Item Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited iii Baytield Sire THUIEDAY 00103128 19 161 PIgo Barrie 01113110 Essential To Eliminate Bad girlQAriversFromGur Highways ITake the dangerous drivers off the raid is frequent demand tram mem bcrs of the public who have been horri Ilad by some spectaculaflraffic tragedy reaming from criminal carelessness licensing authorities and police is how toldetect potentially bad driver Erna Ontario Safety League quotes frommn article by Don Ross in the New York Herald Tribune whosaysthat the driver is the chief mystery in traffic safety Yet his inadequacies cause up toji 90 of all traffic accidents For thirty years researchers have at teinpted to Identify characteristics com mgn to drivers involved in accidents and to devise tests that would uncover these characteristics in applicants for licenses But the hope that applicants found to pdssess such characteristics could be prevented from driving hasnt worked out fAccldentlnvoived drivers have been compared to safe drivers with respect to vision depth perception glare re covery reaction time manipulative skills and knowledge of traffic laws without finding common denominators to set the good drivers apart from the bad ones The accidentinvolved driver may score better in all these respects than the driver who has never had an accident ffihere has been an unrewnrding search to the accident prone driver Chronic Auto Minded wellfoundedvrsason for our crowded highways is given in an annual report prepared by the Canadian Automobile Chamber of Commerce which comes up with figdres showing that today there Is now nearly one passenger car for each family in the Dominion There were 4000673 cars registered to Canadians in 1900 an increase at 205 000 from the previous year andsn in if crease of more than million during the past five years When all vehicles are Includedwe had 5255000 registrations last year LItIB significantrsidelightwncom paratlve living standards that only four countries in the world have now more automobiles on their roads than Canada has and those nations have from three to ten times our population the United Etates 01600000 car registrations in 1960 the United Kingdom 5500000 France 5520000 and West Germany 800000 01 OUTLAW SLOT MACHINES eihe Barrie Examiner of April 30 1936 réported slot machines were ordered ta oo by Chief of Police Alex Stewart who stated They are illegal and will ript be countenanced in home in the future He stated that number of hers made by someone had been found is number of pay telephones These kes about 50 In all had been round by Bell Telephone Co when phones wore opened Police wereseeking the rpetratorsiottheleadslug fraud someoanaLmalting business manufacturing these to defraud slot chines and pay telephones how The first question facingg morym violators have been found but it is estim ated that they amount to no more than per cent of all drivers and that all of them were removed from the roads accidents would be reduced by only per cent The great majority of acci dents are caused by average drivers who may have no more than one or two accidents in lifetime Dr William Haddon Jr director of the New York State Driver Research Centre says There is no scientific evi dence of which am aware that the scores on the written and driving exam inations given to drivers licence appli cants in any way whatever correlate with their subsequent accident violation and conviction record The search for the psychological test that will flunk the potentially bad drivers goes on Some experts say it will never be possible to construct such test Other experts say that even it were it would be politically impossible toadminlster it if it tiunked any large number of voters Testing of wouldbe drivers is essen tial in the motor age and Is first line of defense against incompetence But the Ontario Safety League emphasizes that traffic safety will always remain essentially matter of human behavior Substantial progress towards reduction in accidents and traeeélPs must be the responsibility of the individual not the licensing authorities Canadians For all Russias claimed advances of recent years there are only 630000 cars on the roads there less than onesixth of the Canadian total Russia appar ently puts the emphasis on production of trucks Last year the total registra tion of all vehicles in the 115311 was 8988000 The figures for Japan reflect somewhat the same situation with 345 300 passenger cars and total of 1600 500 registrations of all vehicles But to get back to the vital statistics of this countrys carxpopulatlorihwe were able to spend more on new cars in 1060 than ever before in our history $1 230073000 to buy 447171 new automo biise for an average price of $2897 per car And it is interesting to note that our spending included $259905000 that went to the purchase of 125967 Euro peanmade cars about six times the number and value or such vehicles sold in the Dominion five years ago OLDEST ORANGEMAN An honorary membership in Allandaie Royal Black Preceptory was presented to Sir Knight John Mackay Bimcoc Coun tys oldest Orangeman who would be 91 on August 12 1936 He had served the L01 for 13 years The presentation was fis gsifrom suchr machinesrrand ralsoiibyalrsknlghtrï¬kï¬riffmof Allandale on April 15 1938 who said in part He has record of which to be proud in both the Orange and Black lodges in On tario West and is also ilrm believer in the Christian faith staunch Pres byterian and an active supporter his church Mr Mackoyioined BBLNo BEPORT FROM 11K Fake Lord Nel 8011 Relics Accepted