Waflymï¬mMr could bring 0H THE DELICATE MISTIMIN Tobi Weinberg laints as the Lady in Christopher Frys The Ladys Not Ior Burn lag Richard Henry Hoven VON Appointed For Barrie Area Miss Esther Hermosa Reg is the new Victorian Order Nurse in the city replacing °°v dilissHeimosa graduated from Mctiaster University School of Nursing in May of this year She worked with the VON in Brockville before coming to Barrie in August The new city resident hails from Kitchener i$her willrboeinahargeot the VON service in Barrie and will provide nursing care in the home as wcll as being In charge of office management As VON Miss Hermosa will he on call for all types home nursing Many calls are made to aged people Medicalsurgical visits are madetopatienta whocannot or need not go to hospital or who are waiting admission or are returning from the hospital but who require nursing ser vice such as dressings treat ment or other care In every Ease the VON works In mperation with the pat lentn doctor gt Children are special duty of the nurse who provides free prenatal care and instruction and gives advice to mothers on the cars oi new babies Services or the VON available any time through the RVll or any doctor HIESTARSWSAY By ESTRELLIIA For Tomorrow Steer dear of questionable lchemes now andavoidthose whose motives may be on the dubious side Where there in msibilityithat you mayrun into difï¬culty investigate and take precautionary measures Fu IIIe Birthday 1f tomoniiw is your birthday your horoscope indicates that the next year canproveextre Inely constructive where your MISS HERMOSA VON 41st Convention Oii CWliMeniber TORONTO CF The na tional director at the Catholic Womens League Most Rev Klein Biship ot Saskatoon will give the address at welcome at the leagues alst annual con vention here Oct 28 to Nov James Cardinal McGuigan will celebrate mass for dele gates Oct 29 and business ses sions start Oct 30 Speakers include Rev Frank Stonenational directorot the Catholi Information Cen and Arnold Edinbororrgh editor of the magazine Satur intereslseareeconcernediiayoik put forth your best efforts avoid melting hasty decisions and curb the Scorpion tendency toward overaggressiveness The latter could alienate those in posiJ tion to help you Emphasize your diligence and ingenuity especially during the next ten days and go alter the things you want in the next twelve moathshut diplomati cally you some excellent financial op portunities but dont offset pos sible gain by being extravagant Avoid going into debt or specu lating in March and April also Personal relationships will be governed by good aspects for most of the year ahead and you may look forward to period at the first six months of 1961 Thuerismibflitrthatyou will travel or otherwise change your environment during the pe rind between June and August Looklor an luflmhnd inte resting romantic experience dur ing May child born On this day will be extremely ambitious direct of manner and dynamic in per sonality POINTEI TOES MONTREAL CPiMalcolm Knox manuIacturers repre sentative at the Canadian Shoe and LLeather Fair here pre dicted so permnrthersprhig styles will have pointed toes 35 per cent crescent toes and the remainder square tags wide variety of heels in stacked medium and stiletto styles 01 VIOMEN camp and Mayor Tyson William Brydon hit her as the Chaplain Kenneth Wick es and Thomas Meadip William Hutti look on in this Canadian Players production flie praentation will be pre sented under the auspices of the University womens Club of Barrio at Barrie Central Collegiate this evcniag ROUNDUPQ 2nd WEEK BEEF Pawns errecrlva WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES MAReAï¬NE LIMIT PKGS PER CUSTOMER IGA ICE CREAM SHELLIOUTTREATT cf sunnsr NAMES JUICY VALENCIAS SIZE 180 EACH clippers MadeRite Potato Chips are IIflT munchera dellghtl Tastymrigo and oh so Iresh Serve plain as aiastym or with dip as party treat Three big flavours to choose fromSalted Bab 80 and Onion Garlic antenna ofCanada largest independent Packagidond iTK53Â¥sTuxmm HORSEVUd5559f Cunadiln owned II Square stï¬idard Colours CASliand CARRY nationn Fuel 49 ESSA RD YOUR ONESTOP auil LE Lumber $0 Ltd PA 85581 DING SERvTCE CENTRE sORANGESy ONTARIO FINEST FANCY GRADE La CELLO aao 3m29i 3a29 SNOW APPLES IGA BREAD esEEnLEss GRAPES GOLDENBANANAé cucumBERs N0 GRADE Childrenl Choice Delicious and ROYAL Nutritious GITEST 24 OZ LOAF No Grade Long Green Sheer cHnTSTTEs VIGA rooouNER SAICO MANDARIN IGA WITH MEATBALLS SPAGIEIL IGA BEEFSTEW Kraft Dinner 23 SALADA ORANGE PEKOE Millililil saunas IGA FOODLINER IlhuflEi IGA MARKET oz PKGs TN aONUs BOOSTER TAPES TOTAL EXTRA KENiRATION nos rooo ZEST DEODORANI SOAP 12 TIDE DETERGENT 25 Off FACEELLE TISSUES MAN sizE WITH FREE $2 BONUS BOOSTER TAPE 82 cHECK YOUR IGA STORE FOR COMPLETE LINE OF HALLOWEEN REArs KISSES PEANUTS IN SHEIL CORN on MARGARINE Fleischmans CANADA No PEI POTATOES TABLERIIE SMALL LINKSAUSAGE KIDDE POPS CARAMEts ETC lb AND IN THE PRODUCE DEPARTMENT aka To lb INADDITION TO ORANGES APPLES PUMPKINS IN VARIETYOESIZES PLUS VCARAMEL TAFFY APPLES Pure Pork lb pkg 15 oz FRASERVALE RASPBERRIES pkg b4 aggï¬ggggagéqw