OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA arm th telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept ll PA 6653 LOCAL WEATHER Ilainl runny tomorrow Winds light law tonight 40 Hill Wednesday 60 For full lum Elhc barrio 15x emitter 97th YearNo 247 WASHINGTON AP The Soviet Union is getting back flrecfradioactlve fallout today from its mammoth nuclear ex plosion US Weather Bureau scientists reported They said Ihe fallout was car ried on wlnds blowing south to southeast over Russia Tbo massive blast Monday in fhe atmosphere over the Nov aya Zcmlya region in the Arc tic may have been the someg aton weapon that Soviet Pre mler Khrushchev announced the Russians would test But the US Atomic Energy Com mission said it doubts the de tcnotlon was that big The ABC saidths blasta yield was very high possibly as high as so megatons But it added that preliminary anal ysis indicates it was more probably on the order of 30 mega era has been no word from Russia on the explosion BIGGEST BLAST YET Either site it was the big gcst man made explosion in history 30 megaton bomb releases energy cquivalent to 30000000 tons of TNT it would carry morepunch than all the Charges Union Cpniusingdlssues Leaders Claim VANCOUVER CWCharges that the independent interna tional union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers is Communist led are being used to confuse the real issue in the disputes involving MineMill at Sudbury and Port Colborne 0nt two Mine Mill leaders said here durlpgltha weEkcndr rw ihe real issue said Harvey Murphy and Yves Le May is battle between Minedlfill and the nit Steelworkers of America CEO Mr Murphy Western Cana dian district president of Mine Mill and Mr Le May presi dent of the Port Colborne local addressed public meeting here Sunday The Red bogey is being used today in the labor movement said Mr Murphy Were called 1961 UNITED APPEAL previously announced tests in the current Russian se The largest previous Soviet test was estimated at about to meg atons The biggest US nuclear test has been reported at 15 to 20 megatons Robert List chief of the us weather bureaus atmospheric radioactivity project said Bus sia would get more of the im mediate fallout from the ex plosion than other areas Since it was likely the bomb was fired high in the atmos phere only small fraction of the fallout would slftdown imlt mediately The greater portion of it would be sucked into the stratosphere and would come down perhaps next spring But considering the size of the blast said List the amount of radioactive debris blowing over Russia would appreci able Two 75 scientists said how everI that in the long run the United States will get most of the fallout from the test But in New York Nobel prize winnlng chemist Dr Harold Urey said in television inter view that the fallout will be unpleasant but not critical not at all He did not elaboo rate CommunistLed Redled Reddominated all the terms that Hitler used Trail BC where MineMill represents workmen at the Con solidated Mining and Smelling Company operations had been called Red town but it elected CCF member of Parliament Social Credit member to the legislature randrtlfbaralar mayor Both Mr Murphy and Mr be May rapped statement made last month in Halifax by assist oad deputy RCMP Commis aloner George McLelland who was quoted as saying that re cent strife among the 20000 workers in Sudbury and Port Colbern locals indicated there was itter struggle oing on to unseat Communist legadera of the union This Bed bogey is being worked to the limit said Mr Murphy BITS AT and Mr Le May said the Cana dian Labor Congress and the Steelworkers came into Sudbury with massive advertising campaign and told the workers they were going to be liberated from the RedledMioeMill un ion They call us Communists be cause we have better contracts than the Steelworkers Mr Le May said Hammazslginldwdstkilipd representatives orwhetherits Allen Lightner lr top state department official in Berlin sits at right behind wheel of his auto as US troops with fixed bayonets escorted him from Soviet sec emu Ontario Canada Tuesday October 141961 tor of Berlin Sunday night with Lightner in car is Al bert Hemsing Press spokesman for us mission in Berlin The American soldiers were sent to free SOLDIERS FREE AMERICAN LD UP BY SOVIETS Lightner whose car had been held up by East Berlin police Lightner ls deputy chief of the US mission in Berlin with the rank of minister AP Virephoto Confidence Expressed For Settlement At UN UNITED Ti 0N CF US and at delegates scheduled another meeting to day in an attempt to clear the final hurdle blocking agreement on an interim secretarygeneral for the United Nations Diplomats at the UN hoped the meeting Adlai