By MclNTYRE HOOD DpecIIl um England Commndeat For The Barrie Examiner LONDON Fakerl of old bliidrloil iclicahavc VIEW ported by Frank Carr director at the National Maritime Mu cum It Greenwich been reap ing rich harvest by selling what are supposed to be cen uine reich the famous Brit ish admiral Lord Nelson and which In many instances have turned out to be fakes He Id mliied that very few of the so callcd relics of Nelson In the Greenwich museum Ire genuine Mr Carr revealed thIt quits recenily fake Nelson relic have THEYRE NOT FOR YOU SIZZLING DEBATE Finds India Is Far Ahead Of West In Mystic Field By RUKMINI DEVI Canadian Press Correspondent BOMBAY CPI sizzling debate is raging here on the relative merits of oriental and occidontal methods of peeping into the future it all started with the visit to India recently of Canadian astrologer Theodore Gnrmlck ofioronio Arriving in New Delhi with the idea of understanding Hindu astrological technique Gormick unwittingly sparked contro vcroy by doubling the often claimed superinnly of oriental stargazing He told the columnist of leading dailymewspaper be con sidered the western system of astrology far superior Indian astrologers said Garmick often rely on mind reading and guesswork and fre quently mix astrology with such things as palmislryr ith also usually predict only matters of mundane prac tical interest to clients such as jobs and marriages Wesiern methods are more scientific PROVOKES ANGER This wa too much for indias future ï¬rs Iï¬e GormiEk remarks could not have pro voked more anger had he said that Eskimos knew better San skrit than the Brahmins oi Banals Gormick became the target of attacks challenges and taunts One leading astrologer sent word to the Canadian that he was prepared for competition The newspaper columnist en thusiastically backed the idea He got In touch with Gormick and wrote later Mr Gormick hedged He did not think he could find ths time nor did he feel that test wnidd prove anything Far away in the Punjab vil lage ol Jargrson the local doyen of astrologers Pundit Ramklslt lien read about the controversy and took strain for New Delhi Gonnick and Ramklshen de bated ihe fine points of Hindu and western astrology for hours Ramkishen then told the press that his adversary had con ceded deicat He claimed Gor mick showed great diliidence about western astrology DISPUTES CLAIMS The astrologer from Jargraon also laughed away the Cana dians claims that he had predicted the Suez crisis and President Kennedys election are stan news for no Indian astrolo gers We know about them long before Mr Gormick and his Iricnds Cornrick said Eamkishen had given misleading picture of the discussions He described Romkishen as childish and realï¬nned his low opinion of Hindu astrology Pandit Rsmachar leading nstrologer of Bangalore inMy sore state deplored the contro versy After all facts have to be Iaced We here freely concede that the west is far ahead oi us In science Likewise we are far ahead of them in the mystic field 193 at Purple Hill near Creemore on July 12 1863 lOthernciitorsie Views CANADIAN IDEA Fisheries lradeNWsl The efficient containernow in use for nsporting live lobstersvby air was evolrr by Canadian company It is dou blewalled corrugated cardboard box with aluminum foil covering for insulation spd tapesealed closing It has air hol and contains ice sealed in lastic bag to keep the lobsters cool It ho ds 50 ppunds of obsters and 10 pounds of ice Aoro sear BELTS it The Barrie Examiner Authorised second announce no sunrm nouny excepted nwora was Publisher aninn scaiour General MInInl nun Mermson Manning Editor chance wanna Business Manager ï¬rsinns msoN Advertising Manager soar sown Circulation Manager subscription rm dIily carrier can wuin sinn can 1c By In antn be use 00 oau man in mm budid DntIrIo 0315 bug in as Univsrut romeo Sty2t ldontuult 11st Locumaims $353 on New Clnldllzn min7 116th of OIroulotlonI The Clnldllu Prue Ll uclullel mlar ubIIcItIon of all or use to or Th Assoc 1er innin Inell publ or onuuea to tb ichld hi EeliiniuuLoLd safety protection is regarded as sissy chicken etc They should lidhiLILde Royal Cinadian Air ce From rough and tumble ex erience our fighter pilots have learned ow seat belts can pull them through tight jams safely The commonsense safety ofautomo bile seat belts has also been proved be yond question on our highways Accidents can happen when least ex pected to drivers and passengers of all ages Theres nothing sissyor chick eiï¬Jhout seatheltseminimizingAthc dan file LINIMPRESSIVE RECORD Ottawa Journal Since Premier Castro took over in 1959 the number of announced execut ions totals 622 That is hardly an im pressive answer tofthe brutality of the Batista regime REPELS INVASION Stockholm Aftonbladet Spectators remained breathless at concert in Halmstad when they saw waspfly into the open mouth of a€ singer The singer hadthepresence of mind to keep his mout open and let forth note that blew the wasp vsout of the danger area gt He cceivedtumult ousfapplause stereos scent BIBLE THOUGHT Now II II high time to wake out of sleepRomnnl 1111 Sin vice and crime are ram pant everywhere Gods people must be alert to counteract evil with good Says No IIIiteracy gt Exists In Russia NIAGARA FALLS Ont CPI diplomat from the Russian embassy in Ottawa snl Worl nesday there is no literacy among Russian aduiis ii per cent of the population hvvs secondary school or university education Spcnklng at the liftll annual regional conference of the On tario Secondary School Teach ers Association Kirstov second secretary at tho