1254 lying between the west limit of Willard Avenue and the west limit of Plan 1751 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of lnnisfil will after the publication of this Notice at least once week for our successive weeks in The Barrie Examiner consider and if deemed expedient pass by law to close and stop up that part of Lebanon Rood Plan 1254 lying between the west lim it of Willard Avenue and the west limit of Plan 1254 des Icarihed in the said proposed bye AND FURTHER TAKE NOT ICE that any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicialiy affected by the said bylaw and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Conn either in person or by his counsel solicitor or agent This notice is first published the nth day of October 1961 RICHARD GROH Acting Clerk Township of Innisfil By his Solicitors WILSON AND MURPHY 9Owerl Street Bauieolitario 13 AUCTION SALE Kg CONSIGNMENT SALE 01 PUREBRED HEREFORD AND suonraoRN CAHLE by the Simcoe County Beef Breeders at the Creemore Arena AT 130 RM Most bulls are performance tested and the Ontario bull Premium Policy applies 20 of thepurchasa price For catalogues contact KEITH MCRUEH Department of Agriculture rAiiiston AUCTIQLLSALL Notice is hereby given tilLilla list of lands liable to be sold uthcOounv eon Iuesday November iwasnï¬w IARIIIE EXAMINER FRIDAY 0H0 l1 1H1 11 Km 11 LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of thl power contained in certain mortgage which will be pro duced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale on Wednesday the first day of November 1961 at the hour of Icnthirly oclock in the fare noon at the sheriffs office in the Court House Barrie the following property name AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premiers situate lying and owashl pro in the County of Simcoe and being composed of that part of the North half of Lot 11 in the Sixth Concession oi the Township of Vespra more particularly described as foil owa COMMENCmG at point In the Noriherly limit of Bud lop Street West formerly Elise abeth Street distant 11291 feet Easterly from the point when the North limit of Dunlap Street intersects the West boun dary of said lot THENCE Easte BUSINESS Ask About Low Rates Telephone APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes 147 DUNLOP ST PA 64 142 ELECTRIC MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIRS to all makes of appliances TONY USSELMANrA formerly of Tonys App Seer Appliance Service Manager DASH Electric Motors 10 Ross St PA 85307 DIAPER SERVICE panama FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twins ickul do delivery 315 21 REAR 11 PA 841551 bu than pack or cigarettes day EXCAVATIN FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna street PA 490 FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam DragLine Cement Busting or raising steel 55 boom shovel front loading levelling backfilliilgDnzcrwock and trucking phone Stewart Con struction PA 97321 HEATING SHEARDOWNS BIIRNERSERVICE Furnaces and Burners Cleaned $750 plus parts 24 HOUR SERVICE PA 92190 MASONRY fir It be built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE CONTRACTOR 431 sriy along the Northerly limit of Dunlap Street as feet THENCE Northerly parallel with the West limit of said but 165 feet THENCE Westerly psraliel to the North limit of Dunlap Street do feet THENCE Southerly parallel to the West boundary of said Lot 185 feet to tile place of beginning TERMS Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of tha sale balance to be paid by the fit teenth day of November 1951 or arrangements made to the satisfaction of the Veddor or condiqu of sale apply to SMITH AND hicLEAN 10 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Morigagec DENTAL CARE Whm child loses his first teeth prematurer may cause the second teeth to mm in crookediy unless care Ia given to prevent distortion of the law and tooth sockets Iiiminor Want Ad SERVICE DIRECTORY By Month or Your PA 82414 PAINTERB Bradley Sons Decorating Painting Contractor FLOOR dc WALL TILE GYPROC JOINT FILLING Your satisfaction our pleasure 59 LETITIA ST BARRIE PA 61421 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUiKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS noolIs ARCIIWAYS porches ram ESTIMATES TERMS No DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT REFRIGW STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE as Clappertol St lt PHONE PA asses SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licerlsed to re move your dead and crippled ï¬am animals under the above ct FREE REMOVAL Phone 0me BAHRIE PAHWay 83611 GORDON YOUNG LICENSE 95461 UPBOLBIERY UPHOLSTERY in chrome kitchen chairs etc also repair work done Telephone HE Dom Angus for further Information WELL Dreams WELL DIGGING WELIS dug deepened and re Fade PUMPS sold and installed NZWINTER such will be receivedbyrthc undersigned until 12 noon on Monday November 61h 19131 for snow removal from the Township Roads during the sea son 15tb Dec 1991 to 1511i March 1962 Bidders will please state the type of equip ment with particulars of some and quote rate per hour op erating time certified cheque for $200 must accompany each tender The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted GEORGE WICKDUM Road Superintendent Township of Pius Phelpstnrl Ontario MONDAY OCTOBER Mb SALE AT PM SHARP Complete dispersal regis tered and grade Holstein cows and heifers Bulk cooler milk ing machine pails and strain ers for MR WILLIAM McARTHUR at Lot Colt5 Innisfil Twp miles southeast of Thornton one mile eastof Hwy 27 Terms cash no reserve as Mr McCarlher is going out of dairy business and changing ï¬ver to beef Sale pm sharp canny coucLIN Auctioneer 101le ROBERTSON Clerk Township of Flor Eirnvale Ontario Want Ad Section accepted until pm 03y before publication LOOKIGEQRA FUTURE ready for respon tunitles IA future depending upon your ability And how you use it Oilewarding management opportunities with an expanding convi Salss Finance Company Applicants should be 2230 enjoy meeting the public be alert or university backgrounds are or cover after October 90 tariggCorpLid ii Collier Sireét Barrie AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 28 10 am SHARP At 122 Queen Street East Bar rie auction sale of household effects including Electric Mot tor refrigerator Locomotive washing machine television niture including few an Liquor garden tools The elec tric appliances aruuwdraar new for MRS CAROLINE BATES Terms cashNGTesérveas MrsJamhssrsold her home and must vacate her property the 31st day of October JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WALTEITADAIR GENERAL lNSURANCE snd AUCTIONEER 1147 Berczy St Barrie PA 89298 Try an Examiner Want so 11qu PA costs For guaranteed workrnTlnshiF at reasonable prices PA 60966 PAINTDVG AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 12 MARIA SlREEIl PA solos WELLLDRILLED rumsmsrauno av LICENSED DRELERS roan ESTIMATES Couplond Drilling an BARBIE RR Barrio PA 96956 TO Epecially for those in appear in lhe edition of NOVEMB REMEMBRA Friends and relatives are Memoriam Tributes on this who enlisted in His they deemed worthy of their Majestys Forces preserve the wayof life in PA 87646 NOVEMBER lllhV WAR DEAD THE BARRIE WILL 5DDLISHIND AN lN7ENOPWVI5TRIBUTE PAGE imcoe County and DisT tricl who paid the Supreme Sacrifice It will EXAMINER ER 11in NCE DAY livlted to place their In page in memory of those tq rotect and heir fair Do Dion which Supreme Sacrifice roe runner INFORMATION AND RATES VWPLEASEWEEEPHDNF P71 MIT MEDJABRIE