DDITION AL SPORT DEMAND HIILFBIICKS RETURN Rams TORONTO CPIThe Globe andhlniiquotuElroy Hirsch general manager of Los Ange lea Rams oi the National Foot ball League as saying the Rams have never agreed to ac cept financial settlement from Hamilton Tigeerats in lieu of halfback Carver Shannon Jake Gnudaur president and general manager the East era Conference Tlcats ex pressed ma ernent at the statement and said deal on Shannons future had been agreed to by the items The Tiger Cate acquired Shannon from the Western Con leronce Winnipeg Blue Bombers last week although Shannon al ready had signed 1962 con tract with the Rams it was announced at the time that Shannon was signed by Ha mliton to standard CPL con tract which provides an option on his services or the following yearmeaning that he would have to be waived out of the league by other CFL clubs be fore he could go to Los Ange les SAYS RAMS AGREED Gaudaur said the arrange ment agreed to by the Rams IioatssOanhonnon or NFL Aageies contract in the event thatmet Canadianieamsie iused to waive him outraext winter gt We rejected it both by tele phone and in writing We want Shannon Weve got money Hirschquoted banner saying he would not sign in Hm rrnllton unless Tlgeerats guar anteed his release at the end of the season NFL HAS CONTRACT Hirsch the newspaper says confirmed the 1m pact has been registered and accepted by NFL Commissioner Pete Rm sells and all correspondence turned over to NFL solicitor Marshall Leahy Gaudaur said all details oi the contract were discussed with Hirsch and he agreed to 01cm He was notiiied by mail Oct with copies going to ClL Commissioner Sydney Halter randishannoa Perry Moss coach and gen oral manager of Montreal Alou ettes who meet the Ticnts in Hamilton Sunday said Wednes day he bas wired Halter that Montreal will protest if Shan non plays because heidoes not belong to Hamilton Moss malntairied that Hirsch CARVER SHANNON was that Shannon would go on waivers ails this season if an other CFL club claimed him the waivers would be with drawn Shannon would stay with the ilcata and his contract would be purchased from the Rams Jake Gaudnur told us about the Canadian League rules and mnda an oiler to buyhislos had refused to accept Hamilton terms on the transfer that Shannon is thus Rams property and should not be playing with the llcats Amount Argos Nominate Sheila Rountree TORONIO ia Toronto More have aomia haltbach Jim flouatree andDid Sntta In their candi dlieaiortheielfitusseitrm teem bill it In seaweed Wednes day night 19 trophy Is awarded an anally to the player considered most valuable and sportsman like In the Eastun Football Coaiereace Judging is by league nEIcIais on players nam lasted by the personnel at each VALUE PACKED SPECIALS Hershey Blanks Hornets 30 PITTSBURGH AP Fille burgh Hornets lost their Iourth straight game without victory Wednesday night as Hershey mammmmnuouanooromunan Bears shut them out so In In wnu Ianha scored alter glam Hm only It nooods of action It thie Yeaoeiks goal at 437 sm of the first period us all the Beera needed But they made it Hintha aecondperiodwben Tnhlnnsin Want E1 SPECIAL DAYS ONLY FRIDAY SATURDAY OCTOBER 20t 2lst largo sin galvanized incl BAIBAGI CAN Regular Value $369 QENHOUSE SPECIAL only $199 BROOMS Each 99¢ mom slo savmosr Fine Quality SPECIAL noussuom eoRN 51 MANUIIIV roan OPEN HOUSESPECIALEadI$319 Tempered spring steel DISSION BROOM RAKE Regular Valve $169 5PECIALEodI 99¢ cautxmo sun with CAR moo Regulanalue macaw Ilouss sascur $144 Pupm tor with and SAVEI Foomllu DOOR WIATIIIII erIIPPlNcI Regular Value sue Kll $155 ï¬aomilex runssuora wra rusnsrRIPPINo Regular Value $I35Each 99¢ ame Local Mon Contest Winner Edward iwlse owner un til law months ago oi Harry miss Canadas Gun House in Barrie Ontario has been select British Columbia tabulation ad one of the two best entrants oi the iniormatioa received from inaaatIonwidoquestionaaire these dealers who comprehen coatest for gun dealers siveiy represented all areas of ME Niss entry was one of the country brought out some many hundreds submitted by very interesting facts Franchised BTOWHIHE Arms COP Waterfowl hunting is the most other major winners in the contest are located In Water ford Ontario and Pentlcton OUTSTANDINGVALUESIN IADDERSI luggadZOlootpuslwpleINSION unarus OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL Each only 99 Good Quality 5th Wooden STEP LADDERS Open HOUSE SPECIAL Slnnll Lamp Universal CHICKIM Guaraniad I000 heuPsI WESTINGrr IROODIRERequIarVque $395 HOUSE Ilour auras 40 or on Earls $2 Won Regular 25 each oPEN uou Es 250 Watt infrared Income mm auiss Open Home Special CUSTOM DRYELMOL