Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Oct 1961, p. 16

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You Home Hunting Check The Re It In BANNER woman OCT 28 IN ANNOUNCEMENTS lamrise All moiIm aw Pa draw 21 I211 Egg gumlulngflifluli sum in arms Examiner Binb Airman mcpi lust call our cuuiasd no account an tbs um lpeipdtas In nuns and will publish Bins Norica in in am sdlubd In only use reiapboss PA sous or this Chumd amiss DEATHS at Potomac Civic much nirsds Octobar belovsd huspsad tbs Kay dsar bar or Nbblr Barber Spence son or laia Thomas snd Birabaih brother at Newton ot iii lamcs Bl alldlrurn Lrncst In iiton iup hips Nam Dunn Rum srvcy sad aim ct lumps sirckley Funeral Hams in We Biracta Bangs binnezrsl Thurs intermerit Dalston Cemllary COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE St Andrews Presbyterian Church Hall Owen and Worslcy Strecls FRIDAY NOVEMBER pm Among other things there will he quantity at good clean childrens clothing Auspiccs at St Andrews WA NOTICE The CHILDRENS DE PARTMENT ot the Barrie Public Library will be clap all from Monday October 30th to Saturday Novemb er inclusive while new ceiling is installed The wadult department will be open as usual and the chil drens department will re open on Monday Novem her RUMMAGE SALE YMCA Owen Street Frlday October 27 130 PM Auspiccs Crown Hill United Church RUMMAGE SALE Saturday November 18 LEGION HALL AM In aid of Barrie and District Assoc or Retarded Children RUMMAGE SALEfi REAL ESTATE PROPZBT FOR SALE OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 29ml INSULBRICK HOME Brentwood ares Largo garden plenty of water Five rooms 81000 down and $60 monthly covers Interest and principaL hill pried 03750 NEW IDWEIL Winterlud building 40 with 10 20 building attach ad Overbcal door Msks paint and body shop Open for otter Terms STAYNER No acres on Sunnldala One at the best building lots in town Open or otter FARMS iN SURROUNDING DISTRICT 50 acres or more 70 acres with fair buildings on paved road Priced at $10000 real good buy 0100 acres Good buildings $11000 0100 acres Choice buildings The best of wheat and clover land Wall located in Thom tonlyygareagii it interested in larm contact this office Mrs Eleanor Maw Oscar Bates HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLIER sriim PHONE PA 02670 ALLANDALE $10000 three bedroom brick home in exccllent condition Separate dining room garage largo lot Low down payment Balance as rent Call Rita Scandretl 51 LETIIIA 314900 Located in the Sunni dalo area on tread landscap cd lot Lshapcd living and din ing room Three bedrooms Ranch brick bungalow with at tached garage NHA mortgage $82 monthly includes taxes For appointment call Rita Scandrctt KEMFENFELT DRIVE This oidcr six room home is in ialr condition Forced air all REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS PROPHET FOR SALE BUS OPPORTUNITIES Inn mu rum auri in as is atria with moo omits lnnliiy plus and shaped Scotch ready In Gut lhia your 3000 pin mor ONE DUNLOP mam EAST Pinyin Barrio Home SalasFormica in Quality at Service PA 85568 3TRUNK LIN EVENINGB CALL In mallPA H101 loamPA use mm In DISTRICT DIAL ETA BOA PHONES PA 60101 PA sous aimsrs or Barrio laal blah hoard hifl CmDMIIIA om STIRPA NW CONNHJrPA WI REAL ESTATE 1nd cut in twb to MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc No BONUS LOWRATES LIFE iNSURED $l549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly sass HairPA Yum UlnlyPA Phone PA 84010 mm WALLPA sun DUNLOP ST General Electric reaso about 75 per month Joa Lonllln PA bow Evsmt sbsuwsu Oro 2m CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER own JamPA brssr Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKE HUT MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE77s mm 60 OF VALUENO rm CHARGED $0200 FULL PRICE Six