THE NEW EXECUTIVE was elected at the annual baa quet of thnliempenleldt Boy Scout Association last night Proposes Development Back row left to right Al Gorow past president Doug Moorehouse president ian Welsman honorary member Front row left to right Stan THE DARK WEATURDAY OCTOBER 21 Place Spotlight On Iooperatives By JOHN HUGHES This week has been set aside as Coop Week and cooperative them Jackson treasurer Major Viii OErecbt district cnm missioaer and Jim Grccn halgh advisor Examiner Photo Of Scouting In Area The elcclion oi officch was held at the annual meeting and dinner ol the Kempenfcldt Bay District Boy Scouts at St Georges Church Hall Allandale on Friday Hosts were the sec ond Allondale Boy Scout Troop The Cub and Scout Mothers Auxiliary served turkey dinner Guest speaker was Harpur Provincial field com missioner for Lakeland Region of the Boy Scouts Association He commented on responsibil ities of group committees and discussed enrolment of boys in Scouting He stressed that Scout ing is trinity of cubs pro grossing to Scouts who in turn should progress to Rover Scouts He said it was trinity bound by common thread building the character of boys to develop them into useful citizens He pointed out that twice as many Cubs are enrolled as there are Scouts and that this district Botarians Hear has no Rover Crew He left the members with the challenge that Kempenfeldt Bay would have Crew organized and active in Scouting in the coming year PRESENT REPORT The annual report was pre sented by the secretary Doug Moorhouse He gave highlights of the progress of the District Council during the past year He said new and larger dis trict had been formed by draw ing up of new constitution district Scouters staff was or ganized under the District Com missioner Maj OBrecht district badge was designed and will soon be available for all Scouts the district has locreas ad from nine groups to 11 and Scouts from the district partic ipatcd in the regional Queen Scout ceremonies and the Third Canadian Jamboree The following executive was nominated for the coming year Of Need President Doug Moorliouse secretory John Chalmers troo surer Stan Jackson public rela tions Jack Dyck badge chair man Tom Bobier finance El mer Bradley special events and ways and means Hersey od visers Jim Greenbolgh Bill Merriam past president Al Gerow honorary member inn Weismun BC Man To Speak To Underwriters The Life Underwriters Associa tion of SimnooMuskoka will be host to Lindsay Vancouv er national president of the Life Underwriters Association of Canada at meeting to be held on October so at Birchrnere liotei Orillia Mr Lindsay heads 10000member nation wide organization of life under writers One of 75 local associa tions across Canada Sirneoa Muskoka has loo members people are working extra hard to publicize their cause and en nrwrnembers to Some of our special weds during the year dont make too much sense Some causes ap pear to beeraiher vaguesome very limited in their interest and some seem to have purely moneymaking motives The program for Coop Week maker good deal of sense no gimmicks no tags instead the many members oi Canadian Cooperatives are working at the community level to invite in the neighbors mention thefacts about cooperatives and offer an invitation to join the movement Cooperatives can count on their ideal to sell itself What is to be done is to stir up renewed in terest and vigor la the local or ganization and larger measure of support for Cooperative enlt terprises One well planned week intha year could mean whole year of better business in recent years the increasing integration oi rural and urban liic and the growth of coopera tives such asrrcredrtrunlons surarTce MTtl medical coopera tivu whose services are useful Ladys Not F0 An unusual opportunity to see live theatre at its best will be offered next Wednesday night when the Canadian Players stage Cbrlstopber Frys coin edy The Ladys Not For Bu ing at Central Collegiate Au torium Barrie will be the first stop alter the Toronto opening for the Canadian Players William llutt an internation ally known actor and Tobi Weinberg comparative new comer to Canadian theatre will take the leading roles The play will be directed by David Gardner an actor turned For Newspaper Canadian Players Oller Starts Recreation Centre to both farmers and city work ers have made radical change in the membership of tbasanr ganizations in the future the development of cooperative eeds will likely play an increas ingly important part in the growth of the cooperative mayo merit in ism out oi total volume of coop business of $145 million in Canada agricultur market ing accounted for 96 per cent of this total The marketing coop still