NDEll PRESIDENT IN ONTAR POST Hopkins oi RCBME stuff at Camp Borden who recently had been president of the Camp Borden District National Defence Employees Association has been elected Ontario president for the os sociation Acting district president Michael Collins along with Brayman RCAF vicepresident for the association visited RCAF Sta Fleas damage Complaints Add To Woes 0i Héalth Unit The absence of one inspector andthetnkmrofholids by others has placed burden on the remaining inspectors of the Simcoe County Health Unit Dr Scott director said Our work is away behind schedule and unless we can se cure the services of another specter it is going to bo dii cult forus to catch up before the end of the year This shortage plus ideal building weather during the month oi September has re suited to the burden being put on the sanitary inspectors who advise on water and sewage disposal installan DrScottrcportodthat the Tumber of complaints hava in creased during the month with housing complaints fleas and garbage complaints heading the list Housing complaints are the most difficult to correct said the doctor Especially when the dwelling is occupied by large families and finances are limited They usually pay low rent are unable to pay for more suitable accommodation and the owner does not receive suf ficient rent to make adequate repairs Dr Scott explains Rap Council On Bus Issue Ward four alderman Marsellus and Webb com plained to city council last night about the curtailment of the evening bus service to Al landala Bus service to Allandale has can cut off since the first cek in June between the hours of pm and 11 pm on the basis oi traffic committee re port that there were insuffi cient passengers to warrant bus service Are people in Allandale sup posed to get taxi or walk Alderman Marsellus asked The population of this city has gone up from 7000 to 23 000 and we dont have decent bus service Alderman Webb said at the time bus service was cut off council was told the service as gt arwholerpaid certain areas in the evening did not have enough business feel Mr Webb said that it was an imposition on the people to cut the service back when the route as whole was paying its way It is my opinion that people have ceased ts own wayrbut to consider the bus as factor in transportation because there is no evening service City council was presented last night with traffic com mittee report on the financial operation of the eastwest and north bus routes from January to December The eastwest route broke even during four months of the ninemonth period and operat er at loss during the other five months for total deficit of $61215 The north route made profits of $295 and $395 in January and February respectively and lost money during the oth er seven months for total de ficit during the period of $499 93 Total loss on the two rout cs amounted to $111208 Frank Hersey chairman of thcntrafflLcoinmitteeï¬axpiainr ed that the summer months from May to August were the bad months for the bus service and pointed out that the figures for September showed that the eastwest service had broken even and the north route had sustained deficit of only $877 tion Camp Borden last week and held discussions with the Commanding Officer Group Ca taln Hilton Left to rig are Mr Collins GC Hilton Brayman and Mr Hopkins 30Day Sentence Disturbed Boys BRADFORD SpeciallAsar Green 23 Toronto was cool victed in Newmarkct court yes terday on charge of selling liquor to minors He was seu tenced to 30 days in jail Green who pleaded guilty to the charge laid by Vaughan township police admitted he had purchased 36 pints of beer for boys at the House of Con cord Salvation Army home for emotionallydisturbed boys in ihornhlll Testimony indicated that Green and the boys had gone into the bush and held beer drlnking party Included in the group from the home were Greens two brothers aged 17 and l9 Magistrate Hollindroke told Green that his was despic able act These boys have been given chance by the court to go straight but you have caused them to break their probation he said as CiliREMONT George Pearsali manager ofrthrpetroleum 1epartrnent of the Simcoe District Co operative Services has ac ceptedvthe position of man ager of the Claremont Co operative Don Coopman as sistant manager of the pet roleum department has been promoted to the managerial posl Broadcasters Envisioning More FM Radio ï¬rmwares huge transformation is in prospect for the Canadian radio broad casting industry It is the gradual abandonI ment of the present system of standardband AM radio broad casting in favor of FM whi far superior in sound quail FM stands for frequency moduiation in which the freq uency itself wavers back and forth AM means amplitude modulationa rising and fall ing in the intensity of the broa asst signal FM signals can carry only limited distance but reception is virtually free of interference that affects the longer ranga AM broadcasts The change to FM may take years But private broadcasters say will happen and even the cautious Board of Broadcast Governors has envisaged