Will Avert Flooding By Removal Of Tree stateHndtheU By SDIPKIN We had the opportunity to accompany couple of mean bers of the flood control com mittee of the Nottawasags River Conservation Authority on an inspection big river to see if some of the im eding trees which had con tributed to the rising of the river and flooding of many acres of farm lands last spring couldbe moved Lloyd Pridham reeve of Sun Maw miles up the bush trail into the forest which skirta the river the blockages caused by trees that had fallen into the water and it was decided that with proper equipment they could be pulled out Our trail ended within three miles of Edenvale where we came to dead end The Noltawasaga is fast flowingriver and if cleaned out Wommake paradise for boot ing with good fishing and camping grounds along its banks The possibilities what can be developed as this work of conservation progresses are beyond imagination ads for the job are so small that even with so to municipalities contributingkandsndamwhichvitireplaced would the provincial government pays ing third share pro gress can only be slow Be moving these from the river bad to be put over last year as the funds allocated for flood control had been spent EARLY SURVEYING Surveying is progressing for the preliminary proposals There are many which will come into the pattern which extends from near Barrie on the east south into Mono and west to large partof Duf ferin County it not only in ciudes all the areas draining in to the Nottawasaga River but also that of the rivers and creeiu that empty into it on the way to Georgian Bay Last week we visited the mill at Utopia where waterpow ered mill operated until Hurri cane Hazel took the dam out The mill can continue to oper ate by use of diesel all power but this does not replace the pond which was filled with fish and made spot of beauty and pleasure This darn may be replaced if the Authority can obtain the funds If so it could attract hundreds of visitors to this lit tle settlement to come back and fish and picnic there trip up the They inspected some of of impeding trees INNISFIL NOTES ans With the weatherman aug gestlng showers there are many district farmers who hope it will rain Meanwhile plows are being kept idle on heavy land Usually at this season one can see flocks of ducks that have spent the night the bay Tbevdanger of being frozen inmme these southbound fowl on their way However some of our festherless friends especially those with furnished nesta awaiting them in the land of the sun have departed taking chance oi being snow bound re COUNCIL MEETS Inniafii Council and com mittee oi the Business Mens Association met in the Council chambers last night Ten pointsrrwerer under discussion and Chairman BudMartin and George Burton debated evary one until an agreement was reached to have committee to go into the matters Points discussed Welcome signs and better direction signs to be situated at both ends of the township on Highway 11 Also that bet ter ractlon signs mentioning innist be placed on Highway 400 at the 8th line Cloverleaf All that appears there now is direction sign saying Thornton John Cowsn road supervisor told the committee he had sign made up for some years in feet square but had been refused permission to place it anywhere along the highway Sidewalk along foot of 8th line All agreed there was great need for this it was finally decided that commit DRIVEN BY OIL ENGINE SINCE HURRICANE HAZEL That Is only one place At The two men we accompanied Avenlng there is another mill were not being paid when they took this trip back into the woods This week they and others are looking over park sites along the river and as soon suitable property can be obtained park will be started likely near one of the present highways This is just beginning We remember that some years before Hurricane Hazel an opportunity to get this pro posed development underway was turned down with mem bers of innisiii council and few others objecting Delay in starting this conservation and flood control resulted in much of the flooding that caused havoc in the big storm We hope theNottawosaga ï¬nservatiohAuthority will be able to accomplish some of its aims before another such coi amity hits this area make many acres of park avail able in as beautiful comer of the country as one could see on ardaysrdrivefAilrthesrplaces help to contribute to the flood ing which gradually reaches the Nottawasaga and the bay Back In the hills of Moon and on the streams which now are fish ermans paradise the holding back of these runotfs by refor estation and dams will add to the wealth of the whole area BAKRIE NOT IN The city