PERSONALS IVING 10 Cell October to Box ll Eylm unlu wolaths COLUMN Ium Ian Coloam In chm Phone Bernie II on it or PA nosi LOST FOUND s1 oon ghoul coglu Euoouie no Public uuiitiu Would the tinder lune return to owner relsoisonn seen ID HELP WANTED MALE HELP CAREERS for YOUNG MEN in the CANADIAN ARMY It you are between the age at 11 and and single get lull information on exciting career opportunities with the CANADIAN ARMY Visit your Army Recruiter at Barrie Armoury between in andll am on Monday Octo ber 23 or write AIuIIy RECRUITING OFFICE 27 ST CLAIR AVE EAST TORONTO ONT riNsmsns WANTED Ap ly liarrlc aowunz Academy is nuniop Street East cerium wanted ror aha re tr ahoD Barrie Permanent Du lent working conditions r7 commensurate with exporioncn Man sALnsluAN or retail furniture Experience necessary Must have good appearance Excellent oppor trinity lnr or resolve man Apply Box oi no Examiner coNsrnucrloN Company relt ulres manager supervisor or eorgian Ely mo Must have Marking knowledge or general construction umniry masonry concrete structural stool and Sub tunes arming ostlmntlnn Ina supervision important App In iInnInuit to Box 39 Elma Inn nort FEMALE HELP cAslan CLERK or loci oIIICe irorsn wars plus min and lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP DRIVE it you would enon working or hour day nailing regu larly each month on you studio Girl Cosmetic clients on route to be established In and around Barrie and an willing to make light deliveries etc write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS Dept Coo 350 La Fleur Ava Montreal Route will pay up to $500 per hour LAD zero In for cnnrunu drasonltrltlal ru eonstwo ml or pm tine Tele hone PA will or point mo board or Kiri with God chino tu to work In Barrio loan ply to Mrs Spun 10 Toronto Street telephone PA EMPLOYMENT WANTED mun scuoor mi will on all weekends Tollphonl rA who WILL IOOK Tut Chudrn to my own home WIII Kick HP and dullor Tellvhonl 515 noullwonx Wanted by the day or by the hour tut end ore leired ruleonon PA Mon ssnvicss rul uni niumln Ex at flmlturll contcu hill or art lull bolls Apply In Box ant Examiner mnDLbAczn single liloexperi enced armor want work on well equipped Good with stock and motor Apply to Box 11 Barrie LIIminer Want Ads SELL MOST Ariylhing For Want Ad Service NEWS OI EUGENE DEVOTEES Fortylive dmteea were on hand on Monday In the hall Iorthe usual ll changes at euchrs and the evenings loci LEGAL NOTICES IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO BETWEEN KEY AIR CONDI TIONING AND REFRIGERA TION LIMITED Pillntfll AND JACK PAWSON PENMAN oW STRACH AN CHAN£5510 EEEYTJCHARLES EDWARD RODER LYAL PHILIP ROB ERTSON and ARTHUR HEN RY WICKSTEAD Defendants NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that Writ ol Summons was Issued by the abovHIamed Plaintlll against the abovenamed Deiondaats on October la ml claiming an Injunction nxahist the behind ants or Improperly Interfering with the employees at the Plaintlit preventing or at teniptlnz to prevent servants agents employees customers and others of the Plaintlil lrorn entering or leaving the Plain tilts premises at 31 Patterson Road in the City of Barrio and other rellel AND TAKE NOTICE that by an Order dated October 19 1961 The Supreme Court of On tarlo made an Interim order enjoining the Dolendants Ironi picketing or maintaining or causing to be maintained at or near 31 Patterson Road In Barrie more than