it The CBC has taken waitandsee attitude though it is experi menting FAVORED IN EUROPE FM has already become the favored radio system in West ern Europe audit is snowball ing in the United States where 180 new FM radio operating licences were granted last year alone Canada has been slow in en tcrlng this field Theronaremnly 35 FM stations inCanada mainly because it is unprofit able at present due to the lack of people with FM receivers Only about 12 per cent of the big metropolitan popdlations of Toronto Montreal andVanccu d3 ver have FM aetngha figure lower in emaller areas though it is where The number will have tobc much bigger befora advertisers take to FM enthusiastically And in private broadcasting at least they hold the money needed to make FM something more than just an engineers dream 0f Canadas 35 FM stations five belong to the publicity owned CBC The three in Mont real Ottawa and Toronto now are linked in an experimental network All five stations oper ate without commercial content of any kind ALL LOSE MONEY The 30 private stations In cludc 20 that simply broadcast AM programs simultaneously on an FM channel nine that are operated by AM stations but do separate FM program ming and one that does noth ing except FM broadcasting They have one thing in com mon Theyre all losing money Twentynine of them use AM profits to write off FM losses The independent station CHFl FM Toronto is seeking an AM licence Why do they stay in opera tion The most common answer is that an FM1iccncc today is costly form of insurance They dont dare give up the licences for to do so may pre vent entry to the FM field in the future when it becomes More licences are be lucrative ingsought In adversity the FM stations slowly are building reputa tion for highfidelity radio Also on their side is the recent de In Canada growing every velo ment of atereophonic broadcasting the system whereby two signals are trans mitted on the same channel FM program calibre now is high often unrepentantly high brow The operators insist at aiming for what one private broadcaster has called an adult group with money to smndanLH1e intelligence to demand highquality goods FEWER COMMERCIALS Private stations are struggl ing valiantly to make Bach palatabletn busy housewife and at the same timecater to lovers of iightclassics and jazz Behind this approach are surveys showing that most FM listeners are in aboveaverage income brackets Private limitcommercialsperhaps as much ch necessity as on most outlets compared with the allowable 16 minutes an hour on AMradio Some stn jingles considering them offen sivc brows Its bilingualFM net es Vincent dlndys Symphony on French Mountain Air talkon Buddhism in everyday life and even wayout hour of readings of poetry written by French poets with tions Main concern of the BBC is that commercial pressure may end this sortof thing At one point the EEG was considering jazz improvisa writlng special FM regulations but now has given up that idea Bought Booze For stations voluntarily choiceto six miriutesanihour tionswhieetrusecommcrcial The CBC aimsat even higher work offers such programming language Negro Council Legal Aid In The ssibliity of allowing oonnructlolz of the first phase of an eventual llttunlt motel at the intersection of Hallway too and Donlo Street West was Ihxlisfjusscd by cib council last Discussion centred around bylaw required to rcsone the area to highway commercial Hepresentativu of two Interest iections appeared before muacil On one band was representative of the develoch 11 City council last night accept ed general government com mitten recommendation that the Li our Licence Board of On tar be requested to set date for vote on three types of liquor licence The vote would include the scallops oi cocktail lounges ccnced dining lounges and wine stores Commons presented letter at the last meeting of council re questing that vote on cocktail lounges be had in conjunction BIGGET sass NickFrankiw of is Churc hill Avenue Toronto has won the first prize of $10 in the 1961 largest bass fishing con test held at Cedar Park Lit tle Lake The contest is spon sored annualiy by Paul Runes of Cedar Park RCIIP Man Dies FORT SASKATCHEWAN Alta CPlCpl Peter Kostiuk stationed wih hc RCAF No Transport Operational Training Unit at Trenton was killed here Monday night when the car in which he was riding crashed BarrlaJuniorAChemberof body into bridge in this town 20 of the site and on the other representative of sump of businessmen and motel 090 store who oppose the rcsoning request The bylaw was tabled imlli ai muncli meeting to be hel Monday Oct 30 after spokesman ior the businessmen posing the project told coun theyhadynot bad suiilrlmt time to obtain legal advice Norman Stewart on ToAsk LLBO To Name Date or Referendum with the municipal election in December Council was told that vote could not be held at that time because the Liquor Licence Act stated that vote could not be held within two months of the passage of bylaw or the filing of petition rcquesting vote flie committee report stated the vote would be taken