iMotel Owners Businessmen Fightlflwgmlgl Site Near 400 group of Barrie restaurant and mac owners is going to er in September 1960 when ï¬ght the construction of hali nimors were circulating that an American motelrestaurant million dollar luxury motel at the southwest corner of Dunlap chain was going to build at th Street West and the Highway Highway 00 site where the 400 cloverieaf department of highways area Bruce Owen issuer mmmaowas previouslylocated uoasin Tn ulider asked letter from Highways lifin city council on Oct 10 lore ister Cass of Sept 21 1960 zone the sixacre site from in is quoted dusuflfll l0 highway wmmwa There has been absolutely city development mmmittec no an in this depa enta report recommending this ac policy in were d$ 011 W3 flhllmved by Wmcu veioprnent of commercial motel The restaurant and motel and service station establish owncrs will pruent request meals on Highway 400 My do to council next Monday night artmcnts stand has always fsi ed by 100 Barrie business een to interfere as little as men which will ask council possible with established busi not to grant the change of son nesses in communities bypass ing in preferred location in ed by Highway 400 This direct opposition to all similar department will not our ac buslnesses in Barrie and in cess to motels etc from clov directopposiuon to all promis erleai legs and that rigid con eswe have received from the trol of access points within Ontario department of highways quarter of mile of Highway and from our local member of 400 on all intersecting roads parliament where cloverleais exist is exerlt The motcimens request to that council goes on to quota stories The brief to council also quot statement made by Arthur Evans MLA Simcoe Centre in Sen ember 1060 There is absolutely no truth at there are any motels to be erected on the 400 thats shin ebrm Mr Evans is quoted Mr Evans was contacted by The Examiner last night and said that he was not aware that the moteimcn were using his statements made one year ago in their upcoming request to council What fsaidayeaf ago was en the advice of Mr Cass said iMr Evans still say tiiut However believe this matter constructed We wish to know if it is this councils intention now to agree in principle to ths changing of this policy if so we feel that council should declare such and ive us the merchantsIndira err time to reappraise our positions in re latlon to this new policy We behave changing of zoning in the immediate areas of Hi way 400 from industrial to ghway commercial will tend to starve the commercial areas oi Barrie and also tend to move the commercial areas oi this city from their present in cations in those areas with the subsequent deterioration oi buslt is strictly up the city coun Ines and property In the now en Bum established commercial areas Mr award saidrhewonidWmltllhrwllnum city meet with the motel owners to count 0f 331le ll kid marrow rezone land which has been re efler from loo any peatedly refused commerciall rle businessmen goes on to lflllflh by deplflmlfll Oi hlslh ways policy and arantees given that come clailsation on this highway would not oc cur then there is moral ob ligation on councils part not to grant change oi zoning in these Kreierred areas adjacent to Hig way 400 and Highway 400 cicverleais Text oi the request to own sauce owes Bostinoatariof Hold Service For Dead Girl ALLlSTON OP Funeral cil which will be presented on services were held today for Monday night is as follows Dolores Kenney killed Tues VA rereeuicaiiyaxknrrdinywh this council not to grant mu 0m her change of zoning for slated The child was the daughter halfmillion dollar motel res oi Mr and Mrs James Kennayr tournnt banquet rooms gal who moved to nearby Everettv CODY alcv dllecill on Hlsll recently from Toronto ihora Way 400 and Dunlap Street We are eight brothers and sisters clovcrlcni in preferred loca Canadian Press Tuna BY Egg gï¬ï¬uï¬gulgungrï¬u identified the girl erroneously as Rosa Maria Keonay one We derive our income and stability from policy formulat ed by the department oi high ways when Highway 400 was ALMA HARDY HELPED BY MARCH OF DlMES Former Barrie Girl Example Of March Of Dimes WOrk The 1962 budget for March oi Dimes activities in Barrie is 500 formerly employed at Zeliers The March of Dimes has been store in Barrie is an excellent lin active service in Barrie ï¬agglhgï¬cï¬hifwï¬ï¬egnd since 1951 More than 70 real Faced with the fact that she dents this immediate area would have to earn her iivciie whohnve