eight pick ets with no more than our pickets at or near any entrance to the property of the Helm at 81 Patterson Road Barrie and other reilel AND TAKE NOTICE that Motion will be made In Weekly Court In Osgoode Hall Toronto Ontario on Monday October 1961 at eleven oclock in the morning or on Order continu ing the injunction granted DATED at Toronto this 19th day October 1961 Raymond and Honsherger as Richmond StreetWesl Toronto Ontario Solicitors or KEY AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION LI MITED moon ability High doom were held by Mrs Thompson Fer zuson Mn Judson Devlin Mn Hutchinson and Fisher GUEST ARTISTS On Oct it Mr and Mrs Bert Mnlholland and Billie were guest artist on the program in Duntroon Hall sponsored by Phil Country Boys Mr Mrs Muiholiand who were celebrating their oath wedding anniversary were the surprise recipients of 3th from the other members at the evenings program iuNk wonfoan work bee was held on 8st urdsy at the rink to lengthen the playing rurlnce and bring it up to requiredtandem We are sorry thatWJtorGy Sr and II Thompson both sul fercd heart attacks recently Mr and Mrs Roy Goodtellow have again taken up residence In Stroud alter having spent the summer on their farm on the 9th line SUFPDET CONTESTANT This community is certainly giving our Contestant for the New York trip wonderlul co operation and support We want Mrs Vilioughhy to thrill to the Great White Way of New York and have the opportunit ies ol the lsbulous weeks stay in one oi the largest cities of the world Ralph Edgar OConnor RR Barrie won handsome steel toy in draw in the local sup ermnrket George and Jack Young and several members at their stall were in Toronto on Monday at tending the annual convention at the Seaway Hotel of their chain of IGA stores Janet Sproule returned home on Wednesday alter is ek In Toronto hospital But due to Complications she had to re turn on Sunday to the hospital Mr and Mrs Keunln announce the arrival of their daughter on Oct to in Royal Victoria Hos pital Mr and Mrs Bruce Cumming have taken up residence on their new farm at Thornton Mr and Mrs George Hunter returned this week to Florida alter spending the summer at Leonards Bench FAMILIES BEREAVED Bereavement entered three families in our community lest JULIEr JONES LARRY BRANNON WWINEVERIOLD Yul ENE THAT DID THE KIOONS ON MY rows Must be good fluuru Apon to Box lo Barrie laxminer aousnssnrsn court or on Ines couple and two children ve In Relercncns slim month WiApply Box Barrie Examiner HE was AT THE you MEAN HE WHI DIDNT INIraooucso Ha GET FRIEND HIMSELF To INTRODUCE DIDNT may His FRIEND EnHER week by the death of Mrs AUCTION SALES fHeath at her home here an yggmgï¬r GAME 55 Oct death In Barrie hospital AUCTION SALE Oct 11 or Robert Wilson of Leonards Beach and death at Tuna Immediately to live in ThUrSday OCmber 26 his home in Hamilton our hie mothcrcorgrn Steady uni 4041 Willred Jacks Our syln Liigiféni omemmimugL WWfl ction sale of 41 head or oathy is extended to the breav HousnKBEPBR or small unity re Ixed Cows heifers steers ed relatives at this time cw relord hull and milking maA ocpoï¬pjg SHOWER BUSINESS SERVICE Show oniononions DIRECTORY At Lot 14 Concession Iniiis on Friday night at the home III Township mile west of of Mr and Mrs Fred Muihol Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 Highway 11 or miles cast all land or Miss Sandra Purves 400 service road whose