Are You Home Hunting Check The Real Estate Co YEEBARRIEEXAMINEII ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS MumsAr the noyrl Vie tori Hos Ital Bum on nora dny one IS to It and In Andy lellol lr in Anti Ontario daughter iDrisy noel PoPPLEloN At the Tomato General Hospitnl on Friday Oct her ml to Itr An In earner aruee Poppleton Don Mills son ltlrbrm Dean mmlrruitr airman pins rem written with the an ounnriisow cnu stasis on and Ivmoutcs Notices for tour events in only riso aria intro to the clusuieo counts or toll hon no auri examiner PA ili DEATHS some At relsrboro cwio Hospital on mutiny Octohcr mi Ioan Allan spenee In his 73th yer waved husband at the isle sultry dear rather of Nohln Barber Spence son or thl lhto Themes and Eunbath enee brother of Newton Urlllln noes Ernest Hamilton Mn nnru nunol neiina Prr deemed by Georre irarvsy Mn Meredith flernlce and tiar nret Illsilnt ma SIGCXIUY minerl home in Vonley St hurls runerrl arrangements ll tcr CllsnsaiANAuddenly it his home is John Street Issrrie On tarlo on Saturday October rear Emu cheesmsn beloved husband or JuneAndrews Ind our father or Evelyn sin Ddlsnrwi and lielen Mn Lloyd Green both of arms and grandfather of Kerry Lynn Ddlihaw and brother of Harry of WI rton In his 15th year nesting it tho lennett ninenl Home Home nicerl servic Tuesday October 2i urnpmrlnm ferment Dorrie Union Cemetery lIlasonle scivice ilondry evenlnl at oclock Aurpires Kerr Lodge IN MEMORIAM Shllfll In loving memory of dear lather and grandfather iiehry Smith who passed away Oct IX 1050 Three years since the sad day The one we loved was called away God that him home it was lils But in our hearts he iltcitr Itlll Sadly missed by daughter Olive and son Albert and miller Pleads Not Guilty To Wifes Murder WALKERTON CPIArthur Kendall 50 of Bruceficld pleaded not guilty Monday to charge of capital murder in the death eight years ago of his wife Helen 33 Kendall was arraigned and jury chosen when is Bruce County grand jury returned trde bill on the charge after two hours of Crown evidence rs Kendalls body has not been found She disappeared about the and of July 1952 61 la the couple and their live children were living ina cabin atézgnhnston Harbor near the ern tip of Bruce Peninsula endall was arrested in Jan rig as he arrived at ESAF lion Clinton to begin his werk as carpenter and la Drier Mr Justice Parker all that the trial is expected toplast all this week the full tingle allotted for the Supreme 791125 Street West sitting here FIND DEAD BABY TORONTO CPIPolice are in estigating the death of boy whose body was found WMoIidayeinaepapersbag onrDun The infant died of strangulation CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classifiet advcn tisemants are inserted at the rate of it per word per insertion for one and two times 39 Per word in three four or five timcsand 2m per word for or more insertions 10 addiI tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENTISQEcFDRZF WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN 53311010 melts on CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that on phone insertion orders an reee ed as convenience to you advertiser Therefore the Classiï¬ed Advertising Department requires all advertisers to kindly recheck marAdvertisement immediately after and insertion in order that any errors or omissions may be reported nerors Mr in order that same may be reclined for the rollowiox days inscran order Wet wish to point out that This Bnrrie Examiner is responsibls his only one incorrectly printed insertion on any advertisement and then only to tho extent or portion or ad that Involves the 1115me Errors which do not lesson the Value ot the advertlsm meat are not sugibls tor corrce dsnsbymrxsrooos nrtising