suffered physical diSlt hood in wheelchair Alma re ability by accrdent or by dls ceived training in the operation case have been helped to oi automatic bopkkeeping malt greater measure of independ chines became highlycom once through the March oi patent accountant and is now Dimes do all cases this re an office manager in Toronto habilitation foundation works in with staff oi nine direct cooperation with the Donations during the present Barrio United Appeal campaign will help provide the necessary funds for this as well as seven more essential health and wel fare services in the commun ity total oi $74900 is required to justify the budgets of the eight participating agencies for 1962 and in direct opposition to all romiaes we hava received °t mm rom the Ontario department of Medical llssociatii highways and from our local Adopts New Hales3 member of parliament Sign aoaouoii cmR ed 100 Barrie Businessmen Bruce Owen legal counsel for rate schedule for use by group medical plans in coverli the interests which plan to build age oi specioiists fees will go the new motel commented on the proposed action of the mob tel and restaurant owncrs into effect Jun the president1 elect oi the Ontario Medical As have reaer Cass letter and everything set forth in that sedation said Wednesday The growing ratio of physic letter is fair and reasonable The main objection which local inns attaining specialist status brought about the new schedule motel and restaurant owners pursuant to the letter is that Dr Patrick Bruce Lockhart added in an interview there is to be no access from highways or olovarleafs Our Complaints from patients over physicians rendering bills She drives her own car family physician and any doc equipped with hand controls tor may initiate the founda shares an apartment with an tions help by referring to Mrs other wheelchair working girl Eirby the Rehabilitation is entirely selisupportlng and Foundation 253 Spadina Road Alma has not lost single day Toronto folder containing at work since she completed the quick facts about the March oi rehabilitation and retraining Dimes in Ontario may be ob program five ycars ago ltained from this same address By combining these eight sep arate appeals into one United Appeal the donation dollar goes much further and the work of hundreds of volunteer canvass era is considerably lessened Paralysis patient Alma Hardy in accompanying photograph LOCAL AND GENERAL PRESENTATION T0 RVH Sheba Shrine Club of Simcoe County met for the monthly din ner meeting last night at Bay view Terrace pascalrant in Barrie Presentation was made oi cheque for $100 net pro ceeds from the sponsored cir cus in Barrie Arena last June to the Royal Victoria Hospital Vcldon Carter of Orlllia made the presentation on behalf of the club to John Mitchinson chairman of the Barrie hospi tals board of directors It will be used to furnish the paraple gic childrens ward in the new addition GETS WINNHEG JOB Mrs Catherine Henry iorm erly of The Barrie Examiner staff as teletypesetter perfor ator hastaken similar posi tion with The Winnipgegilribune iMrsr Henrys busbnnd stations ed at RCAF Edgar for several years recently was transferred to Manitoba ASSOCIATE MINISTER Sees Conflmt ran cAncrn SOCIETY SPEAKER Peter Mills president of the ion chairman of the local wo name Cancer Sade um mens services committee and Mrs Bruce Whitslda speak mads in some township subdivstandswsthMrs Whar or at the annual dinner last isions did not meet new depart ment standards and therefore night They are attending cocktail pariy given yester day afiernoon by Mrs Whar ton ln honor oi Mrs Whitsld fSheds To llcmdale for the Northern Ontario Area Express and freight ser vices at the new location Mr Bloomfield said will facil iitxate HI lilfllildlllig fofoilnicrclilan 59 MI Dar pan Barri ifi did not locate are ill keep Pace the dew10P glideggï¬pgingï¬ï¬idï¬ 1271 it has8 beeiti established in other ment °f mm dueswlllbemprovldedflorourmmufllmï¬htvwm motels are available in an area 3319 aï¬cflgxuflea the at me new lo more trade is brought in to the area This project will help Gleason CNR superln rather than hurt other motel tendent at Allandale said that owners the move had originally been planned for October 28 but is access is from Dunlop Street West The main objection to for amounts not covered group plans was also canal the proposed motel comes from other motel owners in other words some people with self intereat are trying to abolish eration in prompting the OMA to devise the