Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Oct 1961, p. 17

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51 FOR ml CRAFT 00 per la yd any Ila Drapiiig and upholstery remnants trota no es Barrie Tent and Awning 34 BAYFIELD ST PA 66437 Handy Hardware Under NEW MANAGEMENT Patios 10 14 All colors Fall special 51500 del Brick Barbecue Last one Reg $5900 Special $4500 Patio Pads and Sidewalk Slabs all sites and colors Kitchen Cupboard Units In FARM MACHINERY cannon FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Fail clearance at bar gain prices before win ter storage Cue Nn HOIIIM David Brown lull Pam Equipmnl 17d BURMA AVE PA 6237 CASHTRADETERMS volt maul pier and eutttv star for is to soon condition Apply Robert storey minute or to options lAilTlCLES for SALE 5FARMEK5 MARKET AUTOMOTIVE can no To an ORV HARDY 110103 BARRIES NEWBT CAR URGMY READ USED CARS ME UP ON DOWN WE Willi LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD mar PHON PA H271 all swmrz an Ilndala Into no load Bar 11 PA m1 TRUCK TRAILER mm as four who arm ow untrue fitsll infirmo snow um COME IN COMPARE HANDY liARDflARE STROUD Phone suouanmu MUIKIAT Fur Cost or isle slrs very load condition ascrilics Telephpn PA H148 miatnAlRI stove svtcton Automatic wsarrnry In chairs or Iain Telephone PA H196 or Apply 40 Mlpll Avenue out Lowrance at at ill hons PA its Dunlap 81 month Crescch West mlunr TnAiLsit for steel conslniction Appr on Telephone Borden for runner lntormtloo Trmzl AquAniUnia lists in and ii llllnnl stsinl lleei Do iv 10 Mercury rd motor wit cantroir Txelspnono PA um Afteropm TYPBWRHSHI bought sold rent so re sired student rental in Ask shout our lteut Try then Buy Plan stsr powritor Cm at andioro 111 ems lino PLYMOUTH Cosch in load runnlnl condition Large size all cc heater In goodcondition medium size qushec Iioster s1 inrry crslgnurst RENTALIX Elnler Electric Port lhlo Michines or rent by tho week or the mfllith store new ini Centre Dunlap Street West Tswephvnl PA 01960 or Dlmvall minmATon Viking cubic 00 alesmrr Trunk iish Tan Folding Crib and ma Ires Car Bed illnlttle Viclnli hbis ll Tllephono PA 57139 NEW OVBIBEAD Darla Doors for sale priced tram sir up Two Oil burnn Citgold dildltflmxlllii can on sry PX HG used only on IIICDNDHAND Stoker orll secondhand cost snd wood pica henimmmndn coo mat wood cock stove on econd isriri 100 silan Oil Tank aria second hln oil lulu lira lih blower two andhand eonvenion hunters one lecon hand Iron Fireman as furnace All In load condition Taltphuno PA 34911 or PA ems STAMPS COINS snares coma Suplles not fund or your wlnlsr Ebb nuw All coin folders and album avail able at tho Barrio Stamp no coin Store 17 esyarlo street name Coins and stamps houshi sad sold DOGS 8o PETS WiffETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lover coal birds budgiea and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 330 PM DAILY PHONE PA 68036 FRUIT8 VEGETABLES and other varieties Windiaiis $125 per bushel Phone PA 39201 Na PoTAToza mo per bag 75 pounds Free delivery on or more Telephone ivy 251131 iuelesu APPLES or sale 5200 per bushel Bring your own containers to do Cumherland st otter it pro JUMBO Rfllnwean Pumpkins Your choice at intm Christmas mornawtakenf Scotch and Verpran iii Highway eep one Mlnzslng 432 or 202 asyneld street PA azaea Barrie ARTICLES WANTED 01L TANK wanton Zn or 150 gal lun capacity Must no in good can diiion Telephone PA color ha LAWN aWzBPzil wanted or as triertrig leaves Telephone PA 50104 sitcr pm we WILL PAY CASH tor good used iurnlturo or any good used lrtlciz Individual or content late Phone PA 112421 5FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Smalr animals removed free For fast service phone VBARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 24 hours day1 days sweek ICKS DEAD STOCK RF Foxmead Ontario cease No 119C411 LIVESTOCK ME Ll PIGS run one eight weeks old Telcphoite zanil strond noun noLsmiN cow for sale nus today Apply Itiaisrtca Patter son Anton Mills POULTRY CHICKS Hs11112 PULLG or sale 1000 about 50 