lmoka rises on lialian liner Bianca as the 1a utvten ship burns oil the lTilLlllN LINER DAMAGED BY FIRE British West Indies poit oi St Georges Grsna yester 0ut0iTown Fire liuthority Queried By lillision Council It bylaw pointing depnt returning oilcer and poll cier aim the election at city oliielnis was passed last rii ht at the mrogular men Alileton conncil The eectlons willbe held Nov 21 The question oi who is in chargo in the event ol an out oilown iire was discussed at the meeting The reason lor the question was brought about by an occasion when an olllcer lï¬irom the Ontario rovincial gwlice requested Aliston iire Pdepartment to remain at the ECBHI of fire until morning Council said there was ques tion in their minds as to who has the authority to decide who is in charge at such tires The tire committee was then asked to make study at out oiiown fires and bring in gen eral regulations which will gov ern attendance length at time cat as well as who is in arse oi such tires Court oi revision tor the town oi Alliston will be held Nov and 10 at 10 am on both days revised draftoi the zoning law was passed by council action was taken but public meeting will be held when the line drait comes be lora the Municipal Board Midges Swarm Blot Out Sun Cause Drainage Scheme Fight mnemonic N1 CPlFan ejhatic plagues otimidges have descended on the Auckland geubnrb oi Mangers in swerrns so thick they are imported To have blotted out the sun Residents of the area sweep up the= bodies or the gnaolike insects by the barrowioad but still new clouds oi them arrive Just how and why thepiague has arisen is hotly argued spoint But really bitter com plaints dateirom the opening $40000000 drainage scheme gi Auckland with headquarters in the Mangere district Drainage experts eay there havealwaye been swarms oi mldges in Mangers Residents claim the oxidation ponds of Allie dralnagekwerkeareebreod Ii ing grounds tor midges Gotz New Zooland minister for internal aliaire who is MP for the Mangers district Guildlarilamant oi the stiller inge oi residents in graphic terms The setting sun is sometimes completely obliterated by mid gee in their myriads flying at heights ot upvthLiect swarms attracted to lights It is virtually unbelievableDna ishopkeeper gathered wheel barrow full at them They get into food into ice cheats into eyes and mouths You eat them You breathe them You drink them Last Christmas foundthat it one drank glass oi water or any thing stronger there were in vitabiymldges in it Midgga have always existed said but never in the oxpioslve quantities that up gearedniter the drainage ponds egan working The government is working to eradicate the post it sprayed various kinds of in secticides Stocking or ponds with ilsh has been studied Scientists have experimented with introducing uantitiaa at sea water into oxidation Wilde Now the New Zeeland sum mer is approaching again and residentscomplaisi of still worse invasions Kwamina Makes New York Debut NEW YORK AP Modern MriquAMsJouiLoieKw mina musical that opened Monday night at the 54th Street Theatre but the mood is mostly hokey melodrama Despite some appealing mel odies by Richard Adler and some iurioua dances devised by Agnes do Mlllc the elaborate presentation never thoroughly eatisilee In the lead roles Sally Ann Bowen composer Adiera wile portrays white doctor and Terry Carter is native chiets son just back from English uni versity education He is deter mined to amancipate the popu da iollowin In lesion which killed tvo sessile Liie Tella Businessmen To Shidy Problem LONDON Ont CPlA Uni versity at Western Ontario pet chologist said Monday business men could save themselves molt ney if they spent more time on the problems oi their workmen and less time on ways tomalie them work harder Dr Schnore speaking at course of lectures or the public said the most common mistake an employer makes is falling to show personal in terest in his workers lie said this may be more important than better pay Hasald that while doing study he band that production and denly doubled in companys old poorlylit building hasTm on the eiiects oi lighting Jaw Skeet Fried to saiety sea as and 500 crewman COUNCIL BRIEFS