Stevenson and Soviet Deputy Foreign Min is er Valerian Zorin their eighth since Dag African plane crash five weeks ago might finally resolve the stalemate preventing the UN Assembly from naming new head for the secretariat Stevenson and Zorin nar rowed their difierences to one key point at an hourlong meet ing Monday Zorin told reporters the only issue remaining was how many principal advisers the UN chief should choose from among his undersecretaries Stevenson said it was not question of numbers but of whether the ad visors would be geographical political division Stevenson and Zorin agreed some time ago that Thant of Burma should fill out Hammer skjolds termexpiring in April lmand that he should have principal advisers from the United States the Soviet Un ion Africa and Latin America The United States proposed appointment of fifth deputyL from Western Europe The Son viet Union insisted this must be See Departure ï¬sCHina Snub By ROBERT normed chevs claim that the Soviet on moscow meets sovenllmssin ï¬ï¬ï¬rwfle cw today with one new snub from Communist China following the sudden dea pasture for home of Chinese Premier Chou Enlai Observers sew Chous abrupt depamrerflum the quietpafly 7whicbvsome ci tists said congress here as sign of worsening quarrel between the two countries over bitter Rus sianattacksontiny Albania for following Stalinist policies Chou rebuked the So et lead ers last week for bringing their quarrel with Albania into the open and told them disputes bEV tween Commu nist countries should be settled in private Despite the rebuke Cbnu was seen offat the airport Monday night by Premier Khrushchev and other top Soviet officials No reasontwaLgwenJor his sudden departure Chou arrived back inPeking this morning and was greeted at the airport byHComInunist party chief Mao Tsetung and by the Chinese head of stat Liu Shaechi TELLS OF MISSILE As Chou left Moscow Soviet Defence Minister Hodion Mall novsky was telling the cou gress that Russia has success fully developed weapon for shooting down missiles We have successfully coped with the task of destroying mis siles in flight he told the Com munistleaders He didnot ela borate on the claim or indicate what kind of missiles had been destroyed in the tests Molinovslq marma radical reorganization of the stant readiness HereBeepdlegrets Elizabeth said today Britain Soï¬et fesum weapons tests children made the statement in government written address session It wns4read for her by royal for resumption of negotiations on general disarmament They bave also striven for interna tional agreement on the discon tinuance under effective con trol of all tests of nuclear weapons is SOmegaton bomb His statement camé few hours after observatories throughout the world recorded blast in the Arctic circle might be the 50onegaton wea pon Khrushchev said wouldbe exploded before the end of the month Malinovsley also said that Soviet armed forces had beeax carried out and new branch created Strategic rocket nuclear troops which are in con Queen Expresses LONDON Reuters Queen deeply regLMs the unilateral of nuclear TheQueen mother of three closing Parliaments current commission of peers Queen Elizabeth said My government have worked inan speaker trunk balanced by sixth deputy from Communist East Europe Stevenson told reporters after Mondays meeting division along pol cal lines should be avoided in protecting the inter national character of the secre tariat group of black African na tions meanwhile prepared de mand for sweeping diplo matic and econ NearGa Erupmer BERLIN ReuterslTension increased along the border be tween East and West Berlin to day following repeated bursts of gunfire during the night and teargas battle between Com munist and West Berlin police Repeated shooting was heard duringrthernightinthfbordfl areas particularly those be tween the French sector and East Berlin West Berlin police newly armed with automatic weapons and teargas grenades used the grenades for the first time Monday night when the East Germans hurled five tear gas bombs at West Berlin loud smasbing its windshield The West Berlin police buried six tear gas gren adcsat the Communists The clash came as the Com munist East German govern ment imposed new restrictions on the border to clinch its au thorityeover all civilianrtrafficr between East and West Berlin The restrictions require all foreigners entering East Berlin in civilian clothes to show passes proving their identity South Africa as debate began on the republlcs white suprem acist policies South African Foreign Minis ter Eric Louw warned the 101 natlon special political commit tee hc would resist any attempt to isolate his country lie threatened to expose his prin cipal accusers