SIMCOECOUNTY NEWS STROUD MYMENS SERVICE Laymens Sunday church service was observed in the United Church on Sunday morn ing The service was conducted by GodlyearJndJaokvMarv Mrl Keith and Don Mch and Miss Jessis Litster WESTERN TRIP Mu Len Herringtan returned home on Saturday lifter spend ing several weeks visiting rela tives and friends in Tisdaie gt Saskatchewanrnndsurrounding district 11 Russell Horvie WMï¬tmdhl Int of ore Station visited ltlrs Wilfred Johnston Mrs Clark also visited Mr and Mrs Lloyd Scott Mr and Mrs Elruy ii and family of Brampton sitcd Mrs George Horneand family Mrs blanford Home and Mrs Dave Anderson and Mrs Nelli Davis were on bus trip to Algonquin Park on Saturday to view the Scenery which has an so beautiful this past few weeks NEW FLOS Mrs Alfred Scadding Misses Joanne Scaddlng and Doreen Smith of Toronto were Sunday guests of the latters parents Mr and Mrs liarold Smith and boysï¬ $3 with Ross liubbert explain foundation of the Laymen drill ion Wilfred 1L an address on ye shall be my witnesses The mens choir of 21 voices sang two anthems and quar tet composed of Loyd Cumm ing Rev Fred Jackson Ron Fox and Don Vlco added great ly to the service RUGBY Mrs Tyson Langman and Mrs Wilfred Johnston were into the Birchmere Hotel Orlllia on Fri day when they helped to enter tain the W1 ladies who were on bus tour through this district from Southern Ontario Mr unanrs Berna Johnston and Bryan spent the weekend in Sault Ste Marie Ontario visiting Mrs Johnstons brother Allan Thomson Mr and Mrs rli Air and 11s and MAKING FULL USE of its nudcar reactor Hamiltons McMasier University is play study of atomic energy for peaceful purposes Dr Fetch metallurgy depart neutron diffractcmeter used to determine the arrange rncnts of atoms in soil in the men ch William Robsonv Drrlezan WATER in thislcadlined pool of the en gineering building McMaster University Hamilton serves schools nuclear reactor The reactor put into operation in 1959 is used for as many as different once and engineering Super visor John McDougaii ieftt and operator Kenneth Marshall ing leading CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER North dealer Neither side vulnerable Noam K97053 on asz adjusts the heartsand lived to regret it Presumably he was trying to play the final contract in one of his own suits and warn North of his shortage in hearts He could have made the loss scientific bid of three no trump over three hearts and Bomarcs Arrive At Bay Site NORTH BAY CPI Two Bomnre ground to alr mis siles arrived by truck at their launching site seven miles north of here They were the first of 28 such missiles scheduled to be deliv ered here from the manufac and Miss Eileen Clark of Tor onto and Mr and Mrs Frank Clark of Washago visited and Mrs Wilfred Johnston Mrs frwln Judd and family of Royal Oaks Michigan Mr and Mrs Dave Rodgers and fondly of Burlington Mr and Mrs Charlie Rodgers and son of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Howard of Barrie visited their parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Rodgers also their daughter Lillian of Barrie Mr and Mrs Major of Toronto visited on Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Viney Wi fowl supper has been posi poned until Tuesday Nov Mr and Mrs AlexFinluy at tended the funeral in Barrie of their brotherinlaw Edward Do ran of Midhurst Sunday visitors with the Rawn families included Mr and Mrs Clarence Hewitt George on Barbara of Gamebrldge Mrs McKay Mitchell Square and turer Boeing Airplane Com woMnNs rNsnrura Mr and Mrs Alton Rawn of research pro grams serving medicine sci TELEVISION PROGRAMS chn CHANNEL BARRIE suunnu oeronan 21 ilpenrlloulex Bow In rum nerpo on Living World We GI son nun nanny Sins Rps Around s0o Countrytlma Warns Show 040 News Walther Sports can Cartoon Show 11° 700 DanniAha Menen New TV Party 73a analn Hood NW Ioduh am am Gun Will Travel PM TV Pmy sno Perci ounn ï¬lm gnrkgtmllteao ews on on 900 NHL Hockey mm spam Znnc Grey Tagu Don Messerl Jubilee Danny Thomas Show Live check fuel rods Stayner Would you wear red shirt to formal party of course you wouldnt But bright coloured clothes are the best coverage when youre out hunting in the woods They help protect you from be ing mistaken for game But theres another kind of coverage you need too insurance coverage CIAS Accldent and Sickness insurance could help you pay the bills if you were in cnpneltated because