Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1961, p. 7

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PEOPLE AND PLACES PhoaaEiieenDisonaAudnqulamPAW son Toronto Mr and hire Lau rance Mulligan Kitchener were weekend guests at the home oi hEirsi Smith Sophia Street as Merry Hill oi Ottawa was weekend guest at the home of his mother Mrs Frank lilll Tin in Street ATTENDS BALLET Mrs Thomas Besdmsn Brad lord street attended the er fomnncs oi the Leningrad Rellet at Eagle lea Gan until Stills Shiim Steaks residence Saturday Ion Mrs Spencer Miss weekend guest ol her brother 31 pandrwveoing on the Linda St hn Mrs inlswandsisterur4ndodrs Mitrelingo rs rs Russell Bradley Clarence Dr meat from the Canadian Na Stephenson Whitby Air and is anal Rnilwnvs liter years outoiclly guests included prpoerty agent ior On ario wa WM Mr and Mrs McClean Mr mom cummmion ML Mr Meyer wanthe redolent and Mrs Gerald Finis son Mr And Mrs Bradley returned TFYEEMTHTEUW trophy and Mrs Rob ton Mr Wm Human my eea alibe Allandale olfice The and Mrs Bert McIntyre all of gum employees of the Gravenhurst Toron Mrs McKclvey oilices also firescnted Mr May Mr and Mn Maygs also WEDDING GUESTS Nun an man In eaves the general nodal oi the Ind Wet Wedding alversarin bridge par ties wlrtbden mine at age Ira vlsV llldlll vollera are all items at inter est to women at this penalise its hi plying aaa goth appreciated warMg Eh TEE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY ocroaea Mr and Mrs Mayes Host lit Open House Party Saturday Mr and Mrs William Meyer held open house at their Lieutenant and Mrs David Gee oi Kingston were weekend guests at the residence ol Mrs Gces grandmother Mn Johnston Sophia Street East Gerry Gsrtner 77 ants were Mrs Coles Mrs Finisyson Mrs Mumber prcol visiting at lhe residence of his mother Mrs Barry Gamer Centre Street VISITS CANADA Mrs Arthur Skswis of Sci moulh Cornwall England is spending live weeks holiday at the home of her sonlnlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Harry Narbitt oi Shirley Avenue WEEKEND VISITORS Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Green Toronto Street during the weekend were Mrs Greens brotherin law and sister Mr and Mrs McCulley North Bay nrouvrrmprmsaml of Nursing sign the register following Tim ion The bridegroom is their wedding at limmlns program director at the new Baskets oi multicolored ilow TV station at Pembroke ers and candelabra decorated where the newlyweds Wlli re the altar lor the ceremony at side The bridegroom is the Church of Nativity The bride son at Mr and Mrs not is graduate of St Marys Duval oi Barrio Mrs MrMcKwEhectédPresidénf 0f Certified Nurses Alumnae The October meeting of the The meeting was chaired by Barrie Cortilied Nurses Assocla Mrs McKay who was elected tlon Alumnae was held recently by maiorlty of votes astlsa at the home oi Mrs Marlsiirlcrnewrpresldant oitha Alumnae Kay sunmme Rd Minutes oi the September meeting along with the financial statement were read by Secre taryTreasurer Mrs Rene Pfik Plans were discussed for members who will be attending the annual CNA convention be ing held at Windsor this month The sale at nylons in the district was quite successful Themonsy realized from this sale will be used to he cover expenses for the convent on Following adlournmcnt oi the MR AND MRS ROSS EDWARD RALPH St Marys Church Scene Of Nuptials Standards ol white gladioll and crimson dnhllas decorated St Marys Roman Catholic Church Barrie when Miss hiur garet lsubel Dundns became the bride oi Ross Edward Ralph oi Pcterborough Father Law per formed the Oct 7th ceremony The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Dalton Dundee Mags Avenue The bridegroom is son of Mr and Mrs liar old Ralph Algonquin Drive Petcrborough elbow length veil oi nylon net Shc carried bouquet ol red rosebuds and ivy leaves The bride was attended by Miss Roberta Gardiner as meld oi honor Miss Betty Dundee sister of the bride and Miss Reta Rex were bridesmaids Misses Brenda Rance and Bren da Cieland oi Oakwood niece oi theI bridegroom were flower grs The meld oi honor and brides maids werc gowned alike in broihcrinlaw of the bride groom was best man Joe Ja rnleson and Will Claland oi Oakwood also the bridegrooms brotherlnlnw were ushers The reception was held in the Community Hall at Utopia The brides mother received guests attired in sheath dress moss greon lace over talieta Bel accessories and corsage