Council accepted city do veiopment committee recom mendation that the rezoning requests oi Miss Martha Gibson and others re Essa Road Miss Mary Agnes Moore re Baylield Street and of Mlll Such re her property at Blake and Puget streets be sent to the planning board ior considera tion Council passed bylaws to an thoriso sidewalks on Davidson and Gunn streets to authorise the construction of sanitary sewers on Baldwin Lane from William Street to anview DriVe to authorize the con struction oi annita sewers on erris Lane Cnndiea Bond andi LSL The work in each case is to be done under section eight oi the Local improvement Act om are TUISDAYHWBEI an sailors Lost Wallet lietumed Naval Seaman Rett Baker Ion of Mr and Mrs Baker oalceve irons the Can dians lesthiewalletoa Highway between Kingston and Toronto The sailor was acting as res liaidriverinacsroomiegto theuaritlrnes HIT nei gauge his ï¬lve as well vets can identity cards the loss when he Toronto The Macro the ear tools him back to whens they thou ht their had changed drivers the search oi the hishwsy was complete loss This was dam rit quiet and disa and returned Some time elapsed and one day the postal authorities do livered small areal to him it was the we lot No the money wasnt mini lt VIII there as well as all the other important papers We now take our hall on to James Cronin oi Kingston who iound the turned it to the Barrie sailor GoTllhoadTo Sewer Project To Coat $370000 city development commit tee report was accepted council last night recommen ing that the city on near be instructed to design inter ceptor sanitary cwer to the east end on iollowing route From Toronto Street along simcoe Street south oi Memoriat Square to Dance Streei olong Dunlop Etre along Kcmpenielt Drive to Van couver Street along Vancouver to Blake Street and from Blake Street to steel St at an es timated rcostï¬oi 4370000 and that the city apply ior sub sidy tor the sewer work under the winter works program Council Coirit Slop Apartment Buildings City council was told iast building permit issued to the nighttnatiatheoplnionota Toronto lawyer the city could not stop Comfort Construction oi Tomato irom bull bulidi 52 lstteeJrem is er Weir at Toronto sal that the issue depended on the legality olhe seguemum Blood builder in September 1960 At that time clause was added to the building permit atipulstlng that the builder must install sewer and water main services before be could begin construction ssr Weirs letter stated that the builders only legal obliga tions were to comply with city bthsandrbulldlnf spectator tions The city had no power to revoke the building permit and in MI We opinion the builder could still build even gape the new proposed social 3W Council passed motion that no legal action be taken scales the builder and that hornc owners in the area be inlcnned at the situation through their legatcounsel haos Bankruptcy Fail To AWcrken Congolese LEOPOlyDVlLL AP Six tun man at bloodshed poll tical chaos and near bank ruptcy not to mention snii liens oi dollars have tailed to awaken The Cause to reality Congolese leaders still cannot an aside tribal suspicions re minus and ideologies ng enough to lacs their real prob isms as nation The blies government or rscone atlon under Prem ier Cyrille Adonis has iaiiad to reconcll ard overnmant set enga in Ston lsyvlte with Communist heels coils ed and license Join the uia government as vice promllr lie contributed little and has sens back to Stanley viile Nobody knows when or whether he will return THJWJI still dlvld saith Gen Joseph Mobuiu command log in Loopoldvilia and Gen victor Lunduia in charge at stanlayviiis The United Nations has reached cease lire agree ment in the secessionist prov ince oi Katange whose rich copper deposits are the coun trys latest asset It is do poreic 1y trying to bring Kn tango resident Melee Tahombe into negotiations with Adoula TALK INVASION Both Mobutn and Lundule talk vaguely of taking Katanga with their armies although the log istic problems alone are lar be yond their capabilities The Congo parliament considers its most important or der at business is to chop up the angle land into still more prov cos with diverse tribal