Growth In Relations During his first Imprisonment Paul wrote to vanous Chris tisn groups urging more love in their relations with one an other No matter how differ ing their beliefs they must be Scripturehm gl tin humble with one soother Phllippians 218 Since Christ hadredeeme them Paul wrote they must seek the things which are above putting to death such momma sonar scaooiizsson sinu IiiIII earthly sins as immorality covetousnesa anger wrath malice slander and foul tslkColosilans 310 They must put on the new nature in keeping with their redemption With Christian Simcoe First of The first of four rallies was held jointly by the Simcoe Pres byterlal Womans Missionary Society and the Simcoe Presby terial Womans Association at Bradford The meeting might be termed historic as it will he the last meeting bcfnre the CHURCH BRIEFS FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED gt The First Christian Reformed Church will hold its Sunday School at 930 this Sunday morning Rev lac Gouzebrock will conduct the 1030 church service in English and the 230 pm service In Dutch FILM AT FIRST BAPTIST The challenging film LEv angiie story of the Protest ant witness in French Canada to will be shown during the Sun day evening service of the First Baptist Church Everyone is welcome to come and see this film CHILDREN AND RELIGION WMS Rally our Held new organization forms under the name of United Church Wo men Mrs curated edifice Mrs Carl Ireland of Mans field and Mrs MacDonald of Alliston jointly chaired the Mrs Gordon Knee meetings shaw acted as secretary QUESTION PERIOD Launch Out Into the Deep the theme was presented first as Bible direction of Rev Brenn of Barrie background of Jesus ministry before He met the fisherman at Lake Gennesernt divided the delegates into 10 groups for the consideration of study After reviewing Mr everal questions Mrs III Marquis and Mrs Austin Cook two of the four Simcoe women who wcre sent the workshop for United Church women in Bloor Street United Church Toronto gave valuable and informative re port outlining the beginnings of the new organization and ex plaining hand books ources available Evans welcom ed the ladies to the newly do under the the Brenn and re Moira Wheeler will speak to the Unitarian Fellowship on the topic ls Religion Failing Our Children The meeting will be held at It am In the YM YWCA building on Owen St Everyone is invited to attend CHRISTIAN VOCATION GREEN LAKE Wisconsin Some 350 physicians nurses niedical technicians and pastors were told during conference sponsored by an American Bap tist convention that rediscov ery of the Christian doctrine of vacation is valid link between God and mans daily work It was pointed out that rather than providing the doctor with answers of superior virtue the Christian faith supplies those things which are of great help to his patient Christianity and healing go hand in handWar Cry SPIRITUAL UNITY DESIRED ST PAUL Minn Question Wu the world Evangelist Billy Graham said that although he favors closer unity among Christians some things disturb him about the ecumenical movement Some mpromiserneysba volved and there Is possibility of creating super church Nevertheless the evangelist said wasChrists prayer His followers should be one in spiritual unityWar Cry STAMP T0 HONOR LUTHER EONN Martin Luther will be honored for the first time on postage stamp designed for regular use according to re port from Bonn West Germany He will be pictured on the 15 pfennig value of new set be ing issued by the German Fed eral Republic for use in West Germany and West Berlin Lu ther has been pictured twice before on commemorative stamps of Germany and the Saar but never on stamp for regular postage use The Bonn government also disclosed that Dr Albert Einstein will be hon ored by stamp the first time germany has paid such tribute JewWar Cry non UPLIFT or INDIANS GEO NEW CONSTITUTION Mrs Lalng and Mrs Wensley gave an outline of the wealth of reading materials on hand and emphasized the