OUR TELEPHONE For Examiner Want Mills MIMI311111 numberinullforbeflumus arEdltoflnchpLLIPAm 91th You rNo 243 spreads his gown for Queen Mother Elizabcth to step on as she goes out in the rain to meet undergraduates after opening new building of Queens College at St An drews University in Dundee Scotland The Queen blather smiles her thanks as she crosses rainsooked gap be tween the doorway and the TRYING lOMllKE ll NAME FOR HIMSELF Student Michael Steadman official red carpet Stead man was repeating gesture ascribed to Sir Walter Roe leigh for Queen Elizabeth 400 years ago AP Wire photo US Troops Defy Reds At East Berlin Border BERLilN Reuters US military police with fixed bay onets today escorted two civil ians over the border into East Berlin after big American show of strength when the Com munist East Germans refused at first to allow their car through urUSjees carrying 16 hunterspolicemen escorted the car across the border in blunt defiance of East German at tempts to force American pcr sonnet crossing the border to show identification papers The car drove to the first in tersection in East Berlin and private vehicles into East Der lin The excursion into Commu nist territory came after heated argument between an and the deployment of Ameri can tanks and armed personnel carriers around the Friedr igs arse crossing point 0ne personnel carrier was moved ï¬ghtmdcr and about 50 American soldiers in bulletproof vests also were cailedup to the frontier TANKS IN READINESS Five tanks with barricade re movers and three more arm mm bï¬m ored troop carriers with heavy lin again After asserting its right to free movement in Berlin for the second time this week the US made conciliatory gesture to 7theeRedsrThesUï¬rcommandeIT MatGen vAlbert Watson an nounced temporary restriction on the movements of American machineguns stood by about 500 yards from the crossing point The area around the crossing point was ordered cleared of all ansbéfoï¬the mil ary lice drove into East Berlin es cortlng the car Four military policemen IN NUTSHELL Redflï¬ï¬ï¬ MOSCOW AP congress The official Soviet Peng Chen Leningrad Tao Chu and Lin Chinese partys central committee acting head of the delegation Delegates Walk Out Red Chinese Premier Chou Enlals dale gation has followed him in leaving the Soviet Communist party news agency Tess said today left Moscow for members of the Red left with him Ilsiao Margarets Baby Expected Soon it LONDON AP Princess Margarets baby is expected Sometime during the next fortv within the next two weeks night said royal press of the end of October DARTMOUTH NS CPt Bank of Montreal branch ficer mean either side of gunman neeMs tendons Anlunmasked gunman held up at suburban Shearwater today and got away with sum estimated by police at near $20000 EkpleiohWtecks MIAMI APlA mysterious occupied by Teamsters Union nights Noone was hurt Union Building explosion wrecked building Local zsoehortly before mid Check ReportsVOi Contraband WASHINGTON AP at promised noWï¬Eto Fl The official Jack internal security with the Soviet Unionyaod oth Train Derailedfle CORNWALL or Tuesday night jusl east of routedto bypass Cornwall No derailment wa not known US commerce department of esdaLto investigate reports of contraband del Castro Cuban regime through Canada Behrman subcommittee testified before the Senate Itis looking into US trade at Communist countries as Cornwall one freight train was derailed here andlovernight trains were re one was injured Cause of the Removeï¬Branch Prom Trusteeship ronoNro ca ncheration of the Blind lasting 1H months The TbeJomntaJranch of the Canadian has been freed from trusteeshipt ranch was put under trusteesbip of Edward RPOW£ll member of the national executive of the federation after bingo operation The vicepresident was expelled and two otherlexecutive memberszwere replaced at the time Car Smashes Into BATAwA or Bill Cznban Tuesday night when car he was Tree Man Dies 25 of Batawa was killed riding in went out of con trol on Highway 33 nearrhere plunged into ditch and smash ed into tree American and Soviet official woman took her to drivein Kendall Bruce Peninsula car armed with automatic rifles and with bayonets fixed rode in each of the escort jeeps The East German police stood aside to let theieeosandtttecauuth the two civilians through When the East Germans turnedtho car back on its first attempt to go th ough into East linHAD thTrivuS member of the American mis sion here crossed into Cormou nist territory with an inter preter and talked for 30 min utes with Soviet official Their argument was heated at times with elaborate gestures by both men but they were smiling as they parted mlEra move IN lrivers returned tothe1West ern sector placed telephone call and then went back into the CommuistgoneAfter fonr miï¬tes Trivers came back to the Westernsiderplaeed an other telephone call and the jeeps then moved up to escort the car across the border The refusal by the Commu nists to allow the two American civilians through unless they showed identification porn was the second in the last 12 hours At one point in his argument with the Russian official Trivl era was heard to say Our cars havecomesthrough year after year without showing their papers and we intendthat UNITED NATIONS jCPt Prospects bnghtened today for for break in the Security Council deadlock barring Mauri tania and Outer Mongolia from membership in