oi rosebuds complemented her on ramble The bride rooms mother as Lusutv no nous es with in remembrance celebrated the 42nd onnivsrsory 0utobclty guests attending of his years at lcrvice at oi their wedding The couple the RalDbDundsa wedding in Gravenhurst wereJnsrrled Oct 21 1919 at St Marys Roman Catholic Presiding at the testable the parsonage at Burton Ave Church Oct included Mr were Mrs Colcs Mrs United Church with Rev and Mrs Stevenson and Spencer MrsJlMayes 0wensgoliiciatingihe daughter Evylln oi Gait Mr Mrs ingram Tea assist is the daughter of the lateillir and Mrs Quentin Avery Ttcn and Mrs Samuel Kllgour form ton Mr and Mrs Trotter erly oi Bradiord Street The Mr and Mrs Ral Mr St Marys bridegroom is the son ol the and Lils rllaroléi Ralp hall oi late Mr sand hirdechvi hinges Peter mug lir and re nrnton on rs or Ta James pun Clsland and daughter Brenda DISCUSS vocahons don Coins Toronto and Mrs firacébfldgei 7777777 Oakwood Mr aners Cor 5L Man plums Touche Frank Mumberson Cookatown 5° Pm Mi 319 Perm Association will meet in St SUNDAY GU33 Hammm Josephs Auditorium Mulcaster Mrs All Rumble Toronto Gm Pan Guuphi Street this averting at 345 pm Mrs Andrew EaflhOiGmCW and MrJnkiirsmiAirostrflfifim subject to be discussed at sonLaurie Shanty Bay were er Am this meeting will be Voca emon thewcekend guests at mm tions The eakers will be mat the hogme oi Mr and Mrs Gra °f MissAudrey apes Major nkmhnéspgywiidmrs $5155 nag fiixonFRfi annals hell 31$ 0N 59 To géirecht Lea Hook John Mur git 3536232 anti an rs ran oo one swarm narr rr page ifi°liiitiii so us as aug er CAST mm Mr and mm to attend this discussion Inflated dampenill Dundas Maple Avenue The Ken Lem hm bridegroom Ross Edward flieggnfin proarlnoteii of th 31 Ralph is the son ol Mr and evue an mern erso the cast at Kennys Gardens if Harold Ralph Palafbflr Restaurant Friday evening ATTEND CONVENTION ATTENDING CONVENTION City residents attending the Mayor and Khme convention of Progressive Coo Shanty Bay and wash servatives at Varsity Arena MW119 um me Where Toronto Oct 23 to 25 include the Mayor is attending an inter Mm Wheel national Dairymona conlarence warm 3m peacock 50mm Wives of visiting delegates will Task Gard Mum and Given in marriage by her la ther the bride wore lull length bridal gown of nylon net over toilcte The fitted bodice at her down was fashioned with sweetheart neckline enhanced with lace and seed pearls and lily point sleeves cummer bund of taffeta circled the waist line Tiers oi lnco formed the boullant skirt of the dress ooronet oi sequins held her strcet length dresses of candy pink silk organza over taffeta Their heeddresses were candy pink veils caught to single rose of organza They carried cascade bouquets olwhltecar nations The flower girls wore frocks of white organza over tallcla and carried baskets of white cama tlons Quentin Avery to slsted weer nga willow green dress with brown but and willow green accessories Her corsage was pink rosebuds 71111 brides tmyelmsaslumo was two piece Kelly green wool suit and brown accessories On return from the wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Bui falo New York the couple will reside at 37 Howltt Avenue Guolpb granting refreshments were serv bume for the next meeting THE STARS SAY Mrs Bilski oilered herl By ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow Some adverse aspects suggest be taken on tour of the White House and will be guests at an lnlorrnal alternoon tea Mrs Peggy Smith MacPher by opuor demoI MORE DISN YKINS to COMPLETE voun SET Rowe The selection new leader for the Progres sive Conservative pnrty will take place the last day of the sessions that you use caution in all mat tars involving money valuables and other assets Bo tactful too especially within the family circleand you will avoid an pleasantness During leisure hours seek some form of quiet relaxation books music on hobby which New WomenfVQggr1izaiion Discussed At Joint Rally itreasureroitbeWAT balance on hand of $2044 CHALLENGE ridiculous hugging the shore age and strengthenantitoin heard of All out War well ident oi Simcoe Prosbyterioi Guthrie United Church played host to 160 women at the Centre Simcoe Joint Rally of the WA WMS of the United Church ol Mrs Snrjeant of and Mrs Lloyd Foster Barrie presided at the morning and aitcrnnon sessions respec tively Mrs Wallace Gough Guthrie welcomed all present onbeheli at the Guthrie Womans Federa flil Mrs James