room two storey trams home nablc down payment balance will carry immediate possession may be had menial Call sack thlsoa PA Mail Norman Shatnvbil PA smx Edward Norris PA 55 Dilation St CORBYPA PA 89991 PA 68742 Central location close to You Slouti Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA55901 IMMEDIATE INDEPENDENCE Variety Store and Snack Bar living quarters and equipment ILLNESS FORCES SALE Statement on tile speaks for itself Make an otter DO YOU HAVE $500 Thats all you need to move into one at the several out oi town choice locations we have listed Call us tor particulars and is Dont target to transter your SEE STEVENSONS oi any kind Marshall MOVING iNSURANCE sold it you need extra coverage PA oscm 113 Dunlap St Keith REAL Lsrarz uitoxan CLAPPERTON sr sARRle PA 32532 DAYS 0R EVENINGS COUNTRY LIVING ONLY to 05000 and 00 month turret SEABOARD DISCOUNT 14 Dunlop St PA 66477 Atte Homeowners N0 bonus added to the amount you borrowl When you borrow $2500 throug us mortgage of $2500 is re tored against your property not $4400 or some such tlgure The payment below pays your mortgage in lull in live years Prime ist mortgages UR PRO er annum IF Y0 PERIY QUALIFIES You Mthly Bo Borrow Receive Pymts Owing $3000 $2850 $592 Nil $4000 $3800 $7902 Nil $5000 $4800 $00 For immediate mortgage loans Nil anywhere I20 DUNLOP ST Over SimpsonsSears Munroaoasirr sad and bought Commercial and residential nonsyl leaned on oxlatinl menus and arranged Brolbra PA basal FINANCIAL $5000 ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BUD DALEY PA 60203 call tor appointment on 50931 MORTGAGE FUNDING Barrll um 47c FOR WEEKS RENTALS am houses ro RENT RENTALS AmALflVE ullGflnuinld nun furnish thre mem moment Stan and nmxmtnr Pennant and It thflnt Eta 15 Talk phoas PA Maia Iiidrum ihm room scara bssnt Retrtumor sto hydro and but suppUcd sop rui rsnu Good location on bus rout Tsiopblmt PA Wm WINIIBID Bodaltiinrf mrbt LIIl kitchen vs rum Hut and drb psr mouth siephous FA In further tnlnrlnliiun soon Roms nlrpiabcd bum quimlnl three pleu bath heavy only new muscular asrdw nmiumwrm Apply Amman nsrdwsrs AND no Bedroom Apart is Dallasdialled heated SOP irsucc clean slid qulst nsssonsb Apply as Anna smut Vlme Shop In Contra lagdry lsalglvliti in Tl sphana PA noun sonar upturnlrasd in wlLb our two mom rsrrl orator new build dow rt la hr cs Availabl olspbbpa PA was humus LADY wisbss to meet girl botweua II and 11 to sin or srtmant lsispbous PA 61000 at pan or PA 08010 surcoNxAle cinn wsrlu thrss roam rtmcpt with three piece bsth ass to downtown suitabis or con lenAvaliahlwAim mldlately Told on PA 046 mll noobl man Modern ssllcontsibed at in heated ion minutes wsllr Irons down town ndirigsrstcr sud stuva available Possession Novemblr in Tllophan PA was lBlP CONTAINED two room tarnished halted Apartment with three plrcc bat mm snd buk entrances Sultabio tor chelor or couple Apply 13 Elylcld St or phbnl PA M1 new Decorled Apartment suitable sbr cnupls Aim room spsrtmenr not all hcaiafl cohvenlencsl rellcontrlned Im mediats Phunu ztln CENTRAL Modern hosted apart mcnt spacious living room and Into bedroom dinoitc mudcm kitchen rclrlgciatnr and heavy duty vs Parking isolllttc nusln caupls prolerrcd Tcl phone PA 4357a nrnlze nooni unlisth upstairs apartment modern kltchcn cup boards 15 monthly including util itlca Itvsllsbls immcdlstciy Must be seen to be appreciated onn child weicnmc strcct FOUR nooiii Apsrtmcn unturn lsheii heated tiled hstovr and rcirigcrstor suppilc Central locstlari No children Available lmmcdlstcly 75 monthly Apply 32 High st lclcphpns PA soul UNPURNISHED Apartments mus bcdravm $47 two bedroom 555 on hcstlng Second floor Ccn trsl Immenlato posscssian No rcnt until November Tclcphaus PA Mood cvchings PA Mali possession 0rd in Cumberland soon arm uoauo Ivaiisbla in rm°rf mim 31 