laying all or smaller lots Telephone PA 92119 FARMka DELAVAL SALES SERVICE Milkers Wash Tanks Vacuum Pumps al$9fi Water Pumps and all Rubber Parts or any milkcr HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 our stock of 1961 tracks FEED BEBEGm IIUAII Halal clan Wheat airw tor sslc Telphone rim in 25 m2 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE I958 OLDSMOBILE in new cat Condition through out and comes equipped with deluxe 0M radio jetaway automatic transmission power steering and brakes backup lights windshield washers whilewnll tires and chrome whch discs other extras save yourseli the dealers commis slon on this low mileage beauty by dealing dircct PHONE PA 3335 1962 PONTIAC ParlStenne Beatiliiul twodoor sports sedan Power brakes power steering deluxe radio pawerlul ocylin dcr engine litany other deluxe lealures Original cost $4170 Will sacrifico for immediate sale Telephone PA 60205 VIAU MOTORB RAMBLER iiiLLMAN AND LAND aovaa 10 DOWN i7 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 THEYRE GOING GOINGGOING Rb LTD 1961 Pontiac Parisienue 1991 Chevrolet Impala 1960 Chevrolet Biscayne 1959 Ford Customline 1959 Buick Hardtop 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne 1959 Meteor Customline 1955 Pontiac Deluxe MIDTOWN USED CARS 11ESSA ROAD Wiio ELSE wanna now cart Buy it Now Willi LowCast Liteinsured SCUIIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK 014 NOVA SCOTIA HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRI EALERS Repairs to All Makes 0iiiL and Um DODGE door blue white wall tires radio itessonshle can dltlon Reasonsble price Phone evenings PA 89255 1955 WILan Custom Car or sale body mechanically sound curtom radio and heater new tires Tele phone 11 Thompson PA 5557a After Mill 17111 ms BUICK Hardtop one ow low mlleou Trade would be copied Financtd it neeess Call Fred at PA H272 to tor nirtherdecaiir its wonderfulvthe way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 WATSON iandSTANDARD MW Amy PA 84165 MOBILE HOME wmat caring Trsilsr tu lined use tour on bested solute ul ror hunting orig lacy unuont condition Alto Trailer PA wit PERSONALS soarurn ncmo pa you want your torruns told by esrdsi for up ointment only tale none PA dot anytime as our dress assoeen coursed IBWABD Olfered for rsluni nl silos pirinres ukeo tram ml 111 and white Ponusn in hib ls srkins lot on ssturdsy night etuni to It Noble Toronto street Apt Esrris WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Enrol now in this government chartered sdiool where you are thoroughly trained In all bran ches beauty culture For In formation write DERWIN HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOL 19 COLLIER 81 OR PHONE PA 33962 gm home Phone sun or PA $3561 LOST FOUND LADYI wlulTWATcll lost down lown soetion and rush street he wsro Phon PA Moi liter pm BICYCLE BoyaRala lost from Barrie CentralCollm ste rounds Priory evening howrd Telephone PA was 10 HELP WANTED MA in REPRESENTATIVE FOR BARRIEORILLIA AREA Nationally known manuisetur on at exclusive patented light Iag products have an opening for an uperleiiced Sales Rep resentstivs for the Barrie Am Succequ appli cut will be fully trained You will call on industrial Commercial and histitutionai accounts Uberal commissions Bonus Group insurance Hospi talization etc can traces SARY Excellent future with earnings unlimited VeraA Roy iiide Ltd has more sentaltves cross Canada and esceen ity to advance Personal interviews will no conducted bthir Wilkin siti at the Mayor Motel In Bar rie Telephone PAlkwsy 82987 Please telephona lint tor an appointment for an interview after 900 am on Friday Oc tzzlliher 27th or Saturday October MEN it T0 to EARN AND LEARN NATIONAL SURVIVAL JOIN THE CANADIAN ARMY SPECIAL MILITIA momma PROGRAM TODAY rinsralx WEEK counsu STARTS NOV 1961 You will be given all day train ing for five days week You will live at home and receive the same pay as regular sal dier plus separate living allowance RECRUITING OFFICE NOW OPEN IIIDN TO Fill am To pm SATURDAY am to pm BARBIE ARMOURY