represents the biggest part of the cooperative movement in this country but glance at statistics shows that the ratc of growth of marketing coopera tive is not making beadw While gross farm income in creased sevcn tithes between 1932 and 1959 cooperative mar keting grew at the same pace The cooperative business vol ume in farm supplies and con sumer goods increased almost thirtythree tirn Theservtcecoo consumer cooperatives have been coming into their dwn in recent years providingbothrur al and urban members with goods and services This trend wrll likely continue and these co pcrativesavilllorm an increas rngiy larger part of the econ Buming director who has been praised by critics for his imaginative productions Mr Frys play Gardner says is one of the most brill iant comedies ever written He describes the play as an optimistic comment that love will win out but which also touches upon puritanical small mindednass The visit of the Canadian Players in Barrie will givelJar rieltes thechanco to see fa mous play performed by no ted company within easy reach of everyone in the area Curtain will rise at Wednesday Carrier Boys GIVES HOME These three little kittens have lost more than their rnit tens They have lost home Blake Foy 13 was being driv en boma from Scout meet ing in Midhurst when he no ticed them on the side of High way 27 and took them home The kittens had apparently been left to fend for them assuaonso KITTENS selves Although they already have three cats of their own the Pay are providing temporary home for the oo phans Examiner Photo WILL PUBLISH OLD PHOTOS The Examiner is interest ed in publishing old photo graphs as flashback fea tures Do you have pictures that are nostalgic re rnlnder of the past in the Simcoe County area They could cover many subjects the early days of can munity old family groups and other types of informal shots Bring or send them to the editorial department of The Examiner SUGGESTS PUBLIC TV NEW YORK CF United New Approach Is Planned In Child Care Discussions Dr Scott director of tho Simcoe County Health Unit has announced newplan ofgroup approach to maternal and child care Discussion groups for expect not mothers will be established in Alliston Barrie Midland aad Coliingwood Drillia has had pienatal classes under the Vic torian Order of Nurses for sew oral years second type of discussion group for mothers with infants up to 18 months will be established in Orillia and Barrie The group discussion will re place the traditional classroom director of the Canadian Mental Health Association which has branch in Barrie Dr King will continue to give guidance for this first series of meetings Expansion of this education program and consideration ofv the number of times to repeat the block oi meetings will de pend on public response Fury Iher information may be obtain ed through the nearest office of the Simcoc County Health Unit Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 BERNICE HYSLOP Arrecreatlon centreiurvnews paper carrier boys and their families which will oiferyear round activities isbeing estab lished on SOacra site at the ioth line in Essa Township Hoe Doe Valleyas thecamp Will be called is being estab lished by Oz Earle and his wife Jean For an annual membership fee each person would be alloted yearround camping space Anti es in the summer would include camping swim ming and Ifishing type of prenatal class This will give women with similarinter ests an opportunity to talk to gether with the guidance of Public Health Nurse The group discussion method has been used extensively in other health agencies for the study oi the infant andpra snhooler gt SeveralPuhlic Health Nurses on the Simcoe County staff have had special training in tbetach niques of group leadership by Dr Marjorie flSLeducatioaaL States broadcasters should work toward the establishment of publicly financed television net work llailman vinepres ident of the CBC inichnrge of programming suggested Pri day Speaking to general man agers of the National Educa tional Television and Radio Cen tre he said television needs public financing to discharge its essential social obligations and to realize its lull service oppor tunities to the community erlyMlasWatsonl ELECTROLOGIST announces the opening or ber new electrolysis attics ey appointment only snout 2224613 gt VHYSLOP INSTITUTE OF ELECTROLYSIS 4844 so or thiowdale Block north of Sheppard for Skilled Men In Indies Dave Eadie formerly of On tario now residing in Mhow Central India told Barrie lio tarians some of his experiences in working with the people of his district in india Mr Eadie is helping to train Indians in mechanical skills and is assisting in the setting up of smallscale industries in