wedding to Bill Weather Terms cash Definitely no Ie ill will take place on Oct 21 serve owing to Mr Norusis in Westview Presbyterian losing his horns and all his Church Scarboro Mr and Mrs APPLIANCE TAEXCAVAT1NG iced in the fire on Monday Wentherili will he residing in Oct 16 he has no place to strand SERVICES FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL winter his cattle Mrs Reynolds has re °° new OPLIFTERS ANY QUESTIONS sues TONYIS APPU ANCE Biggie mmgglrï¬zfl JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer tIIrnegto Toronto after visiti ill er son nlaw and dau ht QEBCIYOSaEFXICE Delivery Crushed stone AUCTION SALE lterMvIVand Mrs VIchgoIl Halfyardflackhoedorhlre 0f and family 47DUNLOP ST DENNIS MORAN Household Contents Sunday and recent visitors in PA 142 29 Anne Street Barrie for eluded Mrs Lennox Maud PA 4907 FRIDW 27 and Robert Keown of Ivy with Mr and Mrs Lennox Black ELECTRIC MOTORS msuuuon 7ao pm Miss Florence Robertson of New SALES AND SERVICE 1435115 AUCTION Roopï¬ Yirk with Mr and Mrs ï¬ï¬ï¬‚gï¬fï¬fï¬hflts wuhnï¬ylffï¬gnogwm Rear of Harold Hills GeorgeGoheen Mr and Mrs ppliances ALUMINUM GWEN 51mm WALTER ADAIR Percy Loukes of South Bend TONY USSELMAN rN cannons METAL aoons Im eer Indiana with Mrs Broley and ALL ear out OWN WAY formerly of Tonys App SEIV WOEEEAVEEWASTa 53° Watch for full list 0ct25£5otherrrelntives OF VIIWINCIIR COUNTRY APPIIBIICBDSXEIS Mulls GUARANTEED won WW gala Electric Motors MINESING 211 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Lilo Ross St PA 85307 mm mamno momma AND LEGAL ACCOUNTANTS mm mflwm some NEW HOMES EDWARD SMITHANDSDN+RbVVE HARRIS NEEQHAM Remodelling shingtlng porches mung and P8P any WRIGHT acreage moms Spray Painting Bumm Solicitors Clfliflefl Public Accountant Tr houses complete Senvice since mo Notarierluhlio ConVeylncen etc Toronto and Barrie mmmand garages RR Barrie PA 66955 omooupgwflnst Barrte AlIJ KNEW IT WASA mm LIKE TH kIDS GAID Elma Ofï¬ceWilson EMI BRUCEPX CAMERON PLASTERING am °°°E GAMERANOTEUSTED wow 32 Fred Grant noun no no Sum qt Needsm CPA STUCCO STONE PEONEPA 58397 EM my snowmen THE CABINET SHOP QUIKBRICK AND CONDER SUGG 239 Bradford St PLASTERING BARRISTERB summons ROSE Er PAS4444 CEILINGS ROOMS Noranms ruauc HARRISON 73 gggmisiA Chartered Accountants Modem kitchens vanities we ARCHWAYS PATCHES new Dunlap St Int Trustee in Bankruptcy formed ltlroliflitardtops Furniture FREE ESTA cognmuei Rose CA nus om re aired TERI er St Phone PA 84949 dow and door fragflelw Sag N0 DOWN PAYMENT COWAKI Er COWAN stolen tszrï¬kensf Mgiiwosk SIMCOE QUIKBRICK ï¬gï¬gm me ers or re LEFRDY 80M ii Monaco RV FREE ESTIMATES PHONE COLLECT PA 34521 JESSIE BRYSON CALL JOHN RUSSELL 19mm LIVINGSTON Tennis or Hnobsiogtxnllï¬lnffogz DEAD ANIMAL MYERS are use GUS Baum it an mmflyccmAgEngï¬y DSPOSAL AC II Collier stirsIE glintTom gala1Torliï¬lo £3 33 mid We have been licensed to re Modern math Studio ï¬gï¬gï¬ gagM5623 mveYourdeadandcripIdpe WILSON MOORBY 37 Bullion Gt PA tulle THE DAVIES or CANADA PA 643934 from animals under the above HARRIET ss SOLICITOB Act LAW OFFICE AT DIAPEii nvrcn FREE REMOVAL 1W Wm EBAMA phone coma SMITH MCLEAN NAPIER six eAnnis BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE éSiSoKfklElJiié allnasosailiï¬f ANGUS ROSS BA Relistered Music IIII Iflltfllw Twiggwaeklymgici€gr ogumy LIMITED BARRIE mung so alto eta PA 551 CENHE Io Owen 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