HIGH AND PARK STS PHONE PA 93761 PrNumna WANTED nan1e Cowling Academy Dunlap street East alAN REQUIRED for mink farm Live out Apply Locklu Thoniton Hlnhwsy aamsmsw Trudimm kkperlence necessary Must hsvo tood appearance Excellent oppor tunity for sumrivo msn Apply Box ii Barrio Examiner laid work on YIARLTNU slum strayed 0D to flutladns property three months ago owner may on nrno b1 Dlylfll Muses lnfl identity hrs property room Mott 10 HELP WANTED MALE HELP CAREERS for vYOUNG MEN in the CANADIAN ARMY it you are between the age of 17 and 23 and single get lull information on excitfllgfiflleef opportunities with tho CANADIAN ARMY Visit your Army Recruiter at Barrie Amioury between it an and pm on Monday Octo hero to Saturday oolobeTiaT write rARMY RECRUITING OFFICE 27 ST CLAIR AVE EAST TORONTO ONT YOUNG MAN for shipping roam Must have chaurreu licence Apply Mr William Touts Auto motiVI Ltd to To is YeAna shorthand lns huslnm arithmetic esranisl lingAex men he our on plan at surancer Apply to Box is Barrie Examiner CONSTRUDTION company te qulres msnsnr supervisor rot Georgian Bay area Mint in working knanledll glntlli construction carp concrete structur trades Drsitln stln cu ervisiori tin Brunt in Yrltinl to Holy Bamavpfiam ner MOTORS STAYNER CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE VQUALITY CARS GOURTEOUS SERVICE FAIR DEALING no GIMMIOKB PHONE NOMEM 787 733 AND 211 1961 Chevrolet BelAir Sedan with V8 molar automatic trenamission and custom radio This beautqu car has been driven only 6000 miles and carries new car warranty spotieasly clean and mechanically perfect 1961 CHEVROLET Hallton pickup truck This is brand new vehicle the last oi rid of course carries the hill factory warranty This is your ciianca to acquire that truck youve been wantmgitlggoloiug and at veryworthwhlie saving 1958 VOLKSWAGEN COACH clean little economy ear in good mechanical condition smartly finished in blue 1957 CADILLAC Hoar hardtop real and priced right quality car in good mechanical condition 1957 Pontiac Pathfinder Sedan with 5cylinder motor standard transmission and radio An excellent car mechanically and clean and trim in its blue in kr ¥V CTn 1955 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan with standard transmission and radio good clean used car at very reasonable price You are cordiallylinviled to see these and many used cars at our Sales Lot oaMain Street East AL carries Wnsags Basal ToL No as Wascs Beads other dependable Hill MTG Wlull Beach Tel No auwuass Belch aAiLsa we nut mm am environ775 he sat him on women prodisbls business can yours run or parttime No eriencl meet lfy Wilil lilhitf HO lit Roch Street honiml i6 unable malhaamr CLERKTYPIST REQUIRED is AUCTION soles Auction Sale of Household Effects for MRS deIDM rnloiv ocroacn ma PM SHARP Barrio Auction Rooms Rear of Hllold Hills 35 Mary Street has try uly Norg Westinghouse refdgeratcliliuz Gaierai Elastic refrigerators licCiary relrigerator rang attu ll dropteal tables and chairs weary cart Presto cooker electric an DINING ROOM Droplesttable oakhuifél and chairs odd chairs wall my chuterflelcl and chair end tables several odd tables several hostas chairs several occasional chairs corner bricsbrac table lamp floor lamps email oil paintings psiaud bookcase turd tables solid oak library table oil painting by Stanley Fire place screen liqueur cabinet rug 6W with felt under lay several scatter rugs larli drapes and curtains pr blue velour drapes telephone table and chair rug 11 carved and upholstered hostess chair Zonlccases 15 shelf chear terlleld and odd chair round coffee table solo bookcase desk and chair upholstered satire and rocker BED ROOM large wardrobe double had complete double continental bed metal bed complete til chest of drawers night to hie utility cupboard door and drawers door cabinet double mattress rug electric blanket wool blanket lied spread pillows odd niirl rors wall lamps MISCELLANEOUS Electrolux vacuum Duo 11ierni space heater like newt recorls album so steam er trunks solid oak medicine chest brass