the United Na tions Nationalist China ap peared to have abandoned its Intention to veto the Mongol lans Nationalist spokuman said his delegation did not expect to get voting instructions until just before the council meeting this afternoon to consider the two membership applications But reports from Taipei saldCblang Kaisheksgovemment has re luctantly concluded it will have to change its hitherto rigid posi tion and the Nationalist parlisa ment has given its tacit assent donblebarrelled resolution covering both candidate was being considered to get around disputabetween Russia and the West rover whictr appliedtiou should get priority The Russianshave been in sisting that Outer Mongolia be considered first Then if Mom gotta was blocked by Nation alist veto or failed to get the required seven approving votes the Russians could retaliate by veteing Mauritania MESS VETO Western delegates in turn were suspicious that the Rusv sians if they got Outer Mon accepted firshlmightiheu Mauritanwndteumufnvor former French territory See Barrie Limit Huge Urban llrea Dorrie has been predicted as the northernmost extremity of one huge urbanarea with To route as its hub that should exist in southern Ontario by the year 2000 This huge area will stretch from Cobourg to the east Lon donto the west and Peterbor eugh and Barriato the north The lower Fraser River val ley in British Columbia and lands west of Three Rivers and cast of Cornwall will be vast urban complexespractically devoid of agricultural land This was the prophesy made today at the Resources for To morrow Conference by Crerarricsearch planner for the lower mainland regional that should go on WALKERTON or Arthur penter charged with the capital murder of his wife Helen who disappeared from their cabin nine years ago went on trial Tuesday and pleaded not guilty James Broughton of Listowel an acquaintance of Kendall said he visited the Kendall farm in 1952 and was told my wife has skinned out with another man Broughton said Kendall once described his wife as justa cowi Gordon Neabel of Brampton district testified he was aneighv bar of Kendall in 1952 and was one of three men Kendall ar ranged to go to the bush to work withhimata sawmill Hesaid the four livedin cabin at the mill and dated restaurant ern ployees in the neighboring town of Wiarton baron WOMAN He said Kendall dated one movie theatre andnearby beach and on one occasion spent the night with her Neahcl is fed that on one weekend in July J952 Kendall took the other woman and her five children to hissfarmnear Monkton leaving his wife and children at the cabin He said that two months later in September he visit it the umbia planning board of British Col VPrleads Not Guilty In Wifes Murder five and that there wasno sign of Mrs Kendall He said that on another occa sion he saw Kendallzhorsewh then about 12 and that it was one of the awfullest whippings child should ever have been given Says Intimidation Was Not intended QlIAWA or ca1 Best president hevCivIlrService Association said today he is convinced there wasno intent or timidstionin an VRCAF of fieersletter reminding employ eesof theRed Feather drive The letter fromAlr Conimm dore Reyna acting vice dilef of all Efaff wassent sess carefully your ab ty contribute Mr Best civil service rep resentative the fundraising campaign was reported Tues dayét have threatened re sign If intimidation is proved 1ndsnid the names of persons who cannot or will not denote are no business of anyone also not eventhe chief of th air staff Kendall farm and found endall livingwith theother woman herfive children and his own in statement today clari lng his position sold he was misunderstood by Importer withIMorocco which claimsetbr the St Haw ncfltiver low ping his daughtETMirgaietT cooler tomorrow LOCAL WEATHER Variable cloudiness and little law tonight Big lllgb Thursday so For Not Met rim pu Copy10 Pgu pot uno or MILK and Is In Sight For UN Deadlock The Soviet Union vetoed Maur itanins application last Decem ber partly in support of More occo and also on the ground that if Mauritania got inso should Mongolia The Nationalists used the veto against Mongolia in 1955 pro voking Soviet reprise veto that blocked lnpans admission until the following year This year the Drarzaville group of 12 former French African colon ies indicated that if Mauritania is kept out as result of Nation alist action they will retaliate by voting to seat Red China when the Chinese representation question comes up in the Gen eral Assembly later this year BONN ReutersJChancellor Konrad Adenauers Christian Democratic party today suf fered surprise setback in po litical bargaining to form co nlltlon with the minority Free Democratic party Just few hours before Free at legislators were schednled to meetto make final decision on whether to sup po rnrpen hendedby one celled lrrspolitiealnegnt which broke up early today were later resumed at the chan cellery in an effort to reach coalition agreement TORONTO CF ground swell of tment was ev identat the Ontario Progres siva Cu nservativa leadership convention today as delegates gathered to choose successor to Premier Leslie Frost Some of the 1730 voting dele gates who will cast their bal lots this afternoonfor one of seven candidates said they weradisappointed that progres sive vote figures would be kept secret Under the partys constitu tion only the standing oirthe candidates is