of hunting accident CINE Family Liability Instir ancc could help you pay the costs If you were found liable for injury to 10mm one else For full details inst oalif WILBUR WALTON 52 Newton St or moo IIM CRAWFORD ins pensions or PA 6479 CLARENCEBROWN PA 85689 Jooperator The met at the home of It Mrs Edward Johnson on Wed nesday evening with good turnout The president Mrs Wilfred Johnston prodded open ing it in the usual way Sev eral letters were read and dealt with thank you was received from the Paisley fam ily Mrs John Langmnn gave report on the directorsmo sting Mrs Tyson Langman gave an account of the work shop she attended at the YMCA Drillia Mrs Wilfred Johnston told of her and Mrs Tyson Langman being at the Blrdimere Hotel toheip entert ain the 161 ladia on the bus in from Southern Ontario Mrs Clarke Horne introduced the speaker of the evening Mrs Stanley Evans East Slmcoe dis triot president who gave very interesting talk Mrs Albert Horne thanked the speaker Lin da Horne and Carol Johnston gave two piano duets which were enjoyed by all The meet ing closed with the Queen The hostess and her helpers served tea MICHIGAN VISIT William Rodgers is spendi few days with his sister and family Mr and Mrs Irwin Judd Royal Oaks Mich Several from thiseommunltL sttendchthEth Jarratt Community Hall on Wed nesday evening on of Seattle Each oi the as radiation 5mm tar me ltwoymlsslles travelled in sep arate truck crossing into Can ada at Sault Ste Marie it was understood police escort was provided for the trucks at least part of the way from Sault Ste Marie to North eighe North Bay site is one of two Bnmarc anti aircraft mis aile bases being rim by the RCAF as part of North Amerilt can air defence The other which also will have 23 missiles is at La Macaza near Mont Laurier Que Both are to be controlled from an electronic ontrol centre now being built underground Warbylrour Lake might easily have gotten away with this contract But the bid he made back fired badly it gave West the chance to double three spades giving East valuable informa tion and gave East the chance to double three notrum giving West valuable inforrna on West took full advantage of the opportunity not had marked himself with heart strength by doubling three no trump So West led the ten of hearts It was the first in stallment of the slaughter which followed Declarer ducked and East took the heart with the jack Ha returned the three of spades West won with the ten and led another heart East to ok it with the queen and play edrthe two of spades showing fiveeard sult The upshot was that East West captured fivespades and three hearts to inflict four trick defeat700 points and earned their team net gain on the deal of 1100 points on MondnyiAnother Famous and is presented by Mr Beek 81 30000 Hunters sTrainedeInvSaietr west 1753 gnome 1042 one oiosas one 457s 412 80m 41 Photo Open Field Office For Information WASHINGTON AP St Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation will open field of fice probably in Detroit to dis tribute information and promote the development of more traffic along the route Commerce Secretary Luther Hodges said Friday Detroit has been tentatively designated as the site for the office Employ ees to staff it would be moved from the corporations head quarters at Massena NY 68 33228 Openl leadthree of dia monds Here is remarkable nd played in the 1961 Vanderbilt team of four championship At the first table where the NorthSouLh pair were playi weak two bids North opened two hearts and South responded two notrump forcing lh diamonds artificial showed ihat the two bid was based on good values otherwise would have hid three clubs South then hid three notrump and West led diamond De clarer promptly cashed four dia monds and five clubs to make three notrump for score of 400 points At the second table the hid ding was more complicated it went he 13 gallons hg Whyta 1100 caC TV News 1110 wartim News sports 1115 Movie Three Secrets allNDIiY oeronnn 1015 Test Pattern 1100 Church scivies 1100 Popeye Ind Pals 1215 News and Weather Speaking French Good Lila Theatr Cauutry Calendar NFL Football The Steel Godesr Discovery and News Movie angles in the Afternoon Weekend News Movie Contd Hazel Parade Ed Sullivan Slow Bonanza ClaseAUp Quest eapnpupr epppps 858 Gardiner Suggests Zoological Park TORONTO CP Frederick Gardiner chairman of Metro politan Toronto council sug gested