be cause it was ielt there was of opinion that these ques tions should be put to the people At the same time council turned down request from the Opera Season Opens In New York NEW YORK fAPL20ntynn Price whose soprano voice is golden was Girl of the Gal den West Monday night as the Metropolitan Opera opened its 77th season Tenor Richard Tucker demon strated again that heisa mod ornday Caruso in the role of Dick Johnson disguised ban dit who wins the love of Miss Price plstolpscking and BI blereadlng gal named Minnie Dept Will Settle Cost OI llppeal CHATHAM GP The de partment oi municipal affairs is prepared to give Chatham $l000 half the cost of suc acessful appeal against court ruling in favor of the Chatham board of education Mayor Gar not Newklrk said Monday The appeal involved the 1960 education budget The Ontario Supreme Court had granted the board of education writ of mendnmus that would have forced the city to give trustees complete budget including $188000 deducted by council The Court of Appeal ruled in favor of Chatham June 12 Mayor Nawkirk toldcouncli Municipal Affairs Minister War render said the department gleels the legal battle between board of education and the city has provincewide interest In Crash0f Gar miles northeast of Edmonton Bypapsla Generally fair weather continues in eastern Canada today except for nar showers that is moving slowly eastward across Ontario Cooler temperatures are expected in northern regions of Ontario to day but in southern sections not much change in temperature is indicated Wednesday is ex pected to be mainly sunny al though another weak weather system approaching from the west is likely to cause some in Icreasa in cloudiness over ex treme western sections of the province Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron regions Wind sor London Cloudy with few showers this morning clearing this afternoon Mainiy sunny Wednesday Not much change in temperature Winds light to day and Wednesday Niagara Lake Ontario Hali hurton regions Hamilton Tor DEATHS ran CANADIAN races BostonMelville Webb 85 who retired in 1953 after more than 50 years as sports writer for the Boston Globe MontrealDr John CWick ham 73 former chief surgeon and one of the founders of St ï¬aryrilospiï¬aliw MontrealDr Jean Paquin 56 registrar of the Quebec Col lege of Physicians and Surg eons AT HOME be 17 01 over use week lor books can or better Job Phone today AMERICAN SCHOOL You must Imus FINISH onto Thickening cloud this morning with few showers to day ciearing toward evening mw belt ofeioud witha fewWM day Winds light today southeast is Wednesday Not much change in temperature Timagami Cochrane regions North Bay Sudbury Cloudy at first with few showersclear ing this morning and becoming mainly sunny this aftvrnoonand Wednmday little cooler to day and Wednesday Winds southeast is today and Wednes ay Georgian Bay region Cloudy with View showers clearing this afternoon Mainly sunny Wednesday Winds light White River Algoma regions Sault Ste Marie Mainly sunny today and Wednesday Cloud ing over Wednesday afternoon Cooler today milder again Wed nesday Winds southwest 15 to day llgbt Wednesday Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Wednesday lndsor 40 St Thomas St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killaloc ill Sudburyalv Earlton Kapuska White River uugassssesséesees IN SPARE TIME and have left school and tuition Ps or write for mat 15pin man School booklet 100 Dundnrst Dcsroolo Oat Send me your free 55page High School Booklet Mr Siewsstatoldcouncil the Barrlebuslnessmen and said If council asscd lb council he was on be hell of mugr businlessmcn who had ed peti on op posing the motel protect and um intimation we bad Mr Stewart said was new item in The Barrie Ex aminer of Oct ll Issue affected the future of Theatre Managers Association that ballot be held on the quatlon of So day modes on government committee report which stated that the request wasbclng turned down because there was no indication of community request tbat the accepted general Time To Seek Motel Fight the Palette Dining Room told mitting the motel to be built it would leave the ï¬eld wide open to commercialisation We are asking he said that the readings of the bylaw until it Bruce Owen representing the parties who plan to build the motel accused the businessman of using delaying tactics Theyhave statcdtbcrbo on time to get lawyer he said The matter come be fore councii two weeks ago and they were told at the last meet to get lawyer They do not representrrbusinesuncmbut motelmen have bad phone calls from number of bull ncssmen who were approached to sign the petition ut reius ed to do so Mr Owen said his clients options on the land expire at Jimcod of the yearnadvtime was nmning out There are two other poten tlai sites elsewhere he said If Barrie turns it down and the builder has already been question he put to vote Local Ca approached by the town of 0mm dets Cut ffwaot everything done lm Mr Owen told council 90 per cent of the ï¬nancing ior the project would come at local people and the would