axons PA amt cchildren tee of Canada local our offer from Bud Bay City Motors Ltd at Square lilrs Jill 85134 gees still cause of frostbllel abandoned by parents slrects in their living East nearly driving rains Villagers in the mountains of northern Greece eagerly par ticipote in plans to redevelop their war hsatterel communi ties to help raise the average family income of four dollars per month Without sufficient lNNISIIi NOTES By 365 howling success and demonstrations of the show Prime Minister Dieienbaker spoke but in the immediate areas around the speakers desk nothing much ricouldbeheard as thevpublle address system carried the sound beyond the area occupied by press reporters In the area where the talk could he heard applause was loud so it must have hit the supporters Rev Wally Downerof Sim ooe West riding put on good try andhisbootbatthe Var sity rink was popular place for supporters from the area Working badges were pinned on everyone who passed whether voting delegate or sightseer We managedto take picture OBITUABY MR5 FRANK HURLBURT Mrs Hurlhurt widow of the late Frank Hulburt of the Hurlhurt Cushion Sole Shoe Company Barrie died in To ronto Oct 19 1961 She was in her 91st year Mrs Hurlburt formerly Mary Jane Walker daugther of Mr and Mrs Joseph Walker of liston was born at Newton Robinson Simcoe County She was married in 1898 to Frank Hurlburt of Thornbury They moved to Barrie in 1911 where in Korea thousands of reiu live in makeshift shacks mode of cardboard in the bitter winter some must il terally freeze to death others may have limbs amputated be Children who have no means of livelihood roam the tatters begging for have only the in the camps 25000 new babies are born each year to destitute mothers who urgently need warm gar ments to protect their infants from the chilling winds and Fmds convention FunExhilarating Fun parades and decorations were features are uworkout Thursday evening seen from the left cannot hope Mrs Mack to attend school closets and this desperate need suits trousers simple wool and cotton dresses and especially underwear pullovers quilts and blankets WHAT IS USO Founded in 1945 to aid the most needy creed nationality color coste the USC is an agency with heart ian nondenominational non political governmentendorsed The three purposes of the or ganization are to provide cm ergcncy relief in areas of great est human need to demonstrate to others way to help them selves to create and promote wider human concern for less fortunate everywhere Since 1945 the 750 has rais ed over million dollars and shipped more than million pgunds of relief supplies much iL PA portation All has been distri buted in the name of Canada and this allCanadian effort has created tremendous amount of goodwill and friendshiplor our country abroad of the candidate in front of his booth His nomination speech was to the point and raised his chances considerably Tuesday we gave the first place to Roberts and second to Allen However by the time this story is read the leader have been chosen it brthatthegoodpoiï¬ts the Simcoe County recto Members of St Pauls Anglo can Church Innisfil gathered at the church Sunday school room Tuesday evening to at tend supper and presentation to Miss Partridge who had been the organist at the rch for many years It was to have been aparty for Miss Partridge and Ernest Carr who has mov aklng part in weekly at the Yfjcverr In the picture at right are bin Unitarian Service Committee Creates UseHlothes Depot Unitarian Service Commit Used Clothes Depot was opened here Monday With the very genera Wass collection box was placed at Market hfuckay is the coordinator of the USC vol unteer collection depot here and anyone desiring further in formation may call hcr at warm clothing many children oy has requested Barrie citizens to go through drawers to alleviate Clean warm Practical cloth ing with six months wearablllty is desperath needed hyadults children and inlanlsovcrconis it is nilCanad will be nunsrs sar 15nger BY some The student nurses at th Royal Victoria Hospital fully Jealizethe value of physical fitness 1b keep in shape they Street supper formal Past was owned by was motorc High tiaing Orillia aaauomaowsounca WINNIEEG CF Govern ment scientists have embarked on search poison whic and loss of hair in family of acby Lake Winnipeg mm nity Mr and al Monkman and five at ne resort co Mrs R0 their three children of thaiium poisoning1halium ed into Allandale from the In nisiil parish and will attend St Georges Church in future Mr Carr has sang in the choir since boyhood However at the last moment Mr Carr hospital to see sister who had taken ill Miss Partridge was presentedwith handbag gif sent to they resided or 32 years The Hurlburt property at the corner of Ross and Toronto streets is now the site of Central United Church member of Collier Street United Church W5 and WA or ganizations ethererrandwoithe Royal Victoria Hospital Auxil iary Mrs Burlburt took keen interest in all church and com munity affairs with which her husband was connected She was well beloved for the friend ship and hospitality whiCh she so warmly