NI Speaker Discusses Operation Oi Simcoe County Library lefroy Womens inï¬nite held Mn Gilmore introduced the 060 1° speaker Irving Robertson of HALL The the Stine0e County Library who gave In informative ed dress about libraries in the During the busineu session Mrs Curtis and Mn Gilmo re mm our own were nominated as commit tee to meet with the hall board to renovaqu to the hall kitchen It was decided to hold short course Food Shopping in the sixties on May 78 Any ladies oithe community are welcome re contact him Jackson Two new memberlriolned the Institute Material was distributed in member to be mad into articles for the balanr ov Mn Gilmore and Mn Reid were nppointed in charge of arrangements for bus trip to the icecepedes series of euchre parties will commence on Monday so at 830 pm in the SOUPS By SALLY LOU um POPULAR FLOWER in ancient times the petals and leaves of roses were used as medicine STEADY BIRDS Ravens larger type of crew have been known to use the lame neat year after year Mr Robertson pointed out that distributing 200 book per year to each rural school room in the county takes much of the staffs time and elfort He Although Halloween began asa solemn festival it has become through the years an occasion for fun and gaisty For families with young children the celebra tions start bright and early with breakfast buns in the form of ghostly treats Make the buns with sweet yeast raised dough shape them into Ghosts and JackQLant ems then bake and frost them Black Cats can hemade EVERYTHING MUST BE somrr savannqusk on WOOL HAND KNITS NEEDLE POINT RUG WOOL PATTERNS etc Buy Now and SAVE AT arms w00i suor COLLIER ST IARRIE ONT Wi sponsors besides severalL larger libraries under the guld ance of the Sirncoe County library staff ic dough to make it chocolate in color Youll find the buns easy and fascinating to make fun to look at and delight to eat Make enough for breakfast and to he handed out later when the trick ortreat hour begins BEWITCHING BUNS Yield 20 Ghosts or 20 Happy Jacks or 48 Black Cats 34 cup milk so cup granulated sugar teaspoons salt lSwilp butter or margarine to cup lukewarm water teaspoons granulated sugar envelopes active dry yeast wellbeaten eggs 5cups about presifted allpurpose flour Scald milk stir in the 36 cup sugar salt and butter or margarine Cool to lukewarm Meantime measure lukewarm water into large bowl stir in the teaspoons sugar Sprinkle with yeast Let stand 10 minutes then stir well Stir in lukewarm milk mixture wellbeaten eggs and cups of the flour Beat until smooth and elastic Work in sufficient addit ional flourto make soft dough about cups more lurn out dough onto floured board or canvas and knead until smooth and elastic Place in greased bowl Grease to Cover Let rise in warm place free from draft until doubled in bulk about 112 hours Punch down dough Turn out onto lightlyfloured board or can vasand knead until smooth Shape into Ghosts or Hap py Jacks as directed below Grease tops Cover Let rise in warm place free from draft until doubled in bulk about 45 minutes Bake in hot oven 400 deg 10 to 15 minutes Finish as directed for either item or make 10 Ghosts and 10 Happy Jacks Losr our Liaise call can garrick HAIR STYLISTS PA 84661 Avenue Photo by Fltem THORNTON ghter of Mr and Mrs lllalh ew Mcrkelbach oi Holland The bridegrooma parents nre Mr and Mrs Hank Vander post of Cookslown Father McGiuncy officiated The newlyweds will reside in Thornton TO RESIDE AT Miss Wilhelmina Merkeil bach of Barrie became the bride of Leonard Vnnderpost Cookslown The morning cere mony was held at St Pauls Roman Catholic Church Al liston The bride is the dau PEOPLE AND PLACES Phong Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 66537 BEGINS THURSDAY ocroasa ism6i SILVER ANNIVERSARIES Mr and Mrs Charles Mooney Victoria Street will be elbow to friends and neighbors Sun dny Oct 29 in the afternoon and evening The occasion marks the couples 25th Wed ding anniversaryi An open house celebration will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs Ted Lewis Cameron Road St Ca tharines Sunday when the cou ple celebrate their silver wed ding anniversary They will be at home to friends and relu tives during the afternoon and evening EXTENDED HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs Jones Cumberland Street have re turned to the city from an ex tended holiday in Chicago 11 linois St Pauls Minnesota and Minneapolis On their re turn to Canada the coupleetra veiled to Pembroke and Peta wnwa where they were guests of their soninlaw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Gordon Brown Mr andllrslone also welcomed their first grand son Charles David Gavin Brown who was born during his grandparents holidayat the Cottage Hospital at Pem broke The bundle of joy slatlt ed his arrival for the official opening of the new wing ofthe hospital The Ladys Not for Burn ing by Christopher Fry will be presented by the Canadian Central Col Notes are intended to cover the general soc of the ely and distrct Wenjing 1iverspries bridge peri ties Iirthdnyl coming of ago vlslj and ira vellcrn are all Items of inter est to inmen of his page Your help In supplying this news will be greatly Ipprccintel Harvle Merrick Toronto was guest of his mother Mrs Merrick McDonald Street during the weekend 0E5 EUCHRE BRIDGE euchra and bridge party was held at the home of Mrs William Stewart Dunlop St West under the auspices of the benevolent committee of the Order of the Eastern Star Members of the committee are Mrs William Stewart Mrs Bertha Service Mrs Mc Caw and Ernest Thompson Mrs Harry Maxwell was no hostess with Mrs Stewart Prize winners were Norman Duhois Bruce Nesbitt Arthur Rockllff Lloyd Foster William Ahell Mrs an Mrs igg Mrs Clowes Mrs Jory Mrs Nesbiit Mr and Mrs Gordon Jamie BEWITCHING BUNS son and son Michael of Chesh ire Connecticut spent the weekend visiting with relatives in the city and at Churchill WEDDING GUESTS 0ntofcity guests attending the PeacockDickson wedding Math £hurch ncluded and Mrs orge Eardley Detroit Mich igan Mr and Mrs Murray Mo Crae Mr and Mrs Frank Dick son Mr and Mrs Harvey Street all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Frank Perkins Mr and Mrs Shakell of Stroud Mr and Mrs Eldredr Clarke Cer Comc choose from these exciting new values inlregular Evangeline merchandise spiced withaetimelw+ Special Purchase Lingeriesave 51 $403 on ISLIPS leg $29855951¢ on leg $593S998$l01 oft HALF SLIPS reg $295$59351¢ofi 98 now 57125437 333538 51¢ oft reg $101 on GOWN VJAMlxs 298 598 sigonoeg sees$1098 $101 su 225 311333312338 $201 off FEIGNOIR GOWN TRAVEL SETS 85 3153831938 $301 off set GHOSTS Divide dough into equal portions Roll out onepor tion into rectangle 11inches Cut crosswise into eleven 1inch strips cut strip into 20 small pieces Ar range the strips welljaart gpeasedjookieshee iPinchstiipsaf end to ke rounded heads cu of each strip and spread entation is sponsored by the University Womens Club of Barrie Proceeds will he used oithe clubs scholarship fund Tickets are available at 121 Owen Street or call PA 85474 WESTERN HOLIDAY two 1inch slashes in other end dong apart attach small pieces of dough to each strip near head to make waving aims Repeat with other por tion of dough Let rise and bake as directed in Basic Dough recipe Cool Frost with the following Creamy 2493 2993 3401 offset 33 $3500 in $493 on eyesandmouths with little of the Brown Frosting Frosting make eyes ofraisins and mouth with littleof theflmwn Frosting HAPPY JACKS Divide dough into equal portions Shape each por vtioninto a10=inchroll andcut into ten 1incli pieceSr Shape each piece into smooth ball place bails well apart on greased pg kie sheet Repeat with other por tronoinongb Let rise and bake as directed in Basic Dough recipe Cool Frost with the following Creamy Frosting tinted deep orange and making ridges with rtipofaaaspatuiatoresemble those on pumpkin Make ley Mr and Mrs Tom Blight Mr and Mrs Ray Torre Crown Hill Mr and Mrs Sutton Shanty Bay CALIFORNMAHOLIDAY Mr and Mrs George Scott of Poyntz Street left the city today enroute to San Bernar dino California for months holiday They will be guests of their son and daughterio law Mr and Mrs Donald Scott and son Graham The Barrie couple travelled via TCA ur Dunlap Street West have returned to the city after three weeks vacation motor Jnngrough4thanadianWestr The travellers visited friends in Fort William FEE berta Columbia Mr and Mrs McArtbur visited with