new constitution for United Church women and mission study books There is new interest in Brazil where the United Church harbcen askedtosend missionaries This will give new impetus to neighborll ncss and many new books tell the story Mrs Laing said During the afternoon letter was read by Mrs Allen of Barrio corresponding secre tary from Mr and Mrs Lloyd Stracbnn both SimcoeCounty young people who will be the first missionaries to Brazil from the United Church Mrs Ciemence Stay ner candidate secretary who recently marked 50 years as member of WMS urged par ents and teachers to face the challenge of the needs of the church Registration at train ing school is not adequate teachers nurses doctors dieti tians and many more ministers are needed Following the luncheon ex ecutive secretaries wore intro duced by Mrs Bell and Mrs Bert French Presbyterial presidents trio including Rev and Mrs Robert Jackson of Bond Head and Mrs Betty Holbert Nawton Robinson presented sel ectlons love tharl cannot be Greek MJOWT barbarian Scy thian bondman freeman but Christ In all and in all Ooiosslans himu Paul urges better relation ships between man and will The afternoon spesker Miss Esther ngbiisld executive sec retary of home mission board was introduced by Mrs Perkins of Midland New Ways for New Days particularly in the urban and rural churches was the can tral thread In Miss ngbfields remarks The opportunity to live ecumenically Is at our doors if we think in terms of our own church or our own grou we lose our perspeo tlveshe said SHOW CONCERN Boards and orgsnlutions are the organs in tha church that Introduce the community to If children and parents and masters and slaves Wivesx be subject to your husbands hel advisesCoionians 810 GOLDEN TEXT2 Philippians God This is muddled world where do we begin Right where we are We and to be more concerned and reach out beyond our own structure into the wrnmunlty Giving some statisch from Dr McDonald hams million board executive abs stated that of the 4500000 that will give United Church In their re ion on the 1061 census one ifth will not be under any pastoral care Quoting Theodore Matboson Miss lIigbtield told the story of the church that committed sui cide The church that is not alive to these needs outside its own walls might as well write its obituary for it is taking Its tholic dispel Camp Borden In nixed BODE cuspi T0 are soon Holy Redeemer Mann Ca with seating capacity of 50 will open Sunday The church In near the Armys permanent married quarters Dedication Service Held At St Pauls In Midhurst Dial ll Prayer LService Resumed SYDNEY Reuters Aus tralias first dialsprayer ser vice has resumed delivery of its soulsaving messages with new equipment Through the new telephones the service now can cope with the heavy de mands oi callers who recently jammed its telephone lines and caused suspension of service Extra telephones now can tak 3500 calls day Five lines go direct to machine where recorded prayer is played automatically life by its own hands Being good neighbor In our first task The work among Indians must have some other motive apart from making them like us as with other rac es they have much to keep and cherish she said stitutes real problem not only of soil erosion but of soul erosion the damage to person alitiee But this is no excuse for weak church Min lIighiield cited many instances where the board had sent help She closed with quote from Good Soil Business as usual is treason change with the changing times Mrs Paris Cookstown ex tended courtesies to the Erad Installation of On Sunday afternoon Oct 15 the service of dedication and harvett thanksgiving was held in St Pauls Anglican Church in Mldhurlt Lightbourn Rov Walter Dyer IIteov William Newman Walter Mobility in niral areas wowed Archdeacon and Ronald Cooperoffieiat The church was beuatifuily accreted with flowers autumn leaves harvest grain fruit and egetables The altar was de corated with flawsrs bread and grapea The church was filled to capacity