extended She survived by three dau ghters Gwen Mrs Charles Carbin Louise Mrs Judge and Frances Mrs Roy vBurton and by seven grand Ruth Jane Marylou Jchn Anne Louise Carol Mar gotk Gail all of Torontoand by two sisters Mrs John Bates Lottie of Winnipeg and Mrs George Ingold Lion of Nia gara Falls Try An Examiner Want an Truck Lettering Showcarde BnnarL PlasticSigns etc All Types of Sales Aide Personal Sales Aids one day service is used in the manufacture of insecticides ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY 311 to pm DO YOU BUSINESS VVWe Offer YouA Complete Sign Service On Wood and Metal Sign Strike Rite Match co calendarn phone PA 87391 ASK FOR HARRY SIGNCRAFT of BARRIE REAR 46 mm AVE LIONS CLUB BUFFET Members of BarrieLions Club lilng tickets for their Monster Buffet plateDootpriule neca and there tion prizes to the The event takes are busy so semiannual at $10 per i962 Dodge Se are is consola value of $400 place on htesday Nov St John Viunney looka after tho TO VISIT JAPAN Rynard of Orlllia East is among Dr In irrespective oi MP for sum Oli sician to the and his party President Kiwanis Club of the speaker at the weekly lun cheon meeting of the Kern en introduced erne yiithlreoeoverseas strains 4L BESIGNS FROM COUNCIL Hugh Grant last week from ship council specifications urches dia Nov 18 Long is General Secre for the United DRILLIAPARADE Santa Claus parade eld on Saturday Dec with Farr as general chairman and subcommittees headed by local lhe Ladi thme i5 SlnflfcelltI to group accompane ewe rceyearo Prlmc Minister and Mrs John consigned by won 03 WEIR Diefenbuker to Japan yesterday and Sons Eimvale for weeks state visit Dr Rynard acts as unofficial phy $53 yearling ewes KEMPENFELT KIWANIS Ken Walls of the Barrie was resent and Future He by Charles who resigncd Orilila ilowm because of road affecting property his company at one time resided in Barrie when he ycie patrolman on way 11 He has been prac aw in Orillle since grad uation from Osgooder Hall commie or chuncuss Rev Dr ErnestE Long former minister United Church be delegate semny of of Ch of Collier St in Barrie will to the Third As the World Counlul in New Delhi In to 13869 Dr Church of Canada merchants for the source of caused paralysis nd rat poison Hull Inrlillalll es Auxl ary Lions buffer Prime Minister Bradford Dump Rat Farm COLLINGWOOD reevo of this Georgian town was fined 75 hiudu when convicted on charge of oiilclalr Doe can police officer hum unit to reduce the Sept Constable William Oldfield of mm Co and he rphoto at left above shows Elaine Greenfield and bin Beotson in the midst of to Toronto every never been the muffler until coming this twohit town day but am Draws Top Price Illt Sheep Sale Pleasant weather and good crowd attended the lint annual sheep sale held at Barrie by the SimcoeDuffeiin Sheep Pro docersAsoHEllon One hun dred lots of registered was and roms and grade ewo lambs were offered Auctioneer Archer Colwill as sisted by Joe lichrath in the ringL drew quite satisfactory cea from the aheepmen pres en sheariing Suffolk ram con signed by Dr Robert Hiscox of Port Severn topged the sale hlg at at $110 $34 ewe lambs $20 ewe lambs $22 Orillian Heads and grade Visiting Troops of personal desires materialize The wish To it Ca sendcemenwhrar on Mvdutyinjeennany RB Preceptory VeryAWor SlrKtTiernm soil of Drillia was elected Coun ty Master of Slmcoe County Royal Black Preceptory at the annual meeting in Barrie He succeeds VW Sir Kt William Munro of Palgrave Other officers elccted were Deputy Fred Layton Cooks town Associate William Wal lace Barrie Chaplain Harold Bluer Oriliio McLean Paigrave Treasurer William Bradley Orillia Lec turers wib Henry and Elwood Fagan Barrie Ccnsors Roy trip from lreland to Ger Maw and Jack Hip manywasvcompieted in six well Orillia Standard Bearers hflmr Truman FiattCï¬7kstown and William Prest Tottenham Marv shal Max Stefaniuk Baxter Pursuivant George Philiips Orillla Tyler llarry Carter Barrie Auditors Bowman Al len Cookstown and Bert Harp er Orilii The election was conducted gy gwc Sir thLygnr Jones ran ensor an ins al lation by RW Sir Kt Harper AIDNEED STUDENTS Past Grand Master Sir Kt QUEBEC 91 The cam Munro was ppeaenfeujmhikdimï¬mclail0nralrmedicaiF mumg mm by dentsand lnternes decided his father Gordon The was Tuesday to set up foundation the first time father and son to grant loans and bursaries to had occupied the county mas needy students Members of the ters chair in the 33oyear his medical profession would be tory of the coun Belfast Mr rived in Soest 21 days they Canadian servi as time would permit lighting the holiday was tendnnce at Scusenfez ermony sion war oemcteries in Europe Mr Weir found is the places one can go in sucb An ardent bandsman since early childhood Mr Weir is drummer and has been mem ber of the Tobermore Band in Toronto for 35 years He is mamber tiff53m Pipe Bind an or Six years as fleeti drummer with the RCAF an his son drivel questioned about Local Bondsman Bob Weir representative transfer company who has arranged moves for ser vice personnel to all parts of th 11 felt Bay Club Monday