Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1961, p. 2

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LCcclie Ontario Welfare Arthur EvanerPP Louis ter and Simeon County Warden Montcalm Maurice cut ribbon to open new wing xrdemum mm men on Company Denies Union Statements The General Manager oi Unl verni Cooler Co Limited is sued what merited to hamth ket deulaiof urges ugt by the union against the struck plants operated by Cooler and Div ant Km or am ines 1MB WEE thematic contends po po was rep ing to statements made by ltod Penman union representative to The War in picket line interview Moth drth and we are prepmd to stayoutal winter of Georgian Manor Home or the Aged at Penetang Penetang Home Wing Qpen By Cecile By swam Georglan Manor Slmcoa familys home for the aged at Penetang played host to num ber of dignitaries yesterday during official opening cere monies or the new wing re cently completed Among those attending was the Honorable Innis Cecile Ohtario minister of public wel fare whonctcd as speaker and win assisted in the cutting of the ribbon to officially open the wing by Arthur Evans MPP ahd Montcalm Maurice Warden Simcoe County The manor is beautilul place add far cry irom the house at rcfuge which was the first of these homes for the aged in Simone County The county was also the first to have bed at lent rooms and the new ng is comprised of these rooms with dining rooms kitchens and other services that go to NEONTO CmGeorge dwellurn was co president of the ootario College of Pharmacy at theanuual meeting of the associations council Wednesday Other otficers include vice president ll Owen Sound and finance and property chairman Dickie Sudhury moire srocK onions represent sociatlon was unable to be pres ant and was replaced by Rev Mr Mordeo home was masterpiece oi work and had had part in it PRESENT KEY which had1rpartm1hrhundrm was replied to by Alfred Cage reeve oi Penetang who had done much to have the home established in th make up an uplodats hospi tal Guests began arriving shortly after pm and by the time the oiliclal cerem ed there were over 800 persons present Chairman of the committee Joseph Bollard called the pro ceedings towrder and after few remarks in which he told at the work oi the committee in handling thecoostructlon he called on Mayor Jerome Gignac oi Peoetang cordial welcome to the visitors who extended Greetings were extended by Monsignor Custex of Penetang who recalled his hoplt es of having such building as far back as 1947 and told the committee they need not feel their work was done as more and more oi these homes will be required in future Rev Lewis who was to the Ministerial As who stated the credit to all who Presentation oi the key of the home was made by the con tractor How who said the pleasure at turning over the key could only be exceeded by the receipt for the work of the final payment Ivan Vasey superintendent oi the home said in looking over the audience he could see number dents mittee builders had job and now it and he would not fail to carry on of prospective resi He was sure the com the architect and the all done good was up to him The architects Craig dier presented and plaque the names of the was already mounted in the front hail of the budding containiflz committee the firs tor as he me can to he wel ma Mr are introduced th is replacing him in and hoped that Noble Drew would felt th great appreciation for itstore sigh this additional wing completed Since 1943 more than 35 of these buildings have been added to or rebuilt and ponslderation do available to homes is hoped to Vices to include more home services He Cec was resented with History of 11 George Lisk memento oi his visit The ribbon was cut by Hon idea irom the time it was presunted in 1954 to the home as it stands today LA Ludiow retiring direc of the department of wei man who the area Jack prove as capable he felt sure he was Mr Drew spoke briefly about mi work of his department Arthur Evans MPP intro duced the speaker and said the mini of the most capable men in the cabin satisfactory The llon Mr Cecile said this was the seventh such function Mr Cecile ster was one at and was doing very Job in weliare had performed this year He committee deserved initiative in an getting and more care is now being