new schedule he said Dr BruceLockhurt wnsvhere The possibility that private competing to address the annual meeting business interests might conflict with his interests as council lor brought about the resigna tion of Oriilia Township council ior Hugh Grant yesterday Mr Grant who made the move of his own free will is an Oriliia lawyer and land devel oper He was elected coun cillor for the first time last January Yesterday the council re ceived letter from the depart ment of highways stating that SaleSmanship Is Kin Topic Salesrnanship was the topic of lhe guest speaker Gage Camp bell at the monthly meeting of did not qualify for mainten ance subsidy Some of the roads are in Hughes Beach developmentsth which Mr Grant has aninter est The roads were built four or five years ago by the de velopers and were taken over by the township last year after being inspected by depart Canadian National Railways mentiof highways engineecï¬rid has announcedthnt its express the mwnsmp mad pemlend and freight ogerationa in down em town Barrie will move to new ofï¬ces at the Allnndale Station on November 11 The new location will be open for bus and Country Club iS currently undergoing complete exterior me November 15 repainLJo Younng men was ma men are doing the work by oomfield manager 0N ONTlllilO POLITICAL SCENE sound it is comparable to established lawyers fighting the establishment of new legal practice in town to photo graphers fighting the establish ment of new studio to mov ing van company fighting the establishment of new business of this type motel Mr Owen add ed would be one of the most attractive in Ontario it would be great loss to the city of Mr Owen continued in our of the OMAI District free enterprise system their nor tion is morally and legally un ACOUSTICON SERVICE It baabecome clear that ONE operations must be concentrat Ed in one location where there is room for expansion Our Allandale station is closer to local factories and the move PAINT GOLF CLUB The clubhouse at Barrie Golf The Seas of Collier Street United Ch ch has invited the Reverend Eli Riddolis of Trin ity United Church Thorold to become associate inister to Rev GardiirerSkelly from July 1962 Mr Riddolls has accepted The second min isteriwas deemed necessary due to the growing congregation and expanded activities including new organ next year roving umrnn cannon Willowdale Church which has been meeting regularly each Sunday in Steel Street School since January has applied to Simcoe Presbytery to he official ly constituted as the fourth Un ited Clllllilh in Barrie lit of 100 members has been indi cated of which nine are from Collier Street UnitegChurdi This new church will serve the vast new area of ward one in the east end of thecily CHURCH APPOINTMENT Rev James Thomson of St Marks Church in Orillia has been appointed secretaryeditor for the Presbyterian Church in Canadas Senior High Fellow ship Groups LODGE 0F PERFECTION Officers of Barrie Lodge of Perfection headed by Alfred Shepherd MGM met in the Masonic Temple on Tuesday night for the semiannual busi ness meeting All candidates were approved for the Fall As semny tor helield next week Oct M25 leWANlS ELECTIONS Preliminary ballots are now in the hands ofJnembers foethe annual election oi officers for the Kiwanis Club of Barrie Voting is for president two vicepresidents treasurer and seven directors Past President Ted Nettleton is chair man of the nominating commit tee CLEANERS BUILDING Work is progressing rapi onthe new building for Cottys Cleaners at the corner of Dun lop StreetEast and Kempeu felt Emery Engineering has the construction contract at the site former service station and coal yard the Barrie Kinsmen Club last night Mr Campbell vicepresid out in charge of sales of Gen eral Steel Wares Ltdt it about the field in which he has worked for over forty years Beginning his career as ortodoor salesman of anjS log me company Mr Campbell stressed the point that the basic selling tool employed then is still with us today no matterwhatthe product You must create the need for what you are Selling in the mind of the prospective custom EI he said Many amusing incidents in volving salesmanship and the hazards of the profession were cited by thespeaker Mr Campbell ended his talk by stating that The whole economy of this country revolv es around sales and salesmen This is onereason you find salesmen as presidents of many companies The speaker introduced by Gordon Teskey was thanked by Hap Lowe other guests attending the meeting