department Coming Events 50 per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up was words over 25words 5c per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used so per word extra BLIND Lmim REPle Inlornlntlan regarding advertisers using Blind Letter and Numbers for Replies is held strictly oonad ential Replies to Latter boxer will he held only In dayl to Last day of publication Classiï¬ed advertisements and notices for these pages must be elvedby pm day pre ceding publication withtbe ex ception of Classified Dlsplay advertisementg which must he in by 12 00 noon preceding day typo rtyier ior rsmi Iy luriaedn may hs ob tained throughTir ratminer ad REAL ESTATE PROPERTY Port sans HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 56453 ANYTIME ï¬rm or Vanni and Distrlu Real Estate Board Evenings Call Emory Miller PA 60m loe Palincr PA 0086 Karl Marshall PA 099 Norah Ralkcs Oro 4023 Doris Nuitycornbo PA $7857 Norm Heskelh PA 07016 Maryann Smith PA 8402 ROSE IIxAi ISTATB anoxza mm 5mm BARR CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Ifembsr or the Dame and District Boll Estate Dorm MOVING For comp moving iarvler later an 1th all COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD roux ALLIED VAN Lures AGENT ma Rd Dims PArhwty no HENDERSON REALTOR is continlr sTiiairr PHONE PA P2670 NEAR ST MARYS $15900 Charming three bed room lrshapcd brick bungalow with double garage large lIV ing room with fireplace bright kitchen with dining area Fin terms Exclusive Call Rita Scandrott 91 WELLINGTON EAST Spacious storey and half overlooking ravine 25 foot liv ing room 14 foot separate din ing room in foot kitchen iIlrce large bedrooms Finished rec room Late fall possession 51 mortgage with terms Cali Rita Scandrelt EVENINGS CALL RITA scaunhm PA Mass honoruv WILCOX PA 03541 PERCY roan PA More minaer swam PA was Member ol Barrie and District and nataria Raul lostLs hoards Keith Marshall new ESTATE anolrlm CLAPPERTON sr BARRIE PA 82502 DAYS 0R EVENINGS EAST END lsuy yourself home plus an income apls completely self contained on beautiful lot in commercial zone Priced for quick sale Call this office now the information ACRES With bedroom bungalow large aluminum garage approx miles from Barrie Priced for quick sale at $5500 CLOSE TO BARRE bedroom bungalow living room and kitchen utility room pc bath and garage on JargeJotfoLonlv $500 dam balance on easy temis it Mnolti PA nun FRANK ELLIS PA was lusmbsr Barrie and Dlittlct ii lAtata board 15 liferoisrn outstandingbargain In centrally locatednme basement has new oil furnace laundry tubs and grade en ishcd rec loom 5min NHAI REAL EsTATE Pliorani Poo sane ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST Pint iaBarrio Home SalasFalcmast in Quality al Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES enhancers HOME AT LOW cosr BAYFmLD STREET $1600 DOWN $11000 home soli biillt in excellent rc air tiesst clean and well decorath ougoii lurosa vgrooman an largerfamily rind kitchen with loads of cupboardsl The dry full trance from back lawn Aluminum combination storms all around complete this pictureof allweather comfort foryour family close to schools and downtown shopping Phone PA 05568 for immcdlata inspection 7777777777 ONLY $800 DOWN SOUTHERN OUTSKIRTS 0F BARBIE $8000 Pull price for this 3bedroom cottage Lined throughout with BC llr it has large centrairlivlngrcom withlovcly4ireplace big sunroom and apiece bathroom Nicely located on wellr trecd corner lot that has curved frontage of 204 feet All lur nilure and electric appliances included at this low price One open mortgage for the balance will cary ior $50 per month Now vacant See it today Phone PA 05560 BARRIE NORTH COILEGIATE AREA RANCH BUNGALOW FIREPLACE GARAGE ATTACHED $15000 Attractive grey brick 3bedroom ranchstyle owner Many extra fine features include avcd Driveway mommame ncloscd Yard Woven Fences IFIilly Completed Rec Room OPretty Stone Fireplace IlVashenDryer Connection with Vent This Immaculate home has the favourite Lshaped lIVInZdlmnB and large table area in the kitchen Handy location for either collegiate or public schools Ask for Mr Council PA 85568 ALMOST NEW APARTMENTS SOLID BRICK 137 VANCOUVER STREET 322500 in an excellent residential district of fine new homes convenient to East End Shopping Plaza here is first class investment property requiring Very lilLlD maintenance Consists of three spo cious and modern but wattr heated apartments where an anvan can live and let the bdlidlng pay for ilselfl Phone PA 85560 for complete details and inspection 14 LETITIA STREET JUST OFF SUNNIDALE ROAD snow Here is an inexpensive abcoroom brick bungalow with pretty fireplace On 65 it lot of Barries street of lovely maple trees this is oneowner house since new in 1954 Has the classic living dlning Lsbaped combination and sunny kitchen with separate breakfast area The basurvriit high and dry has ï¬nished rus ticstyle den and there isa bright laundry section Substantial casn is required here but the rmal16 mortgage carries at $71 month 1y complete Arrange to see this fine little home NOW PA 85560 EVENINGS CALL MOOREPA ehldl rosrmPA uzii AEtotinnsPA Nisan CONNnu PA win MEMBERS autism is DISTRICT REAL TATE aoAaD new in l957 one CLIEE BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60711 PA 80242 BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED lovely lawn shows this home to advantage The house is excellent condition throughout with living room combined with dining area fairly large kitchen with table space Three bed rooms of good size piece tiled bath Plenty of cupboards and clothes closets Shining oak floors Full basement forced air or heating Driveway RETIRE TO THE COUNTRY And enjoy the comfort of this radiant stucco bungalow just miles from Barrie bedroom home large living room with dining area kitchen with ample cupboard and counter space piece semeni laiuiidgywtfl Eessure system and rï¬llï¬oveiy boma ior slung $11700 Terms arranged TO RENT We have couple of fine homes to Ichtfalso sev MFORVSAL 77 rrr We have choice lotsrfarlns in wide range ofprices also busi nessjnpportunltics Call anytime for informatiom Members or the Barria Real Emir Board Jmlth CampbellPA eases John LuluPA dam Term GITVIVPA 57951 LCORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER eral apartments Phone Pistols so Dunlop St 7777 it CARSON REAl TOR 45A DUNLOP ST mmdï¬lmDï¬rmï¬t PA 66481 Member or Barrie and District Real Eatnn Bond MOVING Dont forget to under your INSURANCE and ll you need extra coverage or any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA can gt lwDunIop at imffwft Miami Large Living room and lrliehenC $500 down sment and en Mphsnglmk BURTON AVE Private no solid brick home it tor ily liv ing on inndscapcd lot ids teet deep Living roomdlnlne room 15 in Inmllysized kitchen 12 21 upstairs bedrooms Two ronmcd apartment on lnalii tioor For details phone PA arm PROPERTY FOR SALE on paler HOUSE FOR EALB or Ren Guthrie on open winter road men to possession Apply Box 44Brrrie Ellminor BRICK BUNGALOW three bed rooms living room with supine oll furnace storms and Pencils Near school on Dundonuld St linemen TEIEPDDDII PA in zoom verlooklng thebiy rooms and bath attached ginger walkout basement cold room storms and screens and many sit trar phone PA hoe into PA oioii rue Banker NOVA scans OLDER BUT MODERN Three bedrooms large modern kitchen This storey and half house also has large nlcely finished room upstairs Also utility roomoff kitchen Oak and