as the reillo lators of the human ri ts tank in the UN charter Eatflé to drive into East Berlin Mon ficationvcheckr The latest Communist move was linked with an incident at th IFriedrichstrasse crossing point Sunday night in which detained as they tried to enter Communist East Berlin The incident drew formal protest from the US military coma mander Allan Lightner assistant chief of the Us mission in Berlin reiiisedtb show his ldEflllï¬cB tion inslsting onthe right of Western allied officials and mil itary staff to enter East Berlin flesh group of US military pol licemen crossed the border twice into Communist territory before the East Germans fl nally allowed Lightner through without having to show his doc day without any special identi USofficialandehisrwlfewere Children Killed In Bus Crash iAKAFUSKASlNGCPl United States Air Force school bus slammed into the back of gravel truck near here Mon day killing the driver and three children and lnlurlng 16 others Airman James Harris 21 of Lakeland Fla the bus driver was killed when his vehicle plowed into the fiveton truck one of several hauling gravel for construction near this Northern Ontario town Theron and daughter of the commanding officer of the USAF radar base at nearby Lowther Maj Arthur Fox of Chicago were killed Melvyn Fox 11 and his ltyearold sister Karen were sitting in the front passenger seat Their brother Gregory was among the injured Swanr on LADY on or wonsr LOS ANGELES AlliThe little greyhaired lady looked as though she belonged any where but where she wasin front of judge for sentencing on narcotics conviction But Mrs Betty Caroline fGrandma laylor In atood erect and stolcal as Judge Leon Yankwicb sentenced her to seven years in prison Mon day She wns fined $20000 Then she looked the judge in the eye and said was never adope pcd dler If it is Gods will will do whatever you give me Mrs Taylor widow of onetime Los Angeles chief of mary please turn to page three Not More Than per Copy12 Pages strikes at two manufacturing plants are do tarloratiog into something less than peaceful plcketlng Reports have come to light of personal injury property dam age threatening tele hone calls to workers and ther families cars being forced off highways and actual charges being laid Management of the two struck plants DeVllblss Canada Limited and Key Air Condition iang and Refrigeration Limited division of Universal Cooler Company Limited have refused to comment publicly ontha re ports and Barrie police chief Edward Tschirhart said his de partment had laid no charges The chief did say he under stood two private informations had been taken out but that comment on this was maltcr for the crown attorney BEATEN UP informants who wish to rc main anonymous said today that numerous employees still working at the two plants had been beaten up Cars parked in company lots and at work ers homes have been damag edwben tires brake lines and hoses have been out In some instances windows have been smashed One incident reported to police concerns carload of four workers proceeding home on Highway 93 and being forc ed off the road by another car The occupants ofthe second car then proceeded to scuffle with the four workers Two men are reported to be in Royal Victoria Hospital as re sult of incidents It is believed the charges which have been laid involve striker and worker In one instance man is salC to have thrown rock through the win dow of an automobile proceed ing through the picket line An other instance workeris said to have ignored the pickets major Barrio warning to stop and driven in whim injuring the man Telephone calls have been made to the homerofiomhf workers and company officials These callersvhavc threatened pbyaical violence to recipients and their families in one in staoce worker became so concerned that ho sent his will and child to Toronto until the strike is over PlCKETlNG CONTINUES Cookstown employee of one of the struckplants reported that man came to his door looking for another worker The worker received the beak ing obviously intended for the man for whom the original search wasmade Picketlng of the two plants continues today Last week the companies applied for and were granted fourday injuan tlon whleh limited pickets at each of the plants to eight at any one time The injunction further restricted to four the number of pickets at My one entrance The strikers at both plants are members of the UAW local 700 They were authorle to act as bargaining agents at the plants earlier this year and negotiations have been going on for flrts contract Uegm tiationa broke down abouttwo weeks ago and the strike was called first at DaVilblss and later at Key Air Conditioning JackPawson district repre sentative