lndia india with population while providing only com paratively small investment in equipment takes the trouble to provide large groups of high 1y trained mechanics who not only install the machinerybut train the Indians themselves to operate and maintain it Their staffs can speak the local tongue while Westerns use in terpreters and fail to impart sufficient anowledththcse overdwimillionï¬s short of industrial workers pos sessing the skill necessary to balance the economy between industry agriculture and the auxiliary services he said While the Western powers have poured billions ofedollars into India in the form of food and modern equipment too lit tle has been done to train the people themselves to be self supporting he said Gun policy appears to be that oi supplying equipment with small group of experts to instalL it but with little effort to train workers who can carry on from there Russia on the other hand liTTEND YMCA SoEd President Peter Hol loway left and Bert Booastra are two of several delegates from the Barrie who will attend conference at Geneva who rll eventually be left on their own Despite these handicaps substantial measure of improve ment in manufacturing is being achieved and Indias succeeding fiveyear plans ar making gratifying progress Mr Eadie member of the Rotary Club of Mhow empha sized the value of service clubs India where ftheir existence rapidly increasing numbers provides focal point for bring ing together the citizens of in dia and those from other coun tries with the exchange of views and cementing of friend ships so necessary io united effort to improve conditions3L conrrnsncs Park over the weekend Among subjects to be discussed are dis crimination ris of communism and the cbangia role of young men and women in society WRECKING Military Buildinng Ar Camp Bordén ter John Drake retired Those Five Points lights are my beef think the wait is too long be fore you can walk There must be something they can do be light de artmeot autho es Emu able to devise some thidg to aï¬d so much delay They should give the drivers the long wait They can sitio warm car whereas the pedlt estrians have to stand in the snow NAME HIGH COMJVlISSIONER LONDON Reuters Geof irsndejlrsitasa Labame berof parliament has haemao pointed Britains higb commis sioner in Ghana it was an oounced here today itiortlrside Speciul Gospel Services Bible impel SUNDAYFOCTOBER 22nd andcontinuing through SUNDAY OCTOBER29th at 700 pm and the boys their families would enjoy ing sleigh riding Membership would be open to all carrier boys in Ontario Mr Earle asks those who wish more information to write to him at RC Box 93 Barrie Three Injured in First Drive Donald Douthrights first day behind the wheel as linens driver ended in disaster terday when he failed to neg0lt to curve and hit hydro pole on Shanty Bay Road Frank Sterkin26of Barrier was found unconscious beside the car and Patricia Dobbin daughter of Mr Sterkins land lady was found lying in front of the car She had gone through the windshield and suff ered cuts and bruises Sterkin and Douthright 21 were taken to Royal Victoria Jiospitairwithcuts rand concus sion Police say the auto grazed tree before hitting the hyer pole OZZE EARLE TryAn Examiner Want Ad MOST crewman a1 LOWEST cosr with NATURAL GAS RENTAL flJ FuliyGuqrnntegd FREE senwcs MAINTENANCE IndINSTALLATIOM 330000000 1960 39000030000 I961 00f 3100000000 Tbeï¬rstSunIdfepalioywassold in 1371 has took 54 on for ï¬re com pairwisemucous mark of Life Insurance in am By 1952 ssooooooooo was aim Todayneas than fanyears later that ï¬gure has doublednba ranthbitlion having been added in new year and and When youara with Life Y9 are dealing one ofthe greatlife in suranoe companies of the world Sun tire maintains 150 branch oï¬oa throughout North America and representativa are backed layupda date passer constantly under revision in reéhnmmhaeaingrngumuymm portfoliohas notbearichecked innocent years you nancount on sound adjournment songs from rag sun Life mawwmeflw we impasse VP liiemanaiopandhusinasmaura All materials priced for quicksale Acresofydress ed lumber varnished plywood doors windows gyproc tentest masonite hardwood flooring white asbestos simofing shingles wash basins toilets toilet partitions bathtubs laundrytubs pipe modern radiators Varnished plywood clothes closets storing cupboards and utility dressers mo dern light fixtures etc cilfuï¬ï¬umiiiih IVWater beats times faster Vcostsl sToo gigsgown was unusume Mannall lbblll dill llosltnfl homeowner mam MouoAY T0 FRIIDAYV jot 800 COMEAVND HEAR VITAL MsssAéssrbR rHssscnITICALIDAYs mum in Sea Salasmanlat used lumber yard Angus Ont National Soil ng Demolition Limited SPEAKER MR RAY FOX TRENTON DNTARIO