Hlapin ounty Knights toll covered Barrie our After visitlng relatives in and Mrs Weir ar For visited as many ce acquaintances High an at ond visit to the Canadian and Buso Registrarrallanvone unique aspect of serving short length of time He said rear Safety or esident BRADFORD Special Wat Foster lived in Bradford Gwlllimb for many are until bylaw forbiddmg trlilm within the town wu mut ta uallyagreed thntifhe wastow The councillor sold little had at the ad out there we would not he been done by Bradford town farmers but making him homeless and it or County vegetables are spread would be better for all canonIr health with poison for rlta If we move him again be surrounding can Foster sleeps so soundly that will have nowhere to go and trailer resident in th therein lives on the dump Ibo dump is situated on the iii ween West Gwiilimbury Bradford bugt uiitclther Bill ruponi or year tiledx Frank Cooneyfl Porter between the dump and nearby rail we Mr Sentthuuifu if lgon ccmod over no claims Bay hazardliath Megan said last dump is cleaner Mayor Joe ght that the pesterday am bap here am Why can people mind thflr own business and leave me alone TWO Charges rIntiIï¬idafibn Lyal Robertson of 35 Essa had into Onllia Hospital To Benefit in 1982 From Shrine Circus ORILLIA $1200 cheque part of the proc eds of the Sheba Shrine Clu June clr cue held in Barrie and Orillln in the headlights of his 1m June pfeunud to Road and Douglas Rhynold which was parked in the lane Eorrier Royal Victoria Hospic 45 Campbell Avcnue have way at his home in Police are been charged with intimldatlon in private information laid by Alex Perk of Minor Point in the information laid with Justiceof tho Peace Warren Wllgnr Perk alleged that on Wednesday October is Rhyn old and Robertson followed him through the streets with the intention of compelling him to stop working at Universal Cooler Key Air second charge of intimida tion has been laid against Rhyn old in connection with an incid ent which was alleged to have occurred two days later on Fri day October 20 Both men will istratoo Court Vcidon Carter of Orlilla club president made the presenta tion to Jack Mltchlnson chair man of the hospital board dur Jng thoclube monthlymeeting in Barrie The amount will be used to outfitr fourbed paralplegic chlldrena ward room the new addition to the hospital now under construction Total proceeds of the Shrine Circus staged in the two towns amounted to about $1800 of which 500 was sent to the Rameses Temple Toronto for the organizations crippled chil drens fund Proceeds of next years Shrine circuses will he donated to the Orilila Soldiers Memorial Hos investigating lifcmbers of the United Auto Workers union Local 700 have been on strike against the Key Air subsidiary of Universal Cooler Limited and Devilblsr Canada Ltd Essa Road Choir Annual Meeting The senior choir of Essa Road Presbyterian Church held its annual supper and meeting in the new auditorium The election of officer was conducted by Rev Bell and results were appear in Mag ou Friday past prcsl in further incident fast dang Gemg5 Paargau pres pltal to outfi is similar room in IBM James Smith 01 50 Alf dcnt Charles Church vice the new Halvie wing red Street an assistant fore president Murray Warnica man at Universal Cooler repor seoretarytreasurer Mrs Ger ted that someone had kicked aldino McLean United Appeal In Final Week The Barrie United Appeal campaign is in the homo stret oh and slightly over one half of the objective in actual cash and pledges has been attained Campaign chairman Leighton find his committee are confident that the people of Bar rie will once again push our campaign over the top He pointed out though there can be no let up now officials are seeking the funds for eight health and welfare servicu for our community This it the final week of the campaign and it is blitz week with over 500 volunteer canvas sers calling on every commer cial and residential establish ment in the city during this week targe United States and Canadian Company urgently require representative in this area for Crop Service Department ofthe fostest growing fertilizer company in Noth Amer ica Representative must have agricultural background and be highlyregarded in area Excellent opportunity for advance ment This position is fulltimeor can be handled along with your present farming operation Interview will be arranged and tell me about yourself Reply once to area write Harrington Gen Soles Mgr Box 84 London Ontario JNEJIAMONDS rmningJn um in uunfer rinmhed MIum gold vlnlr 74179 munu tin memo was your BAllERlNA CAN HAle am IN YOUR nnlsnro BASEMENl I00 For advice that will fit your budget on finishing off your hasemen come see us Well help you plan the project and help you select the finequal ity materials youll need Low as $2000 month campay for all the materials to finish off an aver uu on rulerl lionnae lash out on tentight 75233 hum never319911950 The palr age basement so come in right awayi znnnsnamno PLAZA Wellington at Anne Sf Low $1500 MONIH CAN rAr FOR is sromwmoows MW bust Aniodernkitchen is wifesaved low as Slwaagmonthcan pay for mat