Caswe working balance of $6309 and requested tbat reports he sent to her as soon as ssible lnDec ember and ram nded WA presi dents to remember the Bursary Fund before closing books Mrs Strachan Oriilia re ported that only out of 70 groups had responded to her let ter concerning the Bursary Fund but total of $546 had been received for the work Mrs Clemence WMS candidate secretary Stayner reminded those present that parents should point out to their children the opportunities for work in the church or they were not fulfilling their obliga tions as Ch istians Stress eemore reported total rece ed alter expenses of ap proximateiy $11500 of which 18800 had been sent to Toronto Conlerence Branch leaving Rev Parley Lewis St Pauls Oriilia conducted the morning Bible Study outlining the originof the four books at the New Testament and stress lng Luke as being of particular interest to women The disciples needed to be en couraged They needed their in Jesus strengthened They had toiled all day and caught no fish Launch out in to the deep Jesus told them tie went with them Their nets became full The new organization is like an ocean liner tailored for the of day Ocean liners look They are made for adventure to sail across the sea madefor deep water Jesus led the fish ermen out into the deep We do not need to launch out by our selves iie is with us to encour spire our work Christians were made for deep waters You have now we need All out Effort for our new organization The United Church Women Ladies from Edgar and Dal ston received the morning ofler mfi The executive officersml the WA and WMS were introduced by Mrs Bell Barrie pres WMS and Mrs Bert French from the Literature De ariment dee tailorEd lor theichfillensermrdilterature Secfithiles and Elrnvale president of the WA oi Simcoe Presbytery Mrs Bell mentioned that Mrs Strechan Oriilia oi the WA executive was the mother of Lloyd Strachan whose wile is the former Carol Beaver of Bar rie daughter of Mr and Mrs Beaver Barrie and that Simcoe County was proud of these two who were going as the first United Church missionaries to Brazil Carols grandlather Beaverlivedln Oriilia Lloyd was raised around Edgar Mrs French asked Mrs Gibbs president of Toronto Con ference WA to tell the ladies shoutithe needs oi the Victor Home at the corner oi Jarvis and Queen Mrs Gibbs said that countless transients and 650 fa milies had been helped recently at this centre with the result that in July there was not a7 single can oi food left on the shelves and clothing stores had also been depleted She urged those with plenty on their shel ves to take gills down especial ly canned foods juices and can ned milk Some families are sullering from scurvy because of lack of vitamin These are Gods people she saidthey are our concern Mrs Hewson stewardship secretary for Toronto Confer ence WA was introduced Two delegates to the School of Leaders Bloor St United Church Toronto brought back their reports Mrs Lee Tupiing WA Oriilia graphically describ ed by use oi pictures flipchart and Cone of Experience the helps to be found in the new handbook concerning the new organization NEW LITERATURE Mrs Thomson WMS Cree more brought information on Program Planning and with the placing of telephone call neat ly brought home to the audience how easy the Study Book could be rendered useless She urged all new leaders to make use of the resource material available quoted the price of the new com plete bookshelf as being $1495 sapgsihe LittleBookshelI was The wife of the Rev Stewart Porteous Regent Park Oriilia assisted by Mrs Robert Bldweil OrJlin conducted the afternoon worship service after which the offerin was received by ladies from Minesing Mrs Alvin Robv inson Barie sang lesus oi Galilee Mrs Doidge Barrie ins troduccd the guest speaker of the day Miss Lois Boast BA graduate nurse of Montreal General Hospital who is pres ently secretary for retuiting in connection with the United Church of Canada Miss Boast said that the wo rtndustrlal societyand werriust men of the church in fomung this new organization were lead lag the way in church lilo to day and it was her strong con viction that this move would ol tremendous help to the church as whole The tlon Committees might visit with one single aim in mind she said simply to go and be friends in the name and the spirit oi Llcsus Christ not to ask for money not even to ask people to join group or Erna tochurch butonlyfibTldge