with the overflow parishioners seatedwimtho arisb haliMaby oi the form er members were in the congre atton The three stained glass win nghtbouin window in lov Ing memory of Charles Robin son given by the faintly by Rev Walter Dyer window given by Walter Lee Archdeacon Lightbourn dedi cated the church furnishings of the choir pews Xrayer desk and alter Mrs ivin Robinson sang beautifully Ila Smiled on Me Paul Channan of Mine sing parish was the organist for the service All enjoyed the anthem Prayer of Thanksgiv ing which was sung by the choir Lorne Orser and Walter Craig warLtbeqsidesmenrw The address was given by Archdeacon Lighthourn He stated that our country was the moat blessed In material The dialaprnyer service Is part of Whomcentre proposed by the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Sydney to cure men fol poverty In the community The Salvation Army Citadel 60 Collier Street Sr Cantata and Mrs GIIIelDII Corps Officers SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 945 am Holiness Meeting 1045 am Evangelistic Service 700 pm Temporarin held In the and Fellows Hall on Collier street Opp Post office AWAITS YOU ed by newsman with res ect to the current trend inwmlhbmmï¬ï¬‚lfllAMCIENCET Union SOCIETY 159 COLLIER ST Service Sunday School 11 mm VPROBATION AFTER DEATH Reading Room on premises Wed pm All are welcome Em THE sAane REFORMED CHURCH Rev Cornelia Bans Minister Phone PA 61024 SUNDAY MORNING 1100 SERVICE OF WORSHIP In Dutch language 1100 SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN To be held in St James Church at Crown Hill YOU ARE WELCOME FIRST CHRISTIAN ford church the speakerl the trio and to the committee In charge for the day Rev MacIsvisb pronounc ed the benediction TRINITY CHURCH 24 Collier Street Next to the Post Office HELIOS L00 Ln Holy commnnton Asa am runny Service and sermon Ira Visions of outer Archdeacon Read Sunday School NIlnlry 1100 on Morning Payer lemon Vislons or Daniel Archdeacon Raid 100 pm uva SlmflAY This Isrvice Is conducted by the layman of to church Sermon an Papploton use All Are Welcome PRESBYTERIA CHURCH SERVICE In JOHNSON ST SCHOOL STUDENT MINISTER 030 am MORNING WORSHIP 930 can SUNDAY SCHOOL THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA DIOCESE 0F TORONTO The Rt Rev 11 Wilkinson MM Mal DDLLDLor¢3lsh Church of St Giles s5 Cook street The Rev Itiddel Th Mrs Sinclair Organist and Choir Director ritiNirv LAYMENS SUNDAY mo am HOLY COMMUN ION 95 cannon scnooi 945 munBIBLE CLASSES Young People setvie will conductaeehya the laymen of ï¬ll Plfllh Preach CAPT MOORE Ntlflery and Kindergarten 700 pm Evening Prayer an ice win be conducted by laymen of the ï¬nish TIRE LEMITAIIONS OI SCIENCE Everyone Welcome ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN Owen and We Iey St Revugwmsï¬mter hector Raymond Daniels 14101 945 emuSenior School 00 amNurury Junior School rs Anglican cams el ST GEORGES ALLANDALI Burton Avenue at Granville Street TRINITY Lord lacrosse Our Faith InnHoly Communlon li amMorning Prayer Ir Causaluni and church thooleir 7A Conflrmllion Clu Young Peoples Ellie Clall Nursery Class in the Room Holtlfll Room pmEvening Prayer Invite you to cum and worship wit us on can no bath Day smilian wuss am CHURCH Newman window in loving memory of James Craig given ows were dedicated to the wealth and that thanks must be lory of God by Rev William given for the abundance of ma terlal blessings He said our church had stood for 78 years the family by Archdeacon giving the people of our com COIIIER ST UNITED CHURCH MINISTER The Rev Gardiner Skelly MA BD ORGANIST CHOIRMASTER Lloyd Tulford 00 am Broadcast over CKEB verminn wiltPï¬iéh on the suspéi IIIow srow THE MILLS CHURCH SCHOOL years and over 930 am under years II00EIl Baby swing Facilities at be aIn JGA CARVPARKINAVAILABLE FOR CHURCH GOERS VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS WELCONII suinon AVE unnincnuRCH Rev David Reeve 5A 31 Mlnlltel Mr George Junieson organist ANNIVERSARY Isnwicssr