announcedï¬fter eachsecret ballot After each votethelow man is drlopped an and thedelegates choose again grass roots convention by grass roots party said one name not be used He protested that without the vote figures delegates will be unable to detect trend early and jump on thebandwagon fwithout the figures itwillr be risky to vote for anybody except the top man after the first ballot forfear of missing the boat seven can see had their last fling Tuesday night treating bandshnep nos pretty Eï¬s banners livestock hal loons fight songs andoreiory Each delegate had15 min tes to mince his last pitch and fiv minutes morefor demonstra tions Today the delegates tdolr over They ha for here of publi found forer flier field of The reversal was disclosed Vote Besentment PROFESSOR IS ABSENT MlNDED NEW YORK APlA be wildered to kin man walked into the National Broadca Company stu dios Monday night and said lmhere to appear on program Whetprogramt he was asked 11 dont know said the man seem to have for gotten Studio officials looked into the matter and found that the program was the radio show Monitor The man He was Dr Harold Urey of the Uni Vversity of California Dr they Nobel prize win nor in chemistry Surprise Setback In Bargaining MayeBloclr WGennan Coalitions Free Democratic party spokesman told reporters seri ous disputes on policy issues earlier considered settled de veloped during the sixhour meeting that lastedvnntll after midnight Thespokesman charged that the Christian Democratic nego tiators headed by Adenauer backed down on an earlier agreement on social and finan delimit emocra wantedto substitute much less detailed policy statement that would give them more freedom of action in new administration UNABLE TO JUMP ON annowscon su Japan TakingDaily Readings throughout the world took steps today to counter the danger of radioac tive fallout from Russias big Hbombjxplasionsn Meanwhile Sweden reported that the Russians set off the 28rd in their test series today though it was only tloth as powerful as lit ys huge blast The British government an nounced plans to distribute dried milk to babies under year old should Soviet testing cause contamination of liquid milk supplies Defence Minister Harold Wat kinson told Parliament dried milk will be made available if radioactive iodine 131 in milk reaches the danger level for babies Britains Medical Research Council said the radioactive lo ceatration innniiknwiil not reach the maximum per missible level unless tests con tinue Canadian officials said there would be an ample supply of powdered milk for Canadians in the event fresh milk supplies became contaminated The fed cral go rnment and the Cana dian nil ndustry have instor ago some 51000000p0unds diiedskim milk whiCh willpr quarts of milk iodine is consid at because it enough to persons sys tem it can cause thyroid can cer Japan lying squarely in the fallout pathfromvthanew tests ï¬lannediï¬y Possible ran CANADIAN rimss was alarmed at the possibility of radintioa contamination fallout Dr Yasuo hllyake of the ln pancse meteorological institute said the explosions came at the worst possible time for the country Autumn rains would ï¬ring the radioactiVowdebrlJWei to the and Japanese planes will take daily samples of atmospheric dust to be chcckcd for radioaclt tiviuy and themcicorologicni in stitute will check rainwater every four weeks French health officialsst they are making constant check oases water milk and food for any change in radiolt activity Moonrise limofa een reported Swedish physicist Kurt Liden said radioactivity in northern Sweden already was 100 times greater than in southern Swe den hecause of earlier Soviet tests But Swedish Prime Minister TagcErlander said winds ap peared to be carrying the fall out awny from Scandinavia in tbelaiest blasts InIDenmark government committee was set up to con sider plans for refitting bomb shelters as fallout shelters and constructing new public pro tection rooms In Canada the health depart ment reported the level atriall out from the Soviet tests con tinued high for the first two weeks at October butva spokes man said the levels present no immediate threat to health US health officials said it is too early to forecast if the fall out will create any significant health hazard either in the fol lowing few Weeks or next spring rienee as his platformA Hol stein cow with the sign This Man for Rural Ontario was led by Public Works Minister Ray Connell as part of dam onstration for Mr Allen John Boot minister without portfolio followed holding the anirnals W005 FARMERS Rev Downer member for Dufferinvsimcoe and former speaker of tho ture Thisis supposed to be nominatesasked that his ANDIDATES CAMPAIGN he delegatesto car calied for support so hoeould help the farmer the small bu sinessman the home owner the vdrker band with clown muslcians paraded and the signs read do it with Downer Health Minister Dr Matthew Dymond was supported by the Bowrnanville Royal Canadian Legion pipe band He called for defeat of the forces of material ism and said as leader he eat would try tobctter the lot of eVery Ontario resident He fav bred tri butory pensi plan Energy Resources Minister Robert Macaulay asked duel gates to accompany him to win the nextprovinclat election sball gooutto win in we will concede no seat on city no towognotward no subdth sionand you and will win Winn topager two please rm photo