vase carpet hall runner vcrandah gate can menfrW awn chilrs oil doors and windows bags or pillow leathers camp had several pairs of cu alas bam boo drapes 66 TOOLS Scythe pick shovels ahd other tools tool box hand lawn mow enflhber garden hose plastic garden hose stefi ladder NO RES RVE TERMSCASH WALTER ADAlR Auctioneer Try An Examiner Want All Must have junior matricu ation and marital status to Box 47 Barrie Examiner an court for bits can is and two ehlllreli reheat Olen mouth rrlekl PAJAMI TonoNTu COUPLE requires lpvnflhll lady to live in and for two preschool children wit parents work Am in Iran time and remuneration or rlsht per son Apply to Box Mr Barr ls sminer MALE FEMALE COUPLE 15 years or over Man to drive tractor trailer possible and woman for housework Lle in Telephone PA $2615 EMPLOYMENT WANTED mon1moLIg it will Bah weekends 12le and PA WILL GIVE day Mr to child in my own home while mother worn Telephona PA 59776 12 TENDERS TENDERS For supplying Light industrial No Fualoll to Johnson St and Steele St Public Schools and Domestic Fuel Oil to Cun dles No 1A School and the Portable classroom at Johnson St for the 196162 Healing Sea son will be received by the un dersigned up to Noon October 31 1991 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted GEORGE LONGSTAFFE Business Administrator PubllcSchooi Board 15 Dayileid Street BARBIE Ontario l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE alimony monnma OCTOBER 28 10 am SHARP At 122 Queen Street East Bar rie auction sale of household effects including Electric Mol iat four burner range Kelviaa to refrigerator Imomotivo washing machine television iset electric kettle radio fur including iewna thues garden too The elec tric appliancs are as good as new for MRS CAROLINE BATES Terms cash No reserve as Mrs Bates has sold her home and must vacate her property the stat day of October JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer lotion Apply in own hand Writing stating age educ PHONE PA 12114 FLEETHAMS so ESSA on Best huyt Save 15o liilbys Beans APPLE SAUCE Dost 13 Feature Save 251 TOMATO JUICE Peanut Butter Vito Case or is $459 Foaturbi Sui Mi Green Pens list Want no Secflm accepted until is pain Day bciora publication aortaAm on not Dcsp Drowned Clover Leaf Fflflfi SOCKEYESAIMON iflOICETOMhTOES Pesturoi Brights Fancy lave ldi Feature sm to Gold Ribbon to or Cat or Dog Food l0 $1 Beat Buyl am 124 Johnsons Kieur liquiqux solutiolou Brig II AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE at Farm hem lioch and Im ltlsry Grain and rev 11 undersigned has received instructions from ARCHIE BURKBOLDER to soil lgth Auction Isss It CON AUNNIDALE TWP known as Citsrvlew Sldsrosd miles slrniglit south of lush wsy so or miles 93 of atsyasr SATURDAY oer Commencing lst 1190 oclock All the tailortiles namely yrs ed to ties No Hereford Cow yrs irotrty Call it toot won Herero itch Call at toot open urhtrn fresh Call at too open roan lieiler yrs st loot Red cow yrs bred to imit en Dec 10th itereioni Hel ter no call at 1001 Hero ford Keller yrs cut at loot 3yearold Helms Hereiard Durham open 2yearold Durham Steer nicer one and hall years oldDurltl Heifers in months old Yearlincs heifers and step mixed Picsto Yorkshire Pigs around 70 lbs each HORSESl Horse weighing around 1500 lbs agcd HAY AND GRAIN1000 Square Bales oi tray well raved Ho Square hai oi Wheat Straw well saved 1000 bushels oi Rodney 0s weu saved IMPLEMENTS AND MISCEL LANEOUSl Ford Tractor In good condition Dealborn Manure Loader liti Ford trac ion John Deere Model Tractor good condition Dearbora heavy duty tandem disc iii plates it Land Packer let Siclgiu in ternational power heedFertil iier Drill like new Deorborti tractor cultivator 11 pump jack John Deere tractor Ma nure Spreader like new 711 Cockailuit LeiJonah WWW tractor Plow prac tically new Murrow Dear bdrri tractor Plow hydraulic Mli grain hinder MI cltt good working order stiff toolll Tractor Cultivator point hitch lset iiectlah Drag italrows drawbar com into grader Marlene toil tor tractor rubber red