tile floors Exceptionally well kept inside and our Fenced yard General Electric aged FOUVRBEDROOM FAMILY HOME Kitchen dining andliving rooms are large and bright1 Sunporcb at front entrance with open balcony overhead outside entrance tobasement Well built brick home that would be easily duplaxcd 23ACRES7 MILES NORTH Cornerproperty with great potentials Choice garden soil Valu able huildlrig lots On Highway 27 SHANTY BAY and half containing three bedrooms kitchen separate dining room andliving room Nicely finishedihasement at ground level opening to beautiful yard Unusual and lovely Owner would trade for modern home in Barrie M11 MARSHALLPA ma ConnyM45408 OWEN JONESPA SID BU SHRED MILE do have 19 acres with5onn proruis ionnIIy pruned Ind shaped Scotch pine readyio ciit thlr year 3000 more ready to cut in two years time call Harold Porrtnrl peni tor In Bayilcld 5t It PA Loss or PA 04465 MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Psyments Insured ainst accident sickness clth CRESCENT FINANCE DUNLOP sr WEST EARRIE PA oozes ACRES Wrru eight oom house sneerviilodw Best oIer Tele phone PAnioi Ior Iarther inv termnon ist Port SALE CHOICE LOT tor Ella100 feat overlooking Ilka on Shanty Bay Road llx mllu ram city Blah excellent roll Tele phone Mail MONEY To LOAN PRESCRIPTION FORPAYING BILLS MORTGAGESlat and and bought sold and enraged commercial Jupunlurnirhedrhuied Privacy galoreiamong tall trees Bcside paved road Storey REAL ESTATE uoamaoas Attention Homeowners No bonus added to the anwont you borrowl When you borrow $2500 throulli us mortgage of $2500 is registered against your property not moo or some such figure The payment below pays your mortgage In full in live years Prime lat mortgach per Innum IF YOUR PRO PERTY QUALIFIES You You Mlhlé Bal Borrow RecuveTym Wing $3000 $2850 $5927 Nil 340 $3800 57901 Nil 55000 10 3937 Nil For Immediate mortgage loans anywhere CalIlor appointmeanka MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 DUNLOP ST Over SimpsonsSears MORTGAGE FOR SALE Prindpnlfl50Intercat rate Will sellfor $3750 Cali Couttr undCe Owen St PA 82485 RENTALS STORAGE SPACE Wm STORAGE spies for boatI lot rent Thisphnna PA H130 for Dirthu Information OFFICES STORES 700 SQUARE melmp on second floor ln muller bulld inr on Collier St Private wash omr Telephone PA M534 m0 Dm NURSING HOMES KIND cAIui glven bed and no patients Pleasant companionship outings and food lounla In TV rooms nelsonhie rites ArIl Eden Nunlnl Hume telephone ram stroud WOWES 10 BENT BRICK BUNGALOW bedrooms full basement oll heat double garage Quality home on beautllul lot PHONE PA E7472 UPPER R00 Fill bedrooms livliil room kitchen dinln mum bath Available Novem et Phone PA 15 or 00 OWED St TWO ROOM behind Iumirhed rp rtinent ior rent Hot Ind cold we Suitable in one or two adult Telephone PA amr ove ngr CENTRAL location hcltod un rulnished one bedroom apartment Ample cupboards $10 monthly Available November lst Telephone PA ears after pni Tunas humans house or rent in Village or siro All Ihslda conveniences New on ï¬llnice being installed $50 monthly Telephone DRE Strand umansmsn LOWER duplex Three largo rooms runparcnend bath all heating Largo back yard close to downtown Avril able at tho end or the month Telephone PA 84517 FURNISHED rtmont Private entrance hot water oil hart lien Irri locatlo Near Five Points lo rant Applyeaa UNFUIINISHED rlmnlt room apartment Heavy dut wirlna Ground leer modern month ly Near east strapping plaza Apply 101 Johnson st MohairN two bedroom cart em triorange and refrigerator Laun dry Ilcllltlesï¬lnd TDITIIEFII Janitor rervlce Availbio Novcm her Telephono AND or Furtlculln new arm Modern one and two bedroom common overlooklnr reunIrKompanfelteuy Va rwarr tar ertIng aud1nnttor