of Barrie begged out of the Authority claiming there was so little of its area affected by the drainage They were to be assessed l0per cent of the costsiiieydldmot un derstand the possible develop ments which the Conservation Authority has in mlnd ltizens may some day drive along the banks of the river between the present highways and find picnic parks and fish ing grounds as well as land that will be quickly bought for country home located amid trees along the beautiful river this within 20 miles of the city Of course the citizens of Barrie will still enjoy it even though not dollar of their taxes will go to beipl with the costs and promo on of these possible improvements Ks Explosion MONTREAL CPI Prime Minister Diefenbakcr Monday night assailed Premier Khmsb chev of Russia for caiioua attitude disregarding the rights of mankind in thaAaxplo sion of two huge nuclear wea pant Today Khrushchev used two of the larger bombs the lar gest ever used polluting the air all over the world Mr Ilefenbaker said in an address to the Resources for Tomorrow conference Castro Says Plot Thwarted HAVANA APlFidel Castro reported early today that his police had thwarted new plot to assassinatehim In speech to the Young Rebels Association the Cuban premier said coun meeting of Australians gin Aluminum Makers By HAROLD WY Canadian Press Correspde MELBOURNE CPlAustra lino interests linked with major groups in Canaan the United are getting into the aluminum industry in big way Australia is able to meet the basic requirements of such an industryraw materials refin eries and sources of powerai thoughrtbousandsrofnniiesmay separate the mineral deposits from the final product One projectComoico jointly owned by Kaiser Aluminum and Consolidated Zinc already is smelting at Bell Bay Tasmania from developments based in northern Australia and New Zealand Australias biggest fabricator to date is Australco whose two parent companies are Alean Canada and British Aluminum Reynolds nibe Investments SURVEY DEPOSITS The parent companies have experts in Australia looking at bauxite deposits in Cape York Australias northeastern tip and across the Gulf of Carpentarie at Gave in the Northern Terri tory Newspaper references link in terest in these deposits with re ports that Alcan has developed process designed to bypass some intermediate stages of al uminum production But the most spectacular plans in the current surge of interest so aluminum are those of Moon of Australia in which the worlds oldest and largest alu minum produce Aluminum Canada Red China MaySwap Animals GRANBY QueCPAn ex change of animals may take place soon between Granby zoo and Red China At reception for the touring Chinese trade delegation here during theweekend Mayor Ho race Boivin proposed the ex change He said it would be tang ibie token of friendship lie of fered to send to Chinese city two typical Canadian animals Chen Ming president of the trade delegation replied he be lieves Granby zoo will soon some animals from China Haircuts 75 Saturdays $100 lBnrbnrl CLIFFS BARBER SHOP as Baal no Anon lrom Aliand have He said there is concemali over the world about air poliu tion and this has been intensi fied by the Rtissionnuclear tor revolution grou bad mounted bazookgy in anlbpart mentbotearuthe presidential pal aceupocediscoveredthem More mm fallout on its soil Hadsd not big mg we made on go into detail It was the second plot againstL Castroa life reported this month Authorities had an nounced they had uncovered plan to kill the premier in front of Havana sports stadium Castro did not disclose whether any arrests had been made or when the plot was dis covered noose sopranos morn LONDON ReuteralA Labor partymotiochansuringthergov emments economic policy and Chancellor of the Exchequer Selwyn Lloyds austerityy mess ores was defeated by vote of 009 to 226 in the House of Com mons Monday night IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING Company of America 51pebcent interest It is $100000000 project also involving three of Australias biggest and richest mining com panicsWestern Mining Corpor ation Broken Hill South and North Broken Hill The project will be fully integrated aluminum industry it will exploit bauxite in the Darling range of southwestern Australia fan direfinritat nearby Kwinina on Cockburn Sound not far from Freemantle the main seaport of western Australia HIGH GRADE ORE For smelting and fabricating the alumina will be shipped to Geeloog in southeastern Aus tralia near Melbourne Weatem Mining main com pany in the Australian group says bauxite deposits in the Darling range extend over an cream miles long and 25 miles wide and