aged people ey were forlnerly houses of refuge but now they are homes that any of us could he progd to live in Mr Cecile BR The average age of 45 per of the resident of these over 80 He said they extend the welfare ser felt he should add his remarks prayer in his native tongue iFrench which did and hopedthe work of fare could continue in the oner exemplified in this Simcoe County by cxwarden as Cecile assisted by Arthur ifnecesssry Rod Penman president of UAW local 700 said today in connection with the unions strike against the De Viiblss and Universal Cooler Militar Mr Penman said that local labor was backing up the strike and most organizations were plants These trucks are emp ty and are being driven by the supervisors ol the trucking com panies because the regular dri vets are supporting our action Universal Coolcrs general manager Frank Prioe described the charge as preposterous Trucks are delivering mater ials from our suppliers be said and shipping manuisc lured goods to our customers Mr Penman added that the only vehicles going through the picket lines were dairy trucks delivering milk and garbage trucks picking up reluao The dairy trucks are not respecting the picket lines and as re suit 20 or 30 union members have discontinued their milk orders from the company in volved in regard to union charges that temperatures inside the plant reached 50 degrees in the summer and that adequate Cancer Society Peter Mills was again dected as president at Barrie unit of the Canadian Cancer Society at the societys annual mee yesterday eveolo The dinner was held at ty Parish Hall with over 100 people in attend ance Speaker for the evening was Mrs Bnree Whitside who spoke of the womens service commit tee work within cancer ciety unit Volunteers shogld not underestimate their own im portance stressed Mrs Whit side Every volunteer is needed she added Mrs Whitside described volunteerswork as including everything from making dress ings to being parttime house keeper for cancer patient and others who had town Warden Montcalm Maurice told of obtaining the property as donation from the General Hos pital and of the free gravel and other help He outlined the deyelopmeii given by the town compiled byATETFIynIIT 9311i monomer 36 Power 13 Cdmfikolgm 66 111 Alibi cw es re can Inland NE Inter Nickel Pacific Pets an rigsG us on awn annrr in mm Salads Shirt Stu Iona st ord Steal of IIIL Steinberg Tor Dom Bk interprov Pipe Jockey Club tt use consumer Gil 2195 on an mum Guonar Bolling KamAddllorn lelqll song he Maritime Normatal Opelniah Can been Ind flotilla up 201 Rails mnomo are 55 Guide up no nos acm shocks on onrnnu sauna McNealoy nowrouse new you amanss Uoltgd Oil Venture Willow Mount wrlrnt OBrien 13 Utilities up 1317 nrvursrros oecnnm qanadl and Dominion He 311031th his 17 oruovbzrkalod we or or nu oh may AMERICAN SCHOOL haveieft school and tuitionPrepue or cell on write or mywpaglmlh School booklet able Dec dividend Nov Allowu Dundol st Desrooto ont Send me your free sspage High School Booklet EA for to den Slip for ter CBS TorontoRev John lay an newspaper in porter Ottawa Liberal member of Parliament corporated gate two of own calypso songs Ann and Rum and Coca 001 Toronto Delmar Clark Torontos ontreals dian imperial Bank of Com merce Building of cancer Windsor Garvey 49 with Red Norvos band in Chl By THE CANADIAN FREE New YukJohn managing editor of Out Fr Gore 50 the London ee Press who joined the 929 re Mervyn Kaidie Ls Mackenzie River the only hitterEl elected west of Ontario the 1958 general election New York Harold Kleinert Guinzburg 81 president and evVikingPresrloT and former presi of the American Book Publishers Council New lurkRupert Grant 47 who came the United States in the 19st and the most widely erintendent of construction th MontrealNoted architect Pe Dickinson 35 who designed OKeefe Centre and new 43Storey Cana Arnold Red the former guitarist and Englands Ray Noble Bar 53 United Church minister former Baptist minister Today is Credit Union day across the world On this day Credit Unions will open their doors to answer questionnanod supply informationjiorthepub lic Credit Union is briefly des cribed as oooperativesav ings society set up likerany Club with each member having one vote Officers are elected from the membership