car up one or Iurtiscr mutilation loan AND soul Iva marlin entitmln Can lion vstishls new FA $0731 or lumber do 00M AND BOARD sssiisbls lb privsts hams tor ous or two sciII flentlcmcn prelcrrcd til hons PA was or unnu Ins urination WANTED TO RENT nusmaswm rcquim room eruu mwpcr as near this Apply to no ARTICLES for SALE EWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x13 Ideal tor lining lion houses attics garages cu perfect insulator 15c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Graham Card Sports LARGEST STOCK 0F GUNS AND AMMUNITION NORTH OF TORONTO SPECIAL PRICES rmriflARRIETRESIDENTS Place your order by mail 16 MISSISSAGA ST ORILLIA BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS R055 STREET THE MANS SHOP See us grail nominating equipment We buy and sell guns PHONE PA 60622 HUNTERS AND Sportsmen New dcl lla 3ND as Nsw so 12 buntlincl $1595 at Kim rnwdat hullei live in buntinl lcentcs hand nl Everything or ihn sporism Open eve evanliil Robson RR BUSINESS Ask About Low Rates all Estate Columns ARTICLES for SAL STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity old ck COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have 195 on the date linef REGULAKERICL FROM 12 to 20c Clearing at 9c ea lus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 HAVE you which Barrio Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA mm Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appliance ias PENETANG scam PA some umqu and Gradin Rows and stumps unsaved 32 sphobs be as PA com Palm SECTIONAL chslrs man in Hill IAylli sxcelisnt condt on Win nil natal or in nu Pflccd aonsbly Tolephnu PA all would SERVICE By Month or Your Im or Telephone PA 82414 SHEARDOWNS BURNER SERVICE Furnaces and Burners MASONRY If itrcan be built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanspr at reasonable prices PA 60066 INSULATION DISULATION with No Bockwool ALUMINUM CLAPBOARD SID iNG IN CODOURS METAL D0 ORS WINDOWS AWNINGS BY ALSCO FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORK SCOII MUD MHVESING 211 Harlmmmsumrlorrnenl hfi PAINTEBS Bradley Sons Decorating Painting Contractor FLOOR WALL TEE GYPROC JOINT FILLING Your satisfaction ourpleasure 59 LETITIA ST BARRIE PA 6i42l FKmTING AND FOR RENT We have two bedroom bun lt you like country living and also be close to the city this Is it bedroom home situated on acres or $550000 For further information call this ottice now EDGE OF CITY 0n paved hwy Storey and hall with living room kitchen utility room and piecebaih bedrooms and garage This is very nice little home and has to be seen to be appreciat ed This home can be yours tor only $500 down or best of ter and will carry for $5500 per month Have look at this cican little home and make an Gi moons flINKJELLES PA soars piper asrrts sd District Rest Dims Board EV PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT BRICK nuNDalow three bed rooms living room 30 fireplace oil tutnub storms and sorcohs Near schools on Duudpnsld st Good 0297 Itd ZONE overlooking tho bay roomJumps lied gmge walkout basement cold room storms and acuenl and many ifll Teilphone LWBI evnlh lnll PA 1032 Cleaned $750 plus parts 21 HOUR SERVICE PA tiZilio Apeuifice SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61 l42 ELECTRIC MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIRS to all makes of appliances TONY USSELMAN formerly ot Tonys AppLSen iAppliance AVAiLaunc anytime live room unlismiahed lewcr duplex Well lngtan shd Edyilcld strcniJdults plcTcrrcd 110 monthly Tlin pilan PA som between am so heating New rooting Priced at only can Percy Fm gaiows Choice locations Act FINE OLDER HOME now Central spacious truly well built by present owner Large kitchen dining and living rooms Huge heated sunroom Four large bedrooms two con nected and our piece bath in two