em bassy said Egresslan studénts are taught to creative and analytic Oi foreign languages taught he said English is the most popular Pupils wrlie govern ment examinations from Grade on He said about to per cent oi university students receive gov ernment assistance WANTS PROBE CLINTON CPI The human County Federation of Agricul ture announced Tuesday It wants an investigation into hos pita accommodation under the Ontario government hospitaliza Ionp er directors Iaid Severalpatients within Huron County were oIfereda bed in the hall when the words were filled or as an alternative pay an increased rate for semiprivate or private room worthy repeating Each year since the ï¬rst Canada Savings Bonds were issued AM ear and we again recommend them to investors ammo Lad quidity With the ginginvcctors to buy them for 1961 issue now on sale The newiesueJetuLuaanaverageo£ 460 per annular il held to maturity in 1971 You can get your money back the hterest med fit easy In mm Bonds for monthly instalments as any cime pIuI bashfmilrfiv The Bonds may be registered imflrr nanres of individuals estates estate Aa agents we die CANADA SAVINGS BOND we sexism trustees or administrators of Bcnorninaijong $50 5100 8500 81000 85000 with $10000 maximum per name dfm as tease mi mm Limited some REPRESENTATIVE ALAN HESS 176 Wellington Smth Telephone PArIruxry 39m LIZWOtPiii Gllï¬dy 5E been accepted by th Royal Navy at Portsmouth On expert exandnstlnn Ilia relics sword and dirk were found to be of period later than Nelsons lifetime But because they are Interesting specimens of their own time they have been plac ed on display in the Portsmouth naval museum PAINFUL EXPERIENCE Mr Carr said From palniul experience we have become aware that ry very few of the Nelson relics are In fact authentic Only one In hundreds can be proved In recent years the Maritime Museum at Greenwich has with drawn Iour showcases oi alleged Nelson exhibits becsuo the ex perts were not happy about their authenticity One interesting exhibit in the museum is Nelsons plgiail of this Mr Carr says if every lock of Nelsons hair received was genuine there would be enough to thatch fIIrIlzed cottage And Ion lived for only 47 years The rellu involved In the Portsmouth incident were hand ed over to Admiral Sir Manley Power commander in chlei by Mrs Wbitcombc at the Isle oi Wight Her husband Col Wbltoombe who has been told that nether llern could have been in Nelsons possess ion said We are extremely disappolni ed at the news My wifes mother bought both at Red Cross during the first world war My wile always understood that they came from the Nelson fondly and or unheade as belonging to in Many private collectors have paid high prices for Nel sons alleged possessions been deceived Mr Carr said tht In the 1850s and later be tween the two world wars iherl was trade in faking Nelson relics which brought high prices It auctions and from collectors One leading dealer has had at least so fully nuiheniicnicd Nel son telescopes oilered to him The Greenwich museum has telescope claimed to have been used by Nelson at Copenhagen which in Mr Cnrrs words has no more to do with Nel son than telephone dress sword owned by collector was shown by tho makers secret mark to have been made in 1550 more than so years alter Nelsons death at Trafalgar Nelson dirk bought by Illa Lord Mayor of Auckland at an auction and giv en after the last war to H115 Achilles was ound to have be en mado at least 13 years aiter Nelsons death Believes Three Military Colleges Unifying Force In National Life ViCIORiA CP man who has spent 35 years helping prepare oilicers for Canadas armed forces believes the coun trys three military colleges are one of the greatest unifying forces in Canadas national life This is the opinion of Prof Clarence Cook who retired at the end of August after spending 35 years teaching Royal Military College Kings Ion Ont and the Canadian Services College Royal hoods Victoria where he has served as directormf studies for the last seven years He recalls iih pride that many of the young olficersto be who passed through his classes have goneon to fill the highest posts in their respec tivs branches of the service be fore retiring They come from all prove loves and represent Ill branches at the service For four years these young men live and work and play to gelhcr circumstance that probablydoes moreto uniij Canada than any other single iactcr The academic side of ofï¬cer cadet training is mainly do gres course in engineering with added humanities tIi ou gh Raoyal Roads this year had 10 out of 85 secondyear cadets taking an arts course To keep up with advances In the space age all students re ceive an excellent grounding in mathematics and science We also try in develo gentlemanly qualities in the iicer cadets This lsin keeping with our college motto iruili Duty and Valory Prat Cock joined the staff or IllC inkingsion in 1924 as an Instructor in physics TYPEWIIITEIIS NEW serum FROM 495° RENTAL Ind SERVICE SIMEIIH BUSINESS name 09 Dunlap St PA K4824 DAMP MASONRY WAIIS Kenna positive moon °° Malian If in on mnï¬aftimom Mm un humanitarian mu inqu masonry will Am pays II II Increasing insula tion and any on GulrIKIy ppllcd with or ordinary ours guyf got Ind fouling silldoor today man no rvwo Inï¬nite 3557 Buy RGIIII ereia At rBuII Planing Mill 48 Anne St PA 82396 Buy Rullseroil At Beaver Lumber Co lid PA 85541 Buy BIIIIIcrIto AI Enrons of Barrie Dunlap St BuyhosilscrcioAt Sinicoe District ICoop 259 lnniefll Si IBuy Rclllaers 15 OATES 02 Dunlop St PA 531 to Now At PAINT AND WALLPAPER PA83270