at the annual meeting manage the Mean Kcmpenfeldt Credit Union is celebrating the 20th anniversary of receiving its charter The Gets Life rem On Murder Charge LITTLE BROOK Ms Joseph Antoine Comean Wed nesday was sentenced to Jim imprisonment for the shotgun slaying of hunting companion Joseph Henry Robicheau Comeau 82yearold native of nearby Salmon River was con victed by Supreme Court iury last week on the non capital murder charge He was con victed last June and sentenced to be hanged but woo anap peai Hobicheau 40 also of Salmon River was found shot to death beside woods road last No vember Comeau testifhdJa MrPrlce cord Peter Mills ilgain Pre ting form the womens service comlt Kempenieldt Credit Union Calehrgfimi Birthday iswer safely precautions were not taken Mr Price slid the ac cident record at the no worse than that plant in the area eat is too many and we are regularly in ad by thaeccilt dent preven mdmle0nun 06 plan know of ab other plant in North Am hflpiuwhh iii ii eq pipes at as condluoning lve worked in factories like this one where oernturrreacbesfllis degree It is no fun but the cost oi airconditioning is pro hibitive We simply could not aliord 375000 And that is the reason you wont11nd it in oth er plants as well MrPenrnan sahild that appli cants up responseto an advIellnmtisemcnt for workers at the Deva plant had been turned back at the picket lines However Hugh Gibson presid ent of the firm said that addi tional peoplehave been hired as result of the advertise merit and that more applica tions are being processed Mr Price said there is large group in today looking ior work As matter of fact he said fws processing some right no Mr Penman accused the Uni versal Cooler plant of having oo but peple who came with the company irom Brant ford when the company closed down there and relocated in Barrie rather than give the workers contract Mr Price replied behave that when 11 employees who came to Dar ris irom Erantford had they do not represent more than20 percent oi the lore now at work in theplsnf Aoother member of management added that the workers at Brantford aliesdyhad contract before they struck Cecil Forbes loll receives cheque from Paddy Miles representative of the Barrie and District insurance Ag Consider Wilkins er hf pro perty at the south ast corner of Highway 400 and the eighth HneiHWnnhill Township has approached township council Some 90 volunteer canvassers commence three day blitz of over 550 commercial iirms in Barrie tomorrow Chairman of this Commercial Division Bob Sarleant rays that this art of the United Appeal mpalgn has been well organized and that last minute instructions were gone over at buy your own luncheon on October 11 when key volunteers completed plans tor the blitz of commercial Barrie from Friday October 20 to Tuesday noon October 24 sideni Unit Here Mllr Whitslde first became involved with Cancer Society work when she was asked to mitten in Norfolk County When asked if she enjoyed her work Mrs Whitslde replied love it All work in Cancer So ciety is so progressive and in terestlng other members of the 196132 executive are past president first vicepresident second vicepresi= iDon Kinlock treasurer era recording secretary Mrs ary Smith chairman of womens services Mrs Wharton publicity chairman Mrs Jean Gable social com mittee chairman MrsnlLMur phy gilt cupboard chairm Mrs Heifron The 90 volunteer eanvusars who are taking part are busy business people who are pre pared to call back if nec esssry but trust that everyone Evolved will be prepared for cm Here is the list oi volunteers who will be calling on commer cial firms during this three and onelthaii day blitz Bob Sarjesnt Joe Jewell Ted Burnes Tom Tyrer Norman Shelswell Herb Justin Noel Patterson Gord Coutts Tom Foster Charles Rogers Dan Connell Mrs Moore Roy Christie Percy Watson Walter WEATHER Synopsis Cooler airwlll move rapidly across5outhero Ontario during today accompa nied by clouds and showers The prospects for Friday are for mainly sunny skies over most of Ontario Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron regions Windsor London Sunny becoming cloudy and cooler with showers during the morning clearing fihigshnflncgffifimcfl this evening Sunny with afew celebration wm MEI at marcloudy periods on Friday