rooms Treed grounds Lovely gardcn Large hobby building with cold room and freezer distinguished home for gracious living Substantial down payment Jar appoint meiiiTaIl Emerson Swain CHRISTMAS TREES 35000 trees on 25 acres rang ing com to years some ready for cutting Call Percy rFordrrfi 77 nvmmcs CAILl IIY ox PA as in PERCY roan PA arvso EMERSIN swam PA saws Member at Barrie and District and Ontario Real Estat Boards REAL BTATE snow as mm amm anal SPLIT LEVEL Very attractive bedroom RENTALS OFFICES STORESrRENTL 700 SQUARE IEET Otiica Spscs on sscond tour in modcm build tna on Collier st Privatc wusll roams Tcidphnne PA ass disk5 pun NURSING HOMES KIND cann given and and up patients Pleasant companionship outings good rand lounge and rooms Reasuhlbln ratcs Ark Eden Nursing Hams telephone mu straud APTS HOUSES T0 RENT WW Beside Lake One and two bedrooLaynrt mentsc léfiWWstove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redecorated annuaiiyrfi PA 64068 BRICK BUNGALOW bedrtlnms lull basement oil heat double garage Quality home on beautiful lot PHONE PA c7412 tiPPBIt ROOM Fist living room kitchen dining room bstn Available November Phond PA 50753 or Own Two noolufbested tarnished spsnmsnr lor rout Hot and cold St Georges Parish Hall ALLANDALE iifIRIDAYIUCI 27th 130 pm Auspices Eveniiig Guild RUMMAGE SALE NEAme SATURDAY OCT 28th am 12 Noon ODD FELLOWS HALL 35 COLLIER ST FOR PICKUP PA 84245 AuspicesBarrie€entral€o legiate Band Mothers Assoc lint arm lims Ted Lewis at lo Cumcrbn Ross St inca will be at home on suhdsy October as on the occult or their silver wedding anniversary lrlrnds and rollover are invited to call In tho afternoon and oven ins CLASSIFIED ADVERTTSING TELEPHONE PA 824I4 Condensed and classiileL adver tisements are inserted at the is pm six uqu thine brdroam ilnulu to rant close to schools and bul slop pullbsscmrnr Nicely de routed Children welcomc Taic tunnellie FOR RENT Apartment in excellent inca Iion Kitchen living and one bedroom piece bath Stove nd refrigerator Boats for 70 tslls ATTRACTIVE uclous two bod room spsnmeh partially turns ishcd ovcrlnokihg bsy soil can tained laundry and parking lac llttlrs Available November Tolcphonl PA Mist CLEAN three roam unturnlshcd heated apartment Stove and re irigcrnior block rpm new IGA Store Good Parking Suit business couple Avalshie November is too monthly PA 01310 sLINNlaEILJTn£ELJlode ecoraicd selt contstiiod two be room lower duplex Heat wstzr prlvste drive lni clothes or sup pllcd Apfily al Eccles Strce North Phone Nata allulze LARGE Room ground lionr apartment with private bath and entrance Close to Barrie HY dro supplied $45 monthly Immed lateZ possession Telephone PA amorous six rnomcd apartment large living room with amino dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Ampir storage rail contained very ccntral Available November sell monthly Tols pbchs PA was Noam couponrs and Oakley Park school area Four bedrppm EVENINGS CALL lliERVlN COULD orln zsla HARRY SLESSOR PA Mm EDITH GOULD one 2515 onCA BROWN FA 57105 MEMBERS OF THE nAIlIllE AND DISTRICT REALESTATK BOARD MOVIhTG For comflteimevjnuervlce safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE lt9 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Essa Rd Harris EArklvaLBSizs CARSON REAITOR PA dzseo Electric Motors 10 R055 Si PA 85307 CARPENTEY THE CABINET SHOP 239 Bradford St PA 84444 Modern kitchens vanities pre formed counter tops Furniture custom built and repaired Win dow and door Irames Sash storinS screens Millwork basement ialspboas PA bcdrooms rate oi do per word per insertion for one and two times do per worn for three tour or live Emu per word tor 7am tronai charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED ADv VERTISEMENT IS 950 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN lo DAYS OR split level