imaglael 1225 1962 deluxe clothes drayer isl re be Wm YOURS Now FORJUST 5995 tremendous savings at $4000 Check the Quality Features Six labrle selection buttons Illuminated mar Illa Special 5IrIIrIDil Cool Down SeletyIateh on Insulated doublepanel ml deer Tapmaunlod nylonJInI tiller lnterlorllghl With every purchase of COOP Viscount Custom Dryer cl $2995 Value ELECTRIC BLANKET ABSOLUTELY FREE Urn COvOP BUDGET PLAN oi Canada Limited Dealers popular shotgunan in all 10 provinces and Canad with rabbit second followed by inn territories llis award was partridge nnd pheasant hunting won on the basis of his sound and trap shooting suggestion and hElPflJl infoml Deer hunting was accorded tiuu toward future Planning in number one place in popularity the gun business for high power rifle hunting in rccognltlon at his achieve with moose second followed by ment Mr visa receives bear then elk goats and sheep Browning High Power rifle with antelope Varmint wolf and coy Weaver 25 SCOPE one of ote target and caribou III finest models made Dealers forecast that the most iwisslialmarrledvaadthrrpomumeauIWa willagain four children Some be two old standbys the 30 20 years ago he and his 06 and the 22 wife iargaret started making plans to retire at 50 and they were fortunate enough to beat this by two years They sold out their muchexpanded sport ing goods business in Harris few months ago and retired to live at Maple island where they have eleven hundred acres of land nearest telephone is 18 miles His wife loves the north and the woods as much as he was the initiator of skeet club in Barrie and the winner of the Canadian Long Run Championship until my good iriead Barney Hartman came along and beat the pants off me said Mr Twlss BOWLIN AFTERNOON LADIES Standing Golden Ball 81 Mustard 21 Lambs Quarters L7 isonlvy 16 Thistle 11 yCHEF MASTER ELECTRIC New only $399 rod 79 boWN PAYMENT RroulREo Solldly constructed THRIFT WHEEL IARROW Capacilyx to or II OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL each $2333 CUT YOUR FUEL BILL IN HALF with an amazing EIEELEFI OIL HOME HEAT As modirn as Tomorrow N0 FINANCE AT YEAR UN THEUNPAID BALANCE Overs llaln and timer Hand Inlnula rearin Picture window oven door Timed appliance outlet JJietluerL WWW RegulnrVaIue $19995 $159851 $400 Four lumen It 7heola itchs Coop Latex am FIowlIIa Satin INTERIOR House aarNr Firil quality point at genuinesaving Im bore for choice or no oolwrr Regular $240 qt oPEN HOUSE SPECIALsI4e qr Regular 4755 gal OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL $433 gal WM aIsNev reewcnom ropouamy Ioor FLASHLIGHT san reales OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL2 re 35¢ rnemeuoom on seen AND seen COOP BIG BONUS SEED MIXTURES Be one of the first to get greater hay and posture returns from the COOF Big Bonusf Hay and Posture Program lfllï¬iï¬EEClAL $10lpepoereAiHregular price BEAVER IEr PuNIP For Shallow 0r Deep Wells LIKE MAGIC Complete rain Gallon IT PAYS FDR ITSELF WITH THE UEL VES hRorleo Quality Hardware ll DUNLOP ST PA 32431 Completely dependable BLACK PLASTIC PIPE Regular Value $915 per 100 feet 5PECIAI$7oo per loosen SAVE 3275 coOP PIG PRESTARTER formulotion highly fortiï¬edand extremely palatable SPECIAL 75¢ per cwt off regular price GoidenRod5 Thistle Ragweed 57Poisoa Ivy High single was taken by Eileen Goodhead with 278 and the high triple winner was Gertie Dickey with 613 Aig TNIRE ulsNEYKlNfl to complete your set COOP CATTLEFEED WITH TROLENEA systemic warble grub control for beef cattle and dairy heifers OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL 75 per owl eff regulorprice IT US FreezerRefrigerator Combinations Just visit yogthOP OPEN HOUSE endvfiliiaLan entry bITnk No purchase necessary AND ITS OURSI Join your friends and ioin the ï¬nal yovrloeol Coop OPEN HOUSE Refreshments Door Prizesl PROVINCE WIDE DRAW for COOP Viscount oEr YOURISHARE or YOUR OP OPEN HOUSE SPECIAILSVVA 133599 Works My soAYsoNtï¬TnaIVOCTJM SATU DAY 091 21 JobYour COOP Today IocIrIoN At 62 Maple at WARNING Cold weather is on its way and it can ruin aiaul ty radiator Let us check your radiator now clean repair recore check hose ther mostat heater and heater hosesBe safe be sure lei our experts withyears of experience check your cooling system for safe carefree wint er driving Dont forget your car is in good hands because radiators and the cooling system of your car is our only business coME IN PHONEIN WRITEIN FREE DELIVERY pm ITEMS rorAIIlNossnoï¬ EéREVEIllYLépylgggxziw¢FRIDAYFTWASATUROAYi BECAUSE iOFTHE cooP Wllw WITH YOUR RADIATOR DOWNy PLUS COMPLETE Aura cuss sERVIcE SERVICE PIIoNE PA 32556 BARRIE RADIATOR 62 MAPLE ST BARRIE