urges There are not enough skilled Congolese to run central government and Admin ister the present six provinces pro riy Th shadow oi the first we miss Patrice Lumumbs still lies across The Congo The tall flamboyant nationalist leader was slain in Katanga more than eight months ago while being held by Tshombea government Lumumbas top lieutenants gazing ligseerior designer wJE bar Pres tieat Joseph Kssongo ali leitlsts are contending or his mantle They hope too to seize power irorn Adonis iii white excesses last ar started an exodus oi Eur opeans that almost paralysed the conomy and threatened to Ryereon Grads To Study Examiner The reading habits at The Barrie Examiner eubscrlblrl will be studied soon under special project of the Norton Institute oi Technology The graduelin class oi the department at ournslism will make classroom study oi those habits as part oi the years work oi the class lece from superstitioui iolk ways Author Alan Arthur pits an old fashioned witch doctor Brock Peters against the re iorma planned by Kwamina the word means born on Sun day This plot circumstance provides the occasion ior the assortment of energetic dances in which the ensemble period ically indulges Compiled by Flynn on neural at in Barrie mums SAsbestes ices Aliunlnium cunnith Bk Montreal Blink of N8 Ball Tel Drulibs BsA Oil EC Power Cdrs Bk of cm gen Brownie Cement on so can Min San can Paper Consumers Gas Di Sell Cars Ell C357 CE 77 Cir DILEIO 615 Call Dalian 10 can ï¬ll aniilv 179 Taicnnhri 02 moo Mines mo Homo Oil Nonnda nnnoar as Hoillngsr Leasegue Normals cosmos an honor DOWJONII NEW Dom Fwd Dom Slot Pld KimAddison All LIB Msrltlmrs Nor one n6 Mrsan Corp 01hle Pacific Pal Pom Pl Hudson Bay in law Tableau Oll In Accept Inland NG inter trig haterprov loony Club lellt Miameaiifllv Halsey In in Ions Li Btl lard steel Call Siolnbatl TorDom Bk Tnn Cara Fl Union on wuss new m6 anemone ahet Gordon Steep Hock United DH Vermin WHIW VI MOI acuve IIOCKI iiiit Wright Iron Lersdnsllio Allflml Meal at Canada vnnk avenues lrldustrills down 101 miis down ss Utilities down 01 roaouro asocn excnanos mnsx Itldtlltrllll till 15 Guide up 01 Metal on 50 Oils dn ll DIVIDEND DECLARE was snwuiu so cents ply Doc let 00L turn The Congo back to the Jungle They are coming back now Beigaintesctisrsrpusr nessmcn technleisns The Congo can hardly survive with out them Tha central govern ment cannotrhope to Omit this huge country at 000 Future milesI tthout ehng angal copper United Nations oiiicills are coniident that preliminary con tacts between Ketaogaa 81an series and the central govern man will be iollowad by meeting betwee Adonis sud Tshombe It lit Local Hospital The Ontario Hospital Services Commission has conducted time and actlvl study at the surgical and stetrical serv ices at Royal Victnrlg White This is the 30th suc Jtu conducted by the Commitslo in Ontario Hosp since the Commission was armed The par eva unto the work program in hospitals and the results oi the studies are of assistance to hospitals in their steii management plannln tal oliielal etai ï¬nest of the hospital board wl hospital sis members conducting the study under the supervision of the nursingserv ice branch of the Commission Bu1ld your bank balance Bu11d yOur peace of mlnd Unexpectedexpenses do happen Things like dentist bills doctor bills car repairs and dozens of others Often these expenses mustibe met imï¬eflfatélYEWiï¬liout an adequate bank balance well many good man feels small flush of panic You canavrï¬d this Maire sure you always have at least tvvo months salary in thebank Deposit regularly Watch the balance build Enjoy that newvfeeling of security the peace of mind that comes with money in the bank Money in the bank has other advantages You pay bilieeasily arid on timeYou capitalize on special discountsYou avoid chargeaocount BGIVice fees Youvtake advantage of special sales You establish credit for Aintelljgentborrovving Buttbese are extra beneï¬ts More than anything else money in the bank protects you from theunexpecbed Build your bank balance and build your peace of mind Startbuilding neXt payday Over 1260 branches to serveyou CANADIANLIMPERVIVAL E$ COMMERCE so of these stum