brick home only yearold and located only about minutes from North Collegi ate and Oakley Pack SohooL This homeriainflceilentconr dltion inside and out finished recreation room separate laun dry room equipped with alum lnum storms and screens Car ries tor NIX door to flu inner Theatra PA 66481 McmbuotBlfll and District Real Ella Board 45A DUNLOPSTTW let any CHOICE lol or sale lilo HI prIIo H057 water Lons son saLn nings overlooking ill on Shanty Read six miles from city excellent loll Tole rent inside CENTRAL furnished and bedroom apartment Ampic cufiboards Available Suitablc tcr Ono or two adults Telspbops PA Mass was location heated up to Al in VIIIEa bl Strand conveulsriees New $10 monthly ovember lit Teispbnna PA 002 srtec pm 1mm nennooM house hauls newly decorated silo or month with 100 gallons or uel oil tree Available lmmcdlatciy Telephons PA 800 101 further detail TunnelNa armourInna lur huhrd apartment In Shanty Bay Pinepanblled badsltting roam sunroum overlooking Lake Slmcoe kitchen and bathroom around noon Private driveway Ind rout nud rm entrances Sultabld or Cabinet makers for hire FREE ESTIMATES cam JOHN RUSSELL PA 84444 NEW HOMES Remodelling shinglillg porches recreation rooms PAPEREANGIN EDWARD SMITH AND soN Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since mo RR Barrie PA 66056 REWCW $05 monthly including interest principal and taxes Lot 65 feet frontage $800 DOWN PALYMENT $800 clown paymen is all that is required on this and bed room homiLlccatedJLthe city Living room large kitchen bathroom large lot 130 300 garage This home is in good state repairs abundance at trees taxes only about $133 09 mortgage Full price $7500 durum baths installed no monthly Tsiepbons soils stroud UNFURNISEED LOWER duplex and kitchen on no ionr Threa inrgb rooms aunporcb and Plenty of wardrobe and ainlnfid bsth Oil beating Large back space duty stove and see ysrd Close to dpwatmdvsilamserator thEntedeonldf able at the end tbs month suit your rrled couple Avail Telephone PA was abls now Also large untunrish all our room heated apartment FURNISHED apsrtmcnt Privsts Would take two smsll children or cntraucc hot water on beat ceu our adults Telephone PA Mi ml location Near Five Points before up or am pm cry reasonable rant Apply as noolusro can UNFUENISHBD TEREEronm Banammo hours or rcht kiL spsrtmsiit Heavy duty wiring Ground floor modem 45 month chebsttc lumlshld Call so 149 Cndflsiflnn Street Near out shopping plan CENTRAL LocaunN lurilisilcd Kpply W1 Johnson st FOUR ROOM unlunlishcd bested bedroom or rent Telephone PA alter Jammifiir iDnNisBzD liedsitting room for rum Very central Suitable tor cou telephcns PA 81142 CLEAN Room in quiet home Gentleman prctcrred About in mlnutsrLuiathcpm downtown PA 90 In runner particulars DOWNTOWN in fluid home Two lumishcd bedropoms oise large Cheasonable rates room with twin beds and fine PA 68609 it co lo iglgaehiggffimWimJAmMfi HEATED nicely tarnished bodsite flfi ting room Parking space avail EXCAVATING sblrApply at Durilop stateat ms GRAVEL ror son sndrlc TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna Street PA 45177 Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 02414 business lsdy Phoua Oro LARGE trout bedsitting room up STAN BRYSON EEERIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappertur St PHONE EA 84562 SANITARY DISPOSAL ADEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled gratin animals under the abova FREEKEMOVALE Phone COLLECI BARBIE PAlkway ssalr GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENE 55001 WELL DIGGING WELL DIGGING WELLS dug deepened and ra paired PUMPS sold and installed KEN WINTER 12 MARIA STREET PA 00782 WELLS DRILLED PUMPS iNSTALLED all LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupiand Drilling an BARRIE PA 87646 $106 FOR 24 WORDS 1F CHARGED PER SINGLE