be used mainly for con ventions am not against progr Alderman Marcellus but there are areas which havent been rezoned for at two years and these 33 gunku am neither for nor mils the bylaw or either party alderman Williams nat Tbls council Mr Williadu said has got itself In trouble in the past by acting tooqulck iy Will the motel be of bene lit to the City of Barrie 1310 big follow comes in and eats up all the little idlows should give some probation the smaller fellows The bylawwartsbledfdr one week on motion by Alderman Charles Wilson who said that seven days wouldgive the busi nessmen time to get legalad vice and would not be anon reasonnbie delay to the build er in Cold EMO Takes Over Armoury Air and Sea Cadets of Barrie are without winter quarters The cadets used the Arm oury for their meetings and drill practice but will be forced to ï¬nd other quarters due to receiving an order from Cap taln John Howard to vacate the premises by November They received the beave bo because of the Emergency Measures Organization winter program to take place in the Armoury The Commanding Officer of the Air Cadets Robert Oates said that be had been warned ahead of time by private party but had received the letter of eviction on October 20 The future of the Barrie Sea Cadets will be greatly de termined by whethermt not they have winter quarters said Dr McGlllvary form or Vice resident of the Sea Cadets The Sea Cadets are awaiting further orders from the Navy League in Tomato They were ordered to sit fight until the League had program during the winter or not should know by the end of the week When asked where the organ izations forced to vacate could practise Captain Howard said They are dviiian oiganlza tions They were given space when they needed it in the past but we will need all the space we cangetwith thisnew pro gram The schools would be good place for them but they the schools dont seem to want anyone using them Dr Pat Woodstock President of the RCAF Association said he had No comment and said the situation was pre mature but also stated that wheels are spinning in Otta wa Ernest Burton Business Ad ministrator for the Barrie Dis trict Collegiate Board said to day in the event that the situation is acute and the cadets have absolutely no other place to go they could make an application to the Colleg iaia Board for use of collegiate gymnasiumi Tiay contacted Ottawa Captain Howard said dont know whether we will be having the National Survival Retarded Child would have to wear nmning shoes for damage the floor if the boys ren To Sponsor Float In Winter Carnival Show The local Retarded Childrens Association has been asked to enter float in thewinter carnival parade sponsored by the Barrie Chamber of Com merce The Barrie Athletic Associa tions request for representa tive fromthe association was compliediwithb ment of Mrs Dickeosontc the position Sam Steele accompanied by Mrs Bradley andme Fin layson attended to Midland as sociation meeting to heap0n tario minister of health Dr Matthew Dymond speak They reported Mr Dymnnnd outlined ge vaséauyprmcreatedbr men measures taken to meet them and the importance of faith and hope for the future They quoted him as saying The personal nature of this is very important and we yrthrappointw than commltted loan institu tion Pratt chairman of the young adults service commit tee reported that the days spent at six of the surrounding fail fairs were successful ones We feel that mum of the success from our fall fairs vis itsiresulteg ac svma ercsp parents of retarde who learned more about the wozkof the association he sat Sales from the workshop ma terlais resulted in $20471 and draw tickets and cook books szoaso The etarded with dr dsor Association for local sheltered workshop at tended the opening and will make report to the regular association meeting uama con Cluldr planedluv new workslITpadlnnSaturday Mrs Hanlrin director of the wercito have drill practice We have no accommodation for that sort of thing Mr Burton added that The gymnasium are used quite frequently during the week The cadets would have to speci fy what days they would res quire them and the board would have to check to see If dates conflicted with other or ganizations the street shoes would are be nningio lookupontbis challenge in different light The new attitude stresses admitted to the schools rather Papal Delegate To Get New Home OTTAWA CPlA stone resi dence occupied since 1898 by the papal delegate to Canada will be torn down next spring and repï¬ced by modern building ti may cost asmuch as $500000 it was announced Monday The new apostolic dflegationheadquarters will be gift from the Canadian bier archy EXTENSION PHONE wear and in ours mode CIII 1h Business antesor man in Mr Bishop Chairman the Board announced today the election of MrW Bur of one St9afliannesstandard President of Niagara District Broadcasting Company Limited operatingCKTB radioxsfation The elec on Mr Burgoyne resident of St Catharines inaccordance with the Camp anys policy of havingdirectom from the areas in Province whepe amigos monthscw