Guest Speaker any JAY ns roarIn church Clarinets pmrio munity place of worship and that we must be thankful for our freedom In living UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 0F BARRIE 1100 min School of Religion 00 am $ubieot Is RELIGION FAILING oun CHILDREN Speaken Moira Weller za Owen St YMYWCA For Further Information Call PA $8172 Everyone Welcome vWILLOWDALE UNITED CHURCH Steel Sheet Public school Mr Allan Tomlinson Ministcr 53 1000 am CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL and COMMUNION SERVICE Rev Mitchell from Guthrie NEW cannon snnvmn new aisrnicr EVERYONE WELCOME FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHr if Clapperton it Worlley RevGotdonAWlllt Pastor Miss Elsie Clougfiley Director of Monte 10 to 10Sundny Church School 11 am who Wants To Be Saint pm LLEVANGILE 16 mm Sound Film story of Protesth witness in French Canada The Friendly Church With The Warm Welcome FIRECRACKER FAITH Roman Catholic 700 pm 8T MARYS CHURCH lb MULCAflTERBT triennial meeting of the Fellowship of Indian Workers was recently REFORMED CHURCH Wlm at Vincent Street EVERYONE WELCOME held in EstesPark Colorado when 350 delegates representing 15 Protestant denominations met to discuss ways and means of bettering the lives of native Indians in America Rev Bass superintendent poa Na Rev Iac Genzehrock pastor Phone PA 39370 157 shanty Bay Road 030 nm REV JAC GEUZEBROEK vajo Methodist Mission was 130 pm elected president of the ll shipWar Cry OW Iron THE WORLDS NEEDY LONDON The British Coun cil of Churches has allocated $700000 in aid at refugees and other needy people in various parts of the world This is one of the contributions which the council makes several times year of the latest allocation some 5385000 is being given to refugee work of the World Council of Churches in Europe the Middle East Hong Kong and Korea The rest of the money will go to welfare and training programs in Africa Asia and Latin America The Council of Churches receives most of its funds fortho sup port of these projects Indona tions from its member bodies and from the numerous inter denominational committees that each yearorgonize Christian Aid Week in more than 800 British communities War Cry REV JAG GEUZEBRDEK Dutch The Church 01 Back To God Eons Radio Program EMMANUEL ugl En Nultmenr 34 BAPTIST ST VINCENT 51 945 cannon Bible scaooi THE ALLIANCE CHURCH netcw dun Dunlop Streets George Ross Pastor 045 amunday School 1100 mamMorning Worship ImamEvianqu servch cIIiiacu 1100 pmWHY TODAYJSCIIRISTIANS DO NOT PRAC TICE THE HOLY CHRISTIANS KISS A8 DID THE IST CENTURY pmBELIEVEIIS BAPTISMALBERVICE 0J5 pmLord Supper and Recoptlonotlbtsw embers Rev JENNINGS BAefThornbury Withdrawn to attend Burton Ave UnitecI Church School at 930 amPrimaryr toYouag People Ontario Guest Miwlmr oma AndBIInj ATTEND or YOUR HOICE ms cuuncu THIS Simon $336 5525 Corner of Burton Avenue Allandalo Rev ws Ball BA Minister Mn Walker Organist Ilfam SACRAMENT 0F BAPTISM pm Church Anniversary Services VISITORS AND NEW RESIDENTS WELCOME 930 amTr and minister Kew Beach United Church er EVERYDAY SAINTS Harmony Fellowship will follow evening service Special Music CHURCH SCHOOL Sr Departments 1100 amNunery and Primary Deplrtrnents CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH use New onusan wrm ran on areas Ross he Tomato direct any cncn BBEhS na no MR ac manna nun Orgntat and Choumaster 1100 am LYDIA FOR LOYALTY Sacrament of Baptism Infant and Toddler Nurseries CHURCH SCHOOL 945 am years and over II00am up to years 96th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE October 29th at 1100 on th Dr Bruce Gr oronto as guest speak PA 82985 SUNDAY mass am am 1015 In 11303111 gt EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunday pm Wednesday at 730 on Mother of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 730 and LUTHERAN CHURCH or THE soon snerusna sun on Hwy nnv MILAN BABE Pn 81631 1100 am nivnvn wonsnrr Sunday 5cliool p45 and The Church or IVs Tth Is The Lita