gap between the givers and re coivcrs piewhere they found darkness and dad air in downtown Toronto there church struggling towltness igéhis manner in this year ot NEW FRONTIER We lace new frontier today change from urban to an lind means to reach people in new way One Anglican church is experimenting with success with morning servtce at 515 mainly for shilt workers who must work Sunday as well They are setting new pattern for new time In Northern Rhodesia the government has built teacher training college and they are pleading can you find stall for us High school teachers are urgently needed Japan needs university graduates to teach English willing to go for three years The same cry comes from Hong Kong India and Trinidad Teachers needed India needs five aduata nurses right now for heal ing ministry Even Canadanhe land of plenty has 40 pastoral charges in Saskatchewan va cant and larger number than than in the Marltimes One young minister in the Maritime has 900 children enrolledrin Suns day School and no one to help him Do you tell your children and youratudents that they can becorrie social workers nurses teachers agriculturista within the church We are not articulate enough one young girl came to me ask ing Howcan get someone in our congregation to talk about religion with me it could al most be considered funny said Miss Boast if it was not so serious We must witness outside the church in home and school groups in community grou We must find ways oi be more freely articulate people she stated it has been in times of minor ity that Christians have proved fruitlullhey look for the power and holy spirit of Jesus to help them launch out into new wa tcrs Obedience to the will oi God is required Obedience which calls lor us to give of our very selves toiliim Even in moments of weakness and des pair He is still calling us completely absorbs your into rest For The Birthday 1f tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that it would be advisable to make plans for business and financial expansion now since the next year gives promise at good re sults from constructive ideas as well as cooperation from those who are interested in yourch fare and who might well go out 13f thcitwaytobelpyouachieve cherished goalsii you are dip lomatic in dealing with them Personal matters will be high lighted not only during Decem ber of this year but also during June and August of next so you should experience happy do mcstic social and sentimental relationships during the same months But in pimping trips Watch your budget or you may have to revise financial plans in September child born on this day will be endowed with fine intelli gence practicality and great in tegrity BRIDE ELECT The engagemenlrhnseheeuaenw nounced of Miss Jacqueline Fourruler daughter of Mr and Mrs Gerrard Fournier to Don ald Sturgeon son of Mr and Mrs Edgar Stur eon ol Chur chill Tha wed ng will take place at Churchill United Church Nov 11 For Lovellar You call can gurrick asmsmrsaslt PA 8466i HP Avenue SIGNS ALI POINT rue SAME olaecnou AT The ootssmNo two MEN LEAVING muse voce ogmsrre omscnons Ase snu HEADING rue SAME DIRECTION FOR outex way To wears souaces or paooucrs mo soavrces 41 EVER NEED FRaMflnZ EASV ABC citation or evan Kilo DID YOU KNOW me renownes use one or Moore More maurvuam arrowm RIHAUIAHYIHORS menrklnuorml Mani5 All every and Young people are fortunate if early in life they are taught the values and uses of life inSuranceand how to build stepbystep Security programme They are donbly fortunate if their parents have started them on such plan while young by paying the premiums until they are earning incomes of their own If you are thefather or mother of young son or daughter the insuranceyou buy for them now assures them lower premiums It en courages thrift starts them building an estate an 761mm include provisianforfuture policies even though their health may be later impaired through illness or accident As parentyou can teach your children the importance of buying permanent personal poli ciesof life insurance while youngother forms of savings and investmentgcan waitruntillater whenragre or health isnt fiacontrollingfact0r To guide you we suggest you talk to The ExcelsioLLife man in your neighbourhoodhe has beenlselected and trained to help you and your children deVelop your own Blueprints for Security EXcELSIOE LIFE meh Manager hone PA 5645

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