that an $8000000 zoo logical park be Metros con tributionto Canadas centennial year in 1967 The site would be macro plot in the Don Valley north east ot the Toronto city limits Mr Gardiner suggested to the Metro ark conunitteedthaLad Tm ca ionto the Canadian Cen tenary Council be made for Weatherman Today in Sports Community News Crossroads TUESDAY ocroaaa this Test Pattern Popeye and Fall Noonday Report News Weather Sports Form Report Conitng Events Movie Feather in her 11st Open Rouse School Telecast Look Alberta Game Farm The ThSUDEURY ca Wayne ompson and Marcel Smith Doriande from Bur wash prison farm Oct 10 were sentenced Friday to an addi tional year in prison Thompson was convicted at 2p Pasi Iimmina for possession OrisD 21 PESL tan KQWSABDUMMWIHWH4FM or theft They will serve th Esgssnéfss tn JamMu sport News Don Jamlesnu Ride The ManDown his AY German Test Pattern Popeye and Pull Ooudoywï¬e on own ea or am Farm Report Sp Coming Events Movie Two Senorita from Chicago CFTO CHANNE ntsnhtwaaa Weather Sports Ben Cases The Dir assessed Red Ske ton 910 ac Convention 1100 CBC TV News 1115 The Weatherman Today in Sports Community News 1135 Interpol calling TORONTO 130 Channel Theatre mqu °88 sentences in Kingston Peniten AGNES Leon 18 18mm 88111111 Bu namecing South made the 3M desti late 02 scientl 1c of three spades over three DAILY CROSSWOBD the department TORONTO CmBy the end of this yearit is expected that upwards of 80000 hunters will have been trained in safe and proper gun handling under 011 tarios hunter safety training program inaugurated in 1957 of gdgandjoh es aaid Fri ay its wee news letter Some 6500 mostly youtha federal contribution toward the project Metro commissioner lhomas Thompson was asked to prepare detailed report HARRY Dr and Mrs Don Ahrenliolz of Des Moises lowa USA splt eat several days withMr and Insurance Association CIA ma We color to your ovary whim for any type of BANQUET MURnooH Let Us ChGoIr Your Car ow wanna ALIGNMENT wanna BALANCING snocx nosonann snnvrca COMPLETE FRONT END susraNamN OVERHAUL PA 82202 27 TORONTO sr HERE4 oswnug scram Kaim am sawuns nation SATURDAY ocTonnn 21 400 Wrestling Learn To Draw Cartoon Time 111 Time TBA Sports Weather News Outdoor Sportsman The Flintstones Route 06 Naked City Jack nan Emmi The Detective 330 All star Playhouse 355 News 400 Personality Show 40 Professors Hidew 600 Whirlybhdl ciao Sports 540 Weather ens Pierre amen sh iiiiiana eat ow waB Fightiof Weekii 73 0131 Cat Johnny rsaw Show sno Whiplash tsirpssdcnnisdlgamflnï¬n l1mm can ay evo Pushwer and some girls 21 and under have been trained so far this year and H142 have been trained since the program be gen The safe hunting project is backed by the Ontario Federa tion of Anglers and Hunters Training is done by 3200 in flux structora friLm téie federalfign and other fis an game cu Milieu 433mm Vince Pamela across the pro 40 Perish Try An Examiner Want Ad aaoNnra 02414 Ingram itflmHOOSIERRESMURANT in our spacious warm Tain Coral Glen Room Call Elmvule 161 or come in and see us Mile South of Elmvllo Hwy No Milli Inspector Maigret 030 Take Chance 1000 ntfleman 1030 Loretta Young slog iiiemivgniï¬r 590m en es anaemic TUESDAY Domains 1030 News has and Elsi Channel Theatre Manhhndlefl Science Fiction Theatre News Personality Show Professors Hidelwly rlybllda Sports Weather Pintre Berton News Leave it To nonver Zane Greyt Theatrn aaoylnn Checkmate Feter cunn News Weather Man or Der Better Late SUNDAY ocTonan 22 103 if and Religion 241mm ouch Stories for Sunday Around the World Bravo Theatre STARTS IMPERIAL iAMDlIS AYERS ruininr rsi Aw Place TEA Revue 51 The Donna Reed Show Academy Perromance Paris Holiday intermission Academy Peisummer Part Andy Griffith Show aiming 20s News Weather Spottl nloNDAY DCTOBEB 1030 New 1035 Free and Easy happiesbhrt gvyMlils fwMillS Millennial lï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ sill W1 63 III Ellfli WA NOW SHOWING FEATURE AT 155 415 045 935 cranium spnru INCOMMONI IlMES 97 Bunion sr Piosonts lEN WEEKS ORCHESTRA SAT OCT 21 pm onrNK MORTON Trumpet Soloist LADY DRUMMER CHINESE BUFFET For Reservations Call on 50231 Kelli ionp rELLowy eoctlrnsr EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY Sii iilEitiSlltiltts UAIAY NEWS ERIDAY VTOM CROW SATURPAY MELLAVINGE And HisJBiuewafe Bo 52 0TH id you see him put on hia smoking jacket when he saw the cigars in my breast pocket $500 Couple