rvloe inelu ed Automatic wishing to climax PA em rhIDDERNUNFUEMSHED mil contained three main apartmznt with private entrlucaInd bath 15 per month hydrnfbeat WI er and complete laundry teem ties Must be seen to be appreci otsd Telephone PA eiole Nith neeornted Apartment nultnble tor couple Also Iroom apartment Both ollherted conveniences aellcentaincd im inï¬glata posserslsn Phone 0ro CENTRAL Modern heated rt roent spaelour living room and large bedroom dinette modern kitchen rclrigcntor and heavy duty stove Parking facilities Business eoupl prefemd Tch ohons PA ens THREE ROOM 1nrnlsbed PatIn apartment modern kitchen cup boards 315 monthly Including util iues Available immediately Must be seen to be apprecated one child welcome Cumberland street ulvrunisrardcn Apartments one bedroom 441 two bedroom $55 on heating second floor Cen tral immediate possession is rent until November Telephone PA evenings PA ozsi yt on room unfurnished lower duplex Wall liIHlfln and Hayï¬eld Strcats Adults preferred sloo monthly rein phone PA 35104 betwean 81111 and pm six uuolvl threw bedroom house to rent close to schools and bus stop Pull basement Nicely de corated Childmn welcome Tele prï¬rne PA 68235 in further do range such or unturnlsh ed rooms suitable for two or three people nr offices Private ent rance bath telephone psritinp Quiet location are weekly PA 1723 avanhss ATTRACTIVBr spacious two bed IDom lplltment partially turn lshedmflvurlonklng buy Sell it tulned laundry and PIlkInl llltles Available November Teleph as PA mini NORTH COLLEGIATE and Oakley Park school area Four bedroom house newly decanted $110 per month with we gnuons of fuel oil free Available immediately ogelheno PA some for further LAROB front badsitting room and kitchen oli ground floor Plenty of wardrobe and storage saycrn on with lowcost insured and rsridentlal none leaned on cxistlnl rnortgl or srrls Mort nge brokers was boom LOAN Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 92414 spree Heavy duty stove and ma frlgerator Wcll heated Would suit young married couple Avnll able now Also lalgc uniornish ed four room heated apartment Would tllm two small children or Dona PA H690 lor lunnor his RENTALS AITSI HOUSES BENT llx roots semi detached house to Ill Oil but Du Buï¬tld it Teleshnnl FA um or fun Information Paul noon wlatulred cottage in country for not Mr month all haul PA In Slam ulteontained rub furnished the mall Apartment Sin Ind nirlnntar Panacea phone PA mu YUlNllm Bldvtlitin nalnt LlrlI hitch gain Hut all allh wu per mon any one eater for narthu infermuch Pour noon mnhnld healed apartment thru plies oath heavy dub stove ramsrater budwood noon AVllabll humanist1y Apply Armstrong nerdare ON AND no bedroom Apart unlulDlalud outrun Cilln enable Apply Ann ll OVERLOOKING the bay at Sluice shop In Centre two an rot stove rerun tor new buiid inr 05 POUR ROOM naturalth IPIW merit with our tech hath In new bulldlnl Con ll Stove ll eralor laundry lacilt sr or Availabil immediately siepnon Irv BOOM House for rent three hath Closn Io hurlness see to All ridla I65 Mr manlh AP ply Burton AVlnIIl or tile lllonl PA 04501 mun DEDRDOIII Bungalow In rent to Midland oil furnace flled nltnflad recreation room so rnonlhiy Available No nibr Tolaphdnu 5157635 Midland nuamas LADY will to moat lrl between in and or to than or lplriment Telephone PA close after pm or PA Latin in dflumb Turin ROD apartment Modern selfcontained Hot water halted Ten minutes walk from dawn town Rafrlleniur and stove ivsiirbie Possession November lit Telephone PA was SPACIOUS roamed lpartni larlI lelnl room with creel dining room hitched bedroom and bath Ample norso ieli contained very control Avsiiihls November tsd monthly Tale obonr PA mic ROOMS TO LET annsimo nonm fo