were SidKadish How ard Steckley Gary Dent Gerry Tamblyn Ross Burwell Art Rogers WRECKING Military Bull ngsAr Comp Borden All materials priced for quick sale Acres of dress ed lumber varnished plywood doors windows masonite gyproc tentest white asbestossiding toilets toilet partitions pipe modern radiators varnished plywood clothes closets storing cupboards and utility dressersfmor darn lightfixtures etc Sea Salesman at used lumber yard Angus Ont National Building Demolition Limited lug Formerly reserved with strangers TORONTO CF Jab P31 warm up as his contacts broad menter Robaris fits into the category of wiflit is sometimes known as the new breed of pol iticians at Queens Park They are young of estab lished private means ambitious and share highly professional approach to their specialized governmental jobs Mr Roberts 44 year old education minister and Energy Resources Minister Macaulay 40 draw much sup port from the youngProgres sive Conservative members of the Ontario legislature Both can count on consider able voting strength when del egates from all over the prov ince meet here next week to choose successor as provin cial party leader to Premier Frost Both have stressed youth and the importance of fresh ideas in theiryvigorous leader ship campaigns eats LIVES IN GALT Soon after Mr Roberts was born at Eanff Alta his father abank manager family to Winnipeg then to Gail ated from high school and en rolled iu business adminlsira era Ontario Besides playing football for four season with Western Mustangs and being an honor student he worked dur nig thesummer selling souve nirs on Lakenntarloencurslon boats to pay for his education He graduated in 1939 He spent year at Torontos Osgoodc Hall before military service interfered He served navies and was mentioned in he has begun to ened with teachers and stud moved the and London where John gradu tion at the University of Wes with the Canadian and Royal dispatches at Salerno in 1043 After the war he returned hr law school graduating in 1047 Re practised for year in Hans ilton then established prac tice in Inndon Mr Robertas political career began in 1950 when he was elected to London city council year later he campaigned as Conservative candidate for Lon don Northand won then spent the next six years as back benches wasnt looking for any big ger jobs during those days not that anybody was offering them he says was just working very ha to build up my law practice Mr Robariaw brought into the cabinet as minister without portfolio in 1950 year later when the late Dr William Dun lop resigned he was appointed minister of education The education department Mr Roberts is immaculately rooï¬ng shingles wash basins dressed handsome and charm dtnlnl sono hardwood flooring bathtubs laundry tuba Faï¬ FOODWELL PR SAHANIYAAYAD as sin uonr serve WlHlfNATURAL GAS ITS vBAYviiwiEItRAci him in Miulern Comlori Dine in the relaxing atmmpllers of our room and eat only the ï¬nest of Tn our famous Prime Rib Roast SUNDAY SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER soup to $1 Min EPARED AND COOKED por PA 8534 delay in delivery of materials caused the twowcek postpone ment With the move of express and freight services to Allandale the downtown freight sheds will be removed City Manager Welter Gigg said that the city would be in terested in acquiring the land now occupied by the sheds for civic purposes Speculation is that the city may buy land for use as an offstreet parking area spends more money averyyear than any other department Re ernment to provide new techni cal and tradeschools at an es timated cost to theprovince of about $100000000 Mr Robarts married the for mar Norah McCorm don Ont Theyhav hil centiy Mr Roberts signed an agreement with the federal gov dren daughter Robin and son Timothy FARMER USERS ALL DECLARE iT HAS PUNCH THAIS ALWAYS THERE Al Communi new con Aim on Service clinic to help solve th hllrlnl MIDLAND Georgian lnlh all Elia duo THEM No obligation whatsoever Prices to meet every budget Fruit Blttlrla ACOUSTICON COMPANY Say1L Mayors lervfea in it alfl mbllflll of lnjgilliï¬rn anthHoIiowint noti wailln full ï¬r past no our on 14 mi pan organ Hotel complain Oct 19 mm surï¬ngr in 61 wit um add Eyeglass aids to come in and ray and cards TORONTO 01 Richmond Street West in ICEIS IN AT BARRIi ARENA Nationwide COMMENCES sAiunoAY ocrosntfz EVENiNGs can AFTERNOON 230 TAND commues WEEKLY THURSDAY onil SATURDAY ADMISSlONAFTERNOON CHILDREN EVENING ALL STUDENTS PLEASANT amaoimnmos ADUlIlB shims ARENA