former Misses Ruth Russell BLACK EATS Make up for 25 cup of the flour the second time one portion into into twentyfour ears Cut blanched aimon pointed ends into dough to make apart on greased cookie sheets Repeat with other tion of dough Let rise an Doug recipe Creamy Fros CREAMY FROSTING Cream 12 cup butter or margarine pound sifted icing sugar alternately with sufï¬cient cream or evaporated milk consistency Mix in 1A teaspoon shown sacsnus Add HAMBUM MSGEMLE Combine lbs hamburg oupcraclrer crumbs small clove of garlic chops ped egg salt and pepper to taste Make meat balls brown in small amount of fat put layer of meat balls in baking dish Add box frozen green beans that have been cooked Add an other layer of meat balls top with can of mushroom soup diluted Top with slivered ol monds bake at 350 degrees for PA hours MRS DESJARDINE wood WJ New Lowell Basic Dough recipe divide it into equal portions Roll out rectangle 12 inches cui crosswise lotinch strips Twist each strip into loop with the ends pointing in pinch ends to make cats Cool Make up quarter of the following ting recipe and use in fitted With plain tubeto mark oats cocoa to about 1A cup of the until desired color is reached substituting cup cocoa ter dough has been kneaded TODAYS RECIPL in half crosswise insert ed apples into bak dish or was and cut into small pieces rhubarb Mix cup white sugar tsp cinna mon andsprinkl ver apples or rhubarb The latter requir ing more sugar possibly Mixi $1 sugar cup flow is sup rolled oats together and sprinkle on topof apples or rhubarb Bake covered for 15 minutes injmoderateovenr Re eyes Arrange well pot bake as directed in Basic cake decorator whiskers gradually blendin to make amicingofdesired vanilla St Peters WA PREPARE FOR WINTER wrrH ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS Keep out winter drafts but keep healthy byleasy ventilation only possible with aluminum windows For aluminum windows and combination doors awnings and porch covers call Barrie Tent 38 Awning 34 Bayfleid St Co Lid FA 66437 Creamy Frosting lDunlop son Mr and Mrs Orval McArth Maniiob While in Calgary Barrie residents Laura Graham anlL sici1 Store Hours am to pm Closed Wed Afternoon OPEN FRIDAY room mmvcnamaasyinaereoi mpmheuuiymdvatuw dim Chanda diamonds deplore mummies selling and shoulder for everlasting brilliance sriPHENsoN seweLLERs in am QT LoniDfllemasn All in sizes small medlum or or OfWJQEWJLs Sleepwear SpCClEil IN FLANNELarra ea no 33 Wrtpalsleypattemlnrredorhki oTUNlC PYJAMAS In beautiful mosaic pattern in blue red or green IWALTZ LENGTH MUU MUUifl giflmsï¬narlovely floral print In blue gold orplnlc 7W eFUllEENGÂ¥+R6WlTï¬na small lovely floral print In blue pink or green go This ï¬ne ilannelette sloepwearcollection is made by and is truly wonderful value at this terriï¬c saving vange Itockings save 22¢ oflca pair All ironi current stock Fancy wools gt and small medium and large throughout this entlre colourful collect Evangeline me $101 on All from our current stock reg 5103851638 Youll find sheath noriolk walker styles represented in this ï¬ne collection good selection oicoloura vnll be found tillth all styles Sizes 1020 oumoasr PHONE PA 844704 Evengelines own famous brand hosleiy This good saving appliasio all our seemfrea otfully fashioned styles regularly $130$139 pr Evangeline stockings are noted for their mar toperfect proportions measured lengths and extra strong relnlorcemenls at paints of wear choose from glamorous range of fashionright shears and lovely new shades In siza Evangeline Sweaters save $101 793 1638 Chooselrom pulloversand cardigansinBulkles lncludedSizes3442 Ion Orions and ourlamous English made Merldians araalso pleated flare and on All through the year we make npoint ofgivingyougood ï¬aiue for every dollar you spend Then twice each year weletgotogiveyou even morevaiueto yourdollaran our famous Lucky7 Sales We check No one is spared weve oven this reshï¬om maker special ts right cepin With Evangelinee better quality ofioctalonegallows ea ononrsamego cy guarauoeangevery offprierchondise during tlie sale Yea refunds or exchanges will behappiiy granted if you are notgemireiy miside Allthisasnflhankou send our triedandtrue customers and as an imitation for