Wagon Rack good as new horse drawn Rake Walking Flows Grain Auger 11th steel Troughs Viking electric Cream separator 060 lb ca pacity good as new act at Dehornera Trailer all ready tor box hag Truck coal Broader Stove 400 capacity Cal 7111 as tins 479c Feattirai Mitchells Flow nullity If Id WIHM Feattlral Crushed orElicodm Sawfll1oos 4799 los ttnd 5m$l this tins 4mm vKAMLIIJILHEONMEAT out aoyl am tel York Homogcnlzed it as ice hm fl ices NHL Hockey Cards under each Ill 41¢ Jims canned nomtin sfi 0L alondard roman Whltoorooioreonou WiiiteCroSsj Tissue it as oral save 159 It puma have to Whole Chicken Ellie Backs Tools power hoary stone Set lulu 1000 lbs espl Chaim forks shovels and many other articles FARRConsisting at 100 acres more or less choica clay and loam Bank barn Driving shed Garage Frame house Running hot and cold water in house lplece bath Watering in stable Pleat oi water iide in all bull age will be sold sub to reserve bid lerms sa conditions of iarm will be given dsy of Fartii will he offered tor or put Terms Definitely no Mr Burkholdcr Is iViIl tanning and the farm wil be aimed tor sale day of sale Nothlul to he removed until setttsdeioc Buyers from distance must prove their Identification with the Clerk owner will not be responsible for any accidents day ot Sale JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Phone Barrie PA rout ALBERT GUIHAM Clerk WALTER ADAIR GENERAL INSURANCE AUCTION EWER 147 Berczy St Barrio PA 89298 AUCTION SAlE Friday October 27 12 OCLOCK SHARP Complete dispersal at register ed and grade Holstein cows and heifers 10 hand of Brown Swiss Cattle highclass farm Farm machineryrtotJr RANGE LAND FARM Lot is Concession cm Towa ship mile cart and mile north oi Shanty Bay Terms cslsdh No reserve or farm is so JERRY counttun auctioneer Want Acis SELL Most Anything Best liuyl asvo pectin Wagstuiie Janis CHOICE PINEAPEI i1flinzuiml Fancy mine11o 53c YORKKERNEICflRNfiJ Feature Vitaminised am to AllENS APPLE JUICE Feahirdl am 10o Best guy lave int mm Conerly Tittle Both Number One NEW YORK AP Who is the No gunnerhsck at th New York Innis Charlie Co urly or nltlct Coach Allis Sherman says the both are mush was passing out bouquets to his Cisnll Tuesday liter the clubs fifth straight victory The Giants bet his Sun That speaks tumult all is forv mei coach ot Winnipeg Blue uns £ii Watertiald Rsnu coach asked me to be sure to give Charlie his con ratulstioat for vary outstsad lob nlata quit on game like th is it safe to aisfime tram what you said that Conerly will start Sunday against Dallas writer asked No said shermsn hon estly havent thought about It Is titers such pressure for ms to deciles myult for one maul have two and am vary as py about It tile veteran more than decade of pro football was obtained In trade from San Francisco just before the start of the season and guided Gl ants to their ttrst tour victories however its lett the game uri iiiyb ivltiithonisnuiru ltig Passing Firemen Go To The Rescue HAMILTON CPI ihrea bakers iound writhing in agony after being burned in an oven explosion nlesdly were smoth ered with lard and taken to ho pltai by two aaalnl fireman Victor Ma at 17 Evald Domlre and Edward Hott man at were treated for sec ond degree burns to Mtgiclr Arms Murat was tiring tar as oven at the bakehouu warren it blew it sending sheet at llama feet across the room The other two men working on the opposite side at the room were caught by the blast District Pita Chief leonard Sallinarciifid fireman Thomas Stewart were passing on school inspection when they heard tho cxplorloli Palm DANuIllltljiUl son ma it in late taliwand Veil the leave have dropped contact with My part at plant may monotonicburning itch 10cl Raspberry or strawberry with 39c Your Choice 14 or tins ratio 29c ilosttln 39c riled Hive Corn $1 GemMa Freshlend CHICKEN lEGS and BREASTS Maple Lea Cryovac HallSwaet Solitaire Pu Pork Miirl seasoned Breakfast Sausage ProminmIIMIdTty lit package rgarlns 95 roll lit49 it 53 017 Vol iii 45

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