mind with dinner dance and door lightbemmlng northerly prizes at Kennys Banquet Hall 20 this morninz beauty contest wiliaiso be Niagara Lake Ontario Hall held with all the Credit Unions in the Georgian Bay Chapter submittinga local beautyK penfeldt Credit Unlo entry is pretty Janice Johns Barrie Collegiate student DRILL MDNSIGNOR Monsignor Fred Lee has mken over the Romancatholic Parish of Oriilla and is settling in hisnew quarters adjoining The Guardian An glthurcb native of Ottiiwa Monsignor Leewas ordained by Cardinal McGuigan at St Michaels Ca thedtal in Toren in 1942 He is noted for his interest in sports for young people union was tamed by few citi innetions of Credit Union for rear of Barrie to carry out the the people of Barrie The local Union has issued an invitation for everyone to drop by their oiiicafor coffee with free flowers forthe lady guests llheytqviilube prepared to questions and supply lit erature on the aim and works of Credit Union The GeorgianBayChapter to which the Kempenieldt Union Sunny becomin cln ooier with showers this afternoon Sunny with iew cloudy per ods on Friday Winds light be coming northerly 15 to ZOthis afterman Georgian Bay Algoma Timu gamiregions North Bay Sud bury Sault Ste Marie Cloudy and cooler with showers todayp clearing this evening Sunny with few cloudy intervals on Friday Winds northerly 15 to onto White River Cochrane re gions Mainly cloudy today and Roblchean struggled over the shotgun in hunting camp He said the glrn went off killing Roblcheau Ha hid the body Grow Your SPRING Bouquets Pia nt Imported DUTCH BULBS NOW PLANT NOW BUYNOW WHILE GOOD SUPPLY BROWN oco 119 Dunlap so IS AVAILABLE PA 85000 ms 5955 sr Commercial Canvass For UK 90 Volunteers Start Tomorrow Swims msAllemfiMonthF ronrcasr if burton regions Hamiltonlor or was MONTH untied the some or her in ther when he drove Mervin Holt to hospital Mr Holt had passed out while driving himseli to hospital alter won the award over 81 other nominees in the Driver of the Month award contest sponsored by the Association in Barrie Mrs Pat Brown eats Association Mr Forbes Mr Forbu daughter lub lawn mower accident Second 400 Metal Piqnned Innisfil for lpprovai of plans to build $50000 motel on his proper Mr Wilkins laid that he wishs ed to build service road at his wrrp Site own expense alongside Highway 400 into his property to enable the building of service station and motel opposite thahigh way He said that he hadiobtalned permission tor the project from the Department oi Highways provided that he got approval oi the township and began work within six months The road Mr Wilkins said would be similar to service road which would be deadend circle at their service sta on lonlsiil council said that they would give the matter urgent attention and arrive at deci stop as soon as possible Kelmao Jack McKay Jim Ed wards Roy Traves Ed Nor man Walker Webb Bob Lack ey Jack Matteoiy Charles Church Robert Clifton Walter Adair Verne Beatty Lloyd Armstrong John Holder John McFadden Ray Cowan Ernv est Bell Bill Bird ltoss Saund ers Bruce Demitroif Jack Nixon Bob Bentley John Stev enson Charles Road John Lang John Christie Peter Mills Bruce urray lion Humble Eric Mercer lred Anderton Fred Crowe Ron Armstrong Rudy Jatko Don Spencer Art Powell Gord Needham Robert George Ern est lrvlne Keo Byles Del Cole Del Darling Robert Wat son George Switzer Andrew Neilson lsrulhoSIFaveroG Leon Perlard Jsc essor eorga Ericker Percy Ford Fred Coulson llarris Steele Jack MacLareo George Loogstsife Horace Beaumont Harry Arm strong Bert Cook Bruce orn King Garry Hollywood Robert Lan nlog Gord Murray Jack hither Wilson Moorhy George Caldwell Bill Shaw John Oates Joe Longtin Ron Mc Nle Allan Bell Snian to serve Wise to buy GINGER All rnoro iiovor rnore Asporkla moro Sunny with few dandy peri ods and little warmer Friday Winds light today and southerly 15 on Friday rForccast Temperatures Low tonight High lirldayr Windsor 60 St Thomas so London lessee senescence cuttersm for as SlX I2 01 some nus arrosn White River Moosonee SS Marie ARMS voteI TRONG HARDWARE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR ALI HUNTING EQUIFMENI AND ACCESSORIES aovs GIRLS SKATES Mommas ARMSTRONG xHARDWARSE oo104 plunger 51

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