are of quality com the high grade in the company says that closely proved and reasonably indicated reserves in the Jar rahdaieDweliingup area at pre sent approximate 80000000 tons with reasonable indication of an other 100000000 tons it is expected that consider able additiunswiil be made to these figures as prospecting extended throughout the area For power Alcoa holds op tions on proven 40000000Mon brown coal deposit at Anglesea miles from Geelong power station is to be built at the coallt field to transmit electricity to the proposed smelters and fab ricating plant HARRY MuRoocu Let Ul Check Your Car Now WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING SHOCK ABSORBER SERVICE gt will have 27 TORONTO ST ADMIHANEI TOW umssumuovn mmtakeï¬esimckofthethl parable with bauxites is world The councilsounosmnos BliltGwSlOMbqiMWemmioroosh omtrmnninm THE ROYALBANK OFfCANAA DieidisseHsf Phone Farmers Hoping For More Rain tee of council consisting of Cochrane chlirmlnbrs Law and Reeve Spmule to gether with members of the association would meet Lakelands Hall at 10 am urday to bring in repo Enforcemeotnf thahullding and use bylaws more stringently The Acgmmittee at the need of more careful consideration should be observed on building additions especially during the hen owners make changes and additions without getting permits The commit tee suggested that an assist ant night he needed for the inspector Licensing of tradesmen sod cartage contractors The com mittee suggested that $25 if cense fee be set for plumbers electricians and general con tractors requiring them tovuso competent workmen and stand ard equipment improvements and The committee ad there had been im provement Iince Deputy Reeve Cochrane had become head of this department lt noted there had been no complaints Parks committee or com missions Council ls awaiting an interview with the provin cial arks department on ï¬ll ing om thodepartment that the township must outline progress plan for at least five years before the department would authorize payment of half of the costs of the new comfort facilities The request the association was that committee or commission be formed to do what the depart ment had asked The associa at sibie tioa urged that dock replace menl be done to benefit modern craft it asked council to go ahead with other needed im provements to keep the park on sound basis Reeva Sprouie said there is come miltee oi Councillors Gibbinl and Law and binlac He did not know why other members into outside the council did not Ittend He was told they had been refused $5 day It tendaoce fee its that meeting of acommittee of both council and association members would gt be arranged as soon as pos How to get rid of old buildv inglwhichwers an eyesore was discussed The aliens ment act wu Maggotmods tube the nswe Six Swans Miss Ballet iii Gardens TORONTO CPlThe Lenin grad Kirov Ballet presented Swan Lake Monday night minus six of its swans The stage at Maple Leaf Gar dens where the company is perfo small to accommodate the it bailerinas an mownniisun loanmm masons TEE BARRII EXAMINER WESTTRY OCTOBER Tenants Think Supper Burning roaomo cri district fire chief in suburban North York township blamed spontan eous combuation in stored carnping equipment for 000 apartment block ï¬re that left two families homeless Mon day Chief Charla Dawson laid the ï¬re began in basement storage locker ltwould have been noticed sooner be said ex cept that each tenant thought the otbus supper was HMOUS VIAIIRS IIIHIIZI uusnawrn¢ MATINEE WED AT PM Wait DTSHQY springs his reasons AT 700 and CHILDREN 53¢ mans who usually enact the webs so six had to be withdrawn for the performance The gro on four not here plnnusp to visit morn Fails today but will return to Tomato for tonights perform once mmmr or nsnnu THE LADYS NOT FOR BURNING ALL SEATS RESERVED The Canadian Players PRESENT By Christophed Fry BARRIE DISTRICT CENTRAL COLLEGIATE 0CT25 830 TICKETS $200 at $150 PHONE PA 5474 or PA 83040 Z726 Beltway 2090 When yougo by bus you can relax and eanflrovei extrasightseeing oil lhaWoy Gliding restfull along youh vs an intimate glimpse of Main ln every village town and city along yourrl route as well use splendid View of oil the scenic beauty of the ï¬fe you countryside as it unfolds monotonous NEW York 57 tours momma MlAMlh Generalsstoro ofroy 4Rj BETWEEN BARRIE AND $3310 41101 3200 Scotsman 3310 8905 gt SURCHAltGEFOVR EXCHANGE See your ooa age554614 Bus and 05 ANGELES Peï¬Sufe Dhneq Pa $3450 11930 NEW ORLEANS 6535 psLPErsnsnmo 3130 JACKSONVILLE 7060 xroa WASHINGTON Wave fhfbémaï¬bh Cyage 75mg BYRNE Agent aaaRIE aUs TERMINAL MAPLE asnMcoe srs PHONE gas 57