iN SERTION ERRORS on coRRncrloNs Advertisers are reminded that ill Apache lnacnian orders us acce rd as convenienca to yo lIiI dvertlscr Therelororthe Clsmaea Advcrtising pepmuss radium sll advertisers to kindly reobech their advertisement immediately alter arr ibsrrtlau in order that anyamia or omissions may be reported belors Irir in order that same may be rectified rnr the raliawlns days Insertion order We wish to point out that rhs Barri Examiner is responsibl or only one incorrectly printed Insertion onsny advertisement and than only to the extent or portion or sd that involves tbs misprint Errors which do not lessen tho vslub or the advertise msbt us not eligibla for camp ticna trypiss goods Coming Events 5c per mm minimum charge $150 5111 and Death Notices for up to 75 words over words Skim word extra In Memoriam No tlces 0150 if verse used do per word extra LmzR Rm Iniaggmn regarding misfit umberr or nspuss is held strictly chand snusi no lies to Letter aer pnuha had only in am altar Int any or publication Classified advertisements and noticesjor these pages must be received try pm day pre Ceding publication will tbs ex cepdon ot Classified Display adverfisementswbich must be Iraby noon preceding day sud typo mm tog gigi Ethnic ugh one laxulnar ad 79min department Trimming houses complete and garages BRUCE CAMERON LPA659H DIAPER SERVICE BARRIERS FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup delivery FRANCIS Il REAR 51 pack at cigarettes day NOVEMBER lirh THE aARRIE EXAMINER WILL BE PUBLISHING AN IN MEMORIAM TRIBUTE PAGE especially for those inSimcoe Coonty and Diser irict who paid the Supreme Sacrifice It will appear in the edition of WEST END NOVEMBER iih $10500 bleroom one and half storey home large living room wsilop Friends and relatives are invited to place their In CALL £23133ng Memorianl Tributes ognjhtspage in memory of those mm flanind pumawfioenlisfid in His MajestysForces to protect and nest BitIa Board preserve the way of life in their fair Dominionwhich PRIVATE Tm Mum they deemed worthy of their Supreme Sacrifice iIDIlle two and hlil Yell aid as rm term Telephgni PA 203 Less than DRIVING SCHOOLS BARRIEjSGHOOL OF DRIVING Learn to drive the safe Way fully qualitied in REDUCED IN PRICE Reduced from $13800 to $12000 New home located on Penotang Street three bedrooms large kitchen and living room extra large bathroom with linen stor age double windows full base pnent wlth torced air gas heat ing apartment to rent Lana lllttesv Ncac Girl Park school Available now elepboha PA arm or iucthsr information oneamounts Apartment uniur niahcd heated Near new shopping pins on Donald Street Laundry room with dryer Heavy duty wirinl Telephone PA endow ONE AND TWO bedroom apart merits stovc refrigerator janitor Iscrvilcs angaolagnday laciiitllcls ililspt rpm monthly as one TLcecli PA 670 WoulDNrauypiie1aretor fill its old house on quiet street Contains completely private apartments stave rslrigerstar some tumimtb available 35 mon thly each unit PA 03012 MODERN two bedroom Initi moist Ilniumlsbcd heated niec Irit range and reiligelntol Laun dry Intuition Mid arking area Janitor service Ava labio Novem her Telephone i= Adam or particulars NEW AND Modern and and two bedroom apnltmcnts overlooking acbnie Kempenfclt Bay llm way tar gsrking and innllbr rsrvtcs inclll ed Automatic rushing la ciiitlbl PA ssioi OExpcrt structors ONew cars ping centre West oc telephone pm ROOM BOARD sworn AND Danni lor business gigfield now home Telephnua PA mum AND twain svsliabla Close to downtown Apply non ozy Street or Iurthcr intcrmatiun Room AND IsaInn or gcnlle man Dunio and uranium st district Te sphonu PA noses FOII FURTHER INFORMATION AND RATES PLEASE TELEPHONE PA 82414 Barrie irp An czamlrer WarLao PHONE PA 824

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