rent klt chcnllta Irnlahed Ill It In Codrlngton Stxcct camnu LOCATION rurnlihid bedroom lor rent Telephone PA New alter pm PURNISIIBD aedsltun room for rent Very central ultrhle rear Ap Iy so Mary Street or Mm ROOM BOARD ltoolll AND BOARD for business girls in new bomc Telephone PA AND aoAltn close to downtown Apva is use cry street or rurther information noon Arm BOARD fnl gentle quL nunlo and cdlord sc district rc cphene we ROOM AND BOARD Available to rivato home Home privileges arr bur Telephone PA 87555 for further formation R00 AND BOARD available in private home for one or two er preferred ele art vent ormlIlolI WANTED TO RENT BUSINESSMAN requires room atlrunl October 23 near luteb rchnn of Dunlop and Anne sts ApplytoaoLIs Dirtis Examine FIVEWARD wanted to rent by family with children in Midhunt or hurt rrie dit trlet Must be reason bis rent Telephone PA Mall Akrlctss for SALE STORE OWN ERS Assorted quantity of old ARTICLES for SALE woman atom relvision Antuoatie WannaDryer in chairs for late relphone PA uni or apply lip Avenoe manic WEI heavy duty lutunllltllly alkalid but non lux uvln lollI LOP mm Call PA In at pm rs msoIes can LOUDI300 month lllophonl II M07 5L Crucial ï¬n Won unur mun for pa All steel eonsirnetion Approximately hilltau NI bond Camp Hindu or or ultimatum C3 or To in In condition pipes Included Airs small torlion sir tux But QUIT TIIIphOD Smud lmll IRE PM RENTALS 5151 Dacllle Pin1r Iblo Illchlnud or rent by In weak or Inn month Slnlcr Sun in Cantl1 Dunlo Strut WuL lewpbona PA or Davl0 on ti solo tut New roir Gun an LR shells lociCol unuInu arses ll nip ï¬cwflor bullti live buntinr and runs Bvlrythlnl Go anxi nili oNI IICDNIHIAND stallr one new call Ind all one tee second ilnd 100 gallon Oil 11 one ucond hand all lplco halter with blower two recent In conversion burn one candrhlnfl Iron nurnmrrcrlmlnloed can on TIIIpbanl PA Hill or PA arm ARTICLESFOR RENTL RENTALS Publis Address Syricnu ram Proieeiors is run Proitctors Television Record Players netrigoritor Movlng Trucks McFADDEN Appliance Penctang at StVlncclit PA 59288 STAMPS 8r COINS STAMPS COINS suPDIIH Get ready for your wlnter hobby now All coin folder and album lvlll Ibll It thl Barrio Slam and Coin Stern ll cryoslo strut Barrie coin and stamps bought and sold DOGS 8t PETS TOY MANCHESTER Pupplul for sale rgistcrcd Good watch dflll Apply alenney ri Aubrey Avenue Oak Ridges Telephon rno stills FRUIT 8t VEGETABLES No ltleINTosu Arm for rail $100 per bushel Brlnl your own containers to Cumberland 5t after pm wmno lisiloween Your choice it turn ChrlrtriiI rrec order now tslren seoieh pins co Sprout Lens water Con Vesprs north Dirnwiy 20 Telephone Miuellng in or in Blyliold street PA macs Barrie neurones WANTED ANTIQUES WANTED unusual plcte of china brlcl brac oil lampr gihsrwlro clear or cnlorcd old buttons toilet let furniture etc asst prices paid Midhurst Antiques PA 82810 OIL TANK wanted 200 or ISO ul lon capacity lilust be in good eon tiltlon Telephone PA arm LAWN swaIiPIsIt wanted for thcrlrrg loaves Telephonl Mini after pm WE WILL PAY CASE for good luscdrlumltunroFIBYTlood triads Irtlclo Individual or content loot Phonl PA m1 BUSINESS ortunlnl Ila enttl Pumpl Pumpklnr liming 5FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Higboat prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals retrieved free For fast service phone BARBIE PA lsTISI collect or ask for ZENITH Dlm NO CHARGE 14 Dom day1 day Ink ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmcad Ontario License No13906l POULTRY GBICKS about My iiylnr lots Telephone PA tdlxa COLUMDIA IOCK WhitIII for new also rIeury Blue pie in prrIs two new melonsrd 9667 TIIIPhono PA raniu mailman CRADLE caunca FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Fall