of the union was con tacted earlier todnandsald have heard rumors of some trouble but do not really know anythlngabout it The loealILabor Council vat edi complete support of the striking workerA aLaJneetla last weekend and sent tele gram to provincial labor min ister Charles Daley asking that he intervene in theatrike and attempt to bring ahout the re opeolng of negotiations detectives had been called this sweet smoothtalking little lady and one of the major dealers in narcotics in the Pacific coast by oarl cotice agent Display Defiance OiSoviet Premier By JOHN EARLE LONDON ifteuters Usu ally well informed Western sources believe SovietPrernier Khrushchevs ability to man oeuvre over Berlin may be lim ited by opposition to him being displayediatr the Soviet Com munist party congress in Mos cow The strength of Khrushchevs Diet iislr Provinces CoiGOpevratef WithOana 0nllesburces By BEN warm MONTREALiCP Prime Minister Diefenbaker called on the provinces Monday night to joinwifh Ottawa in coop alive effort to bamess Canada natural resources in dynamic drive towards prosperity He offered three part plan greater natlonal for getting the program under way each part linkedto pl go of financial backing vital to Canadas des ny that Canadians develo hold andvigorouspolicy of tional expansion Mr Diefen baker told dinner marking the opening day of the Bosch mcnfsr Meanwhile West Berlin po lice said today that East Ger man police were seen to fire at and injure man trying to flee to West Berlin Monday night Despite the announcement western officials were allowed He was then taken away by the East Germans FilmsSEWER Premier Urges Delegates RallygAroundiew Leader DON aEnNny TORONTO CF Premier Frost delivered his farewell speech as Ontario leader of the Progressive Conservative party Monday nighta cailfor pro gress through order and warning against change for the sake of change The 65ltYCBTrDla premier who has held office throughout 0n tarios most prosperous and abundant years save his best wishes to the cotton candidates seeking the leadership and or called them all my boy He is expectedgtotremaincae premier and memberliar Vic toria for the time being step ping down as promier before the next session qfthe legisla ture tentatively setfor lataNn vember Speaking atflarsity Arena where thoup artyls leadership convention isbelng held he said all the candidates are his friends and always will be lowers to aspire for the leader ship he said indeed with that objectiveI have encour aged them to enter public life sueeonr 01m wannrv He told delegates to rally around If newleader when him our and our 1p in the great task which willbe Delegates will vote Wednes day at theeloseofnhe three day convutioo choosing the new leader fromnnjong Pro vincial Treasurer James Al lanl AttorneyGeneral Kelso Roberts Health MinisterMatt hew Dymond Energy Resources Minister Robert Macaulay Be form rge Wardroper Education Min rater Johnmbansw Wallace Downer tamer Speak er of the legislature Mr Frost said the Conservav lives have to search constantly Durlng my yéarl ofleader in have encouragede fol for improvement but should not make changes merel lake olrchange opposition in the Tommunrst here as the most unexpected feature of the congress institntloas Miolster Geo ceivlng implied support from China We want to make that the ways we plan arei Bed better waysand that we are not merely tampering and tinkering with tried and successful meth ads and pbiicies He toldtho 17M delegates the new leader would have to give new effect to our dynamicefco aomic cell of the pastm people more jobs more up tunlty and from these things more productivity more means togbetter the way of life of our people and to provide homes and opportunities no unlyfoc ourselves but for count less millions who turn their eyes to Canada and Ontario as ttliueplace of freedom and upper 40 minutes to reaching their seatsand even thencnly about 200 on theifloo de egates and anal Jail in scattered through world was regarded by many Albania now is openlydefi not of Khrushchev while ra For Tomorrow conference To translate the confer col roaoivro Controller DollS deci on into action he pro pose lA National Resources Coun cil to be set up by the federal government and involving mem bership from all 10 provinces It would be concerned with re source conservation renewal and development full fledged conference on resource similar to the current week long session held every three or four years to review progress in resource development national advisory land and water use board charged with making recommendations the no ordination of land Located use on national scale aldsurnrnervllle addressee delegates to the anterior Conservative 1eonveo