clearance at bar gain prices before win ier storage Cln New Holland David Brown BIIILY hm Equipment no summit AVE PA em JASHTRADEIERMS roan TRACTOR plow and cultiv Ilor or llic in good cond an pl Robert storey Elmsl or to IP vguafliL FEED SEED GRAIN ioo Invalid Dales ol elun Wheat straw for role Telephone mm vale neat AUTOMOTIVE moron cans non SALE 1958 OLDSMOBILE in new car condition ï¬rough out andrcomes equipped with deluxe GM radio chaway automatic transmission power steering and brakes backup lights windshield washers whitewall tires and chrome wheel discs other extras Save yourselt the dealers conunls sion on this low mileage beauty by dealing direct PHONE PA N734 AFTER 1962 PONTIAC ParISIenne Beautiful twodoor sports sedan Power brakes power sleerlng deluxe radio powerful ecylln der engine Many other deluxe features inal cost $4110 WllI sacrifice for immediate sale Telephone PA 60205 VIAU MOTORS RAMBLER EILLMAN AND LAND novel 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66408 isal BUICK Hardtop one owner low mileare Trade would he no ccpted Financed lf ueccsrlry cell Fred at PA H111 liter pm or further details lass FORD customiina rol ml door redan Va rtandard trons mlsslon Will tulle LTD Id 11er paintriobrinrsoor Alldnl 3750 Sea Al Fedoriw inar Stole Barrie SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates Telephone stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books urein per fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20 Clearing al 9cm plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dgpt Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 HAVE you TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Harid Store 55 DUNLOP Sl wcsrh PHONE PA 2427 NEWAPERZ MATS Sizes 52x18 Ideal for lining hen APPLIANCE seawces TONYS APPLIANCE LAND TVjERV CE Service toJileaka 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 ELECTRIC MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIRS to all makes of appliances TONY USSELMAN formerly of Tonys App ServT Appliance ServiceManagcr DASH Electric Motors 10 Ross St PA 85307 CARPENTEY NEW HOMES Remodelling shlngling porches recreation rooms Trimming houses complete and garages mummy PA 66071 DIAPERISERVICE BARRIES FLNESI DIAPER SERVICE Nice weekly pick delivery 11 PitANms REAR houses attics serum 51 perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN APPiylhe Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario BULme and Gradln Fencl Ilan Ind Stumps removed Tel ophond Lee Hart PA 33139 NEW OVERHEAD Garage DoorI for Elle priced from $30 up Two Oil burners used only your loss Chevrolet Iutomntlo hard top in good condition ll Mary St PA 835 court sacrroNAL chairs or rule green imperial Loyalilt In excellent condition Will rell se ter or In groupr Priced re four adults Telephone PA sbioi before orn or Irier pm ably Telephone PA 64218 Ovenlnll PA 68551 Tn thinï¬a IraJMWHHRII DRIVING SCHOOLS VBARRIEVSCHOOL OF DRIVING Learn to drive the safe gt Way Oilxpert frilly qualified in structors cNew cars Oneasonable rates PA 68609 ANYTIME By Month or Year PA 82414 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delive T11515de some DENNIS MORAN 29 Annestreet PA 2907 MASONRY if it can be built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL RIB WWW MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60066 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66958 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed tore move your dead and crippled from animals under the abov Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BAREIE PArkway 83317 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE MCENEE BSCGl Copy for Want Ad Section accepted until Finn Day before publication